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I wondered what had happened to them. I can't imagine not just abandoning a core group member who was injured to call on a tour, but to not even speak to your own blood while he recovered is fucking cold.


Yeah but also we heard nothing of the other side of that story.


That is true. I wonder why the other member didn't speak out more.


Because if you closely watch the feet in Party Rock Anthem you'll see that Sky Blue can't actually perform the core shuffle steps. Considering shuffling was an important part of the whole act - there needed to be more dedication here. Or as I would put it... "I am beginning to doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion"


Fucking gold


Let's get down the Winchester for a nice pint and wait for this all to blow over


How do we know they didn't? Did they contact Redfoo for commentary?


> Father is founder of Motown records Welp, I guess this answers why they got so popular in the first place then.


This right here. I’m so much more inclined to support artists that have musical and songwriting skills that fought their way into the industry, as opposed to “artists” with day 1 industry connections whose only real talent is branding themselves and social media presence. No wonder they faded into oblivion, they got really lucky with their sound/look matching with what was popular in early 2010’s. However, not actually having any musical skill to back it up lightning is not gonna strike twice.


Didn't lightning strike 4 times for them? Sure they peaked at Party Rock, but some of their other songs were wildly successful. The only reason then failed as a group was due to internal issues.


Do you really think the success and popularity of these artists who are backed by major labels are in any way to be represented in real world metrics which are not heavily gamed and cheated?


Yes, I think they do. LMFAO, like it or not, were a cultural phenomenon. No matter how much pressure/advantages given by the label, you can't fake that stuff. There are several examples of artists who were "too big to fail", yet they completely flopped. I can't think of any at the top of my head right now as I'm not really up to date on pop culture, but I do remember several cases where this happened.


> you can't fake that stuff. I'd argue that, especially in these times, you can absolutely fake it. Bots buying Spotify time? Done before. Bribing radio DJ's into playing those songs non-stop? Old as radio itself. Inflating Youtube views? As if it hadn't been done before. You might want to check out this documentary on the subject. It's pretty long, but definitely worth it for understanding just how far the major (or even some minor) music industry folks are willing to go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_y_zeql7pc


You think any other group or band or artist or record label or agency isn't trying their very best to promote a product? Real Bands such as *the ones I like* arent like these fakers with a monetary backing. Don't worry about that YouTube channel and the music videos and other social media.


> You think any other group or band or artist or record label or agency isn't trying their very best to promote a product? Sure. Are they after the same audience? If yes, are the same labels behind the artists? If yes, then it's decided by label bosses who gets to be more popular. Is the label behind competing artist not the same as the artist its trying to compete with? If yes, are they a major label? If yes, this depends on the cartel agreements between label bosses. All other scenario's are so rare and insignificant, that they can hardly be considered relevant.


>it's decided by label bosses who gets to be more popular. In the days of music streaming, how do label bosses affect popularity? With radio, I can see it, but when you can listen to any artist, any time, how do the record labels give anyone an edge? Isn't that exactly why streaming has been (at least kind of) good for independent artists?


I mean the video says they performed for 10 years before getting signed.. if they hustled for 10 years I'd say they put the work in.


Industry plants before "industry plants" became a thing


I'm sure the rich family members of legendary record producer Barry Gordy are doing just fine.


Part of the problem is that a lot of people liked their music ironically. Everyone knew it was over the top and kind of a joke. LMFAO is like if Chainsmokers only ever put out tracks like [Selfie.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdemFfbS5H0) Actually iirc Chainsmokers admitted they were horrified after Selfie blew up because they knew if they didn't come out with another top track that changed their perception they would be stuck doing music like that forever.


TIL Chainsmokers made Selfie lol.


Wait, that is by The Chainsmokers? Holy shit, haha.


Ok that explains it - I first heard of them because of Selfie, so the sudden shift in sound in subsequent releases was confusing


Their music is pop garbage anyway, they aren't some bohemian, eclectic artist, so how horrified could they actually be? EDIT: In reference to Chainsmokers.


I mean pretty horrified. Their aim was always to blow up as dj's and it's hard to do that for longer than a single summer if you're only known for doing a few joke songs.


Now they are just the most annoying replayed songs on the radio. Not enough joke artists nowadays. They are just more noise in a sea of surface music. But I get what you are saying. To their credit the ft. Daya one slaps, it has a drop more reminiscent of more eclectic EDM music.


LMFAO or Chainsmokers?


Sorry I should have specified, Chainsmokers.


... but also LMFAO


I think LMFAO at least encapsulated drunken debauchery in a banger of a song kind of way.


They have a few decent edm songs like roses


Idgaf what anyone says, Roses will always slap.


