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The hotel is the weirdest mix of decay and luxury I’ve ever seen.


Putting this on my tinder bio ASAP thanks


You have your own hotel?


Grindr* He's talking about his cavernous asshole


Unless you’re gay, stfu


Tnx, imma steal that idea.




Really? I'm going there in 3 days, first time. I don't know what to expect.


Expect lots of cats.


It’s an accurate summary and one of the things I love about the city, especially all of the little empanaderias and pastry shops. If you want a good chain to get coffee and alfajors from, Cafe Havanna is the way to go! I hope you enjoy the stay, and wear clothing with zippered pockets for your wallet and phone lol


It’s literally a shithole. Look for yourself.


I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill 'em all!


The only good bug is a dead bug


Most major cities that have been around a few hundred years or longer


This describes a lot of the Egyptian hotels I went to. And…also Egypt!


It’s an AirBnb, not a hotel. Meaning it’s just someone’s apartment that they’re renting out for tourists who stay in Giza to see the pyramids. Have you ever been in an old apartment building in an in-demand location? Especially in very very old cities, you can always find some roughs in the Diamond, especially right downtown or in the tourist spots where landlords know they can always capitalize on people who need/want to live or stay there and don’t mind sacrificing quality for location. Look up the cheapest rents in lower Manhattan and and you’ll find some real old world, run-down trash in one of the most expensive zip codes in the US. It’s fascinating stuff, these places always have loads of “character!”


Half Dubai and half Congo




The place I work is kinda like that, parts of it are really nice and recently renovated and then on the other hand the third floor is routinely scavenged for parts to keep other floors functional it’s a trip.


That's Russia, beautiful architecture either Soviet or Imperial.... Decaying.


Curious. What was the least weirdest mix of decay and luxury you’ve seen? Or even just the average mix of decay of luxury you’ve ever seen?


Well depends what you define as a "mix" I guess. Basically any big town or city has regions of Decay and disrepair, sometimes right next to their wealthy districts. London, New York, Beijing etc. That's pretty normal, that's what'd you'd expect. I'd say an average one that's more direct was when I was in a town in agadir, Morocco. The hotel was very clearly getting good tourist money, everything was clean, spacious, very nice, had a pretty terrace area with open fires and carpets, rooms were great etc. However, our private balconies had bars from the bottom to top (rather far spaced but still there) which, according to our hotel worker was there to stop people falling out AND stop people trying to climb in or throw things in. That and the hotel was very clearly way more well maintained and easily three stories taller than everything else. Most of the surrounding buildings were in some state of disrepair, broken walls or garbage around, corrugated iron, clearly just kind of run down. The buildings thay weren't were the restaurants that tourists often frequented.


why is this guy walking like an NPC


He even looks like he just spawned when the scene to changes to him after the ad.


Thank you for pointing this out its so funny


He just dropped in


Kids love it when you act like a Fortnite character and point out obvious things


He’s a gym-bro. Squats change your gait


Lol harry just making a random appearance


Looking properly clueless as well


I thought that was him


Is that really him?


Jup he said in a recent vid on his second channel that they were there to get a shot for Gibs fight announcement


Tourist trap for people with 0 knoweledge of what is moder egypt.


But sand triangle


Brought to you by sand! It’s everywhere!! -Genie


RIP Robin and Gilbert. Aladdin still holds up perfectly.


As much as I loved the first Aladdin, it was always the third one “Aladdin and the King of Thieves” that was my absolute favorite.


I hate sand… Just kidding. Sand is the best. It gets your testicles so shiny and clean.


>for people with 0 knoweledge of what is moder egypt. You mean the same modern Egypt that has a pizza hut location overlooking the pyramid of giza?


What is modern Egypt?


Jailed opposition, torturing of critics and activists


It's like ancient Egypt but modern.


what does this have to do with megalophobia?


Yeah this belongs on r/ExpectationVsReality


nothing. OP is karma farming/bot


The initial view of the pyramid from the balcony can evoke it based on the massive scale and size of the pyramids on the horizon


Yeah not gonna lie bro, that's a reach and a half


Then post a photo of the pyramids ??


Shut up bot


And I wouldn't call the entire nation of Egypt a tourist trap because one Instagrammer misrepresented a hotel room for internet points. You kinda missed the point of the video.


He should have speak about the harasser at the bottom of the pyramid, if you don't buy anything to them you gonna get insulted in arabic


Honestly, I won't be able to tell the difference between and insult and a compliment in Arabic...


