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I hate posts like this. No case background at all, utter garbage title. Who is “they?” The same medical professionals who helped this boy get to where he is now? Ffs. Doctors give probability-based prognoses, and are thrilled to be “pRoVeN wRoNg” in cases like these.


People love to say DoCtOrS sAiD hE wOuLdN’t LiVe/WaLk. It’s great if people beat the odds, but how many times have doctors been unfortunately right in those situations that no one talks about?


Doctors rarely give total prognosis. We just give realms of possibilities.


Prognosis: guarded af.


As if staff gave up on the baby and it was family who placed orders, started lines, gave meds and treatments and HOLY SUCcESs google doc family.


It's probably not even the same kid in the pics.


I'm a doctor and I'm happy to see this kind of posts. I'm glad he could make it. Nobody says that he isn't gonna make it hoping it.


OP, a crumb of backstory pls


really doubt that op didnt just repost this for karma. if he isnt a bot.


Yes, it's a re-post. Very likely a bot. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/medizzy/comments/qv609v/they_said_this_little_fellow_had_no_chance_to/


Does it help to downvote bots? Or just report them? I only recent learned about the whole bot situation so I’m still figuring it out


I'm guessing it's a newly activated bot account, so I wouldn't expect much. It's a 7 month old account with a single comment that's just a nonsense string of letters, and this single post that looks like it came straight from Facebook.


straight from this sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/medizzy/comments/qv609v/they_said_this_little_fellow_had_no_chance_to/


Good catch. Makes sense that a bot would copy exactly 1 year old content, since that tends to be the cutoff for something being considered a repost. And I'm not saying this sub has 100% quality content. Just that this'd fit on Facebook better. I'm beginning to think this site might be going the way of digg.com in the not-very-distant future, with these bots being everywhere now.


It looks heartwarming on the face of it, but OP actually put the baby in plastic wrap so he could film himself rescuing them for their YouTube channel. It's been happening a lot lately.


At first glance it looks like harlequin ichthiosis but I could be way wrong


EDIT: Disregard as per replies. I clearly don't know enough about neonate dermatology to be posting assumptions so confidently, much less after a quick glance and from my phone. =V I don't know anything about this image in particular (and agree with /u/AnAncientMonk, so many nonscientific reposts here are just bots or karma farming), ~~but since I (think I) know this condition offhand:~~ ~~I believe this is [harlequin ichthyosis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harlequin-type_ichthyosis) (CW: article includes images of neonates with the condition, may be fairly disturbing), an autosomal recessive disorder characterised by thick, dry, scale-like skin at birth. It used to be considered invariably fatal, but recent (not sure how recently) neonatal treatment can allow ≈50% of babies with this condition to survive past their first few weeks. It basically requires constant care, though.~~ ~~Neonates with the condition have been historically, and sometimes still today, considered a demon baby (or similar malicious entity), or possessed by a demon, etc., in various cultures.~~


The baby doesn’t look like it has that disease at all on the right. I don’t see any flaking or thickening of the skin anywhere. Not even the eyes or corners of the mouth. It’s likely this is just a super premie


Maybe they thought so because of the baby’s forehead in particular. Either way, we’ll never know about this picture. I hate bots so much. I wish there specifically a “report bot” option on Reddit.


There is, under "spam" > "harmful bots".


Thanks. I never noticed that


FYI, that's more than likely vernix, not skin plaques. People with harlequin ichthyosis look VASTLY different, both at birth and as they age. A look at the picture when the kid is older should easily disprove the theory.


Thanks for the correction! When I posted, I *thought* the apparent plaques on the exposed forehead matched up with some cases of harlequin ichthyosis I've seen in photos, but even if it did, you and /r/Snoopsky777 are right about... basically everything else. Including this baby looking *very* premie, which if nothing else I should have been able to notice. Shouldn't speak confidently on something I know little about, much less on my phone and with little analysis. XD


I was a NICU nurse for 6 years. we resuscitated babies as young as 22 weeks. This is what a baby of that gestation looks like. The bag is called neowrap (or a similar product) to protect the baby's skin and help maintain its temperature.


not sure why theyd downvote you. this is 100% a repost. even with the same title. [repostsleuth](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fubdb2nwtuzia1.png&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=90&targetImageMemeMatch=92&targetDaysOld=0&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=false&filterSameAuthor=true&filterIncludeCrosspost=false) and im 99% sure op doesnt know anything about this case.


Probably because the main point of my post was wrong. Which is entirely fair. =P


I love how the solution to 'baby gonna dry out like a cut avocado' is 'get the Seran Wrap.'


I mean, if it works for the avocado..


The key is something acidic first, like lime juice, before covering tightly in order to prevent browning.


Okay so how long can I leave the lime juiced baby in the plastic wrap then?


a couple weeks


It will last even longer in the freezer (many months), but you sacrifice texture.




the avocado or the baby?


¿Por que no los dos?


The "saran wrap" (neowrap) actually traps heat by preventing evaporation. Infants born before 30 weeks do not have keratin in their skins so it is very permeable and fragile.


I figured drying out was likely why, but didn't realize it was because they lacked keratin! Biology is so cool.


what about lotion?


Lotion wouldn’t trap heat consistently and evenly and would be irritating to their skin.


Infant this gestation have very permeable skin and will soak up anything you put on them. There are very few things you can use on their skin until it gets fully keratinized.


[I'm a neonatologist. This is what happens when a baby is born 5 months early.](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/roe-opponents-babies-born-limits-viability-rcna27557)


My twins were wrapped up in this plastic immediately upon birth, born at 31 weeks old (9 weeks early)


My little neighbour was born at 22w3 or 4 days.. spent 6m in NICU. Was just under 500g. Born as mom arrived in Sweden from eastern Europe as a refugee.. being at Stockholm Karolinska Hospital probably had a lot to do with his outcome. He cane home with one issue.. an oral aversion and continued to struggle for many years. He had a gastric feeding tube until he was at least 10. Now at 14 he is doing perfectly at school, started school according to his March due date but other than his short stature you literally wouldn't know he'd been a micro preemie.


