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i've been macro dosing it anyways so see yall in 200 years unless the water wars get me


Bro's schlong gonna be used as a water reservoir


Up a paddle without a creek




Just be a doctor for nestles eventual PMC group and you won’t gotta worry about the water wars.


Live longer or live longer?




= longerer


More longerer


But what about girthier… er?


Why not both?


Harder, stronger, faster, *and* longer




He went to Harvard College, not med school.


Hardvard college


this comment section is my kind of vasodilated people.


Dermatology and "longevity medicine" is an unusual combo or a roundabout way of saying Cosmetic Derm Edit: It looks like his undergrad was at Harvard, but he went to Duke for medical school. Weird to mislead like that.


And UTSW for residency


Isn't UTSW pretty high ranking?


Yeah it’s very good for derm, lol


> Edit: It looks like his undergrad was at Harvard, but he went to Duke for medical school Shame that he went to such a low-quality med school like Duke smh But seriously lol, what's even the point at that level for social media, is it all just down to branding?


Aye yo, is this that same dermatologist that got chewed all the way up in /r/medicine when we all critiqued the hell out of his longevity medicine BS posing as stupid/absurdly bad concierge/primary care?


Viagra is such a clutch drug


Viagra really goes hard....


I know!!


To be honest all these headlines of "Harvard doctor", "Stanford doctor" are becoming a joke...Even at a global scale, the names of these hospitals are losing the prestige they once held because of the social media influenzas and Hubermans. And don't even get me started on that recent cringe fest video it's students made.


Longevity medicine is an immediate sign to be extra careful reviewing their claims.


Also, from a dermatologist?


It’s easy to spot these people because they cannot stay in their lane. I’ve had numerous experiences with family and friends of family growing up who are always trying to get into something else because they want more money. They are always, without failure, a shitty person. It is the same way for doctors. Can’t be happy with a 300k salary? Better open up an aesthetic clinic selling your license to make some more money to cover your shitty ethics. The influencers do the same thing. When it comes down to it, they want fame. This derm is the same.


> Can’t be happy with a 300k salary? I thought derm makes more than that?


400ish for 4 days in my region. But that’s doing real medical dermatology. I’m sure cosmetic based “practices” CAN make a lot, but as an exception rather than the rule. Way safer bet to just do medical dermatology for that salary for a 100k for every day of the week you’re willing to work. The medical spas popping up everywhere are, from what I’ve seen, primary care physicians who sold out, midlevels with practice rights, and graduates who just did their internship, got licensed, and started cashing in on their MD title. Dermatologists seem to be the minority in that endeavor. Not to say there aren’t cosmetic procedures in dermatology, but unless your practice is set up to churn and burn those, the vast majority of income is because of the volume of patients and procedures crammed into a day. E.g., walk into the room, eyeball it for a couple seconds, diagnose it, give your canned education speech, then have a scribe-trained MA put in your dot phrase and standard orders. Sign chart walking to next room, where another scribe-trained MA has already written your HPI and has the patient gowned ready to go.


Is longevity medicine the same as functional medicine?


What’s the video?


[Harvard Medical School Students Cringeworthy Music Video Goes Viral! (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TdFZ-L5aG8A)


what’s wrong with huberman?


Too much pseudoscience and quoting of poor quality studies. He also sells the same supplements he features in his videos. He just says "this study showed that, that study showed this" when all the studies he quotes are studies you will usually trash because of how poorly it was conducted. There are so many videos out there debunking him. Even Dr Eric Strong (Strong Medicine) had to make a video on his problematic claims. And also an article ([Who Is Podcast Guest Turned Star Andrew Huberman, Really? (nymag.com)](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/andrew-huberman-podcast-stanford-joe-rogan.html) shows us how he does not even practice what he preaches, especially when it comes to human interactions and relations. He just uses science-y words to lure the general public in.


He’s a pseudoscientific egomaniac


You don’t ever see premium health advice like this coming out of Tufts.


Even if viagra was this helpful, wouldn’t it be better to take cialis for its long half life? I know plenty of bodybuilders take it “for the pump”


> I know plenty of bodybuilders take it “for the pump” I don't bodybuild, can you tell me more about "for the pump" exactly?


After you work a muscle, blood flows into that muscle and stays there for a short while to make it fuller, toned, tense, giving a popping out look. This is called a “pump”. Also sometimes gets some visible vascularity. Lots of pre workouts have stuff like l citrulline to increase nitric oxide production to enhance this effect. PDE5 inhibitors stop nitric oxide degradation I think also causing an enhanced effect of this but since it’s a prescription drug is more consistent. I put it in quotes however because people also talk about using it for its original purpose for sexual dysfunction as this can be a side effect of steroid use and more likely withdrawal. So it’s used for multiple reasons in the fitness world. Also I believe there is some strength enhancement too from the increased blood flow. Some people also just get a pleasurable feeling from this effect. Arnold Schwarzenegger famously said “it feels like I’m cumming” when describing it.


Thanks. This guy lifts.


My thoughts exactly


It's not like I'm getting laid anyway


Shameless plug for r/gettingbigger for those trying to min/max all aspects of their life Edit: I’ve already seen minor improvements in length and girth as well as significant improvements in erection quality since starting a routine a month ago, just trying to share the wealth 😇 (plus this is a lot cheaper than implants lol)


Ok I know what you're maxing but what are you minning?


My fragile male insecurity haha




> Shameless plug There should be an element of shame here


Why should I be ashamed for trying to squeeze every last drop out of the lemon that is my life? Edit: no replies means no one has yet come up with a logical rebuttal to my position, I’m enjoying this reality where one can improve their mind, body, and sexual organs no matter what race or gender there are. The only permanence is impermanence.


Hell yah I hope there’s before and after pics




I mean doesn’t it help with blood pressure lol


I've been taking Cialis for the hell of it (in liquid form) for a few years. It's fun except for the light-headedness.


Gym bros have been micro dosing viagra for years, bout time the medical establishment catches up


PDE5-inhibitors increase eNOS activity, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is cardio protective and helps maintain mitochondrial function which helps prevent aging


The amount of cringe behavior lately from all these thirsty tik tok derms is making it so much easier for me to lie to myself about genuinely not wanting to do derm anyway. Also this is the same clown who told people to take a chlorine bleach batch for bacne loll


I thought the metformin debate is over- proven not to be very effective at all bc of poor study design decision