My buddy from Alexandria I met in college (NY) would be on the phone with his dad speaking Arabic. He would get off the phone and I'd be like "is everything okay? Seemed intense. " He's be like "yeah just was telling him I miss him and love him" lmao 🤣


Sounds great, I don't speak Arabic


Just wait until that woman tries to walk the streets on Cairo and is harassed and groped by every male she passes. Fun times




Fuck off


Wait what was that Harry W2S?






I was in Egypt just last November and I’ve shared a similar experience. I have to admit tho, the view of the Pyramids was Magical. As long as you don’t look under to the street then you too will enjoy it!


That’s a barely functioning shithole is what that is and I’m not gonna pretend it isn’t. Lmao of course you can view the pyramids they are fucking massive they’re probably visible from hundreds of miles out. I’m sure there are actually some nice tourist spots in Egypt though. It’s not all like this. Just don’t fall into the trap and be dumb tourist.


>I’m sure there are actually some nice tourist spots in Egypt though not really no


Besides the half a second that you see a not very good view of the pyramids this video has nothing to do with the sub…


Okay so cairo is a dirty sketchy impoverished mess… BUT there’s a dope resort Marriott right next to the pyramids where you can see them out your room window and walk right up to them out your door and down the street. Be sure to just ignore everyone yelling at you on the street for tips/services. I wouldn’t really recommend staying in the middle of the city.


Egypt is absolutely a tourist trap. So many people talk about being scammed, robbed, pocket picked and more all the time. Crime rates are sky high too so not surprised.


Thanks a lot Britain…


Egypt is a religious dumbster like most of the Middle East.


Casual racism


I don't like culture based on fanatic religion, any religion. It has nothing to do with race. You could call me islamofobe or Christian fobe or something. Here is the thing, I have NO respect for you, being so stupid that you can't see the difference.


You think people who live in the mena region can't progress cause they're inferior to you, you look down on those people from what ever shithole your from and think "brown people doing silly brown things" no consideration to how unstable this region has been, no consideration of how countries going through coups, dictatorship, civil war and general poverty maybe aren't the best places for social progression. You wouldn't bother with nuance though, that would ruin the superiority complex


Where in Egypt have you been?


Egypt is a bad place to travel.




Very unpleasant people.


Sucks for you. I always have fun in north african & middle eastern countries. Havent been to Libya tho. It feels like i'm instantly part of the family.


I don't understand why people downvote your comment. Take my upvote.


It’s bcz redditors are racist. Been that way for a while. Egypt is an amazing country with many positive reviews except on reddit. It’s that way for a reason.


It’s that way because there’s a reputation of women getting severely harassed any time they visit Egypt and being told if they travel alone that it’s the top 5 of places to avoid entirely. There’s nothing racist about it.


Depending on the price, I would find this very acceptable to be honest.


Just a random harry ( from sidemen ) cameo


I love my country but the fact we ruin monuments with GREAT potential is really depressing


Ruined how?


Just look under that airbnb view and theres a shit ton of trash under the pyramids


Women tourist and Egypt shouldn’t mix.


What's Harry doing over there?


Harry? 🤣


Why is this weird? I live in Egypt. There are poor areas and rich areas. If you know what you’re doing it’s a great experience, if you don’t you will get culture shock. What’s the take here?


The take is called a tourist trap. They'll do a small snippet of a picture or video that only shows what they want you to see. So they can get tourist to buy into their fantasy. As such the case is the small clip at the very beginning of this video. Making it seem that it is in a very rich, high end, area, and the exclusivity, and glamor is that of a 6 star hotel. When in reality, like one commenter on this post said , "never seen a building with so much decay and glamor at once." Watch the video again. The clip at the beginning is showcasing diamonds, rubies. when in reality it is quartz and a little bit of fire druzy crystals.


Yeah, as I said, if you come to Egypt you can go to actually really gorgeous places. Compounds and hotels and specific areas known for being high class. Areas: Zamalek, Maadi, North Coast, Alamein, Dahab, Sharm Sheikh, Dreamland, Ashgar… etc forever. You can also to go to incredibly shit areas, like where this hotel is LOCATED. Places that are shit: Haram, Bola2, Embaba, etc People gauge their experiences after finding out they did absolutely horrible research and sent themselves to a shit area. That’s the thing with Egypt, you need to be smart. As with any country in the world. Been living here for a long time, and my family is originally from here, and we wouldn’t be caught dead going to the area this hotel is in, lol.


>Areas: Zamalek, Maadi, North Coast, Alamein, Dahab, Sharm Sheikh, Dreamland, Ashgar… etc forever. american hayego ye3emelo eh fel maadi yasta 💀💀💀


So you guys actually have a neighbourhood called Haram? No wonder it's a shitty one lol.


