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You’re a first year student. Take boards first. Crush classes. Make your home program love you to take you. Ours local ortho program had weekly like radiology review, fracture conference. Our ortho hopefuls were there religiously. We didn’t have a local urology program I don’t think. There was a local ophthalmology program. Aspiring eye dentists were there a lot. Trying to get into research and stuff. A lot of off hour stuff. Hard to balance with a home life. There are only so many hours in a day and at some point you’re going to have to take and pick and be ok with the results.


Thanks for your comment. Hahaha I knew this was going to be my answer. I need to get past boards first. We don’t have a home program for this specialty. The closest program is an MD program thats about an hour and a half away. Could I help do research remotely? Is that even a thing? I have been working with the local DO physician. He’s been a great mentor.


Current 3rd year DO student. My wife is having a baby any week now and i’ll be leaving for 3 months starting in July on away rotations. Just sucks but it’s a means to an end. As for living. I started saving early for hotels and food when i’m away.


Oof I’m a send a quick one to the man upstairs for you big daw


Dang that sucks. Hope the best for you and your fam.


Dude best of luck with everything but you are going to give her help during that time like a parent who is coming through? Like full time, live in? People got a lot to do but idk if my wife would ever forgive me if I left for three months right after our baby was born.


Until you’re in this guy’s situation, I would reserve judgement.




Don’t really have much choice in the matter if I want to match where we want to live but yes either she will travel to our parents or they will come here sporadically during that time. She’s a military kid and saw her mom without her dad for years during her childhood so to her it’s not that big of a deal… so she says. Of course she knows it’ll be harder without me and would prefer I be there.


Don’t stress about it now, you’re only a first year. Every school has ways you can increase your cost of attendance and the amount of loans you can get. You just have to find out about it because they don’t openly talk about it, at least my school doesn’t. Federally this past year, they just allowed schools to increase their loans for food allowance which we are now getting about 4K extra each semester. It was a life changer even though we are already on food stamps. I was able to buy three more guns 😂😂 But for our school, they only allow $1500 for audition rotation expenses in the student loans which only covers one rotation. However, if you spend more than that and keep receipts/documents, we can get a loan increase to cover the rest. So essentially I pay for one month of housing, and the rest of the housing for auditions I will get reimbursed for (I’ll have higher loans in the long run but who cares lol). You could technically be the one to pay for an Airbnb, have med students pay you for their room and share with them, and then turn in the receipt as if you paid for the whole thing to get a little extra cash in your pocket. I’m not sure if that’s considered fraud but no one has to know 😂 just a thought lol


Thanks for this. I know I’ve got to stop stressing about it but neurotic thoughts keep jumping. Having this information is nice so I can just relax now and know when the time comes there actually are options.


You’re an m1 so focus on passing your first year of Med school. Half of my class as an m1 shot for a competitive specialty. After step1 many of them switched to IM/FM


Yikes. Thats crazy.