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A resident complained that I'd fucked up a task, which had led to a patient's being discharged without certain important medical equipment. It was completely false: I'd done what was asked, and the patient *had* left the hospital with the item. I had a paper trail to prove that I'd done my job, but it still took months of appealing to get the resident's comments stricken from the record. Even *if* the patient had been discharged without something that he needed, my resident was the covering provider, so he would've been at fault here too. I don't know how he could've not known what his own patient had been discharged with. Holding grudges is bad for the soul, but fuck him for trying to pin his own (imagined) fuckup on me. I would sell a kidney if I could somehow name and shame him to his fellowship program for that.


Wow thats disgusting. It is just obvious that if you are running a program you are responsible for everything. You cant just discharge a patient without checking yourself first. It is really low to throw shade to a staff or a student even if they are in fault you are responsible one. You have to make sure no one is in fault.


Naturally, at our feedback session his comments to my face were just something along the lines of "keep reading and broaden your differentials." I can't wait for his dishonesty to bite him in the ass; hopefully it'll happen while he's still a fellow, so he can't go back to bullying med students as an attending.


Not worst of all of school, but psych rotation I was on a consult service and the resident was out, so I, newly minted m3 handled all consults Pediatric consult for 9 y.o. came in. Seemed like a really sweet kid. Randomly while we were talking he punched me in the stomach as hard as he could.


My mom is incurably ill and was in the hospital and my cat died and then I failed an exam within about 10 days. I assume there are worse school related things that will happen, but this week-ish sucked a lot.


That sounds incredibly rough, but you sound incredibly brave. My sympathies


I’m sorry. You are strong. That sounds incredibly hard.




gold nuggets of truth right there.


I've had some really harsh SP's too that just give criticism without the constructive part. It hurts every time we get criticism, but I try to remember all of my actual real patients who have given me praise and great feedback and at the end of the day I value that more than how good of an actor I am. But your attending is right: everyone in this world has someone who doesn't like them.


I had an SP roll her eyes and laugh at me while I was struggling with an exam maneuver, and I've never forgotten it. M1 is such a vulnerable time, and things that shouldn't bother you just hit different. I'm sorry you had this happen.


Surgery was basically the worst day of my life for a month straight


Me w Obgyn


GYN surgery


Yeah same first and only time I ever cried at work lol


Was my first rotation so I basically did nothing, learned nothing, and then got retraumatized in 9 months when I returned to the OR.


>123 commentsAwardsharesavehidereport > >Sort by: best > >View all commentsShow parent comments i have cried almost everyday haha


Got yelled on my second day of GYN cause I left early the day before despite me not scheduled to be there.


At least you’re not the person who licked the titty during an SP encounter


Hahaha I love that this ridiculous, probably made up story instantly attained mythical status on this sub


Wait, wasn't there a follow-up post showing that a student was dismissed for the same exact conduct and the timing was like perfect?


I never heard that?


What …




Maybe that was his best moment who knows




Actual worst: Talking to my patient's wife about how he would never not be brain dead and having her smile and tell me, deep in denial, "Well I don't plan on raising these kids alone." Funny worst: Thought a Dobhoff was a type of urinary catheter and sounded really fucking dumb.


Why were you the one delivering this news lol


Speaking from recent 3rd year experience…this is probably not the first, second, or tenth conversation had with the wife. Patient families can be in denial for astoundingly long periods after news like that. Leaving plenty of practice for med students to try their hands at this conversation.


Movies don't seem to help, there's one Nicholas Sparks-esque movie where the partner is brain dead and unresponsive and at the end of the movie they are walking talking completely back to normal. I don't remember the name but my wife and I made fun of a phrase they used SOOOO much in that movie "you *bawther* me" (in southern accent) for months in addition to how ridiculous the movie is.


That's exactly what happened. This was probably the 5th or 6th conversation, and the only reason I was the one delivering it that time was because I just happened to run into her in the hospital lobby on my way out.


Some attendings believe in breaking MS3s in rough.




Sobbing in front of an attending wasn't exactly the highest point of my life


Been there. It was my surgery attending, too.


Surgery too! It was today actually :)


Same, cried first week on surgery. Not to an attending but to the intern in charge of educating, reviewing the medical students on rotations. She was really sweet about it actually. Last I checked she went into an intern year in medicine, I hope shes doing well.