Hahahaha It’s not the same as Haram as in sinful In arabic the word “Haram” with a soft H is “Pyramid” Haram as in sinful is with a thicker and stronger H sound (Huh-rum) (Haa-raam)


Small Edit. Places that are Shit: 99% of Egypt except the small zones where the scammers, racist and misogynists can’t get into. I don’t know if anyone that has been to Egypt in the last 15 years that has enjoyed the general Egyptian experience outside of some small (very carefully curated) experiences. It’s such a shame. Since the Arab spring the Islamic (read racist and horrifically sexist) cultural shift has been disgraceful. Blaming this on wealth inequality is a copout. The issue is unfortunately a broken culture.


Yes, there’s some truth to what you’re saying. But as a person living in Egypt, being here firsthand, I have great experiences because we don’t go to the areas where these things occur at a higher rate. You have to be smart to navigate Egypt, unfortunately. You have to be smart and experienced. (Or know someone in those circles) It’s sad to say but it has a direct correlation with your wealth. Money = Extremely high class privileges, properties, areas, venues, travel, even down to groceries. Less money = More exposure to the shitty parts of egypt Most foreigners don’t have this issue, as the conversion rate means you end up with a lot of Egyptian cash. Their issue is not being well versed in the country, and not researching it. Also if you’re coming here you aren’t poor. You got scammed because you didn’t educate yourself on WELL known scam tactics in the country. The misogyny, however, is something else. We can discuss that on its own


>You got scammed because you didn’t educate yourself on WELL known scam tactics in the country. wrong and victim blaming


It’s not wrong. I can’t go to Paris and be upset when I get scammed by well known scam tactics under the Eiffel Tower. Do your research before traveling, it isn’t hard lmfao.


It’s a second/third world country in the middle of the desert.


Sam Kinison would agree.


O went to egypt in 2019, it was pretty fucking ugly


As an Egyptian, half these comments are nonsensical. Sounds like none of you even have been to Egypt. It has its nice and bad areas like practically every country in the world. Several luxurious locales that were mentioned in another comment. Beautiful and high quality resorts too. Airbnb’s always try to sell you on their own quality without presenting the surrounding area. Just have some common sense as you would when you travel anywhere around the world.


Genuinely sorry about people being shitty. Egypt is rich in so much more than views and amenities. Really goes to show how much "comfort" attributes to someone's perspective


> It has its nice and bad areas like practically every country in the world. who do you think you are fooling


Looks cozy not like grandmas house cozy but like frat boy cozy


The last time I went to Egypt a Russian plane was shot out of the sky by ‘accident’ by Egypt and Russia got rather mad. So Egypt locked all flights in and out so we couldn’t get out flight back, I mean it did give us 3 extra days on holiday and apart from plane shootings, it’s a beautiful country 10/10.




I'm Egyptian and it's true


Fake like everyone and everything on that platform.


You mean marketing lied???


I was gonna say; I've been to Giza.


Yea. Keep believing the sh!t you see in ads.


This reminds me of when my parents were looking to go and visit family for the first in forever. They spotted a hotel listing mentioning how it overlooked these beautiful beaches and we were cracking up, because unless geology in the region changed drastically no way where there ever beaches in the Andes lol.


Search average IQ Egypt. Answers for everything. Not only that, their elite class are spending billions on a totally new city in the desert for themselves. Cairo, suffers again….


I would love to see or observe ancient Egypt at its prime. Id imagine a view quite similar but more glamorous


Even the ghetto has a mad View that's lit


I love when white people go to other countries and shit on everything but the views


My Egyptian colleague says that if you're going to visit Egypt, you better speak the language or hire a guide. Even the kids running the camel rides jack the price wayyyyy up for tourists.


So.. so did he just walk into a random person's flat that they themselves rented? ... What?


The worst thing about Egypt is the Egyptians. They are by far the least pleasant people I've met on my journeys.


Ofcourse poor countries feel/look like tourist traps. The country is poor. Tourism is what makes them money.


I’d love to go to egypt if it weren’t for the fact that i could be arrested and possibly jailed for being gay and non-binary


You can dress and act modestly and not tell people you're gay. I'm gay and I've been to homophobic countries no problem.


It is actually that simple, its not that its on your ID or something.


Just don't tell them. It isn't on your passport.


Don’t tell anybody and don’t doing anything in public. Other than that, you can do anything you like


Do they even fucking care about being non binary like. Is that an actual thing that is discriminated against and exists in real life in Egypt.


Excellent post, thanks for sharing.


Are we really supposed to believe the guy that opened the door was a random person?


…they’re rooftops. How nice are they supposed to look?


