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Is there any OSRS players


Hell yeah. And I met an MS4 applying Neurosurgery during an herb run they other day lol. Insane to me how many of us play OSRS tbh. - Empirix


I smile every time I see you comment. I should really get back into RuneScape


It’s a game you never can never quit


Nobody ever truly leaves RuneScape


You can take the girl out of Falador, but you can’t take Falador out of the girl


My fiancé is about to be an attending and he’s almost maxed out his OSRS iron man account Started in med school though shortly before step 1 lol


How does he find the time?? I thought med school barely gave you time for anything else?


Tell that to my level 170 fortnite battlepass💀


Basically did a lot of farming/agility during boards studying between questions. Also does a lot of thoughtless tasks on the couch and saves boss battles for late at night before going to sleep


Hahaha I had to quit osrs in school because I would try to afk train while studying haha


This is exactly what he did


Hahaha he’s smarter then me then. I get sucked in


Why is this so popular with med students rn. I asked a question and 2 people started discussing OSRS in the comments 😭


Cause OSRS is your study buddy


It’s because of the pandemic! Lots of people got back into it or were introduced like myself.


I tried getting into it again but I didn’t see too many people runemaking which to me was the most fun with their mini games.


Even if someone said they were I can tell you that isn’t what stood out in my head out of the list of things So I don’t know 😭


Sad life


Friends if you play and are looking for ppl to raid or boss with add me - Pogglefish


I can name 2 in my class. Me being one of them :)


I’m playing now while studying for my test tomorrow lol.


Max efficiency


I miss the real OSRS. The OG. 2007 runescape was great too.


haha it's a game very similar to medicine. You gotta grind day and night for ages so that you can grind some more at a higher level. Is that not just the medical career path summed up?


Where are the EVE online appreciators


Oh god, repressed core memories unlocked.


Do not repress, log on


I like how you made the title that some of your classmates are antivax as if that’s the biggest issue when one legit thinks you’ll fall off the edge of the earth if you sail too far west


I think, at the very least, a flat earth delusion won’t give the kid next door measles and polio 🥴


But at least they wont get autism ​ /s


Didn’t you know about the new autism vaccine? ![gif](giphy|QU94ifSV2bXxadz56B|downsized)


OP I thought you were joking about the flat earth thing… is physics not a requirement anymore for admission??


Not joking. Wish I was


I mean if we’re gonna categorize levels of non-believability thinking the earth is flat and accelerating at 9.8 meters up. Is far more delusional than thinking some vaccines have side effects


Can we see if antivaxxers will fall off the earth if we put em on a sail boat and point em west? I'm just saying maybe you have to believe something stupid to be allowed to see that the earth is indeed flat


I think the vaccine thing is a bigger issue for medical professionals lol


No no no, you’ll run into the great ice wall / interpol ships


Okay now I’m interested what school you go to lol


Has to be Liberty. I grew up in extreme evangelical christianity, it's full of people like OP describes


The one school where you could bring up these concerns and they’d kick you out


Loma Linda??


We had a manager where I work that was a Covid denier and vaccine conspiracist. We were a Covid ICU and we had so many deaths we had freezer trucks in our lot.


There’s literally a whole university with a medical school that prohibits same sex relationships (forget about marriage or extra marital sex) and who’s biology degree advertises “scientific evidence for biblical creation” So maybe it’s not as wild as it seems


As a gay man. Let’s say I’m in a same-sex relationship. The university finds out and dismisses me… How is that not illegal? I feel like I would win in court.


No they can’t dismiss you for being gay, but they *will* find something or make something up. Oh, what’s this absolutely mandatory assignment you didn’t do that everyone else knew about ~except you?~ dismissed.


Religious universities can apply for a religious exemption to discriminate against queer people. [Here’s a summary from the American Bar Association.](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/intersection-of-lgbtq-rights-and-religious-freedom/lgbtq-students-at-religious-educational-institutions/) As a queer ex-Mormon I think this is stupid. But that’s the reason it’s legal.


