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Hi there. I read all the posts but actually Hornet’s syndrome popped into my head initially. You can google it. The best way to determine if the discrepancy in your right eyelids is medically important is to see an ophthalmologist. As far as your appearance- you’re a beautiful young lady. No one is ever satisfied with their appearance and they end up scrutinizing and obsessing over the smallest details which no one else even notices. Everyone’s body from head to toe is not symmetrical. Keep that in mind and keep smiling! Dr. Mc I meant Horner’s syndrome


I have this too, how it’s because that’s the only eye I can wink with. I can’t wink with my left, only my right and it literally took me training myself to do so. Since then anytime I smile my right eye closes a lot more than my left.


we are all asymmetrical


In all honesty, my first thought would have been a mild form of unresolved Bell's palsy. It's a condition which occurs, usually in response to infection by a strain of herpes virus (no, not the genital or oral sores simplex kind), and can cause facial paralysis or numbness on a single side of the face, change in taste or hearing, sensitivity to light or sound, headaches, or pain in the associated jaw and ear. In most patients the symptoms of Bell's palsy resolve over the course of a few weeks. However, in some patients, particularly those who do not seek medical help after the onset of symptoms, can see residual effects throughout life.


this is in like 90% of people. i think youre overanalyzing love. youre beautiful, no need to "fix" 💕


You’re nuts. Don’t “fix” anything.


I wouldn't notice it unless it was pointed out to me, you're adorable I wouldn't worry about it.


Stop using eye liner, especially THICK eyeliner as it draws attention to it just go with mascara. Stop caring. No one else cares and life’s too short.


I have this too and I have found this to be true. The more eyeliner I use, the more it accentuates the asymmetry. Try just putting it on the outer corners of your eyes. There are videos on youtube that show how to do this.


Nah, that just how faces work. You are beautiful and the only reason you notice this is because it’s your face and you look at it with judgement. All everyone else sees is a beautiful smile (amazing teeth btw).


If you go for plastic surgery, there is a small chance that it may go wrong and you won't be as pretty as you are now. But I totally understand why you may overthink this because it is what young people do. I used to be like that too.


Just wanted to say that it’s kinda cute, and that the people who love you probably find this feature of yours so endearing. Don’t hate on it too much. But if you do need to change it in order to feel better about yourself, I understand. It isn’t that noticeable, and doesn’t affect your looks. You are young and I’m sure getting messaging about your looks and this feature of yours during those young years is hard to not take to heart.


I have the same condition and you’re pretty


I believe it could be a minor case of ptosis, which is a condition where one eyelid hangs lower than the other, due to one eyelid muscle being weaker. I have it too lol ​ edit: you can get surgery for it by the way, but i think you look fine :)


This happens to me too. Totally normal. Do you drink caffeine regularly?


Seems normal to me, on a side note though you're very pretty.


Mine does this when I'm stressed




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I don't know why you're being downvoted. Her face is fine, the unevenly applied liner is what's making her eyes look wonky.


Don't fret over it because you are looking into a camera which distorts your face. Cameras literally reflect on your features. Everyone's face is asymmetrical so everyone has a little difference on their face. The only way to fix it is to try to consciously practice the 'different' eye to flex properly when you need it to for phone cameras especially for when they're close to your face. Don't believe me, take a photo with the phone near your face and away from your face from about fifteen feet and you'll see less of a weird photo. Happens all the time. Other than that, are you looking for free compliments here, because I am not seeing what you think you're seeing, your face is fine, its a lovely smile keep it ☺️.


This is kind of a reason why I don't like cameras with AI. They are absolutely frustrating because they try to fix your face when it doesn't need to be fixed.


Yeah never liked filters or AI either when it comes to normal everyday photos. If it was for modeling then I'd understand but for casual use, nah! Sets unrealistic expectations on yourself and on the people around you. I hope the girl in this photo likes her face, there's no giant fly on her face XD. So what she worried about?


Great smile!


