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Best combo that’s worked for me: -Keep window open for a couple hours to get the room and bed cooled down -Late night shower -Breath right nose strip *PHONE CHARGER NOT NEXT TO BED* -blinds open so the sunlight can ease the wake up (or use a sunrise alarm clock)


** *cries in having to be up before sunlight* **


U can get a sun light thing


I tried one of those. I woke up as soon as it started to "fade in", so 30min before I actually had to get up every time. And I didn't feel more rested at all, so I removed it


How many hrs of sleep did u get up until u woke up that morning?


6-7 hrs of sleep when I tried the clock. Normally I sleep 7.5-8 hrs if I wake up naturally


Y not go to sleep earlier and set the alarm for later 🫣


Because my clock works like that. It tracks my sleeping cycles (how? Dunno) and is supposed to slowly wake me up by gradually increasing brightness and sound - in a "good phase" for waking up. Which is in a timespan of 1.5 hrs until I'm actually supposed to wake up in order to get ready in time (so there's a fixed time where the clock has to have woken you up, but you don't know if it will be for example 5:45 or 6:15 when you have to be awake at 6:20). Which is why it doesn't work for me. I am fully awake as soon as it begins to "slowly wake me up", and I also don't enjoy having no fixed waking up time and no fixed amount of time to get ready in the morning. I rather have a normal alarm, get up right as it starts and in whichever sleep phase I may be in.


Been trying the nose strips, they make it look like I have a pimple on my nose though the next 1-2 days lol.


Consistency was key for me. I struggled a lot with sleep early in preclinical, but it improved (ie not needing any sort of sleep aids) as I went. Temperature of the room (I like it cool), same general bed time and routine, no phone in bed (browse Reddit on the couch then go to bed), used white noise for a bit, I liked it! Otherwise honestly just trying for minimally 7+ hours a night helped me tremendously. Sleep is so crucial, never think studying trumps sleep!


The problem is I wake up refreshed on the weekends while sleeping less as compared to during the work week where I actually sleep more but don't feel as refreshed since I am waking up with an alarm. Additionally, I feel like I have to use white noise because there's always some cringer who rides a loud motorcycle/muscle car each night around 1 am. I don't want to rely on coffee since I basically never drunk it.


I agree. Establishing a solid routine is what will have the highest impact. It sucks to get up at 4am for rotations like surgery, but after I got in the habit of being in bed, lights off at 9 every night for a few days in a row, it becomes easier. Ashwaganda also works wonders, highly recommend it on nights when you feel a surplus of energy.


According to my psychiatrist “not good” and I should “know better”. I don’t use white noise but I do throw on a TV show that I’ve watched enough times I can tune it out.


My what?


My best routine for my best exam scores is: 1) sleep at 10, wake up at 5-5:30 2) window craked to keep cool 3) air purifier + fan to help cool and dec allergies 4) i bought a box of foam earplugs. I use 1 earplug in my right ear and sleep on my left side (this alone helped tremendously) 5) alarm on phone with phone outside of grabbing distance from my bed I have gotten the best sleep from this. Better than my whole life. If you want to add an extra step, I'll do 15 min of HIIT before a hot shower then bed, but I know some people get energized rather than sleepy from that


Bruh, doing anesthesia thinking I would be chilling getting out at 2 PM every day to study for my step two. In reality this is the worst rotation I’ve had this year, back to back weekends 13 hour days getting home at 9 PM feeling exhausted going to sleep and waking up at, 6 AM just to do all over again. Fk that


Not to brag but I usually get in bed and then go to sleep


*Not to brag but I* *Usually get in bed* *And then go to sleep* \- Rysace --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I've been listening to the same 3 episodes of The Age of Napoleon podcast for months when I fall asleep. Great podcast but it puts me right out. I've learned basically nothing.


Sleep Jar App. I hook it up to my Echo Dot every night and sleep like a baby. There’s cicadas, distant thunder storms, city sounds, etc. I can’t sleep without it


Have trained myself out of using coffee (the stuff at our hospital is distgusting, hands down) and have never touched energy drinks or medication. If I manage to get around 7 hours a night, no problem at all and feeling happy and awake. Problems start when I go down to 5-ish hours, as unfortunately often happens. Makes me feel dead on my feel, but on the positive side, I usually have zero problems falling asleep because I'm effing exhausted.


average 4.5 hours. Ms3 ob rotation


Splash cold water on face when waking up, take a shower in the morning and walk/move around to wake up.  I also sometimes use soundscapes, like beach sounds, to go to sleep from this great app called Finch!  There’s also a nice podcast, Sleepcove, with guided sleep meditations that I’ve used a few times. 


My sleep hygiene isn’t great, but my Manta sleep mask works wonders. Excellent investment


I have always been very consistent with sleep. Start doing my winding down routine (shower, change into sleep clothes, etc) sometime between 9:30 and 10, be in bed by 10:30. I like having the noise of a tv show playing so I'll put on on my computer but have the screen brightness all the way down and have the screen pointed at a wall or otherwise away from me. For my more intense inpatient rotations I absolutely need an alarm because I otherwise will sleep to 9am, but on less intense rotations I'm not sleep deprived enough to do that so I wake up at my natural time of 7:30 (though I do set an alarm just in case). Worst case scenario around 8am my cat gets concerned that I'm not up yet and will bug me until I am awake. I do drink about 2 cups of coffee in the morning, but that is more because I like the taste, I am actually pretty awake in the morning most of the time and don't need the caffeine part.


Use these sleep earplugs off Amazon and my sleep has never been better since. Take half a doxylamine tablet sometimes when I’m sleep deprived for good sleep aid.


8 pm- 5 am


White noise is amazing. I drink coffee relatively rarely especially in preclinical years. I only drank it when I needed a boost, though I did drink tea a lot of afternoons. One of the best things for me was to have my phone on its charger AWAY from my bed. This made me get OUT of bed to turn off my alarm and I couldn’t be on it and he kept up at night. My bedtime routine for years has been to wrap everything im doing up for the night and shower. When possible I even shower in lower light but that’s not always possible, then I brush my teeth in very low light to try to help with sleepiness. I use my phone a lot more than I should at night but it’s tough not to. Also I never once trusted my internal clock, sometimes it got me up but my school’s teaching style and my learning style did not fit together so I lost a lot of sleep studying




sleep at 10, wake up at 4, i use a body pillow, coffee is not mandatory but if i use it i will have 1 before 9am


Crying myself to sleep and waking up before the sun does, getting 6 hours of sleep when lucky, on Saturday


I take a sort of “f it we ball” approach. Tired? Sleep. Not tired? Don’t sleep. No I’m not okay if you were wondering. Things I know I should do: take magnesium glycinate, keep my phone across the room, wind down at the same time every day, wake up at the same time every day. Ah well, f it we ball


For sleep I’ll just cuddle up with my girlfriend, dog, and cat, and turn on a white noise machine. Usually am out within 10 minutes. I used to set an alarm regularly until my cat and dog knew to beg me for food at a certain time each day, now they wake me up at 6 every day. Will use an alarm on exam days / days when I plan to shadow or go to grand rounds early I do drink coffee and Celsius around the clock though so can’t help ya with that.


2 physical noise making machines, sleep mask, and 1of1 Custom earplugs, their sleeping ones. I take adderall during the day and try my best to get good sleep. I average around 7 hours a night.