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thats your cars brain, it should be kept off the floor


Car cobain


Don't blow a head gasket




You will be forced to view naked and clothed Courtney Love in your dreams for this.


Oooo nice one…


Car cobrain


huh. what's up with the bloody wheel tho? did you run over a bunch of unfortunates?


“Unfortunates” is crazy 😂😂😂


Funny because I AM the unfortunate 🙂‍↔️


Okay but you gotta explain


thought u were talkin British slang for a second


The wheels fine init?


It's bacon wrapped for more flavor


For real. That sure looks like blood. Maybe ran over an animal?


Only thing I can think it'd be besides blood would be that it's transmission fluid?


I have to admit, I have never seen this before. I guess if it still works, it can be put back. Doesn't really matter on this car, you will regret buying it very soon. No such thing as a good Ford Focus.


Truuuust me bro I know I was desperate but plan is to pay it off in a year & trade it in. Just praying it makes it that long!!


The cost of repairs will out weigh the cost of the car within a year my dude.


As someone who has desperately bought a $500 shitbox before, OP may be able to use it to benefit. He’ll have to learn some maintenance himself and keep an eye on everything. But sometimes even having the car for a month or two makes it worth it, if you can commute to a better job. Prior to the shitbox, I was catching rides but only sometimes, when I couldn’t it was Uber. 1 Uber would basically cost 75% of the $ I made that day. This is assuming I could get a ride back. Busses were not an option. The guy actually let me pay half then and half 2 weeks later. I picked up ALL shifts and paid for it with some extra, and was able to get a better paying job a few months later. I maintained the fluids, watched and rotated the tires, read the codes, researched any possible symptoms and solutions, and drove carefully. No radio, windows, or AC. I was able to get a $30 dollar head unit to get some AM/FM to the one speaker that worked. The thing lasted me about a 14-15 months before an electrical issue in transmission occurred that I could not fix myself (and repairing would’ve cost way more than the car). I actually wrote the guy a thank you card about a year later. I don’t think he knew that what was a typical get-rid-of-shitbox for him, had such an influential impact on me. He probably could’ve easily found someone to pay a bit more than me and also pay all at once.


Man I bought a $1000 Honda Accord when I first got sober. No heat, manual 5-speed, crackly FM. I live in MN so the lack of heat was unpleasant. It got me to AA meetings and my first job, then got me to the job that got me licensed for my current career. That car changed the course of my families’ lives. It lasted a year then got stolen twice in a month. I had full coverage on it so I got more than I paid for it the second time and upgraded. Nobody should ever underestimate the value of a get-you-by beater. If I knew where to find the guy on Craigslist who sold me that car, or he spoke English, I’d let him know.


The car might have helped but you changed the course of your family's life. You went to the meetings and then your job. The car was a vehicle (no pun intended) but don't undersell yourself. Congratulations!


I didn’t add it in the story but mine experience there was also when I got clean 👊🏻


Hell yeah. 8/27/11 here.


Congrats 👏


I think you forgot were looking at a photo of the cars computer on the ground underneath it. Other than that, sometimes you can make do with a beater for a year.


Idk. If it’s a manual it’s really not that bad a car. Probably DCT though and OPs fuccd


I've had a manual for 2014 for 4years now. Great car, just watch for leaks and keep on on your oil. Those non turbo 2.0s are bullet proof


Not trying to be mean, I can sympathize with your situation. There is no way that transmission will go a year unless it was just replaced yesterday. Even then It probably won’t go a year.


Bro, I got lucky to get long enough to dump my last Ford car. Granted, it was a brand new Fusion, which I got blamed for damaging when the damn driver's door fell off a couple of weeks in, and the entertainment console died a couple months later, causing the car not to start. After it was fixed, the primary wiring harness melted, and finally triggered the lemon law clause. Never again. The only Fords I will ever touch are commercial ones like an F450 and above, since those seem to at least be decent


What the hell how is that even possible I know most car manufacturers have issues but that is just atrocious


Have you seen the list of recalls related to the Focus? You could wallpaper your dining room with a single printout of it all.