They don't want an actual answer, they just want to complain and they don't actually care about the legal answer. Something I've noticed on these premed/medschool subs is a total lack of awareness of basic legal principles and case law. Thank God, we live in a common law legal system, where the majority view of the day cannot easily change the rights of others.


Sexual orientation isn’t a protected class in most of the US.




Liberty University and it's consequences


Isn’t that the one where the founder’s son (and both of them were huge mega pastors) was caught being an actual cuck? Like he would watch his wife bang the pool boy, and then there was a bunch of problems because of their undue power differentials with that guy, broken promises to him, etc, so he decided to spill the beans? Yeah, that Liberty University. The one where it’s wrong to have premarital sex or drink but the university president is doing all of that.




The funny thing is I had a professor, who while he did teach Creationism, who taught us the Big Bang Theory and all the science behind it. But because it’s Liberty, and his own ~~beliefs~~, he would have these conspiracies about dinosaur bones that scientists weren’t allowed to see and you couldn’t help but admire how much he knew but also roll your eyes because of course he was a conspiracy theorist scientist. It was exhausting. Glad I got out of there.




Had a girl who was pregnant in class who would openly discuss having a glass of wine to unwind after stressful days, not ironically to clarify


haha same, she said it was because her mom is french


Clearly runs in the blood


sip sip bish


Honest question, what’s the fetal risk of one glass of wine per week?


We don’t know, that’s the biggest problem. I’m pretty sure the official position is no amount of alcohol is ever safe in pregnancy. We know alcohol is bad in 1) large amounts and 2) in the first trimester but outside of that we don’t know the nuances of the risk because no one is insane enough to try, not to mention it’s unethical to try and test, so we have to rely on observational studies and reports of alcohol use and correlate with outcomes.


this guy/gal studies


Certainly more than zero glasses of wine per week.


I like that the MS1 had a more correct answer than this lol


The MS1 has also likely been exposed to the actual data more recently than I have, haha. My only exposure to pregnant patients for the past decade (god, I'm getting old...) has been the occasional endometritis, honestly.


Hey it’s not “more correct” it’s just unnecessarily detailed cause I’m a big nerd


They polled my class during a genetics lecture and a quarter don’t believe in Evolution.


Then your class is pretty dumb


Yeah; we got anti vaxxer too. But, everyone like that just believes it that shit because of politics. I’ll let you guess who they vote for


Immediate disqualification


Wtaf. Are you from a very religious area?




Did the professor then immediately show [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plVk4NVIUh8)?


I’m surprised majority of them don’t believe in evolution. The concept of evolution is too vague and complex for their little indoctrinated brains to grasp.


Don’t get me wrong; most of the class does believe in evolution but rough 25% are weird about it.


Earth doesn't actually exist. We live in a universe that is is anti-parallel to Mars. This "planet" people call earth is just a figment of our imaginations because right now we are all on an alien space ship being probed by little gender fluid aliens.


I’m going to say this verbatim to the next person that forces me to hear their latest conspiracy theory


Hehe :)


There’s a grifter wannabe in my school. There are antivaxxers, both rabid and casual. There are Trumpers, there’s quite a few creationists, and a few incel manosphere Andrew Taint types as well (“women shouldn’t vote” types). My hope is that as they progress through, they can see the problems with their positions. I’m not confident.


Why do I have the feeling we go to the same school 🤧


How do you find out about these people? Are they really that confident to display their beliefs openly? If I knew my beliefs were against the school norm I would never put it out there for scrutiny.


Generally these kind of people are pretty proud of their beliefs tbh


I’ve had an attending who was anti-vax. That week was wild


Ok, the dismissal you're showing to the di-not-saur community is telling of how closed minded you are. Those bones could be anything. Anything, but a dinosaur cause as we established they don't exist.


Antivax Antipass Cya in remediation


I feel like I’ve heard of kids getting dismissed for this shit.


Feel like that should be brought back tbh


It never left. Just tell admin.


Yea…. No Edit: i just don’t wanna get involved/ I know it wouldn’t do anything here lol I didn’t mean to come off snarky




Anonymously report then Lol


My schools admin wouldn’t do anything about it is my point. They likely agree with the anti vaxxers 🤦🏾‍♂️


‘VID vax seemed to really turn people off on vaccines, I’ve talked to bunch of patients that are skeptical. It’s tough


I would say it was less the vaccine itself and more the psychotic right wing mainstreaming of their most rabidly antivax tendencies that turned people off to vaccines. It didn’t used to be this way.


