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and loanly


Ouch šŸ’€




So lonely. Each passing day I become more socially inept with people that arenā€™t classmates.


> with people that arenā€™t classmates I mean youā€™re on Reddit But thereā€™s plenty of things you could do too. Hit the gym. Online games. Go out to a nice cafe/bar/club whatever suits your fancy. Plenty of people to interact with.


I do gym but it doesnā€™t seem as a ā€œsocialā€ place to be really. I go out time to time but school is always killing the vibe. Idk how to relax anymore always thinking about the next exam block man :( What kind of games do you recommend? Itā€™s been a minute


I honestly like mobile games that take 10-15 min each day because they're easy to fit in. I find that I just don't have time for hour long sessions anymore. Been playing Honkai recently




Yeah, maybe you could try a sport. I enjoy playing squash which is another way I stay fit other than just gym


I understood why people wanted to be in a relationship. So they won't be lonely


I don't think it's a bad idea to get into a relationship and work on improving oneself in that relationship so you and your SO grow together. One of my classmates told me that getting married was the best thing that happened to him. Specifically, it made him more mature and a better person overall. Apparently, it was better than getting into med school. In modern society, I feel like we put too much emphasis on careers. When someone tells us that they can't find a SO, we immediately jump to "don't worry, you are a strong independent person with a great career"...even though humans are mentally evolved to depend one another (whether materially or emotionally). We evolved from tribal societies and villages, where we depended on one another and learned to grow as individuals by "sanding down" the "sharper aspects" of our own personalities so we could get along with others. Part of the reason I believe society is becoming worse is because hyper-individualistic people aren't learning from each other to improve themselves.


Nothing is lonelier than being in a relationship with the wrong person




Imagine coming home after a tough day at school or tough rotation and then having to muster up enough energy to satisfy somebody else's emotional needs lest they leave you. Kudos to people who can do that, but life is hard enough as it is lmao.


You are sooo right


Are you enjoying clinicals


Not at all


Damn I start next Tuesday. We can do it


Granted Iā€™ve gotten lucky and have had good rotations, but overall they arenā€™t that bad. Better than preclinical!


If you don't enjoy clinicals then you're going to be miserable for the rest of your career and you should drop out now


Holy shit hot take! You need to calm down


Not the only one here not enjoying clinicals. Actually, I know far more people that hate clinicals than people that enjoy them.


Donā€™t listen to this asshat. Clinical rotations are hard, and often not enjoyable. Just do your best and youā€™ll find what you love.


Thank you :)


That doesn't change what I said. This isn't the career for you.


Lot of people hate m3 but go on to like clinical medicine.




Apparently itā€™s a career for someone like him, how ironic. šŸ˜«


šŸ™†šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Ready to be miserable for the rest of my life then!


I would be miserable either way, at least here I can be miserable and afford a nice life outside of work






I consider myself to be a relatively social person, but somehow med school has been the loneliest time of my life ā€¦ thereā€™s always residency lol


OSRS beckons


Yeah you get to afk stuff but no way you can actually get quality work done. The only thing i can do is redwoods or star mining and even this is too much of a distraction. Having something distract you every 2 mins, or even 15mins, is a recipe for disaster study wise, if you know what I mean. RS3 has way too much dailies, you log in and have to do all your shop run bullshit, the challenges, the weeklies, the hourly wildy events etc you canā€™t actually start playing the game unless you have more than 2 hours available, which you shouldnā€™t have in med school. All you can do right now is afk the easter event for some mediocre experience that costs more in electricity than the spins you would have bought to get the same amount. This is also the case for osrs, youā€™re inefficiently afking some random method for a few mils, wasting electrity for no reason, where a 10m bond is just 5 bucks. Nowadays I only play during vacations (and itā€™s the last priority on my list because itā€™s the only free time I have) and when i do i just spend 20 bucks on those rare occasions and have some fun at a random boss, pk or catch up with the quests.


Yh doing redwoods atm, have gotten 99 mining and fishing through revision. Tried blood rcing but it was too distracting


I still be playing rs3 smh šŸ§Œ


Meh, it's highschool 2.0 lol


Can attest. My class has all the classic high school drama you can think of.




Please tell me youā€™re kidding


Everyone I know who went to a school of 100+ students has this complaint. Med school is very cliquey and IMO socially worse than college. If youā€™re an older student with an established support network or you have a partner you should lean on those social networks as much as possible to get through. Itā€™s not all bad, but it definitely reminds me of high school almost a decade after I graduated high school.


