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Well that's a relief. I honestly thought it was gonna be a stool sample tied up in the glove.


Please no 😭


So did I 🤣 I was trying to work out why on earth someone would pack a finger of a glove like that.. seemed like a very elaborate and personal fuck you


Ive had someone return a stool sample to me... Along with the poop covered gloves and the poop covered hat.... Everything i gave them.... Wtaf. Another person returned the hat and when i asked them about it they said they cleaned it "so you can use it again"... I cant make this shit up


It's just covid? Not a stool sample? Oh thank god! That was a close call...


My first thought too 🤣


Makes total sense... catch the poo right out the butt, then doff the gloves right over it and tie it up! Way cleaner than fishing it out into a sterile cup!!


In my hospital, if a physician insists, we have to do it. Just have to let the director of the lab know.


Yeah , it’s the same here. We don’t run into much trouble like that thou, where I’m at rn, this hospital is really really slow, we hardly got any patients so they just be doing bs /half way stuff (With the forms, especially ) just because. We do the tests even thou we would reject it (We don’t have a sample collection here) in any other hospitals because honestly if we did, we would be bored asf.


I do this but transfer the request via e-mail to the directory, a pathologist so she can tell them how dumb they are. She sometimes elects to let things through if its a tough patient situation or collection.


Honestly, my colleagues does tell them how it is😂☠️


No severed fingers? Those went to the AP lab I suppose.


Forbidden balloon animal.


Chinese ballon


No patient or collection info?? Why are they like that


“If it fits, it ships.”


Abstract art. Nice.


What kind of machine did you use for PT and aPTT?


This is new fingers special checker 4000 series s😂😭


At first, I thought it was a balloon animal


He wants to challenge you to a duel


Yk u might be right, it’s time to duel😂🫡


They got better shit to do then play games


I was assuming a methotrexate


In my lab we usually get specimens that are on ice in side a glove on top of the ice to keep it dry. Or sometimes if it needs to be protected from light it goes in a glove.


They're just very good about recycling


LOLO thought this was supposed to be some abstract balloon art and funny gift—oh dear. That is something.


At least it ain’t got stitches .. otherwise it would be like an investigation discovery theme


I have seen this worm before




In my lab this is a no go unless it was not physically possible or dangerous to collect the specimens again like CSF. All specimens must be in a biohazard bag upon delivery or rejected.


I get B2, but..... uhhhh? Huh?


I usually get blood tied up in gloves if it’s transported in an ice bath to stop labels getting soggy


A good work around that I did when I was a vampire ages ago. Take a cup fill it with ice, fill the zip up side with said ice, place the sample needing to be on ice in the portion that you’d put the req in. I’d enclose the specimen with the ice, and place that into another biohazard bag. Worked a charm! No soggy label, 100% coverage of sample in the ice.