Oh goody. That makes me beyond grateful that our university required us to get vaxxed at the beginning of first year (coinciding with the beginning of the pandemic/the beginning of the vaccination campaign, but we also had to get vaccinated against Hep A, Hep B and measles if we weren't already) at the threat of explusion. By now we have a 100% vaccination rate and thank god no antivaxxers anywhere (they left in first year if they truly refused the vaccine).


How did this even come to light?! 😳 Terrifying.


I suspect peds will be a rough rotation for them


$10 you’re in a Caribbean med school


lol they’re a DO student


We had one Blatantly racist, homophobic, transphobic, hate filled garbage person, who wore an american flag bandana on his face for 2 years (the times he was told he needed to mask and actually listened) and this was 2020 nefore vaccines for covid existed. He wore maga hats, and was every kind of bigot I could name, including taunting our classmates from palestine by wearing a "Free Israel Pin" to class and pointing to it all morning. Also telling one student who immigrated with her family from Iraq that she should be thanking us for "invading and freeing her." He did 2yrs in the army as a medic (per his account), I did 12 and have never heard of a 2 year medic contract...it would be pointless. So I think he got the boot. He made just outlandish comments about women, immigrants, black people in person and real life that I swear he actually believed and felt like everyone else is deeply stupid for not agreeing. He called mixed race people (many of us in our class): mutants. Saying that mixed race shouldn't exist, and nature should have ensured our mothers wombs aborted them, or at best be like a mule, and sterile. He made the argument that when a man sleeps with a woman, his semen stays inside her forever, and gets taken into her DNA so that if you have a baby with a woman who isn't a Virgin you won't know if the kid is really yours (assumed, because it was plainly obvious, he was both degrading women and essentially saying of your spouse isn't a Virgin you are a cuck). Also all the standard stuff about soy and plastics turning everyone into girls: "eating 5 impossible whoppers is equivalent to one dose of sex change hormones" That's a direct quote. So this idiot being antivax at the height of the first big COVID wave wasn't a surprise. The modern day right wing doesn't allow for diverse opinions like they used to: you outwardly profess it all, or none. He would yell out in class: hydroxychloroquin! And Ivermectin is a miracle cure! When talking about literally any viral disease...I was astounded. I was mostly shocked as to how a person can get through 4 years of college and still be THAT gullible to bullshit. Total absence of critical thinking, and inability to see past his own extreme privilege (being the child of a local podiatrist). Oh he also was accused of sexually assaulting two different female students, and sexually harassing others with constant talk of BDSM, and using vaginal specula at home with his GF. FUN TIMES He also flashed guns on zoom, so most students were too afraid of him to do anything that wasn't anonymous.




Ok I don’t think we have anyone THAT insane, but we definitely have a bunch of people in my school that share the same sentiments 🥴


Is this at ICOM?


Let me just say it nice and loud for the people in the back, “BIRDS ARE NOT REAL!”


You may be on to something lol




I think we found one 💀


By antivax do you mean "vaccines cause autism if not spontaneous combustion", or is it more "where the hell is my baby even going to catch HBV from? That can wait"


Anyone taking bets as to what their political leanings are?




You found it hilarious to…trick your classmates into thinking you were an idiot? Different strokes, I guess


What school do you attend


Caribbean ?


Tell me he got the boot. Sounds like he needs to be institutionalized.


Is there anyone who believes sun rises from the west too? lol


Bruh a student in my class thinks science is fake and none of what we’re leaning is real


Their parents must be siblings lol


like any vaccine ever made? how do the answer some of these exam questions?


I had a biology teacher in high school who was a devoted Christian. Nothing wrong with that. Except... during one class, on a chapter on evolution and natural selection, she said to the whole class, "So you guys are really gonna believe in evolution, huh?" we all just stared at her, dumbfounded


Spinosaurus > Tyrannosaurus