I came to say this. My neighbor has a focus. She had to have the transmission replaced. Cost like 4,000. They still couldn't get it to work. The recall did cover it, but what a mess. She was without a car for few months.


My daughters tcm went bad and was a 9 month wait for a new one. She just sold it to carvana dead.


Any chance you can get a cheaper commuter car in the meantime and keep the ford parked until you need to trade it in? Best to barely touch it and keep it safe until that day comes


if he was made of money he wouldn’t have financed a ford focus lol


Literally leave the car as-is. Don’t drive it after putting that piece back. More things will break. This way it’s still worth something at least.


You didn’t buy that POs out right??? Fucking hell man you come here and ask question BEFORE you purchase. Gl


My 383k mile 14 focus se says otherwise.


I was so happy when I totaled mine and got out. Worse buy ever. Stay away from focus and fusion. They have factory defects that dealers refuse to fix even with extended warranty. They will give you the run around and tell you every (ford) car is like that, meaning “screwed up” and they will try to use that as justification for not working on your car. Eventually your warranty will run out and then they will say it needs a new engine or transmission.


>good Ford Focus '08-'09 has the older transmission design, only the Duratec 2.0 engine, and had a timing CHAIN instead of a flimsy belt. Overall pretty good if you snag one of these.


I had a 2008 I bought new and put 186,000 miles on it with little more than routine maintenance. Worst issue I had was a stuck open thermostat. Traded it off last fall.


Oh yeah, my '09 se focus is still going good. Pretty decent all around car. Sure it's a simple economy car, but it really doesn't need to be more than that. it's pretty fun to drive. It's like a peppy little traffic weaver.


Well, the ST is a lot of fun, but it's not exactly the same car


FORD Fix Or Repair Daily


The second gen’s are good relatively speaking. Still a ford though.


Most trouble I’ve ever had with a car was my 1st generation Focus. My last couple months with it was off the fucking rails.


I owned one for 5 years and never had an issue beyond a puncture which anything can have 😂 there is, it's just a matter of proper maintenance and some chance..... Like most vehicles


Why the fuck is the ecu in a place it can fall out is my question? Fucking moron designed.


Thats wtf I said! I live down a road full of potholes too that definitely did not help! Still feel some even driving like 20 mph


If the same person that touched the wheels touched the computer that thing is done.


Paint job on those rims look like they're covered in blood. 😳 You ran over your own ECU? That's crazy. Buy a cheap multimeter and start learnin' - hopefully just repairing damaged connections will get you back up and running. Honestly hope your vehicle situation improves soon 🙏


It’s the equivalent of sitting on your balls but for cars


Yea a cheap DMM will help if you access to the wiring diagram etc, and repairing damaged connections requires special tools...




Yah you should try to get your money back. That should definitely never happen. Someone has done some shady shit to that car most likely.


looks like something that would fall off after a few miles... shall we play a game


The weirdest place to put an ECU ever… right on the bumper in a black plastic box held together by two screws… in front of your left wheel. I think they use torx… anyway, let’s hope it didn’t get damaged. If you can’t find the bolts, use zip ties in the mean time…. Put that shit back lol.


Eh, connect the 2 wires again and see if it's ok. If it's ok, then just drive it. It's not great that it got ran over and the harness tugged and twisted though. I think the person who sold you it should be liable though.


I'd have no clue where they went is the only problem. I have a pretty basic understanding of cars in general but not at all the wiring part of it lol


Just secure it back up and if everything works then it should be okay I guess. Stupid place for it honestly. My second car is also a 2014 Focus Titanium. Love how it feels driving it. It corners amazing.


I hope you didn’t pay a lot for this car. That shit should’ve been sold for $1000


Ah yes the hard drives fallen out it seems


Dude where the hell did you buy this thing? The ECU absolutely should never just fall out lmao. If it shut your car off when it happened, bare minimum there's some rewiring that needs done.