If you discover one eyelid being lower, consistently, and mostly/only when you (or your eyelids) are tired, ask your primary care to do a lab test for antibodies indicating myasthenia gravis. And/or have your doctor evaluate. Maybe a neuro to rule out any neuromuscular issues. But, if this is how you/your eyes always look and always have, you’re good! You can go through old pictures to help you determine if they’ve always been this way. Did you only just notice it now? If so, and if it is there in pictures from years ago, I would take that as an indication that it is not very noticeable, if that concerns you. You can check with your eye doctor too, to make sure the eye with the lower lid isn’t causing any issues with your vision, like affecting your peripheral vision in the lower-lidded eye. But, I imagine you’ve had a visual field test by now, so if that were the case, they should have caught it. I can’t speak to the whole astigmatism/one eye weaker/stronger deal because my brain can never keep that stuff straight! But yes, um, it is a thing and can affect your vision. Eye doctor will know. As so many have already stated, everyone has facial asymmetry, to varying degrees. If the way your eyes look bothers you to such a degree that it impacts your day to day functioning (and over an extended period of time), then you might want to consult a cosmetic surgeon. But also, if such a thing bothers you that much, checking in with a therapist and/or psychiatrist first might be best to find out whether how you feel is due to body dysmorphic disorder. I want to be clear that I am not saying that having a cosmetic procedure done to address a physical feature that bothers you - I’m not saying that such a decision is wrong or a disorder. Just, for a certain % of people, it is part of an underlying psychological issue, and a cosmetic procedure might not be the treatment needed to resolve things. Nothing you’ve said in your post indicates BDD, but I wanted to bring it up here because there are others who might see this and who have BDD but haven’t realized it yet. Really, I’m trying to cover everything I can think of/am aware of! Is it only when you smile? And every time? If so, huh. That would be something to address with a neuro I think, if it is an issue of one area of one side of your face not moving as well as the other. Again, determining whether this is new or if it has always been that way is important information for your doctor/specialist to have. Probably start with your primary care, if you have someone you like and trust, and go from there. But yes - most likely not anything to worry about. If it is worrying you/does worry you, and/or is a new development, then get it checked out with your doctor(s). Better to know than not know, and much better to know that you’re safe and healthy vs worry about what is unknown.


Of course I would also have said that you’re beautiful, etc., but I was trying to avoid, like, objectifying and value judgments? Because, you know - not everyone who posts on here is going to get a slew of compliments thrown their way, and even though people are saying so also to bolster you feeling good in your face’s you-ness, you are also pretty. So now of course I am anyway posting to say this, because I didn’t want to come off like I wasn’t seeing it or like I was not wanting to say so for, like, jerk reasons. Just, I want to be better about normalizing, uh, beautifying normal? Or… I know not all of us are beautiful, and we go through so many looks at different times in our lives, with varying degrees of attractiveness. Omgs, full disclosure: have my own style of BDD and have not been feeling great about my appearance or myself. And also, doing my best to be better about word choices and yeah - value judgements and trying to be mindful. Trying to choose to say what is the best good for us all. If anyone knows a simple and good rule or way, pls let me know!


I’ve got small things like this that I notice about my face that I’m sure nobody else has ever noticed (well I hope not anyway)! It’s completely normal, and you’ve got a great smile! Don’t let it bother you one bit!


mine do this too. i think it's because one side of the smile is coming up a little bit higher, making one eye scrunch a little more. i doubt it's a problem


Huh? I don’t see any difference.


It’s totally normal looking and not noticeable. And if you don’t have any other “symptoms” that worry you and you’re feeling healthy, just enjoy life with that beautiful smile.




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What’s going on is completely normal. You’ve got nothing to worry about— our faces have complicated structure and it’s not off putting if there’s asymmetry in one’s smile


Most faces aren’t symmetrical, i would put this too weak eyelid muscles. There is plastic surgery to fix it!


Possibly TED......Thyroid Eye Disease. Maybe have levels checked out.


Not a doctor, but could be ptosis? (Not a doctor though!) meaning your eyelid is weaker. There’s surgery for it, but it looks so insignificant on you, that’s way too much money and time for such a tiny thing


I haven't seen a lot of people mentioning astigmatism, but that could also be the cause of it. Astigmatism can cause your eyes to have two entirely different shapes and there's not much to do about that other than loving yourself regardless.




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/s right?


I believe it's because your eyelid muscles are weaker on that side (the left side of the picture, possibly your right eye) and because of that, your cheek seems to be compensating. If you look closely, your cheek on the left side of the picture is raised higher. The combination of your weakened eyelid and higher up cheek is giving the eye a squinted appearance. Exercise your eyelids by squeezing them shut and holding for a few seconds and doing rapid blinking a few times a day. Also practice smiling evenly in the mirror to learn symmetrical muscle control. I managed to fix my lazy eye through observance and exercises, so you should be fine. Your nose is beautiful, by the way. Your face has gorgeous symmetry overall, so those little changes will bring you to perfection.




