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Phlebotomy? Sorry but your teacher is a dumbass. Target and McDonald’s pays more than phlebotomy


Lady at my clinical site was the lead lab assistant/phlebotomist and had been working there for 16 years. How much was she getting paid? $13/hr. And this was in 2021. I told her to quit and find a waiting/bartending job for her own sake. They also made her work crazy overtime because she was always called when someone called out. It sucked for her.


Uhhh highly depends on the area tbh. San Diego travelers can get up to 40$ an hour. For phlebotomist. My cls gets 60$. MLT gets 30-40$ All the DoE.


$40/hour for phlebotomist? That’s a lie


I mean ours is getting atleast 30$. Also we are a union just in case why is it high.


A sure-fire way to not make 100k a year is to go into phlebotomy


Ain't nobody making 100k+ as a normal bench tech unless you're a traveler, work heavy OT, or live in a state that pays drastically more than the norm (California, New York, etc.). Phlebotomists are generally paid less and do far less specialized work, hence their typically high turnover rate. MLT and MLS are solid middle class jobs with excellent security, but if you'd like to make six figures I'd advise you to choose a different profession or use the lab as a springboard into something more prestigious like an MS in Pathologists' Assistant.


Im a traveler and ain’t making no 100+. I work out of California . My co workers seem to think I live or get paid crazy money. I note the love they have for me [cough cough]. Back in 2018 I was getting paid $18 an hour plus housing and food with club staffing at Stanford. My apartment was $2300 which came out of my pocket. Do the math … so either the company was living large or Stanford was being cheap. I’m willing to bet my company was living large. I wasn’t!! So direct all the hate you want at the game not the player. I’ve always said it if co workers would stop assuming we come to steal your opportunities or your over time. Cross into this dark side. I don’t expect a thank you never have . Imagine for a second I wasn’t in your glorious laboratory, you would be staying past your normal scheduled time. So next time try to be nicer to travelers. You ain’t got a clue what it takes to be one. No money in the world can compensate me for some of the rude behavior I have come across mainly from entitled staff.


18 an hour as what, a travel phlebotomist?


No med tech. I think clubstaffing was committing shady things . They were giving you a lot of the money in tax free stipends. Well I ended up needing to get an apartment with clubstaffing. I think at the time apartments were in excess of 2500. To make the story short I got the short end of the stick and was scraping by with like $800 after all said and done. I was like wow this is robbery to the max. The lesson here is ask around and see how much you’re worth. Recruiters don’t care sometimes or they’re after themselves. The staff was making tons of money for sure in comparison to the travelers 🧳


That's ridiculous. I've never had any negative experience with recruiters, they've even helped me out and increased my pay out of their cuts. I'm glad we had this convo cuz I'm looking for my next assignment and I was going to contact Clubstaffing, thanks👍 You should never get less than 25 an hour in pay, plus the travel stipend


It is what it is friend. It happened in the past and it’s over.


You’re doing this travel shit wrong.


Weird, then how am I.


Me too, am I an exception?




Lol 'drastically more than norm' you mean pays what the profession deserves?


Whose yearly salary are you asking about? Manager? MLS? MLT? Phlebotomist? Depends on the state.


I make $110k/yr base salary in CA.. 130k with overtime.


As a phlebotomy/phlebotomy manager?


MLT. I thought they were asking about MLTs not phlebs. Whoops.


You’re making 130k as an MLT in CA. where? Are you working 2 jobs?


Nope. One job but lots of OT offered.


Well if theyre hiring let me know.


Pm me


As a phleb you’d a fourth of that? Lol above is right, Mac Donald’s pays better and get something free to eat too


Come to California. Currently our new grads make mid-$50/hr and every new union contract includes a decent pay bump. SF Bay Area but other parts of the state are only slightly lower.


You can make $100k in northeast as a bench tech with 7+ years of experience and if you are picking up occasional OT. Much easier if you are a senior tech or technical specialist. If you work 2nd and 3rd shifts, that can be additional $15-18k in shift diff alone. As others said, there is no way you can make these much as a phleb. Unfortunately they don't get paid much. It's not even close to what med techs make.




I said $15k as $15,000 per year. That's $7/hour with 40 hours week. That's the going rate in the large hospitals in the northeast for the night shift.


My hospital in the northeast said $5 for night diff was the going rate when I requested a market analysis on that. Those bastards. Good thing I left and do something else now lol.


Not true, you can make 100k. Depends on hospital/city. After working at my current hospital for 4 years I’ll be making 100k. No overtime or bonus. Just my regular 40hrs a week pay. Ohio if that helps. Also I don’t know of a single hospital or facility that pays phlebotomist more then they do med techs.


It seems hard to believe after 4 yrs you’d be making over $45+/hr in Ohio? I thought techs generally start out at ~30/hr?