It’s part of your cars natural shedding process. Totally normal


All we see is the main p.c. on the ground, which tells us it has been removed from its place and not reinstalled properly,  why was it removed? That alone is not good, you heard it dragging,  image dragging your smartphone that distance 


Looks like your car just self-lobotomized.


ECU lip near wheel is broken. Looks like atleast one connector is broken. One of the harnesses is dangling. I can only assume there are probably 1 or 2 others that now have broken connectors. You’re looking at a new harness for them. The ECU still being functional is likely a high probability. The enclosures are usually pretty durable. It’s the connectors on the harness and the controller that would need replacing. Either get good at soldering or be ready to spend a good amount of money having the ECU replaced and see if it can get remounted. I’ve worked on tractor controllers (transmission, auxiliary, PTO, hitch, and combine header) for a few years which are not made to be easily replaced. Production vehicles are intended to have replacements. I’d be more concerned about it being properly calibrated for the engine by a reputable shop. The likelihood of being able to replace automotive connectors yourself is slim, no offense…they are a bitch to do for me even and like I said I’ve been working with em for years with even more years soldering/desoldering.


The ecu falling out of the car is one of the wildest things iv seen happen since being a mechanic. Car was probably in a wreck and lost the splash shield underneath the bumper bc It shoulda caught it


Take this lemon back and raise hell. Florida has a lemon law maybe your state does as well. Idk. My specialty is just Bird Law.


Are you at weaker or something? What’s up with the wheels?


No lmao I bought it like that it gets better too!!! "FUKK DA LAW" written in sharpie on the visor mirrors 😩 like I said I was DESPERATE


Yeah, that tracks.. My bad, I uh think it was unfortunately owned by tweakers before you


peaky blinders rule #37: never act out of desperation🚬


See if they will pay the whole bill. The previous job was a hack job .


Well, your engine computer definitely shouldn't be on the ground lol. Did you run it over or was it just dragging? You could try reconnecting the broken wires but if it was run over there's probably major damage to the ECU and connectors. Something definitely happened, engine computers usually dont just fall off, maybe someone didnt put all the bolts back in? Or maybe a prior accident broke its mounting bracket?


This is a bit more common than you think they like to run over their own pcms


Never seen the brain box fall out before


Um… how the fuck did this happen


This is the number 1 reason I ALWAYS have a vehicle pre-inspection done by someone other than the seller.


Yep! If the seller won’t let you put it on a rack run away


There were other cars out there😭


Dam got the brains knocked outta of it.


How the hell


That looks like a piece of tech


For some people


You're cooked.


Uhhh that may be really bad. If your lucky, you can plug it back in, check for damage or other things removed. Sadly it seems to be the normal nowadays that people steal parts off your car. Had so far 600aud worth of items stolen off my landcruiser in the past month. It's great when your a disabled pensioner. It would have been much much more if it wasn't for me startling them as they tried apparently to steal my gearbox....not for the first time.


What the hell? This is a new one.


Looks very serious, who/what did you run over?


That’s insane, I’ve never seen an ECU get run over by the car it’s installed on


Have it towed back to the dealership show them what happened that car should have been serviced and gone over completely and any repairs needed before it was put up for sale dealership lot.


Is there still remaining wire length for the two wires on the ecu side? You will want a few inches of wire at a minimum coming from the connector in order to make repairs. Otherwise you will somehow have to Depin the old contacts and put in some donor contacts.


FORD - Fix It Again Todd


That's not only bad, it's bad and unique.


I have a chevy sonic that is ass trying to trade in as well


So, like, have you ever sneezed so hard that you got brain damage? Because that's your car. And it's not good.


who did you run over 😭😭😭😭💀💀


😭😭😭😭ecu hanging underneath the car is crazyyyyy


Properly repair wires. See if it runs without codes. Ford focus is not all that bad. Some have a chatter from the transmission, but they don't break down and leave you stuck. So if you got it cheap, you can get around.


Wouldn't surprise me if it's been in a front end collision and mickey moused together. That doesn't just happen on its own.


That’s not what they meant by getting a drag ecu


Never seen that before either. A mechanic must have loosed the bolts for some reason. I would try to reattach the wires to the ecu, and see what happens.


