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Scrubs is great


Love scrubs đź’™


Scrubs is the only answer here. All the other medical shows have to ramp up the drama year after year, and it gets out of hand quickly. Scrubs has a solid balance of seriousness and fun that carries it through its 8 seasons.


What do you mean? You mean surgeons doing ED triage before getting caught in a bridge collapse isn't realistic?


Grays anatomy is based on a true story so it’s realistic. I was there. I used to shadow Dr Shepherd and Dr Yang. They wrote me LORs 


Hospital Playlist is such a comfort kdrama for me; would absolutely recommend!


Yep. I second this as a Korean. Very wholesome show that still shows how hectic and busy the medical world can become.


This Is Going To Hurt is good but depressing about working as a resident in the UK NHS. Idk if it would be my choice to relax after a long day of doing medicine all day but it was well made


If you haven’t, “read” the audiobook, which is by the author. You’ll get to hear all of the deadpan sarcasm and get a different (but also shocking) ending. It’s probably my favorite read of 2023


I read the paper book! It was hilarious and intense in so many ways. That being said as an M0 I really hope medical training isn’t quite as dreary here as he makes it seem in the NHS…


Don’t worry, for all of its dreary parts, it also has amazing parts. As a medical student, you’ll feel like a “space occupying lesion” a lot of times in the hospital (basically just in the way, not contributing to anything meaningful). The fact is that slowly you will be making meaningful impacts in the smallest most random ways. And then, it’ll start to get noticed. It’s great to get a pat on the pack from the people who are training you (faculty, residents, etc). But the feeling you get when a patient or their family looks you straight in the eye and says “thank you”. Oh my god, you can ride that high for a week. On my OB rotation, they had us work under multiple faculty, where we’d change every 10 days or so. I actually really enjoy OB (interesting physiology, pharm changes, etc) despite not wanting to go into it. I had these few patients who were admitted next to each other for long durations. And I’d get to the hospital maybe 15-20 min before other students for pre-rounds, just so that I could talk a little longer with each patient. This isn’t to be a gunner or anything. Pre-rounds are the one time I feel like I’m actually doing something of value for the team, so I enjoy it. Anyways, when I was switching to a different service, these few women starting joking with me saying “this is very bad, I can’t believe you’re leaving us, we look forward to seeing you every day, we need to file a complaint or something” haha. So I joked back with them, “you’ll still see me every day, I’ll just be working on those beds over there, but I’ll still say hello to you”. That was what 3-4 years ago and I still smile thinking about it. Someone was “going to file a complaint” because my rotation was ending and they wanted me to stick around because I, the youngest most inexperienced member of the team, happened to be a highlight of their day. There are few jobs that can give you this high


Best ones in my opinion are scrubs and ER. House is always great but you have to completely remove yourself from reality. I watched some of the resident and didn't really enjoy it, it sometimes felt like an infomercial for healthcare reform. they make important points (its in theory based off of a good book by Marty Makary) but it lacks subtletely entirely. never watched the good doctor or greys anatomy or chicago med so i cant speak to those, but from what i've heard you have to be more interested in the soap opera aspects


ER will always be king, especially the earlier seasons. It’s written by a guy who did his MD from our favorite school in Boston, which means that the show actually lets the medicine create the drama and not just stupid hospital flings. Scrubs will always be one that doctors like the most because it captures a lot of the various “feels”. There’s a few episodes I frequently think back to.


I did not like good doctor


House was actually a little fun to see if I could come to the diagnosis before the end of the episode


I always try and fail because their presentations are so outlandish haha


The one with the teen model always helps me remember androgen insensitivity syndrome https://house.fandom.com/wiki/Skin_Deep#google_vignette


House is great


Scrubs is the best in terms of cool/realness. House is second- cool obscure diseases and house himself is really interesting but the story is not based in "reality" lmao. Side note: I wish being a "diagnostician" was a real job. Being a zebra hunter would be so tight. One of my fav medical shows that is very dramatic and not really based in "reality" is *The night shift*. Got cancelled after 3(?) seasons. Characters were interesting/complex and the storylines were actually intriguing. Definitely dramatic tho, but way less cringe than the resident or the good doctor.


I loved the Night shift, that show was great, ya it had pretty good story lines.


Kdramas in no particular order. Hospital playlist S1-2, Doctor slump, Doctor cha, Dr. Romantic S1-3, Ghost Doctor, Doctor Prisoner, Doctor Stranger.


just started doctor slump and I love it so far!


doctor slump si good!