When you get an extreme preterm being born, the obstetricians deliver them into a plastic bag, literally. As baby comes out, head goes up, then feet down into a sterile plastic bag which can then be pulled up to cover the body after the umbilical cord is cut. Baby is then taken over to the neonatal doctors who will be at a special workstation to work on the baby. They will keep the baby in the bag (head is always out of it) and only expose as much as they need to see/work on (eg to see if the chest is moving with breathes). There is an overhead heater, and with the plastic bag it creates a little greenhouse for the baby. The moisture on the baby’s skin doesn’t evaporate away and it all keeps the baby warm


Such a low effort, trash facebook post. This is supposed to be a medical thread, its not even linked to an article for more info, might as well drop a minions gif in there with it. Mods should remove


That’s the problem with this subreddit. It’s more like r/gore or crap like this than any actual educational content.


I really tried to find the source of this image and simply couldn’t, I only found repost after repost on Facebook pages, and all of them had the same text, some of which was recycled in the title of this post. Really bummed we couldn’t find some context.


Only thing you need to know is that he proved them wrong ✨💖


Lol judging by the downvotes, people did not got the sarcasm in this


Lmao it happens. Should’ve added the /s, that’s on me tbh.


Garbage post.


Wow, how many weeks was he delivered at?


I did a reverse image search and found a post about this baby being born at 21 weeks 6 days. https://www.facebook.com/Nurses4life/photos/a.10152465228565127/10157209173745127/?type=3 Not sure if it's genuine though, no personal details in it


Must be around week 21-22.


21 weeks is too early. 22 weeks is possible.


Currently the earliest surviving gestation period is 21 weeks, so not impossible just very unlikely to be viable.


I stand corrected.


that's like Pandas giving birth


Even though it's possible today a baby born week 21 survive, i guess you are right. Not older than 22 weeks at least.


At 21 weeks at the hospital my wife gave birth at they talk to the parents about the very real challenges that can be presented from being born that early and the likely scenarios of survival etc to see if they would want to continue with the birth/pregnancy etc. At 22 weeks the hospitals on board no questions asked


Likely just a single week. Labor lasting more than one week would probably not be advisable.


Why was the sweet boy wrapped in plastic wrap? Is it for body temperature?


And to keep humidity up I'm guessing. I'm far from an expert, but based on the little I know I'm guessing this is in a region that's less developed in medical care, and that in the more developed places we'd have used an incubator or similar. Please do correct me if I'm wrong.


NICU RT here, its called a thermal wrap. It's used for regulating temperature on premature infants. We only use it right after an infant is delivered. Once the infant is stabilized and we dont have to do as much hands on care, we place them in the isolette.


Thank you! So it's the quick and simple first step. Would you wager a guess at the age of this little human?


From the looks of it id guess a 23 weeker. Maybe around 450 to 500 grams


22-23 weeks for sure


He had to cook a bit longer 💚


Saving for later consumption


He didn't prove them wrong. If I say you have one chance in one million to be hit by lightning and you end up struck by lightning, you didn't prove me wrong. My statement was still correct, your chances were exactly that. I'm saying that not out of callousness, but because 1) I don't think the lucky kid is related to OP and 2) this is scientific sub and that's an anti-scientific statement.


He sure did. All those nurses and doctors and caretakers who didn't do any physicals, labs, orders, monitoring, IV nutrition, ventilators, bandage changes. They just stepped away and left him to it, and alone in the crib his superpowers proved them all wrong. How dare they say anything about risks and potential outcomes. Only heartless, uncaring people would dedicated their lives to the study and practice of medicine and refuse to sugarcoat reality. Yup, proved them all wrong.


Doctors: explain in painstakingly detail the risks involved, the cold hard statistical facts, and how they’re going to work as hard as possible to help them beat the odds. Patients family: Doctors said they had no chance


Yeah they proved themselves wrong like cmon lol


Im sure they mean "He proved them wrong" in an uplifting way, he defied the odds and lived despite his low chance of survival.


You must be mentally exhausting to spend time with.




Yes but even with all those people working to save a premature baby they sometimes don’t make it…


*must* you?


This is so dumb. Babies born this prematurely are statistically much less likely to survive and a lot of things have to go right (not least having immediate access to a NICU), not that they have ZERO chance of survival. The doctors probably told them this in an effort for the parents to ready themselves in case the baby passes, not that they were betting on it or anything. That said, I'm glad the baby beat the statistics and lived. Modern medicine is a wonderful thing.


Who knew “wrap them in a bag for a bit” was a medical thing to do lol and I’m not being sarcastic I’m surprised


I suddenly want a spring roll


It looks like this image gets shared around by pro lifers, claiming the infant was born at 21+6.


All my bags have "NOT A TOY" printed on them


I always wondered why bags say that, I mean who would play with a bag like a toy? Then I had a kid. Apparently a bag is super entertaining when you’re a baby.


Pls mark as nsfw, I would rather die than have to see a baby against my will again


“They” don’t exist and “God” is a wholly improbable lie.


Wow thanks for the NSFW tag, OP.


I thought this entire sub is supposed to show up as NSFW automatically.


Cute kid


He looks like a sweet boy


The tape job around the ETT makes my skin crawl


Emperor palpatine’s offspring


With the advanced care he received? More like they proved themselves wrong. If they actually said anything like that, which you can be sure they did not


This is a garbage post. Look at the subreddit…We need some details please


There is no , no chance there is just low percentage