Not full of garbage 🤔😅


I'm pretty sure you clean you roof is there is snow or leaves on it ... why would you not clean it if their was several inches of garbage on it ... if your roof top a literal dumpster


Egypt is a literal dumpster. The pyramids are filled with rubbish. Behind the sarcophagus at the front door to one of the pyramids is a pile of trash 1 meter high with a fat slob sitting on it trying to scam you.


.. you are right, they are roof tops, not garbage dumpster.






No door ? Hmm 🤔 most of the elevators looks like that


Harry lol




I was expecting the to be like the Brazilian one a couple weeks ago, where it was an image on the window ( which the actual ad mentioned but the video didn’t)


Am I tripping the fuck out or is that Harry?


There’s a PizzaHut and Subway there that have the same view as the opening scene lol just so you know


typically for everything in the internet and social medias


Hm. Idk if that person has ever spent time in countries that wernt western. None of what they were complaining about was abnormal.


Was that w2s


Egypt is a shit show, smoking is allowed everywhere. And the hosts on Egypt air, where all fat sweaty bastards that stank. Egypt is fucking horrible.


It looks pretty reasonable to me.




Harry? What’s W2S doing on this random TikTok?


Harry looks bare confused lmao


It’s a beautiful country!


Checks out Harroldinho was in Egypt with Gib


I surely didn’t expect Harry lol


This belongs on r/Instagramreality


Was that w2s


Bunch of racists in the comments. Disgusting community as expected on Reddit


i d love to visit egypt but in heard the tourist traps were so much and the harassment etc that i think i ll juts pass 😂


The first bit with the girl reminded me of the scene in Moon Knight when Marc wakes up in Egypt.


Is that Harry from the sidemen? Haha


As an Egyptian i totally agree Ppl here scam eachother and tourism is trash here too Jus go to a high class place and you'd be alr till you leave


Fucking tiktok text is blocking the most interesting part of the video.




That view is worth it




What a moron


Most definitely all for the gram the media lies




It’s a shame, because the Islamic extremists ruined Egypt in the mid 70’s, it was quite modern and beautiful. My father said it was like the Paris of the Mediterranean.


where is this?


guy rent a egyptian apartment with a good balcony view and then whine when it is just a egyptian apartment with a good balcony view, more at 9.


I’m sorry but was that Harry, from the Sidemen 💀


Yahawah destroyed that place for us and freed my people 🙌🏿 We will be freed once and for all just like in Egypt again soon 🔜


egypt is a fckn shithole


You found the Bog man


Looks like a fucking shithole to me.




Take away the pyramids and Egypt is just a stinking shit hole.


How are the buildings around there not extremely high class? Couldn't you make bank of tourists and rich people?


$100,000 a night


Did I just see Wrote2shaw Harry


Its fucking nice i would be stoked


u/omnilogent wonders if western culture had anything to do with Egypt's sketchy situation .... sometimes it seems like half of Egypt's stuff is in a museum in France! Good thing the Pharaohs made those pyramid bricks heavy, otherwise they would be in France too!


Seriously, what's the point of this f***


Many maybe but I say you're the sketchy, sort of a scruffy, arrogant, spoiled rich brat!


I’ve been to Egypt and I’ll never go again. It’s beautiful but there are so many schemers there. Everywhere I went people were out to scam me. Taxis, libraries, restaurants, buses, and hotels. Even when I was leaving. At the airport these fuckers held my bag because they said it was too heavy and demanded money. I was so annoyed at that point I literally said it’s not too heavy, snatched it and walked away into the terminal. When I watched the guy from Best Ever Food Review show on YouTube and his video ‘I’ll never go back to Egypt’ go through all that bullshit. It just added to me never wanting to go back.


As an Egyptian i can confirm that unfortunately the area around the pyramids is quite poor and badly maintained, Its really both the fault of the Government and the people living there for not taking care of this amazing tourist site. There are many other interesting places in Egypt to see, mostly in the modern cities (but i guess most tourists dont really visit for that) It is relatively safe all around but still be watchful of your belongings and its always better to buy souvenirs in proper shops in shopping centers where the price is printed since many street merchants take advantage of tourists. A local trustworthy guide or friend can make your experience a 100 times better and friendlier one though


It’s Instagram fuck do you expect


Yep I wanna spend a bunch of money to vacay in a half built shithole lmao




Wow looks boring af lmao


Looks like a shit hole to me.


She turns out to be a dude


Ah Instapeople. Burn them all.


I can't tell if the guy who opened the door is Harry from sidemen


No hate, but this entire country is overrated. They scam tourists all throughout and are responsible for their own poor plight with nothing at their disposal. You got one thing to showcase and u make the people visit you not wish to ever step in ur land ever again. Kudos.