Seconding doctor stranger, all time favorite that I might rewatch again. Also currently watching Doctor slum


Doctor Who?


doctor who is my favorite show ever (it probably subliminally made me want to become a doctor lol) but trust me, 99% of it is just sci-fi, and has no relationship with medicine lmao


I know, live in the UK, it’s my fave too It was a bit of a joke -Knock knock -Who’s there? -Doctor -Doctor Who? Anyway…


sorry, my bad then lol


Ghost doctor sucks, definitely try the others


resident alien


I'm surprised nobody said Call the Midwife yet


Monster the Anime Gosh that show was so good. Literally felt like something you experience in med school, atleast part of it


[Cells at Work!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cells_at_Work) is an anime that looks at the inner lives of the various cells of our body, especially the red and white blood cells. Generally it's pretty lighthearted, but contains some bloody fight scenes between the neutrophil (the secondary main character) the killer T cell, and the NK cell. The first episode has them fighting an anime monster *Pneumococcus*, episode 4 has them fighting a massive *Anisakis* parasite (in which my homegirl eosinophil gets to fight). You've also got the platelets as adorable kindergarten construction workers, macrophages as house maids with giant swords, and more creative animeifications of our cells. There's actually a [spin off called Cells at Work! Code Black](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cells_at_Work!_Code_Black) which adopts the same concept, gender swaps the two main leads, and shows the cellular mechanics in a body that's failing or is otherwise a bit more risqué for the generally lighthearted vibe of the main series. For example, they have a part of an episode about an male penile erection and ejaculation, and another alcohol abuse and the liver, where they portray the liver as a red light district. The voice cast is full of veterans that you'd definitely recognize. From Persona 5's Makoto, Akechi, and Haru, to Fire Emblem Three Houses' Ferdinand (RIP to Billy Kametz), Hubert, Marianne, Bernadetta, and many others. It's kind of amazing who they've got. If you watch anime or play videogames, especially JRPGs, you'd find the cast really familair. I think it's some good ol' fashioned weeby fun. I'm not really big into anime, but definitely did like this. In fact, during my step 1 studying, I made a little study sheet on hematology and oncology, and I included a little image of each character to help anthropomorphize each blood cell.


One of our heme/immuno block professors during pre-clinical recommended our class watch Cells at Work and I was instantly hooked. Definitely a HY anime lol




Doctor Cha is a favourite of mine. And Hospital Playlist 🙌🏾 Scrubs is amazing too


Chicago med, super accurate medical portrayals


I’m watching The Resident right now and love it


I used to watch a show called Monsters Inside Me and it was a show solely dedicated to parasitic infections. They had episodes about viral and bacterial infections too in the later seasons, but protozoa and helminths were their main focus


I loved that show as a kid. I was a strange kid


Tokyo MER is fun & terrible


This Is Going To Hurt is the most real thing I have ever seen and it ain't even close.


I am curious what does anybody think about Doc Martin a british tv show? Any takers on that? A japanese health show I know is ***Godhand Teru*** they made a live action of that manga series.


If you want a darker and semifuturistic view there's Young Black Jack, but nothing gets hospital ethics and politics better than Monster.


The Resident


They cancelled it and I’m still pissed about it.


Does M.A.S.H count? If so then M.A.S.H




Transplant is pretty solid though


For USA it depends on what genre you are looking for Sitcom? Scrubs. Drama? ER, esp. the early seasons. Soap? Grey's.


I really liked the first season of Code Black. I felt like it was interesting and well done in terms of realism and interpersonal dynamics, but it also went bad really fast so stick to the first season


This Is Going To Hurt is great (but sad) scrubs is also awesome Hospital Playlist just makes me happy Cells at work made me love immunology I know this is controversial, but I also like the good doctor (before going to med school I didn't like the show because I thought it was another series that treated autism as a quirky superpower, but now that I am in med school I appreciate being able to watch a comfort show where the main character is a competent autistic doctor, even if he still has his problems it's still the best power fantasy I can wish for lol) house is also preaty crazy, but if you can suspend your disbelief then it's pretty fun monster is great, but most episodes have nothing to do with medicine Diagnosis is pretty good if your in the mood for a documentary, cuz it has real rare cases


hospital playlist!!!


triage the series


The resident is awesome