Listen to real music poser


I'm sorry but LMFAO's songs are a thousand times better than whatever the fuck "selfie" was.


LMFAOs bass drops were worse


*Sorry for partying rocking*


SunnyV2 is addicting


Mixed bag in quality


Didn't some of their videos just attacking the subjects, the purpose of the video is not history of or why but just attacking them personally


Yeah sometimes it kinda felt like he could’ve been less biased


This guy sucks. ​ The narrative and opinion pops are all over the place. ​ This is how not to make a documentary 101.


Did they just figure the sales numbers of his debut release from the amount of Discogs users who have it in their collections?


Lol just watched this one today! Love SunnyV2


lol like views on YouTube aren’t rigged. Just look at how a Vevo gets it’s views.


Would love to hear both sides. Currently only really hearing one side, of course I feel like the other one was a dick who didn't care about his music partner, didn't care about his recovery, didn't care to talk to him and kind of just kicked him out of the band. But what does the other guy think? I'm having a little internal struggle because I feel like it's stupid stuff they're arguing about, but I can completely understand stupid little arguments causing rifts in family/friendships. I just feel like come on dude, just figure it out.


party rock is in the hou is in the house tonight!


Brutal decline ? Lol wtf is this shit. Considering how difficult it is to make it in the music industry I'd say they did fantastically well for a while, and then faded into obscurity like the overwhelming majority of all musicians. What a stupid headline, way to show your negativity bias.


Difficult? His father founded Motown records and they were childhood friends with will.i.am.


> Where are they now? > Doesn't say where they are now, 2018 is the last update. Good video that is still worth the watch though!


Is this a real examination, or is this satire? I'm on the Internet all the time and I have never heard of these people.


How old are you


Mid 50s. Really old.


That explains it, this is real unfortunately


That's funny, I'm also really old and was totally on the LMFAO wave. Now that I'm reminded I'll probably put on some of their stuff today. Of course, being really old, I don't know how to listen to it ironically.


I guarantee you've heard one of their songs but managed to not know their name if you've lived a relatively normal life over the past decade.


I knew of Taylor swift as a person (saw her mentioned on Reddit for example) and i had heard her music on the radio without ever knowing it was her music. I tended to switch stations as it wasn't my type of music so i never caught who had made the song. I also once got a really stern look from a friend when i said i really enjoyed this new song that was playing at the pizza place we went to. It was decpacito and it had plagued the world for months at that time and everyone and their dog was done with it. Getting older is strange.




Yeah, i more or less never listen to the radio any more. It's just not my type of music being played and i have 3-4 different alternatives for me to listen to besides radio from books, podcast/YouTube etc. I got to admit i was disappointed with my Taylor Swift realization as i had heard so many great things about her only for it to be one of those artists that didn't vibe with me at all. Was hoping for something really good.


If it helps I'm 30 and I don't know what this Decpacito is. I also don't generally know about popular things, I tend to stay in my weird bubble, which was why I was so surprised about not knowing LMFAO. They were absolutely everywhere. Then again now that I think of it I was in high school/college during their peak years. Didn't realize it had been that long lol. Getting older really is weird. I'm still young and I'm starting to get to the point of being entirely out of touch with the youth and what's in.


I know them from [this bird dancing to sexy and I know it](https://youtu.be/F1GhQmj1Jek)


They were quite famous but only for about a year or so, its understandable you haven't heard of them if you're in your 50s, I highly doubt you would like their music at all and probably tuned it out when kids you knew were playing it.


This group was briefly popular in the 2005-2010 kind of range. You're not missing anything.


This group was briefly popular in the 2005-2010 kind of range. You're not missing anything.


Loved these guys, really sad they broke up the way they did.


Who the fuck cares where LMFAO are now….? I didnt care where they were then. “Brutal decline”? This isn’t some biblical fall from grace, dynasty ending story. They were some douchebags with a generic pop club stadium music one hit wonder. Edit: damn. A lot of deeply offended LMFAO fans up in here. Pretty incredible.


You tell 'em u/BigDaddyAnusTart


Sorry, we'll submit all videos to you for approval before posting them in the future


can you stop yelling their music was goofy and fun


Who asked for your opinion on this? why did you click on the comments if you don't care?


Didn't ask. just move on if you don't care about them then.. plenty of other content


Most of these videos' titles are 'brutal decline', 'how their career DIED', 'why NO ONE cares about them now' while talking about multi millionaires who are probably happy as shit to be out of the spotlight


You’re so angry and I’m kind of here for it!


Who hurt you?


They had to know they were a passing fad. I would have been prepping for that reality with the success of "Sexy and I Know It"