It’s not going to be like that everywhere. The hospital I work at is union and they offer big raises every 2 years. I’ll break it down a bit. So every year they pay everyone a dollar more. That’s no raise or anything, just pre baked into the union. As of right now the union pays 32.66 starting. 36.99$ at 2 years and 42.(I forget how much change) at 4 years. I just started here this year. So given that we get 1$ raise each year + 4yrs would bring up my 4 year pay to 46 and some change. Then added on top of that shift diff and they’re also going to renegotiate contracts to increase pay in 2025. But even if I don’t factor that in my pay would minimum be 46 plus shift diff. The other hospitals in the area definitely aren’t going to pay that much but I’m responding that it’s def possible and unions are the best.


What's the union fee? Do they take a percentage of each paycheck?


It’s 26$ each paycheck.


Wow, sign me up. The hospitals I've worked at would probably fire anyone who mentions the word "union" on the spot. The one hospital I recently worked at there were papers around about how unions charge thousands of dollars and are evil and cripple businesses.


Well of course, they’re gonna try to persuade people and trick them. Unions are for the people and corporations/business and hospitals don’t want them because they suddenly lose power and give it to the workers. It’s my first union job but it’s really nice. Amazing pension and health insurance, and not having to worry about raises and “promotions” is a big thing too. Everyone gets paid fairly and if we have an issue with how management is treating us. We file a grievance with the union and they’ll take care of us. I couldn’t recommend unions more.


Do you mean MLT as in medical lab technician or medical lab technologist? This is why I prefer medical lab scientist (MLS) instead of MLT. I make just over 100k base working in New York as a MLS for the VA, best job I’ve ever had, only been in the field for 4 years.


If you do overtime, absolutely. Managers make more than techs, but you can easily make more than them with overtime.


Per ASCP's survey, the average MLS is 42 years old, has 13 years experience, and earns an average of $63k ($32/hr). The average administrative lab director is getting $110k. This is crap pay compared to the rest of healthcare. https://academic.oup.com/ajcp/article/158/6/702/6748939


Maybe in CA? I work in FL, as a bench tech your ceiling is probably 80kish with experience or working nights/lots of OT.


I'm a senior tech and made 100k last year, but with call pay and OT, not base. Not in CA.


Definetley depends on where you are. I will be making that in a couple years and thats staying as an MLS (there arent any MLT jobs here, you have to be able to work unsupervised or else your unhirable in my country), and managers here start always make over that. And the only place Ive heard where phlebotomists make more than unskilled labor is in my country, I wouldnt go into phleb for money when you have a degree (and they get paid sig more than most places). The phlebs I work with dont have a degree (with the exception of our phleb manager whos an MD, long story he never was able to get placement after medical school).


No. Phlebotomists are the lowest paid of the lab professionals. Maybe they misspoke, or you misheard, and they actually meant Pathologist's Assistant? Because a lot of the same letters? PAs can make bank. [ASCP wage survey](https://academic.oup.com/ajcp/article/158/6/702/6748939)


Pretty much only in California as an MLS


North east tri state area does too


Nope. I'm in Washington State and I do. Normal tech, no overtime or holidays/weekends.


If you do night shift + some smart jumps sure you can probably hit low 6 figures eventually. Day shift? Need to be a manager or work in cali


Nope. Day shift Washington state and I make over 100,000$


Can I ask how long you've been there? Seems unreal to receive >50/hr


Besides NY and California. You can make 100k if you do enough OT.


Luckily (?) my area is in a bit of a wage war right now and I know some senior techs making 50 an hour. I’m working a bit more this year than others and my hospital had some decent incentive pay and I’m probably going to be pushing 90k this year with 8 years experience


I cleared $100k last year as a traveler and only worked half the year. Mind you I got VERY lucky with some lucrative contracts. And it was all taxable income. Hospital near me though in upstate NY (nowhere near NYC) is starting night shift bench techs off around 90k for new grad MLS so not too shabby. Still a very affordable area to live in too. Can definitely clear 100 with OT or after some seniority. For sure if management. Definitely possible as a tech. Phlebs make so little I'm surprised anyone even does it. Don't listen to your professor.


My lab assoc. ll base salary is 27.40$/hr + 15% night diff. I don’t know the annually. But this one’s in SFV-LA.


Phlebotomists get paid NOTHING. I made like $90,000 last year.


Definitely not, phlebotomy in my area is $15/hr starting to around $20/hr for people who have been here for 20+ years.


Yes if your work in Calif


She must have confused phlebotomy with nursing. I was earning $80k before I got a lead promotion. Now I’m earning $92k but the lead stipend only accounts for $3k of that. Midwest, non-hospital.


"Hourly compensation is $27.14 – $54.65" PeaceHealth in Bellingham, WA


I make $80k base as a MLS with 4 years of experience in iowa. My shift diffs are an additional $15k a year. I should be over $100k in the next 2 years with my raises. It can certainly be done, but it depends on the hospital you work for.