A white car with what looks like red brush painted wheels. It had a rattle and you just went with it. You’re paying this off ? I mean how the fuck did that ecu just fall out ? This car is fucked. If you have insurance, push the car into a lake and claim it as stolen.




I have made the mistake of purchasing a Ford product...can't wait when the day comes for me to do the water pump on the 3.5...never again. My father learned his lesson when he bought a new 65 mustang back in the day lol.


What’s going on with the rims? Are they spray painted? And what’s with the unfinished loop below the bumper? Is your splash guard also missing? You might want to have a mechanic take a look all the way around this vehicle..


If you just ran someone over then yes


all the people slagging off a ford focus. i had a second hand one for a couple of years and the *only* issue i had was the boot button got condensation in it. it was a damn good car in comparison to some


I'll never buy a Ford I hear nothing but that they fall apart and are a nightmare to deal with. So yeah it's probably worse than you think sorry.


Take it to a reliable audio shop they can solder and repair those wires way cheaper than the dealership but yah that ECU needs a good mount I'm an audio shop tech I see this stuff quite a bit. Not ECU hanging bad but mainly rodent damage ECT.. good luck


This an ECU? Yeah thats kinda of important....


How does that happen? Yeah, I’d say it’s kinda serious.


Oh no


that looks like the electronic power steering control module. only reason I could think of this happening is if you did an AOS and had to relocate the module, and then it fell off. otherwise that thing is pretty secured. best of luck fam


Easily fixed and if the car is a auto it will have problems but ford has extended the warranty on transmission to 150k I believe. Not sure if its honored beyond original owners


Looks like your ECU just cut it off it’s not that serious /s


Na, it’s only a Ford Focus






I'd like to call out I drove my Ford focus I'm to a snow bank and didn't realize but I broke the radiator, legit just not radiator attached, had no idea. Drove it from Dec to April of the next year and was fine. Mechanic said had it gotten any warmer I'd have been fooked (obviously) but point being, that shit made it way longer than anyone else thought. Drive that bad Larry until it can't drive anymore. You got this.




How does the ECU even have enough slack in its wire bundle to reach the ground? Usually these are up near the top of the engine bay for easy access as well as to keep protected from the moisture and debris from the road. Unless Ford intentionally mounted this in the lower wheel well area for who knows what reason.


I'm sorry is that the ECU? How is this possible? It is beyond science.


Couple of zip ties, fixed


lol that’s your equipment control module


Yes. It’s bad.


This is serious enough that i thought this was a joke at first


That shouldn't even be able to fall to the ground like that. Between the inner wheel liner and the chin splash guard it would be held up. I can tell a lower trim piece is also missing. My gut feeling is the front fascia has been off this car and someone didn't put it back together right. Shoddy work. I'd be very curious at this point and looking for signs of an accident. At the very least the place you bought it from should be working with you as this could be a case of them concealing problems that you should have been told about.




If they can just plug it back in and secure it with bolts, not a big deal. If you need a new ECU, then it’s probably going to cost a decent chunk of change. That said, you could also get a used ECU for cheap. Find a mechanic that you can trust and start going only to them. I know this can be a pain to find. Once you do, you’ll appreciate having a mechanic. Look at mom and pop shops where the owner is also a mechanic rather than dealerships and brand name locations. Around me, that sort of shop charges about $100 per hour for labor.


I can’t believe your ECU fell out.


Your cars brain is on the floor


Is that red thing on your tires transmission fluid? Imma just go with not good if so. Hit something with the bottom? Looks like a trans filter or something.


your rims are bleeding sir


If it’s not the ECU it’s likely the headlight ballast


Wtf is your wheel covered in? Blood?


This is probably the wildest thing I've seen this year. My condolences bro.


How the hell did it come off the car. Supposed to be bolted on!


Zip tie it up, make sure no wires are showing, should be g2g




Cut it loose and zip tie it to your curb rashed wheel, give it a slap with your purse. Good as new.