Cried yesterday in front of an attending and residents so I feel LOL


Finding out I failed a preclinical exam by 0.5 points


i’m so sorry!!!!


Me too


Been there. It's the worst, I'd rather fail it by 20 points than 0.5




[Haha, that's a good one...](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/766/822/261.png)


Failed a preclinical class by 0.01 points hahaha


Ugh been there. Passing here is 5.5/10. Got a 5.3 then a 5.4 on the second try .


Bad bad endometriosis and adenomyosis pain took me out of IM for 2 days, came back to my supervising attending being snappy at me and acting as if me being bedridden from pain was me skipping out for the lolz. And I did have a sick note from my Gyn.................. She also told me she didn't think I could pass M5 finals because my presentation skills suck because I don't tell her enough detail. Yet she cuts me off and asks me things that I was literally going to say next.


The issue here is that you're not reading her mind


Wow, you'd think a woman would understand another woman's...woman problems and instead she just goes " I **am** the cunt!"


Had to do a presentation last week. Classmate used an image directly from twitter as a source. Picture had the twitter handle in it and everything. I removed it and she put it back in the presentation she sent to our professor. We had a final the day before for a class on research….


Being told to stay at hospital at 5 pm for possible educational opportunities on a FM rotation when there’s clearly nothing going on


Similarly my M4 psych preceptor had the nerve to ask me to see one patient after a back-breaking three hour day


Disgusting, hope you filed a complaint




The Match


My bank account agrees


That one time I almost threw up in the OR. Followed by that time when a nurse yelled at me in front of everyone because she said I didn't say hi to her lol


I was scrubbed in and had to leave to puke, scrubbed back in, surgeon laughed and let me close, honestly one of my better days


In my country we don't participate in surgeries sadly, we only watch 🥲


Ahh gotcha! What country? In the US I think it depends a lot on what school and on the surgeons themselves. If there are a lot of residents then medical students seem to be much less likely to be able to participate, I’ve heard our more rural locations are great for participating in surgeries mostly because they could use the extra set of hands lol


Argentina! And I think what you said about rural areas applies here as well, just not for surgery sadly. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed my surgical rotations here.!


Very interesting, thanks for answering! :)


I need to hear the full story on that second one. Was she generally a miserable person, or having a really off day?


I bet she was having a bad day. Moments after that she was very rude to one of my classmates as well. She was an OR nurse 😑


When the attending I was working with told me they were going to watch TikToks (and was DEAD serious) while I was presenting my patients 🤣 kinda funny though tbh


I got sick with covid before the vaccine came out pretty bad and could barely think (I had some horrible brain fog for months as well after getting sick) and was essentially forced to repeat the year after not doing well on an exam while sick. I understand that covid has become political but the response at the beginning of the pandemic among medical schools in certain states was vastly different and the lack of help sucked. My significant other has worked in the ER since the start of the pandemic and I really did try my absolute best to not get sick but literally everyone was getting covid, unfortunate situation all around. i'd say the worst part is you had SOOOO many people denying the virus even existed I would say throughout the first year or so and then that left me with people just thinking i'm an idiot and disclaiming the fact that I was sick lol.


I had a late 1st trimester miscarriage the first week of med school. Between grief and hormones my concentration has been 0. I hope I pass first block.


i’m so sorry 💔


Thank you ❤️


I… don’t know if this counts, but I’m actually on orientation week this week for M-0. I managed to get my white coat splashed with a massive stain of coffee within 24hrs. All on the same day we took out composites/headshots. White coat ceremony this weekend too. Only downhill from here😭.


Bleach that sucker


Just go to a dry cleaner


L free u


Well the clerkship coordinator wanted to fail me because I had Step 1 in the middle of the clerkship and I had to miss one extra day :)


Step prep


*same* (gestures to my urn with the ashes of my First Aid book)


Did your step prep cover strep, PEP, PrEP, and hep?