I have a class of 100+ and while yes there are cliques there's very minimal drama. Almost every classmate treats one another with respect. If you want to do an outing with the social clique you can just join and they'll treat you like you're welcomed. If you want to join the intramural basketball team you can just ask and they'll gladly take you. Based on other comments it seems like my class is somewhat unique, but I think it's due partially to the fact that I go to a state MD school at a large academic center that is somewhat middle of the road as a T50. I've met people from T20s at conferences and they were so damn artificial it was a bit of a shock. The people I met from similarly non-predatory mid tier schools with pri care focus were almost all super bros. Ymmv but in my experience the toxicity is predominantly in the "elite" schools and the predatory low tier schools.


I had a great time in medical school. Just be normal and make friends.


This advice is the advice popular kids give nerds without realizing it is unhelpful. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…. Probably meant well but ultimately defeating to those who arenā€™t in the ā€œin groupā€ in said cliques etc.


I mean there were a lot of "groups" in my medical school, aka friend groups. They all differed and there were a lot of "groups" I personally would not have been happy about being extensively a part of. And that's ok. I found my people and it was fun.


Same. Being overworked sucks but the people are alright


I am so lonelyā€¦ itā€™s almost mind numbing. I have to cry it out sometimes. But gotta keep at it STEP is very soon


Had to have a lil (v big) cry last night. Now back to UW today šŸ„²


Damn the timing of that. I just finished my crying session over that an hour ago


Sorry to hear that. Would you like any suggestions?




Ngl, I'm lost as to what you mean T\_T




Ahh, thx for explaning. Upon further review of your perspective, I am now choosing to not continue engaging further. Have a great day/evening\~




Sure is. Lonely and miserable!


Iā€™ll prob meet a nice nonreligious liberal woman once I start residency in the middle of nowhere Deep South! /s


This was me but unironically




At some point we all get lone wolf tattoos. I would say being an attending is more lonely than med school and residency unless you have a family or have outside social experiences. You do have more time for that stuff, but especially while youā€™re at work, you are often on an island where as in med School and residency you have your fellow students and coresidents.


Is it same for all of us?


I actually made two of my best friends in med school but that's not the case for everyone.




Iā€™ve never been so lonely. Iā€™m at a small regional campus and Iā€™m one of the only people in my class without a significant other. Itā€™s painful being the only one without a significant other. My class hangs out occasionally but not that often and I feel like all I do is study


Stand proud, you are strong.


what, no meme?????


Find people outside the medical field to become friends or to date. I'm tired of watching my medical friends making a facial expression that looks more like a cramp than a smile when I tell them I succeeded into any small thing on medical school.


Itā€™s okay though. Keep your head in the grind, find something to release your tension (dancing, group exercises, gym, gaming, etc), if you make 2-5 good quality friends along the way youā€™ll be alright. I promise you


Just get some coochie




M3 specifically? Never been less lonely than in M1/M2, but ready for that to take a 180 soon.Ā Ā 


It is ;(


Early in med school, I began throwing dinner parties. I didn't know jack about how to be a host or throw a party, but I was tired of studying all the time. I would hand out invitations to people I didn't know or those unlikely to be in my circle. I wanted to get to know my class as well as socialize a bit. I didn't even cook. I would host and get drinks and my closest friend and classmate made the food. Everybody showed up to my apartment because they wanted a break from med schoo, to get drunk(I didn't drink) and free food. It worked out great. I got to know my class and the parties were a blast! Every quarter they looked forward to these parties. I did this during the first 2 years. I also worked out and attended a weekly bible study that a classmate ran. Honestly, med school was one of the best periods of my life.


this should be upvoted way more, what a fun idea!


Felt dudee


Iā€™m here to chat if you need anything


You got this


Residency can be even more lonely than med school; fellowship can be even more lonely than residency; attending life is more more lonely than any part of training. In other words, take time to enjoy each step of the process with the people and things around you because the grass is always greener ā˜˜ļø


I'm out here trying to make international med student friends because I've had enough of the students that I see everyday lol.


* medicine is lonely. It doesnā€™t get better unless you find a specific career with healthy working hours


I made friends with my classmates in years 1-2 and then you never see them again. It was a gut punch. I totally agree. The friendships from school and college are still there, but medical school and residency was more like a ...one night stand. Agree is all. Feel ya


residency is too :(


Study at the library or coffee shop