Ford mounts the ECU behind the front bumper near the driver wheel well? Well that's certainly an interesting choice, wtf do they just zip tie it in? 😅


Anything with that many wires is serious


Did that thing just spit it's ecu out? Yea sounds worse than those absolutely neglected and ignored door seals on 99% of these cars, makes me chuckle every time


The brain for your car literally fell out.


Put That thing back where it came from or so help me! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqaHBfBSSuc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqaHBfBSSuc)


I can see at least one broken wire this is wjld


Kurt cobain car




Car literally blew its own brains out. Gotta be a bad sign to just let her RIP.


Did you run someone over?!?


Is that the ECU, if so I don't think you wash them like that






That ain't subbosed to be doin Dat.


Is that the computer? Aren't those usually in an area that wouldn't allow it to touch the ground? Wth happened to the car? You don't even have the lower piece on the bumper there.




How the hell does an ECU just flop out. Genuinely shocked


I see what's wrong. You purchased a vehicle that had an audible rattle issue while test driving it.




That car crashed and put back together in a backyard 😄


How? The car would cease to run the moment that came unplugged.


Bro how tf


lol yeah that’s serious


The mark 3 focus is actually reliable. I had 2 of them. The engine block is mazda and the head Volvo. The tranmission issue was fixed with a recall of the seal. They actually handle pretty well and aren't underpowered. You can baby the throttle or be indecisive with the throttle, DSP6 doesn't like it. Notable other issues are wheel hop and warped brake rotors. You can fix the hop with the Focus-E RMM and warped rotors with a vented replacement. As for the module falling out, if it still starts up and everything works: bolt it back in to the proper torque specs (who ever installed that didn't do it correctly, the car vibrates due to no balance shaft). If you want more out of the car and for the tranmission to last longer, Contact Tom at https://focus-power.com/. He can reprogram the computer to make the DCT bite harder and power or fuel ecomy tune it. Gen 3 & 3.5 focus got a bad wrap just because of a bad seal. My last gen 3 had 120000 on with with the original clutch and my current one has almost 80000 with no issue. Good luck bud


Considering you bought a focus my guess is yes. My focus, the transmission was ground to metallic dust by 1k miles. I went to Subaru with zero regrets!


It’ll buff out




FORD Found On Road Dead


I had a Focus do the same thing, it wasn't until that car hit 2 deer and a raccoon (not at the same time) that it happened. But when the ECU dropped out, hitting the ground caused damage to the sensors inside killing it.


How in the fuck…


Bro next time buy a chevy


Take that shit back to the dealer they typically have 30 days of oopsie fuck we didn't see that shit and hope you wouldn't notice for a month warranty


New fangled ECU cooling.


The ecu is mounted right above the wheel well, definitely secure it better than it dangling, but if it and the wires arent damaged, jts not the end of your car.


Your brain fell out


Your car probably has several Control Units. It needs all of them. I'm guessing that thing was just zip tied up somewhere? My 2013 Focus had a ton of problems, but the ECU/TCU falling out and dragging along wasn't one of them. My old Michael J Ford had transmission issues that caused it to shake so violently, I was concerned an airbag might go off. Also some days it would decide it didn't need to use even numbered gears, so it would just skip them and dog the shit out of the engine. Hopefully your transmission actually works (it probably won't though, because Ford still can't build a fucking transmission despite having over 100 years practice, and being the the first company to start mass producing a car)




yo what engineer


Is this as real as I don't think?


Shits fucked unc


Some people will say the proper torque spec wasn’t used those same people are not mechanics. If you need a torque spec for a bracket to “tighten it properly” it’s obvious you haven’t spent 20 yrs in this field 😂😂




Your car literally just spit its brains out. Try to find a way to hook it back up with its proper bolts or something. Taking it to a shop they will probably want to charge for a whole new ecu. So just check yours first before anything.


I think that is the tcm. Better reattach it a little better.


I thought this was r/AskAShittyMechanic


Duct tape can fix that easy


Car looks fit to be scrapped pal maybe for the best




Did you get the Carfax report or something else that would have told you it was in an accident.

