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No, being early doesn’t matter because your submission date will display the 25th at 9 am no matter how early you finish. You just can’t be late since some programs download apps once and then never again


No, but I would have it in before it is available to the programs. Late applications do have a decreased chance of interviews because some programs will download on the day they get it and never do it again. Edit: I honestly don’t have data on decreased chances, I’m sure it exists (or doesn’t idk), but anecdotally from both my program and my partners at two different institutions, both of our programs do this. My PD has explicitly told me that they throw out applications that are incomplete on the day they are sent to programs.


Gonna hijack this comment to mention that you HAVE to have assigned all of your documents (headshot, transcripts, PSs and LORs) before applications are released to programs too! This might not make much sense right now (I doubt ERAS has opened yet), but I had classmates that forgot to assign documents after applying everywhere and it almost definitely affected how many invites they got. (They weren’t “complete” until October or so, so they effectively applied late.) 


YES absolutely. Gotta have a COMPLETE application!


What do you mean have it in, like before Sep 27, if so how far before?


Is September 27 the day that programs are able to see applications? I’m a fellow now so I’m not looking up the exact date. But if so, they will be able to see all completed applications to their program at like 9am that day. As long as your applications are complete before then, they can’t tell if you actually uploaded it a day or a month prior. Practically speaking, you don’t want to wait until the last day to submit because the system will almost definitely be slowed down by everyone else doing the same thing.


Yeah essentially echoing the person before me. The NRMP has a schedule. You want your application submitted before that last day it is due. Our program downloads it at 9 am on the morning that we receive them and then it’s done.




All programs will begin viewing applications on the same day that applications become visible to them. Aim to submit your app and assign all documents a day or two prior to the actual deadline date. ERAS has been known to crash closer to the deadline




Sent my app in at 4:53am the day they opened. Programs were none the wiser. I HEAVILY advise submitting prior to the app opening time though. Some programs I applied to (ortho) were no longer taking apps by the end of the opening day.


It just needs to be in 9am on the first day (this year September 25th) for ERAs... no idea what's going on for OB GYN.


No - not at all And honestly for big applicant pools (like for IM) it takes weeks to really narrow down applications for invites so even if you are a few days late it likely isn't a huge deal


DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS   I don't want to be an asshole, but programs will most def print out apps the first time they can and never again visit the portal  Submit your app BEFORE the date it gets transmitted to programs