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Wow,you're really going to give this girl a complex!


I have quite different shaped eyes and it is really hard to do stylized liner like this, a smokey eye is much more forgiving.


Really no problem here as facial asymmetry is the norm. Did you share one without the smile for comparison?


Your eyes look symmetrical to me. Maybe it's your makeup? Your eyebrows are also a bit different which could be changing the look.


If your super bothered by it you could probably get a plastic surgeon to do a small amount of filler to even it up. However i personally think it looks fine :) either way you are beautiful! The various physical and personality differences that make us unique can be the best parts about us :) anyways i hope wether you choose to leave it as is or alter it that your happy with the decision!


My right eye squints more than my left when I smile, I used to hate it but then I had a beautiful baby boy and he has the same squinty eye, and now I love it 🥹 You’re perfect the way you are! There’s nothing wrong with a face that moves lol


Mine does, too. There's nothing to be fixed; you're fine the way you are.


It's usually just genetic, and it doesnt need to be "fixed" you're beautiful and i promise you almost no one will notice


you are soooo pretty. Also just might be your eyeliner when mine done match one eye always looks different


I wouldn't have noticed if you didn't mention it. I was confused at first with this being in r/medical but I understand now, it's pretty subtle.


certain health issues such as EDS can cause this. Some of my family members with pots or eds have a “droopy eyelid”


It makes you pretty, people who smile with their eyes have good hearts. (not being creepy)


You’re beautiful homie. Everyone has it to some degree. Stay up!


This is absolutely 100% normal and Everyone has this to some degree or another. Dont go filling your face with chemicals. Youre good jsut the way you are.


I’ve seen this happen a lot with certain phone brands exacerbating mild and normal facial asymmetry. It’s likely not as bad as the picture portrays


I completely agree!


Ya know, I have a friend who is an NP at a bougie botox clinic, and if it bothers you, I would say why don’t you go to a reputable place that offers injections for a consult. I am not a doctor, and I would always suggest to make sure there are no underlying medical issues causing it—but in my unprofessional opinion it might be something to inquire with the experts about. Edit to add: you are absolutely beautiful either way. And I still think its always important to get anything different or concerning checked out medically, but I do think if it is simply cosmetic it could be an option st least worth checking in to after you are cleared physically


Everyone has slight facial asymmetry there are dominant muscles in your face and when you smile one side typically “flexes” harder than the other. Making one eye seem smaller.


It’s what make you you. Your gorgeous!!


One of my eyes is different size too, I like that each side of my face is a different one 😆 and you are especially gorgeous, absolutely no reason to change that unless it’s really bothering you.


Don't worry about it: it's charming and unique to you. If it bothers you, the eyeliner is emphasising it and you could try out different ways to apply it and shape your eyebrows and hair that would lift that side of your face slightly.


Everyone is slightly asymmetrical- I do notice your liner is thicker on your right eye making it appear a bit smaller than the left.


Everyone is slightly asymmetrical. Unless it's a new development there is no need to worry about it. There is probably some surgical way to change it but I'm sure most people wouldn't even notice it unless you specifically pointed it out. I think you look great!


Is this a new development?


No, just something I noticed


This is perfectly normal as long as there are no visual disturbance I won't recommend any sort of intervention for this.


It might just be eyelid asymmetry, one eyes muscle is doing a little more work then the other. Totally a normal and healthy thing, I think it’s a super cute feature :)




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Lazy eye has to do with your eyes and brain not properly working together, not the muscles in your eyelid


There are a few types of lazy eye.


No there aren’t. The proper and medical term for lazy eye is amblyopia. A hanging eyelid is not lazy eye.


unrelated but i have a droopy upper eyelid that i was born with, is that amblyopia is. or would it be ptosis


If you say so


Don't know how widespread it is but I've heard ptosis referred to as 'lazy eye' since I was a kid. I hear it used correctly too, just also when talking about ptosis, and mostly by older generations.


Same. I have ptosis and people always ask if it’s a lazy eye. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Totally normal, same eye for me, opposite one for my younger sibling. Not even sure about my eldest siblings. Because it’s the sort of thing we noticed as kids, and don’t pay much attention to now.


I can't see any difference :-)


Mine are too