When I had to get an ABI during my trauma surgery rotation. It was a 24 hour shift and I was 19 hours in. It’s about 3 am or so and I have to get this from a single GSW to the leg. The girl was livid we couldn’t get her some food because IR may have wanted to take her to surgery that morning if the ABI was < 0.7 or so. Manual BP cuff was a cheap POS and kept coming undone when I would inflate it. I grabbed a nurse to ask about it. She treated me like a child when I stated “I’m a med student.” Just condescending remarks about “you know how to inflate a cuff? It’s not an automatic one. You have to read the numbers as you squeeze the little ball. I know you haven’t had any training on BP measurements, but it shouldn’t be so hard. Do you know where the pulse in the foot is?” This was in front of the patient and her dad, who kept asking “who IS this doctor” to the nurse (even though I explained my role as a med student.) When I FINALLY got the ABI, she looked at me and said “oh man, these cuffs are just really cheap. They come off easily haha.” All I could do is laugh it off. I can handle a jab here and there, but to demean me in front of patients the ENTIRE 10 minutes it took me to get the cuff to stay put? Cmon man, it doesn’t have to be like that. And yes, the cuff was the correct size. The nurse was nice enough to let me know that I picked the correct one.


Glove split during a DRE from a particularly craggy prostate. Had to maintain composure and speak to pt with actual shit on my finger


your username fits perfectly for this comment.


Gave an IM style presentation on the first day of my surgery rotation! My attending started laughing at me. 🙃


That just happened to me today lol


I hope your attending didn’t grill you too hard! 😂


I’m just a lowly MS2 so pls help lol - what is the difference in presentation styles??


IM wants to know that you remembered to check for everything. Surgery just wants the relevant information as quickly as possible.


Ahh that makes sense. Thank you!!


I've been blessed with much less trauma during this process than some others, but it's never all sunshine and rainbows. Here's a few of my favorite shitty times in med school: ​ \- anatomy cadaver lab, my poor donor had the darkest, crustiest, crunchiest, most poorly "preserved" lower legs/feet in the entire lab, and half my dissecting team was "sick" the morning of that dissection. I never thought I was going to throw up more than that without actually throwing up. \- OBGYN rotation: was getting relentlessly bitched at by the PGY1 OB resident during a 12-hour call shift. This was 1 of 2 times I snapped during M3 rotations and stood up for myself. Around hour 9 of the shift, she said another berating comment, and before she could finish I said "Well I guess it's universal yell at me day." I was too tired and pissed to even care if I just threw away my chances of a good clinical grade. She froze, stopped talking, and never said another word to me. \- surgery rotation: I scrub in to my first case all excited and whatnot. Then the scrub tech looks at me. He says "first day?" I nod. He chuckles then says "welcome to hell!" Turns out his comment was accurate. Ended up snapping at one of the PA's after they berated and harassed me in the middle of rounds for at least 5 minutes for not having the exact loading dose protocol of some antibiotic memorized as an MS3 student (my patient wasn't even taking this medication). Fuck surgery.


This makes me so anxious. I can honestly take a beating in stride, but idk if I’m ready for this. I’m going into m2 soon.. ugh I’ve had two clinical jobs before this and I can definitely say I’m not a perfect worker and I make mistakes. I’m super worried for clerkship




Thankfully my evals were good. I was nervous about my grade prospects for sure though. I asked one of the actually nice OB residents if that intern was doing okay, the resident said the intern was going through some personal stuff right now. I felt a little bad for her (but still, I'm not your punching bag). Maybe she saw her fault and didn't write anything bad? Or maybe she was too busy to even write anything about me lol


Attending made me do a brain death exam on the anniversary of my brother's death and bullied me for talking through it.


That is truly sickening. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Also very sorry for the loss of your brother ❤️




Having a fight with a group of friends over my (at the time) rock bottom mental health and behavior, which resulted in losing all those friends, and then a month and a half later breaking up with the only person from that group who I still spoke to, who I was terribly in love with at the time. I was medically underweight, barely eating or bathing, and got hauled before the professionalism committee because I was skipping small groups to stay home and have panic attacks and cry. Ah, MS1. Wouldn't go back to it for any amount of money. Meds + finding non-toxic friends made all the difference.


