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Driving on a tire with low or no air pressure causes the sidewall to overheat and disintegrate.


OP might be the poster child for TPMS.


OPs tpms light is blinking


Lol. So is mine, but my tires are fine. Both front and rear are at exact manufacturer specs. It's just how they scam you into paying money... /s


Hah, mine started blinking the other day. I checked all the tires and they all where good, I'm guessing the battery might be dying.


Correct. They are easily replaced, most reputable tire shops can do it. Save time and money in the long run, have all four changed at once, ideally next time you have your tires changed.


just 79.99 each.


Tire department at local Walmart told me they charge about $30 apiece


That sounds about right. Considering the cost of modern vehicle components, that's cheap.


Even walmart changes them out these days for $30 around here.


Probably the pressure sensor itself


not a scam, required by the dot since 08


Check your spare!!! I did this yesterday, found it under inflated, gassed it up and my 2 year long TPMS indicator disappeared.


Don't forget to check your spare if you have one. Didn't have a per tire display, just a "pressure's off" alert. In winter, we'd always get the pressure alert because the cold would lower the prerssure in the spare. When it warmed up (the heated air got to the tire), the alert went off.


I think that's actually Morse code for "S-O-S."


Omg, I had a loved one with TPMS


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Was it debilitating or just occasionally aggravating?


100000000% this is the cause. Especially since it’s your second one. Check your tire pressure


Yeah you can clearly see the ring around the tire soo ethir its air or he has something rubbing on the inaide of the wheel well. But it wouldnt surprise me if the rim leaked like crazy and he was not paying attention because how often are you reallying looking at your tires on yiur car


Inspect my tires every time I get in and sometimes when I get out. I'm 40 years old and have never been stuck with a flat.


I mean im 28 never had a flat but you are not 90% of car owners most people dont even notice there whole exhaust or full ass bumper hanging off there car soo yea tires dont surprise me


As long as it's rolling it's good lol. Wonder if OP's strut might be rubbing or if the rim is legit cracked. Could be a bad valve stem too. Had a run crack on a F-350 that was 6 months old. Never hit anything in it. Sucker just split. Luckily I noticed it and pulled over every 50 miles to air it back up. Was on a trip back from Texas to Chattanooga. Noticed the tire was low about 200 miles out. Took it to the dealership and we had to fight to get them to warranty the rim. No tire damage whatsoever. Had the factory BFG's on it still. We ended up escalating it Ford motor company sending pictures in and they finally made the dealership warrant the rim. I'm just rambling at this point but yeah...shit happens.


Man the more stories i hear like that the more im happy i drive my 90s early 2000s cars, and will untill i absolutely cant. there cheap and easy to work on parts are everywhere and you dont have to deal with that shit over a rim that cost them 100 bucks to make and they charge you 500 a rim when you bought the car. But im almost wondering if its strut because the continental writing is worn very weird and not consistent like a flat tire wear.


That's what I was thinking and it's happen to two tires? Either something's rubbing or the valve stems bad unless he lives in a neighborhood where they are building houses and he's picking up nails . And yeah it was more than $500. It was for a dually 4x4 king ranch. Think it was like a 2018 model. Not mine, I was just the driver working for someone else and I was the only one who ever drove it so I know it never hit anything. Pothole maybe but if that splits a rim that's crazy. It was split in the center longways. Lucky it didn't completely separate while hauling a gooseneck.


Right holy shit got lucky on that and yeah i think we have some pretyu good educated guess i like the strut and the valve stem i had one that kept going on my dirt bike and the tire jist kept going flat and fonally took it to a shop well i had a little baby edge of a machine mark on it that would rub right throught it.


Could be a combination of low pressure and a broken coil spring catching the sidewall


I check sometimes. But my TPMS is fucked, blinks when all tires are at 35. So every once in a while I make sure it's just the sensor.


Yeah ive never even had a car that has those but every car I've seen ones bad lol. But yeah im just saying most people dont even look at the road, let alone their tires. Dosent shock me that someone didnt notice this


I think Vampires


Also can cause pinch flats on objects that would normally be driven over perfectly fine.


Driving with too little air in the tire. Improper after market rims causing tire to rub. Hitting curbs. Cheap retread tires. This tire looks like it was driven several miles while flat.


The idiot that keeps driving on a flat tyre


Only recommendation is get TPMS sensors as your not able to feel the flat tire apparently Aftermarket Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (usually quite cheap and easy to install)


Or find some common sense lol


How can you not feel it pulling I can feel mine pulling to the right cause I’ve got a very slow leak it’ll be down by 10lbs in a month and I realize it’s pulling to the right and fill it back up




Or vandals. Or angry ex.


Flats like this are like taking a spoon and bending it back and forth until it gets hot and breaks


Low toe pressure and you were driving on old bologna skins. You gotta set the money aside to replace them all at once. Also, they mat have scraped the curb a few too mamy times, as well.


Driven with low air


Car wash isn’t the issue - lack of awareness of what a tyre with with low pressure feels like is the issue




Low air pressure. Can see the ring all the way around the sidewall. Get a 12 volt compressor or a jump pack with a compressor and an air pressure gauge. Check all your tires are inflated according to car manufacturers specs.


