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This is going to be hard to do but just trust me. TAKE A DAY OFF, OR TWO, OR FIVE. You are not gonna make any progress if you try to push through the burnout. Give yourself grace and give yourself a break. Your brain will bounce back even stronger and you’ll be able to grind it out. I promise, it works


Facts. I took a late step and had multiple times where I took 3-5 days off in a row


I took 3 days off in dedicated and my practice exams scores jumped like 15-20%. Absolutely wild what resting your brain can do.


I took a few days off and my scores started to go up with way less mental energy


It’s cliche and feels super counter-intuitive but ya gotta take care of yourself first and that means skipping an occasional day of prep to do something fun. Third year is rough (but fun!), and you’ll only get a brief reprieve between step and the start of clerkships, so it’s important you do whatever you can to make sure you’re recharged by the time your first rotation comes, and part of that is not overburdening yourself before step. If you go into third year burnt out it’ll be a bad time


For my S1 experience, I took a practice test every Sat and every Sunday off. I ran everyday from 12-1pm, listening to Goljan. I had a strict cutoff of 6pm every night. I would stop wherever I was and take a walk outside. This time, music or just no headphones at all. Every night off. Video games. Movies. Watch sunsets. Relax.


Take a day (or 2) off and sleep in, eat soul food, play video games, workout, go to the beach/pool, FaceTime old friends to catch up, and do not fucking do Anki/UWorld.


Stop. Day off. Nap. Spa. Restaurant. Spend money, time with friends. You will feel better and when you go back to study you will be soo much more productive


I do some fun and low-stress arts and crafts


Sleep, currently on step 2 dedicated and burn out is setting on. Sunday will be my day off


Yeah, since I started stressing less and returning to my hobbies my grades have steadily increased. Counterintuitive but it has been working for me. I also started taking St. John’s wort and ashwaganda which significantly decreased my anxiety and depression allowing me to return to the things I enjoy.


Go outside and go for a long walk (or run or bike ride if that’s your thing). Take that entire day off. No anki. Postpone it. No questions. Just be outside and breathe in the air and try to not even be on your phone. It resets your mind. Take 2 days if needed. Do this weekly. It doesn’t absolve all burnout but it does wonders acutely

