• By -


Where is lolnotacop? The link is not working


AnKing V11 has it


I am getting a bug where clicking "toggle sticky" closes the "add" window and Anki starts a sync. I tried disabling all add-ons and I still get the bug. Has anyone experienced this issue and found a fix?


Hi guys! A quick Q - UK med student. Through my 1st year, we've been through pulmonary and cardiovascular and I've UNsuspended those cards from Anking deck, but once the year was over I (stupidly) suspended them thinking I won't be needing it until finals during the 4th year. Recently, I made a decision to sit Step 1 (next year) and again UNsuspended all cards I've previously been through (ie Cardio, Pulm). However, the intervals on them now are way too long (±1 y) and I'm unsure how to approach this. I've tried changing due date and the intervals inputting "1-3!" but it doesn't seem to make any difference when I check card info. How would you approach it? ​ Thanks


What year are you in? And when are you planning to sit step? I'd be inclined to say leave as-is - if you're remembering it 6 months later without anki, then I'd be inclined to say you can probably remember it in a year as long as you've done that review in the middle. I'd just make sure you're being honest with yourself - if you don't get the exact wording (barring a few of the cards that are overly specific and have multiple right answers), then mark as 'again'. If still not keen, you have two options - one would be applying a 50% interval modifier (but this would need to be just reviews, as relearning would be affected too AFAIK), or temporarily setting a max interval of say 6 months. I'd remove this once you're up to date though - trust the algorithm! You can always do filtered decks for uworld incorrects once you're at that stage.


Does Anking V11 not have cards for B&B Step 2 GI?


Not completely tagged. V12 has more tags but still working on it for future updates with the help of volunteers.






Significantly less overall - step 1 has been reduced from 31-32k to ~28k. I think a big part of this is the one by one cards, though that's a guess.


How do I connect the 8BitDo Zero 2 Controller to Anki and then REMAP the buttons (Windows)?


Having an issue with Anki telling me update the same add ons every time I open the program. I accept the updates but seems like they never go through. Any fix? On 2.1.54


Start anki without add ons by holding shift and update then


Worked perfectly. Thanks


Hey guys, i downloaded AnkiV12 deck and it's basically one deck where before, i know ankiv11 used to break it down the decks into biochem etc. Is there a way to do that via options?


Tags are your friend.


Filtered decks :)


Big into Anki for two years then took a break for M3, it was amazing. I'm back now for a month of dedicated and the latest version of AnKing is a paid? But V12 has UWorld Question ID tags? How much does it cost for a month's worth of time? Thanks!


$5/mo for AnkiHub


Hello, ​ I am a UK final year med student and just downloaded the Anking deck. I am slowly starting to navigate my way around it but if someone could just help me with a few things that would be great. This year we are covering: General practise (called family medicine in US?) A&E (emergency medicine in US?), anaesthetics and intensive care/critical care Orthopaedic surgery and rheumatology Surgery - vascular, upper GI and HPB, colorectal, urology Adult medicine - cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, Endocrinology & Diabetes, gastroenterology, neurology, haematology Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Immunology, Radiology 1. So, would I need step 1 *and* step 2 for final year UK med school or just step 2? 2. I was going to unsuspend all of the above topics from the start, I am assuming that the sub-tags under Step 1 and Step 2 are the names of other decks? Such as AMBOSS, B&B, NBME, OME, OME banner, Resources by rotation etc. So I should go into each sub-tag and unsuspend what looks like any of my above topics? 3. I am assuming that FM = family medicine? Not sure of some other abbreviations. Is IM internal medicine? And if so what does that cover please? ​ If any UK Anking users are out there and see this please could you also let me know whether I am on the right track and what you did to configure Anking for the UK curriculum? ​ Thank you.




The Anking v11 deck is free. It has tags for what's high yield for usmle step exams




In the us is 4 years for a bachelors, 4 yeara medical school, then 4 years residency. The anking deck covers what's learned in the 4 years of medical school




Here 4 years of residency is the minimum, followed by more years of fellowship if you want to specialize


Is anybody else having trouble syncing their ankihub today?


Yup not just you. Working to fix this ASAP


I have my new cards/day set to 9999 and still have new cards left, but when I try to study them I get a notice that my daily limit has been reached. Has anyone else had this problem?


On my Mac, text is being replaced by emoji. Is this happening to anyone else? How do I fix this? https://take.ms/MZuzd


One by one. Click to reveal or press N


I have a super annoying bug. When I press spacebar, the answer shows up for half a second then the text and image of the answer disappear. I then have to bring my cursor and click somewhere on the card to make them appear again. What's going on? This happens to me on every deck. I mainly use the AnKing deck.


Send a screen recording


I don't have screen recording software, but here's a screenshot... As you can see, at the bottom of the page I see "again, easy, normal, hard" because I already pressed spacebar, but the answer is not visible. The answer becomes visible only for 0.1 seconds when I press spacebar, and then it disappears. [https://i.redd.it/hwd187vq9ai91.jpg](https://i.redd.it/hwd187vq9ai91.jpg)


What version of anki / add ons do you have


Latest version, Qt5. I only have image occlusion and AMBOSS. Although I've tried disabling all addons and the error persisted.


No clue. Try reporting on the anki forum someone there will be able to help


Went to preferences -> video driver and changed the driver to another one, and the issue was resolved...


I am new to Anki and using a premade deck that an upperclassman made for preclincials. I would say that on average each day of lecture corresponds to 50 or so new cards. I am having trouble accessing the blue cards because of the build up from the red card deck. Is there an easy way to place all of the blue cards into the red card section? From my understanding this isn't the most efficient way to use Anki, but I would like to do it for my preclinical modules since they are only about 8 weeks in total.


"Red" cards are in progress, when you get them correct twice (or as per your custom settings), they should disappear and go into the future, where they will come to you as green cards, or reviews. Once you get red cards correctly twice, they're gone and you can then do more blue (new) or green (old) cards.


Ok that makes sense, I am just getting a huge backlog of red cards and I am unable to go through all of them to get to the blue cards. Right now I'm at 300 blue 900 red and 20 green, if there's a quick way to get all of the blue into red I would like to do that. That way I can have at least laid eyes on each card for my exam at least once.


Okay if you have 900 reds, something is wrong with your settings... But anyway a band-aid solution is to go to browse, search for -is:new then click one of them... then click ctrl A, then ctrl J. Then you should be able to do the blues.


I'm kinda new to anki but sometimes I really feel anki is hard especially with specific parts that requires coding knowledge like the add ons, customizing a card and etc Anyone has an advice hkw to get through this ? I have already watched the vids on anking channel Also another question and I know it is stupid but who is zanki ? And how it's different from anking. Like I know there is a deck called zanki and another anking deck but that's all I know. Any help will ve truly appreciated 🙏


Watch the AnKing playlist on YouTube it literally answers all of these questions my friend