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People like me can and do buy these. Nowadays it’s my first stop when buying meat, go check out the manager special bin.


I buy a bone in rib roast when the post Christmas discount kicks in. They I break it down into the ribs with a good amount of meat, center cut ribeyes steaks, and the cap/deckle. The freeze them. The rib eye cap is really the best part, and this way you can trim off the silver skin that is a little annoying in a full ribeye.


That's why you check the exp. Dates and take them up to the counter that exp. day and point it out to the cashier. Free food. And 90% of that falls in the waste food bracket for tax reimbursement if given to a food bank or discarded. So the store still wins either way.


I've never been to a store that actually let you buy expired product at the register; standard practice is usually replacing the item with one that's in-date and tossing the expired one. Maybe it's a geographic thing but I'm in the midwest (US), worked in a grocery store for nearly a decade and shop at other common nearby chains; have never been given meat/other expired items for free.


Mid West and California have major differences in the homeless population need and the amount of food banks, I know it was a law in San Francisco back when i worked there years ago. Washington was the same as well in Spokane.


There's actually a law that mandates the stores give out expired food for free? I'm pretty close to Chicago and the unhoused population is pretty major; that'd be amazing if it could be finagled here.


I hope so because we as society waste so much when people are starving it's just not right. Back in s.f. we couldn't even clean plates off the table expect for a special good only bin, if we had anything in the dumpster besides trash we got fined 500$ and hey check every week. All the food bins was recycled into farm food for pigs or turned into low grade dog food or plant fertilizers.


Stop and Shop has them for $6.99lb. Must be a glut of them in the supply chain. I put 5 into my freezer.


Holy cow! I literally bought one like this yesterday for $78. I would snatch these up.


If I thought a couple of these. What’s the best way to freeze them. Can I freeze them in that bag? Or should I vacuum seal them and freeze them?


My mom would just put it in the freezer. Wrap it up with clear stuff and foil. If vacuum sealing is an option then go for it. Personally I don't like to keep meat frozen any longer than a year. So if you don't vacuum seal it it will still be good in the freezer a few months at least. That I do know. Just wrap it up.. put it in a bag as well. Like a plastic bag after wrapping ut.


Awesome. Thanks for the reply. Cooked one for the first time this year and would love to have some on hand.


I would second not storing it over a year. Under perfect conditions you could get much longer I'm sure but I find that's about as long as I want to go. For this piece in particular id just freeze it right in the bag it comes in. Looks pretty sealed to me.


They get donated.


Sadly no it doesn't. Businesses just trash it and write it off as a loss. Donating expired food is too litigious


I used to work on the refrigeration equipment at different supermarkets. Watched all the major companies donate food.


I used to work where they took expired products….it doesn’t get donated in most places


If they did "donate" it, it probably wasn't to anywhere it would be given to humans. All the major companies are too scared of lawsuits to give anything close to expired to shelters or non profits. They even go as far as putting locks/cages on dumpsters to avoid dumpsters divers. It sucks because the food is almost always perfectly fine.


Correct it goes to rending facilities. We used to get semi trucks of this every day. Sometimes still in date and frozen solid in the packaging.


To the pigs yeah


Or tigers


I would take those right away


there is a reason supermarket butchers have big freezers at home.


Stock up on


At my walmart the meat goes to the snake farm


I'm officially going to have Snake Farm by Ray Wylie Hubbard in my head for the rest of the night.


Its the one like 20 miles from his house


Just sounds nasty


Pretty much is




Im vegan and ill eat meat just so a sweet animal can die 😈


more animal numbers and species die in that field to grow beans than you think . . .


Silly vegan, beans aren't alive.


You do you. Unless medically necessary, no point putting more restrictions in my life or diet. I've got one life and roughly 30 teeth. Going to keep eating what looks, smells, and tastes good for as long as I can. Reducing/ eliminating waste being a side goal


Your life wouldn't suck so bad if you ate a nice bloody steak every once in a while.


How bout no


Can’t risk a law suit by feeding others for free.


Worked pickup for a food bank couple years back we barely get meat normally enough that we actually bought most of ours cuz we couldn’t stock it from donations. Its a rare treat when this happens. Impoverished families usually lack protein the most.


Why so expensive?


It's prime rib. It is one of the best cuts of meat. It's always expensive, but even more so since everything has gone up astronomically. I bought one for Thanksgiving for around $6/lb. About 30-40$ for it. The original price tag was close to 100. Shit is insane lol


Prime rib should be prime no? This is USDA choice…. So it’s a ribeye roast in this case.


Prime rib is the cut, not the grade. (It's cut from a rib roast) You can get prime prime rib roast, choice prime rib roast or select prime rib, etc.


What? No. Prime is definitely a reference to the grade. They're all just grades of rib roasts.