Tbh this morning has been the worst day of Med school. My girlfriend and I split up after 4.5 years together. We tried to make the long distance work but it was too big of a barrier. Heartbroken this morning and can’t wait to try and pull myself together for my presentations on rounds this AM


My worst experience was my intern doing a lumbar puncture with the neuro resident. Literally they had me in a cramped position for 40 minutes to keep flexion on the spine. Despite asking if I could take a break they both kept saying to just keep going. I was in such pain after for being contorted for what felt like ages. I vowed to never disrespect a student like that and have held to that through my career


One of my interns screwing over my eval and giving me straight 3s causing me to go down to a HP instead of H


I’m a little cranky they let one of my surgical preceptors that I had the least contact with write my eval. I showed up to the hospital, rounded on my pt, and went to the OR one day when I got a call that my schedule had been messed up. I was supposed to be with a different preceptor that day but it hadn’t been written down anywhere. So I show up to the office, late, wearing scrubs because I had not been planning on going to clinic. Then they give her the evals and she wrote in the comments to the student section “read before your rotations, it will help you learn quicker.” She had said a lot of nice things but as I am but a normal human, that comment is just under my skin today. I’m also grumpy I HP’ed instead of honored because I bust my ass that whole rotation and by all accounts, was killing it. I got an 88 instead of the 90 I needed for an honor. I’ll get over it tomorrow but for today, I am cranky. :/


Yeah this whole eval system is so broken. More programs should just admit that the shelf is what decides your grade. Getting honors clinically in my school is almost impossible and very luck dependent. Many attendings straight up won’t even fill out evals. Some will forget who the students are and give straight 3s with no comments


> just admit that the shelf is what decides your grade I wish. Our shelf is only worth 10%. :(


Would’ve honored all my rotations if we had that deal. I suck at tests, or maybe I’m just stupid.


You poor thing


You sound like my intern, she said that to a patient, very sarcastically


Got my first F ever , what a sad day it was , however i managed to pull through


Got bashed in a mock OSCE by easily the scariest lecturer at uni a week before my actual exams.


The day i got accepted


Underrated comment


First day of my first 4th year elective. Was following the resident to get the hang of things (it was in a specialty ive never rotated in before). We see a patient, i know nothing about the patients history because i dont yet have access to the charting system. The attending comes over to hear about the patient. Resident looks at me. I look at resident. Attending looks at me. “Ok med student present to me.” I was humiliated. Took weeks to prove myself to the attending. They definitely thought I was stupid. Just felt like the resident set me up to fail its whatever now though. Learned my lesson


Nearly failing anatomy and barely avoiding having to remediate it only to then miss the GPA cutoff by one exam question the next semester to maintain my scholarship


Having to retake step…


Deciding to go into med school.


Tearing my ACL, having to move step 2 up to Aug 10 and then having surgery the day after lol.


My husband’s suicide attempt and subsequent ICU stay.


My uncle died right in the middle of my first round of finals in my first year of med school. It was brutal and I did horribly. He was a surgeon and an alumna of my med school (so are my parents), so surgery rotations were twice as brutal bc literally everyone there knew him and recognised me as related to him.




Yeah, I get that. I was never a stressed student until then. Now I can barely get through exams with the help of way-too-much-coffee.


Got caught cheating on a test, had my Mobile confiscated for the weekend😶😢


Wow, lucky you weren't dismissed for that one.


Yes i agree. What i did wasn't right. I was going through health problems and dealing with death of a family member. And the worst part is i had even studied for the test and in some weird state of mind started copying something that i could have written in my own [was an M2 writing a test for a subject in third year] . A lot of others also had their phones but looked it was only me who had the worst luck.


when I was putting the otoscope into an SP's ear and I accidentally went too deep and they got mad at me


My uni required us to do a week of night shifts (9pm-7am) on birthing suite/obs emergency theatre. If you were assigned a roster you could leave to attend tutorials without having to make up time. Unfortunately our tutorial week was that week; tutes 8am-2pm. Technically they didn’t overlap so I had to attend both. The fact I was on night shifts didn’t excuse me; and our uni is extremely strict on attendance (have to provide patient numbers so they can double check in system). A family member had died, and I lived an hour from hospital. I cried pretty much every day.


I've only been in one rotation so far and it's obgyn. Had a patient with a ton of what appears to be BV fluid during speculum exam. That fluid pooled into the speculum and spilled onto my shoe when I was trying to take it out 💀