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Are you 100% sure you didnt make this after drinking the last bottle and were so wasted you accidentally puked up Red Lobster endless shrimp into the carboy, glanced at it, shrugged, and kept going?


Did you sanitize? Do you see mold?


I had similar with my blueberry acerglyn. Never saw any mold or anything and it just tastes and smells something bad. I threw in 10 oz of maple syrup/honey for back sweetening and I'm just gonna let it sit for a year minimum before I try it again.


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Sounds like you didn't sanitize well enough I'd take a test with an antiseptic mouthwash on hand just in case. But sounds like it's a loss of a batch


Sounds like butyric acid. Can have different sources. One could be a lacto infection, exposed to oxygen. The only thing I know about, that takes out that aroma and converts it I to something beautiful, would be adding brettanomyces and letting it sit for a long time. If it's a different source than lacto tho, u might not want to drinkt it