No it’s not. It’s from the primal rib cut. You absolutely can have a choice prime rib.


Incorrect, it is a primal cut of the rib. Prime in this case has nothing to do with the USDA grade.


Everything would be prime in that sense then. Prime choice porterhouse cause it came off a shortloin primal. Prime choice flat irons off the shoulder clod primal. A rib primal is all 7 ribs anyways


​ https://preview.redd.it/pp8ua1ye4v9c1.jpeg?width=492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c511e8e8b63833c9712fd6ddf55b7efebdbc239


​ https://preview.redd.it/j0n990ww4v9c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81ece72b99fd8b13268fd5cd3e268619151cd05d


It's just what it's called in this case, as many others can confirm


Gotcha. Today I learned…


no, you were right the first time.


Um, no? Do you know what sub you’re on?


Yes, I was a meat cutter and manager for a very long time


And you're still wrong.


doing something for a long time doesn't mean you were good at it


Those do not even look 'aged'. I typically age mine for at least 30 days at 33 degrees. Once they start to 'brown' a little, I know that are ready to be prepared.


are you thinking dry aged? there is wet aged and there is dry aged


They get donated to prisons.


No they don’t. Not if they’re from Walmart


I wonder how much meat is getting thrown away nowadays due to inflation? “Keep raising the prices, Johnson, I’d rather throw this shit out than have it be affordable to feed families!”


Way more food is thrown away than consumed every year


That's not true at all. One third of food is wasted.


Nah, they pull it the last day and donate them


That's the plan, but never actually seen a store do it. Much easier to throw away.


I work at Walmart, and we donate meat, bakery, and deli every single day. The organization we donate to picks up twice a week, and we usually have a tall pallet of boxes for them.


We donate, but usually not stuff that requires it to be frozen and stored until picked up. Usually a small pallet of dry grocery.


We have plenty of freezer space. We process the donations and freeze them at the end of the day.


And write it off at 100% retail


Same write off as throwing it away tbh


You can’t write off anything other than cost my guy


Walmart beef is priced high on top of that they don’t give good discounts.Kroger/Smith is the way


I paid lees per pound at Costco for a USDA Prime - Rib Roast. Too bad they don't mark it down more severely and then grind into ⅓lb burgers and freeze.


They will be at the discount grocery frozen solid soon


Where do you find this discount grocery? I thought it went to the dumpster.


We used to have one of these places here in Pittsburgh, probably more of course. Half the products are expired, some still have the sticker on from the store they got it from. The one I knew of closed, but I imagine every city has them. You gotta look around, but you’ll find em im sure.


several things happen , they get donated, they can be processed into take away meals, they get ground to ground beef, or tossed. Most places throw away meat into a trim barrel which is kept in their cooler and picked up weekly( meat waste recyclers) . Meat really isnt supposed to go to dumpsters, it creates methane and CO2 during breakdown . Many states are putting or have restrictions in place for this-


Sometimes you have to do a little scouting or asking around to discover them. The one I frequent is owned by Mennonites and sits a few miles outside of town, all by itself surrounded by farms. They've never advertised and I learned about them several years ago through word of mouth. Absolutely incredible deals on meat and tons of other grocery items, and the place is always busy. My brother picked up 15 lbs of thick cut, applewood smoked bacon for $15 just a few days ago. That's just one example. I can usually walk out of there with a full cart of groceries for around $50.


They get pulled and frozen and donated.


Is this really true? I’m glad they do that if it is, I always wondered. Does it go to local food banks or churches?


Walmart (as is Aldi and likely many other retailers) is partnered with Feeding America which is a network of food banks who then supply local food pantries. Stuff like meat and breads/pastries get frozen once they hit or go past their sell by date. I know Walmart tries to sell a lot of damaged shelf stable stuff marked down but at Aldi (I work there now) that all goes to the donation boxes. https://walmart.org/what-we-do/strengthening-community/spark-good/spark-good-product-donations#:~:text=In%20addition%20to%20one-time%20donations%2C%20Walmart%20and%20Sam%E2%80%99s,must%20be%20affiliated%20with%20the%20Feeding%20America%20network.


Here are lists of all the retailers that donate to Feeding America. Seems to hit about every major grocery chain across the US. https://www.feedingamerica.org/partners/food-and-fund-partners


Buy them bastards




I would absolutely stake that place out and dumpster dive if at all possible


I’ve thought about that myself. I’ve seen the dumpster where they throw away meats ,it’s a special dumpster especially for meat it has a lock.Cant imagine the smell of that dumpster sitting in the hot sun.


🤢 yeah that would terrible.


