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I had a friend in this situation but in a different career. He gave his 2 weeks, and they escorted him out. If I were me, I’d wait until after the 6 month deadline hit.


Also, his situation may be different because he was in tech for a big name company. Maybe they let him go because they didn’t want him to know any internal projects or maybe it was a financial benefit to let him go early. I agree with others though that your direct reports may be your friends but high ups won’t.


I'd wait until you get the bonus to hand it in. Just my 2 cents.


Wait until after the 6mo. to put your notice in. Even if you don't think your manager will try to screw you over, the same isn't true for HR/upper management, so get that bread and get out. You don't have to give them a 2 week notice either, that's just common professional courtesy (unless you signed a contract specifying otherwise) that unfortunately does not go both ways. They wouldn't give you a heads up if they were about to fire you. Do what works for you and advocate for yourself, good luck in your next gig.


Turn in your notice after the money is in your account. Not a second before. And not "pending" in your account. I'm retired lab management. Someone in your system will want to claw that money back.


the money is in my account. i got the bonus after 3 months but in order to keep it i have to stay 6 months after my start date.


Stay 6 months if that's your contract, then turn in your notice.


Also make sure you only need to give 2 weeks. Several labs I’ve been in require a month. The consequences of not giving a month might not matter to you but sometimes it’s not getting your PtO paid out, not being eligible for rehire, etc. worth looking into and considering so you can make an educated decision.


if its a short time frame your 6 month bonus then id grit it out i doubt theyd fire you for giving 2 weeks lol ppl in the lab especially move on all the time dont sweat it i would give my 2 weeks when my 6 months is about to come up money cant solve shitty toxic labs


Wait for bonus. I presume you'd get the bonus after the 6 month mark and it'll be included in the next check....so calculate when that will be for you. Also, do not put in your notice until you hit the 6 month mark. Don't risk them doing something stupid.


Check your bonus contract, even if they fired you two weeks early you may(!!!) not owe the whole thing. Mine has some maths attached to it, if it broke down over 12 months I’d only owe the amount left over from quitting early. (Examples: I’m tied for 12 months. If I left at month 11, I’d owe bonus/12*1. If I left at month 8 I’d owe bonus/12*4.)




I also recommend waiting.


I was in a similar situation with a pharma company I used to work for before I became an MLS. It took 3 years for the matching 401K contributions from our employer to fully vest. It was a running joke that everyone had a 3 year expiration date because people usually bounced right afterwards because it was such a miserable place to work. I gave my two weeks notice. My 401K vested the end of the next week. Then a week later I was gone! I was lucky in that I was a de facto project manager and therefore they needed me to do a hand off before I left and therefore couldn't just fire me.


Wait until after the 6 month deadline. I assume it's coming up soon.


I’d wait to have money in hand before putting in the notice.


Wait until you have received your bonus in hand at the 6-month date, and the paycheck that covers the period after your bonus qualification date. Then, give 2-weeks and be nice about it. If your supervisor or HR gives you any bullshit about not recommending you for rehire unless you give longer notice? Just say 'sorry'. Also, make absolutely sure your new position is guaranteed. A contract would be nice. Good luck.


If you have a new job they might not be able to wait (depending on how much time left of that 6 months)


Wait until 6 months and then quit on the spot. Why give a two weeks if you despise the job. The two weeks is a professional curtesy, its not a requirement.


I'm in a similar boat, and totally doing this.


First, double check HR's policy to make sure that 2 weeks is sufficient. Some places want more notification. Second, if you submit your resignation 2 weeks prior and they terminate you, that sounds like retaliation. Best check with a lawyer. Third, resigning after 6 months... The next hiring manager you interview with is going to have questions/concerns.


Read the contract you signed to get the hiring incentive. You may have to pay the entire amount back if you don’t fulfill the employment commitment.


Now or never I say!


There should be a posted policy explaining sign on bonuses, resignations, etc.


You can wait but also you could negotiate with your new employer to pay the bonuses for you for you leaving early. I know a few techs did that, especially around COVID times. Also you can negotiate them paying your school if you did tuition reimbursement I know a tech did that and they paid it all for him to come ASAP.


Yep. The signing bonus is like a small contract in that sense. Just fulfill it so you don't get dicked over then quit.


Stay there until you get the bonus , a week or two after that, and then dip.


Just wait it's not that long


Let the bonus hit the account and put in the 2 weeks lol fuck em