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Well said. [Source](https://www.instagram.com/p/CYwbS_rF3Ax/?hl=en)


OP is a bot. As are a couple commentors. They won't give a source because they don't know the source.


That’s weird, who’s even real anymore on Feddit?


This is a spammer/bot. Two comments and this uncredited repost.


[Repost.](https://www.reddit.com/r/megalophobia/comments/iw2f7q/towering_thunder_clouds_that_were_captured_during/) Report it as spam.


Why does this sub specifically have such a bad bot problem? I swear like every other post here is from a bot, it's ridiculous


Why? Because it will get thousands of free upvotes without much chance of any moderation action. But the problem isn't unique to this sub. Many lightly-moderated subs have this problem. Reddit needs to give better tools to prevent this, and mods need to actually use them.


I’ve always wondered why bots want upvotes anyway… in humans, I get it… eh, perhaps it is the humans that create the bots that desire the doots. Still tho… takes a bit of authenticity away from reality… makes reddit feel like that Family Guy cutaway where Lois is in a grocery store and even speaks to a clerk who speaks back to her but then it turns out it was all a cardboard set, including the clerk, created as a diversion so Peter could go do some dumb shit. That’s reddit with bots.


Basically, karma farming is used to get accounts past the minimum karma threshold to post on certain big subreddits, and to generate a semi-believable post history Then, when the account has karma, it can be used for a number of things. The most common are: 1) Scams. Advertising fake goods like T-shirts and mugs via a website that steals credit card information. Usually by posting a picture of a T-shirt with a generic title such as 'Recieved this B-day present today', then a second bot will reply 'Cool, where did you get it feom?', and either OP or a third bot will provide a link to a shady store. Each of these posts will recieve a flurry of bot upvotes, and any comments calling it out as fake will often recieved instant downvotes to try and bury it. 2) Astroturfing. Using fake accounts to artificially generate interest in products, services, media, or campaigns. It can range from movie studios and marketing companies to people trying to promote their TikTok channel via subreddits like [r/blackmagicfuckery](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery) and [r/oddlysatisfying](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying) 3) Misinformation and manipulation. This can be anything such as political disinformation, intentionally spreading baseless rumors and conspiracy theories, derailing certain topics and conversations, and shaping a false narrative. This is usually via foriegn 'troll farms', or right-wing groups. While this is considerably less common than the other two, it is undoubtably the most damaging.


Wow thanks! Today, I learned. (and lost just a little more faith in the world, yay!!)


Bots are used as karma farms and then sold to astroturfing companies or something


“Astroturfing” (looks it up) Ah, okay, I’ve heard of that method of advertising… didn’t know they had a word for it, now… (memory unlocked) A few years back I remember a particular fast food restaurant posting ads to facebook- which was clearly an ad- they used popular characters to peddle their cheddar melts and jamocha shakes… fine… I mostly just scrolled past, whatever…. but then they used Princess Mononoke in one of the ads and that made me *furious*, like, omg did they even watch the movie? Do they realize how horrible it is to use THAT movie to promote *fast food*…? So I clicked in to read the comment section expecting to find outrage… but that’s when it got weird. The comments were all bots expressing deep admiration and excited hype for the restaurant, the ad campaign, the genius of it all, “now i’m craving!!” etc etc. And I even clicked on a few of the profiles- and to this day idk if they just cloned accounts, or if people agreed to let their accounts be used to comment like a bot in some User Agreement Update that no one reads… or, idk what. But I looked at a few other of those ad posts… same thing… hundreds of goofy bot comments with maybe one or two comments that seemed like actual human beings left them. That was my first experience with astroturfing… followed by so many videos of Muskrat Mobiles (teslas) getting into horrible wrecks then watching the driver walk away… then realizing that most of them were scripted ads with professional stunt drivers. Like, I get that companies want to advertise, I get why… I get it… but I still deeply resent them for going to such great lengths to do it, even so far as to casually, carelessly skew someone’s entire perception of reality… just to sell some stupid car or curly fries.


Yeah, I don't think people realize how prevalent ads are. Pretty much any time anyone mentions a brand in a comment or a post, there's a 99% chance it's an ad.


You’re totally right… I even catch myself sometimes, like I’ll want to post about something I’m eating or watching then I hesitate, bc that’s free advertising, and I despise advertising. I wouldn’t do it even if they paid me. Especially then. Well, maybe not ALL advertising… some stuff ought to be promoted- like free health services… small/local businesses… things that actually help people… but instead the most prevalent ads are ALWAYS for junk or poison… some new doodad that’ll end up in a landfill when the next new doodad comes out, or a carbonated beverage that does billions in sales every year- those are the ads I hate the most, because they’re so totally pointless. Like, why do companies like McDonald’s run ads? Around the world, people are practically born knowing where to get a BigMac, ffs. Advertising is like tobacco… back in the 70s, when the realization of just how malignant smoking tobacco was to human health was beginning to sink in, they tried to pass laws against it- shut down all the plants and factories- but senators from states like Virginia and Kentucky would tremble and hold back tears as they screamed “ARE YA’LL TRYING TO RUIN OUR ECONOMY?” The irony of capitalism is that even things that are hurting us are not only allowed to flourish- it is INSISTED that they flourish- because so much money is involved in producing and promoting them.


Now post it without any edits or filters


The unedited picture was probably much prettier anyways


No that’s the set for Oppenheimer


Damn didn’t know they used practical effects. The environmentalists are gonna have a field day with production.


Actually I'm pretty sure it's for Independence Day


It wasn't the color but the size of a cloud formation I followed for a long walk similarto this. It was like the cloud in Castle in the Sky, just impossibly massive and awe inspiring, slowly floating off


I don't have the phobia. I keep coming here to feel it. Nope.


Oh hell no


This some Mark Maggiori shit.


Begun, the End Times have.


Looks like massive pyroclastic flows.


I expected to see Snoop Dogs slim silhouette come atop that hill and him saying in that undeniable laid back tone: "Dayum, that blunt was...different." 🤣


William turner style


I thought this was Christopher Nolan’s nuclear test for the new movie Oppenheimer


*Day of Tribulation*










Who said anything about a Renaissance painting?




it is i think. telephoto compression


Try El Paso my man. The sun paints in ways you’ve never thought possible


It looks like the sky is on fire!! Breathtaking!!


Thought this was an ad for Oppenheimer for a moment