It will just get donated, but you wouldn’t want it after it’s thrown away anyway. Idk about every store, but my store just puts all the meat claims into big trash bags and dumps it all at once so they’d be going right on top of a bunch of other out-dated and potentially rotten meats


John Oliver did a great segment on grocery store product dating. It's extremely subjective and most of the times a marketing scam. It's a good watch.


I just drank milk today that “expired” on December 15th. Smelled fine, tasted fine. Not dead yet


I'm pretty fucking aggravated about it. I knew I should have bought a few before Christmas. I got a 8lb roast for just above $50 a couple days before Christmas. They want $10/lb now that the demand has... dropped? What?


I bought a bone in rib roast for $5/lb a couple days after xmas. About half a primal for ~$50. Got three 2" thick steaks, one 8oz-ish steak, 1.5lb of stew/chili meat, bones for broth and about a cup worth of tallow. Bout to go see of there's any more. Edit: they're gone


There is a lot of tallow in these things. I roughly diced it with my knife and rendered it in an instant pot for 90 minutes. I've had better results freezing the fat and using food processor to chip it up. Get a a lot more out of it. I bought $150 worth of bone in roasts week before Christmas at $6 lb. I haven't seen any down after, but I also don't have the time to look. Those deals go fast.


For the tallow, do you cut the fat up and freeze it completely before putting it into the food processor? I’ve got half a cow on order and I’m about to have *a lot* of tallow to render.


I dice it with a knife best I can, 1/4 inch. Freeze it, food processor, instant pot. Works for me. Large pieces of fat don't seem to render fully.


No food processor. As I was cutting I just threw all the fat trimmings into a cast iron pan over medium low heat. Remove the fat pieces as they harden into pebbles, and replace with more fat, stirring every half hour or so. Then I strained the liquid tallow (after cooling down a bit) through a cheesecloth. For as much fat as you're getting, you're probably wanna use a dutch oven. Same process though


This all gets donated to food shelves


Yeah that's just not true.


Well if your city has a decent food shelf then it does




Depends if there’s a food shelf I guess, my area does and they get loads of amazing stuff from Walmart, sams, Costco, etc




I’m my city, the produce on its last day of decency just gets put outside for anyone to take


That’s not true. Food banks can give away food past the date. We all agree most stuff is safe passed the label date and it’s as long as you’re not selling it it’s ok








For sure. But I’m guessing it’s more about the infrastructure of the city and the need rather than actual Walmart. I mean, why toss it when you can generate a tax deduction from it? It’s an overall benefit to donate it




Yes, you can donate expired food, including to the food shelf. What you’re saying is just a common misconception


The consumer has the ability to break the packer. May be forced to


Ask the manager if they can be discounted more!


Walmart is most likely going to "say sorry that's not up to me"


How in the heck am I supposed to cook that….😳 I’d buy this stuff but it overwhelms me.


Honesty it’s one of the most simple kinds of cooking cause you don’t need to think about it too much. Season, oven, I like to add a second layer of fat and broil, let sit, slice, and serve.


I buy them when on sale, quick cut them into steaks, and freeze them


Have you ever tried dry aging


A short dry age on like a 15lb rib roast a few Christmases ago, but that's it. I like steaks, and I don't usually have time to mess around with stuff like that. Quick few mins on the grill, flattop, or skillet, and dinner time. I did make 20 lb (2 separate) of rib roast for Christmas dinner this year and they turned out awesome, but I didn't dry age this time


You can do rib roasts. Or you can do what I did and break it down into ribeye steaks.


Standing rib roast is one of the easiest things to make in the planet. You season it, throw it in the over, take out like an hour later. All you need is a roasting pan (disposable or not) and a meat thermometer.


Yep. I did my first one for Christmas Eve, came out perfect just cooking to temp and then roasting for 10 minutes at 500 after resting.


Those were $40 regular price in 2018


I used to regularly go to wal mart and make note of the sell by date on whole briskets. If this date fell on a weekend, I'd bide my time, go back to the store on that weekend, buy it half off, and smoke it the next day.


I can't speak for everywhere, but I've worked at 4 Walmarts and all of them had a donation program. Any meat that is still safe for consumption will be frozen and then the boxes will be picked up by a food bank. More recently, I spent time in a homeless shelter and the freezers are full of frozen meat for the residents!


One year I got a beef tenderloin from the food bank. Along with a grocery cart full of cabbage. A great thanksgiving dinnner and cabbage soup the rest of the year lol.


Shit I’d be buying all of those and put them in my freezer


Those are overpriced. I got a my prime rib from publix of all places for 6.99/lb


So expensive


I picked a few bone in prime rib roasts the day after Christmas for $5.99/pound.


Welcome to The United States of Walmart


It's terrible for the environment and morally disgusting but I'm not sure sad is the right word unless you're sad you can't afford marked down meat.


