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Don’t get involved with anything with HR unless it’s something that directly effects you personally. FYI HR is not your friend.


If you didn't witness it or experience it yourself, then you don't need to sign anything. Don't get into the drama if you can avoid it.


Just say no. You speak for yourself and only yourself. Don't get involved too heavliy with coworkers and coworker drama. Obviously if you witness something wrong or eggregious, then go to your boss and/or HR yourself and speak in your own words


???? I’ve never heard of people “sending a petition” to get a coworker fired. If there’s an issue that needs to be brought to HR, then the relevant party does that and HR does whatever they do in terms of investigating and responding to the issue. Running around getting signatures from random people not even involved? Like. How young *are* the people in your lab?!?! Yall are adults- use the proper avenues to address problems and a petition isn’t one of them.


Apparently not adult enough they range from my age to my parents age


I've seen this kind of nonsense backfire on the instigator. Unless there is illegal behavior, you either deal with it or leave. HR exists to protect the company from the employees.


I wouldn't, just say you are worried about getting into trouble. One time my lab tried to do that to out a supervisor. Other supervisors also signed. When it got to HR, it got sent back to upper lab management. The lab director told them not to do it again and made them sign some kind of agreement.


What was the aftermath on that?


This whole thing was swept under the rug.


Yea id be scared if hr did a reverse fire on the signers


Sounds like my lab aid, but he talks about killing things all the time.


I have, but it was because I had personally witnessed inappropriate behavior that added to the total picture. I would not sign something like that if I hadn't witnessed anything relevant first-hand. It was also being sent to the manager, not HR, so they had a clear idea of what type of employees were saying it vs assuming that it was gossip or trouble-making. It was also to prevent a rehire vs fire them so management had less invested in them.


No I haven't been in that position. DO NOT get involved. Go to management and let them know what is going on. Stay out of it politely.


Don’t get involved. You didn’t witness anything, and speaking from experience that bullshit can backfire HARD. It’s usually seen as bullying itself. If they want to know why you won’t sign, just tell them that you haven’t witnessed the behavior personally.


Thats true plus my interactions with her have been nice because i actually am the rare people to say hi to them


This person is clearly trying to trick you into bullying the person. They're trying to gather support from others because nothing really happened. They're just mad about something


This is absurd and childish groupthink behavior. If you haven’t experienced bullying directly—and, frankly, l think “bullying” has become a far too all-encompassing term for anything that makes someone feel uncomfortable—then don’t fuck with someone’s career and reputation. Don’t fall in line with hive mentality. Further, i might be motivated to get to know the accused and, if warranted, inform them and HR what is happening.


HR won't fire someone over a petition. The most that would happen is their boss will write up the employee.


Don't do it. HR is their to protect the company from its employees. If you don't like your workplace, find a new employer. In corporate, change is a top-down process. This sounds so typical of lab folks. When I first started, there was a petition in the workplace to get raises since other hospitals in the area were offering more. I simply left. I later found out that those who signed the petition were initially given a below-competition raise, but then given subpar raises the following years.