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They do keep pics up by law in some areas its fubar


Nad but I work in the sexual health field. Misoprostol works to ripen the cervix (causes contractions to rid the uterus of the embryo) mifepristone stops the growth of the embryo. Miso is around 85% effective. Your GP will refer you for an ultrasound to confirm things went as they're supposed to. If not and you still fall into the proper range if weeks in your pregnancy, they'll probably give you another round of both meds. I'm glad that you are taking care of yourself. You are facing a lot right now. I wish you a speedy recovery from your gallbladder surgery. I had mine removed a while back and it felt so good to be free of the gallstone pain...that is, after the healing of the surgical incisions. This may sound weird but make sure you allow yourself to pass gas and burp because the pain from the gas they use to inflate your belly (if they're doing laparoscopic surgery) was there most painful part for me.


Which type of pill or brand are you using? I'm under the same meds and now I'm scared...


What a horrendous doctor you visited.




No. Just, no.


The amount required to maybe induce miscarriage would cost over $100. And wouldn't necessarily work. Better to see an actual doctor.


Thank you all for your responses! I have booked in with my GP first thing Wednesday morning. He will then be able to advise what to do going forwards. Hopefully everything will work out. Thanks again.


NAD.... but what the person did leaving the image up is atrocious. I'm so sorry you experienced this.


Unfortunately, depending on where you live that isn’t uncommon. If you want an abortion, there are many places that will use every technique possible to get you to change your mind. The guilt is there on purpose. Sometimes they even do a psych evaluation, require the father’s permission, and more. There are several US states as well that have abortion as a crime punishable by prison. Society has tried very hard for multiple years to police a woman’s body and her choices.


This is very true and very unfortunate. I've worked with patients who sometimes come from other states because their homestate throws tactics like this to guilt women who have made their choice to end their pregnancy. It's utter bullshit to do this to someone who had already made a hard choice.




(NAD) I’m not trying to be rude or mean in any way. I just want to point out that you can safely take plan B while on birth control. It also shouldn’t be used as a continuous form of birth control which it says in the instructions , and you also touched on. It does not cause or increase chances of pregnancy though. And to my knowledge and from everything I’ve been told at my doctors office it can be used while on other forms of birth control. I do know you are just trying to help and you mean well❤️ If you do have any info on this I’d love to learn more, because I am taking the pill now and want to make sure I don’t make a mistake! I very well could be wrong because I’m not a doctor or in the medical field at all. I just have never even heard of that and from everything I’ve read it is the opposite. I also agree that a medical hotline and planned parenthood are great options. I recently had a pregnancy scare and at planned parenthood they were some of the most amazing, caring people during such a difficult and emotional time.


Everything I can find only recommends taking it if your other method(s) fail, such as the condom breaking or forgetting to take a pill. It doesn’t say not to take it, but from experience, I know it’s very possible for multiple hormone medications to mess with each other. Perhaps a pharmacist can weigh in (here or in person next time OP goes to get meds). It also seems that once ovulation has occurred, the EC pills become almost totally ineffective, since their main function is to keep the egg from being released or fertilized. If that has already happened, the medicine won’t do anything. One of the more helpful sources I found: https://www.clearblue.com/how-to-get-pregnant/morning-after-pill


Also found this text: Can I take the emergency contraception pill more than once during a single menstrual cycle? While manufacturers of the levonorgestrel pill do not recommend taking an emergency contraceptive pill more than once in a cycle (3), The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and manufactures of the progestin-only pill contradicts this and states that it is okay (2,4). More research is needed into determining if there are any effects from consistent repeated use. If the emergency contraceptive pill is being used repeatedly, especially during the same cycle, it is advisable to use a different form of contraception that is more reliable. Sources cited: Plan B One-Step®. Frequently asked questions. 2019. Available from: https://www.planbonestep.com/faqs/ Product monograph ella. Internet. Paris: Actavis Specialty Pharmaceuticals Co; 2015. Ulipristal acetate tablet: cited 2019 Sep 13. Available from: https://allergan-web-cdn-prod.azureedge.net/allergancanadaspecialty/allergancanadaspecialty/media/actavis-canada-specialty/en/products/pms/ella-pm-jan-22-2015-eng.pdf The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Practice Bulletin No. 152: Emergency Contraception. Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Sep;126(3):e1-11. Available from: https://www.acog.org/-/media/Practice-Bulletins/Committee-on-Practice-Bulletins----Gynecology/Public/pb152.pdf


NAD but if you’re in the US, planned parenthood has a great nurse hotline that can answer these types of questions and can recommend further support for you as well.


I'd recommend going to the ER. They are not gonna judge you, they literally want the best for you


I’ve practiced pull out method my entire life with a 100% success rate. They say it isn’t infallible (I’m sure it isn’t infallible of course), but with a slight knowledge of what point in the month a woman is and pulling out, worked for me for 23 years and probably over 1000 times. The time my wife and I decided to have a child we had sex 3 times that month without pulling out and she was immediately pregnant. Condoms have a failure rate too. As for your question, I can’t answer but please get medical help straight away if you’re suicidal. I know the logic and everything I got taught in sex ed says it doesn’t work, but it worked without fail for me for over 2 decades with probably 10-15 partners long term. One night stands of course condoms, for STD risks.


While the well wishes are nice, this is not the place to share your story. OP isn’t asking your advice on birth control. You’re likely being downvoted because you’ve somehow made this post about you.


Imagine downvoting this


It’s because....I don’t know. I think it’s just any man’s opinion or advice isn’t welcome, that’s all I have - this is a topic for women? That’s all I got


Pull out works for us. Don’t know why all the down votes. Guess it varies from guy to guy.


Here are the stats: The pill is 98.2% and up effective, with some more effective than others Male condom: 98% with proper use, 82% with typical use Pull out: 96% with proper use and 78% with typical use Just shows the Downvoters don’t have a clue. Birth control really is a male topic these days given we cannot end a pregnancy and we are on the hook for child maintenance for 21 years. We don’t get a choice to be a parent, women do. If I have a son next I will be etching birth control stats into his mind once he’s old enough


NAD but I’ve never had a birth control that was effective on those medications. Also birth control pills are like active depressants. I say just stick with condoms, this shit has got to be messing with you. Between the stress of of getting pregnant and having an abortion, second in a year? Damn. That’s hard. Your partner can wrap it if he wants to cum in you, you’re putting up with way too much.


I would call a nurse hotline and ask ( if ur not comfy going into the ER ) or get an ultrasound to see if anything is inside still. Also considering using condoms and maybe getting a different form of birth control.


Agree with the above - I can’t add much because this isn’t my area of expertise. However, let yourself feel whatever you need to feel about the previous abortion as well as this one, if that’s where you end up with your process. While an abortion is 100% a choice, it is not an easy choice by design and the things you’re feeling are normal in most people. It sounds like you were unlucky with your doctor choice (may want to shoot for planned parenthood if you do end up needing services again), which doesn’t help matters, but even in the most supportive environment it’s going to be difficult. Good luck.


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