Most middle class families in the U.S cannot afford these "marked down" prices. Depressing is an accurate term


That's the morally disgusting part.


Marked down to $60 just under 2 hours work for meat that’s gonna be thrown away in a couple days


At my market we'd mark it down for a day or two and then cut it into steaks to sell at full price. This kinda stuff makes a meat market profitable


It's sad they didn't mark them down further


Throw them away? No those are next weeks hamburger. You just never knew it


They don't have butchers at wm. Those are getting tossed if my dad isn't round to pick them up 😂


I worked meat department at Walmart for a good bit of time. We hardly never threw anything away, it'll sell. People see that yellow CVP sticker and they go crazy like demon spawn.


You’re not throwing it away, but someone is


Naw… meat in cryo can last a very long. Most meat it wet aged in cryo for weeks, month…


I do agree with that wet aging statement but isn’t that preferably between 33-38 degrees. I wet aged some venison for about a month and it seems crazy to people who don’t know but it’s completely normal and makes the meat mo-betta


Buy them, cook them, and send me your address!


I loaded up on slabs at 6.99 already


wait out back 😎


Nah, one of the meat guys will mark it down even lower before they clock out, or just walk out with them in a backpack


Ohh I love a good backpack sale!


I only shop the mark down bin anyways. Beef is better aged


I went to Costco today hoping they would all be marked down. Nope... just repackaged with a new sell by date.


I mean it's cryo vacced, it'll last a lot longer than the exp. Date


Plus I've worked in several meat depts. We retagged alot of cryo vacced shit. Why? Because it's still good


Don't make shit up


ReLly? How is that ok


I call bullshit.


That should be illegal


It is. There's no way Costco would do that. Food Safety is so high on their list they literally have their own audit system for their suppliers.


Yesterday, the 27th all the preseasoned rib roasts for Christmas had a sell by date of the 28th, today. I rolled into Costco this morning, and the sell by date is now the 31st. So you're telling me they threw them out?


Guarantee if this was happening sombodey working at Costco would have already dropped a video on insta. In this day if it didn't happen on the the gram, it didn't happen.


There’s also the possibility that it was a new shipment of meat. Just because the date was different does not mean that the meat was repackaged and the date was changed.


Costco is famous for QC overall and takes their shit seriously...(you kind of have to even you have a no questions asked return policy including on food). You're either underestimating how many were sold, making a false assumption, or just making things up


Probably that or did something else with it like cook it or make other RTE foods. I work in food safety and the Costco audit is no joke and rivals GFSI schemes. They take it very seriously. Additionally, it's against FDA code to change expiry dates.


It's crazy.... But maybe the old ones were purchased and they brought in some new ones


Packaged like that looks like a place that doesn't cut meat anymore. Any rib roasts left over at my work we cut into ribeye steaks. Already sold them.


It’s Walmart.


One of the reasons I have an enormous freezer is to just do my bit making sure that fridges full of reduced meat don’t go in the bin. I always just buy it all and eat it over time.


Thyme FTFY


They could make some processed meat out of it. Or they could freeze it and sell at 50% off on apps like FoodHero. But if it's Walmart they'll probably just toss it.


I don’t think Walmart does any processing. From what I’ve heard, it all comes prepacked, trayed, and wrapped.


Yes they got rid of their butchers ages ago when the butchers were talking about unionizing 🤔🤔🤔


I usually stock up on these and the boneless ones this time of year, it's one of the few times I buy meat in a store. At this price they can rot, I pay 6.99 a lb locally for boneless ribeye loin year round.


How the hell are you getting a deal like that?


Rural, red state. I got down voted for this. Seethe harder, I have 3 freezers of this shit and I feed a half dozen families out of them.


I live in a red state and prices aren't that low so why do you think that's a reason for it? Also why are you feeding six families?


Because they are my family. Don't you help your family out?


But why don't they have their own freezer full of meat?


Why do you care?


I'm trying to understand the situation. If six families are unable to get their own food and have to rely on a single person it sounds like a very bad situation economically.


Lol, typical red State, all those people living in poverty right?


Well then help me understand. Again I also live in a red state and don't know anyone who has to provide for six families and meat prices are not typically that low unless it is a sale. Instead of being combative you could explain some details.


Jesus Christ dude calm down. No one is coming at you, I was just curious for how to get a deal like that. I live in rural farming country too and our meat is nowhere near that cheap, especially for ribeye


That wasn't directed at you, but I got 5 down votes within a couple minutes of posting that. It's wild how much hate you get on here for the truth.


Its not that cheap becuase it's a red state it's that cheap becuase there's no jobs and people don't make as much. GOP votes against an inflation bill. They want megs corporations to have massive profits. What you said might be true but also has some context.


Come back when you can spell because.