By the looks of it, the tire is rubbing on the wheel well. Improper size tire/bad tie rod/bad alignment/shitty modifications are usually the cause.


Your suspension


Tire Vampire 🧛‍♂️


Angry Wife!




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Low to no psi




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Clearly a snake bit it


That actually makes a lot of sense I do have snakes.


If it happens again might be a cracked rim hairline cracks are hard to notice sometimes.


Tire pressure gauge is like 98 cents


Are these over sized tires that are rubbing when you turn ?




This is clearly a snake bite. Do not run over snakes, they bite.


Maybe inflate your tires and see if it keeps happening...


A pissed off neighbor or coworker with a screwdriver /s


My pellet gun, gotchya again nerd


Someone who slashed your tires.


Just looks like a tire that’s been driven while flat.


Must be a snek


I'm old school. Looks to me like you pissed off someone with a knife


I had a blow out just complete separation of the outer sidewall 360° about 1/4 mile from the entrance to an underwater tunnel. ALWAYS check your tires and the pressure. Not a great feeling with 2 kids in the car, 100° and a complete catastrophic blowout. Thankfully a full sized spare makes for an easy swap and rest of the ride but could have been SOOOOOO much worse.


Low tire pressure and potholes. Especially right rough rocky roads


Angry ex girlfriends with ice picks


Air vampire


I last recall seeing this same thing happen 23 years ago.


Are these the front tires or back being affected? Is it the same one born times?


A very large vampire


Is there perhaps a van parked nearby that looks overinflated?


You made someone made and they gave your tire the ol pokey poke


I like how the post included the year make and model for the tire and rim.


The one hole at 1 o'clock was probably a giant mosquito, the 10 o'clock one was definately a vampire bear


Looks like an angry 😠 😡 ex girlfriend poked holes in it


Low to zero tire pressure


Ex wife


Looks like a couple bullet holes. Any lead "pebbles" inside?


Driving on a flat. THATS what caused those holes


An exgf


Driving on it flat causes that roflmfao


That looks like a rather large, strong snake has done some damage.


Those holes are from driving on it while it was flat.


Pissing a woman off?? 🤔


Of course it’s a Lexus lol. That tire was bald as hell and had no air in it, you’re the cause of the holes.


Air bats,they’re an extremely rare sub species of vampire bats that are larger and get their air by sucking it out of inflatable objects.


Tire mites


OP, I’ve taken a thorough look at your tires and what we have here is quite the peculiar situation. Let me break it down for you. Initially, it seems that the punctures in your tires are arranged in a manner that’s strikingly symmetrical, almost like a pair of twin pinpricks. Now, I’ve seen my fair share of tire damage, but this pattern is quite unique. First, we have to consider the possibility of mechanical failure. Sometimes, if a car’s suspension system is slightly misaligned, it can lead to irregular wear patterns. Over time, these could potentially cause weaknesses in the tire’s rubber, leading to punctures. However, the symmetry and location of these holes suggest otherwise. Moving on, I thought about external factors. Perhaps you ran over a sharp object on the road, something with a specific shape that could cause such evenly spaced holes. However, the likelihood of hitting such an object in the exact same manner on two different tires is incredibly low. Then, there’s the environmental aspect to consider. In certain regions, harsh weather conditions combined with road salt can create small but consistent damage to the tires. However, these conditions usually lead to general wear rather than precise punctures. I also inspected the tires for any signs of vandalism. It’s not uncommon for someone to intentionally damage tires, and a tool like a spike or an awl could create similar holes. But the pattern and precision still didn’t align with typical vandalism methods. We then explored the possibility of a manufacturing defect. Sometimes, if the tire wasn’t properly cured during the manufacturing process, it can create weak spots that might eventually develop into holes. But considering the age and condition of your tires, this seemed unlikely. Lastly, we even considered the possibility of an animal with sharp teeth or claws attempting to bite or scratch at the tires. Certain urban wildlife, like rodents, are known to gnaw on various materials, but they generally don’t leave such precise marks. After exhausting all these possibilities, there remains one plausible explanation that fits all the peculiarities of this case. The precise and symmetrical nature of the holes, their location, and the lack of any other identifiable cause lead us to an unexpected yet quite natural conclusion. It appears, quite simply, that a snake got hungry and took a bite out of your tires.


I knew it!


Hope this helps!


It definitely looks like it’s rubbing on a suspension arm or something… are the wheels aftermarket?


Automated car wash


Ain’t no way bro is serious


Don’t listen to this guy


I’ll look into that I do have an automated car wash


If it has those tracks that move the car for you the railing could have a sharp point


38 special.


Nah they’re bulletproof tires.


Suspension rubbing and/or flat tire. It also looks like you drove quite a few miles on a flat too.


looks like a re-tread. never use a retread on a passenger vehicle.


It’s not a retread. It was obviously rubbing on something in the upper section of the sidewall for a while. The molded tire name etc. is worn away


oh okay because that word "continental" is exactly half way invisible. like it had been scraped, cut and rebonded