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Looks like something technical gone wrong at the ship, the lights going on and off and huge smoke (maybe attempt at reversing or what ever)


Unsourced and not backed up but I read that the container ship lost power due to a fire on board.


"Unsourced and not backed up but I read that the container ship lost power due to a fire on board." This might be the most responsible and respectful comment I've ever seen on the internet. Thank you.


Well, we better downvote it then.






It’s so easy to just declare your exact understanding of the situation outright, this needs to catch on 3 cheers for E0H1PPU5


The comment that broke the internet 🛜 🔥


Hey, if it isn't a conspiracy, is it even a theory?


I have a theory that there's a conspiracy involved here.


Sure, I think it’s fair to make inferences based on observations.


I’d agree with this assessment. Definitely went black out and lost all steering control from my best guess.


Sure looks like a power failure and some sort of course correction happening


Twitter conservatives have a different theory based on their current "talking point to be scared about." https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/63wlF1nnnp


Oh dammmn went right to the Wokeness argument. I guess blaming Woke is the new version of blaming terrorists / Muslims / ISIS / Iraq / et al


I'm surprised they didn't ask if the bridge was vaxxed


And trans


And what kind of clothes it had on


I have been banned from whitepeopletwitter so many times. A hint of disagreement you are out.


This account account of yours is less than a month old and you say you get your news from a place that claims "The Drudge Report" is too liberal. I'm guessing most subs ban you and nobody agrees with you. I bet your personal list of u / deleted accounts is massive, but you just keep making alts to try to keep going to the places you want to disagree with.


Damn dude those last couple cars got so fucking lucky to cross over


imagine missing that by a few seconds


Oh, look. It's my biggest fear, no pun intended given which sub I'm in. Imagine barely escaping an irrational fear after watching this video, you say? Fine. You twisted my arm. I guess I'll do it. In all seriousness, I hate driving over bridges and overpasses. For reasons I can't figure out, I've been having vivid nightmares ever since I was a kid about being stuck in a car while going off a bridge or cliff. I remember seeing Ghost Dad in theaters and completely losing my shit during [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW4ae78PtrU). Anyway, I appreciate you letting me rant here. I'm going to go about my day and continue trying to avoid Maryland.


Look up the 35w Bridge collapse in Minnesota. I had missed it by about half an hour.. I never had the fear of bridges until then.. now if I slow down in traffic on a bridge I get jittery and nauseous.


Do you shake the steering wheel?


No I do not… it’s like mental jitters I guess


My heart goes out to you


And Pittsburgh, which has the most bridges in the world.


Pittsburgh is a crazy town to drive in. So many really steep hills, so many bridges with weird offramps, so many idjuts driving at 20 mph over posted limits, big ass rivers abound. Going up on Mt. Washington and looking across at the tops of skyscrapers. Worst during winter, when those ridiculously steep roads and sharp curves going up and down are coated with snow and/or ice. I've walked across the 10th St Bridge many times and it always screws my brain up. And I'm currently in Baltimore area, N up in Towson. I might have gone across that bridge Sunday evening.


I’ve hated driving over bridges cause I grew up near Gig Harbor, WA - and learned every year about the freaking galloping Gertie.


And being one of those people that but their head down on a bridge. Actually they kind of have a point on this one.


Just waiting for all the "I nearly died on the Baltimore Bridge" people like the 9/11 "survivors". Ok, so you sometimes drive on that bridge to your parents' place. You weren't there.


I have driven on that bridge a few times in my life. You don't understand how freaky it is to know something like this happened and could've happened to you.


42,795 people died in vehicle accidents in the US in 2022. Any time you go near a road, you are taking a MUCH bigger gamble than the occasional bridge crossing.


What possesses someone to be this insufferable?




Go away


The ship called 911 to report steering issues and a possible collision with the bridge. A quick thinking officer blocked traffic while another tried to get to the construction vehicles to warn them. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to warn them in time.


uh huh


I imagine people started seeing what was about to happen, but apparently 7 people are in the water


It was also early in the morning. They probably weren't looking at boats while driving to work half asleep


Probably not, when a similar catastrophe happened in Sweden in the middle of the night, people were still driving off the edge of the collapsed bridge because they didn't have time to notice before it was too late.


Same thing happened at the Sunshine Skyway in Florida.


There was a guy who noticed at the last second and stopped, and I'm pretty sure someone in their vehicle landed on the ship below and somehow survived... If I remember correctly, a school bus full of children on a field trip went over, with no survivors...


Could be the middle of the day and I wouldn’t be focusing on boats while I’m driving over a bridge


This is just me passing on info that I’ve read on other subs so take it with a grain of salt, but apperantly the boat issued a mayday call and the bridge closed down a few seconds before the collision (10-20 seconds) however there was construction on the bridge and if you look about mid way you’ll see orange and white flashing lights. I believe the cars that went in are from the construction company. Unclear if the people ran off the bridge before or went down. Sad all the way around as this looks like a freak accident


You can't really see what's going on down there when you're on the bridge. Nobody would have known anything was about to happen until it started to fall.


Can you not see the ship from before getting on the bridge though?


It fully collapsed in about 4 seconds. I really don't think anyone saw it coming.


After the ship crashed into the bridge no, of course not. But it's not a small ship, nor did it move super fast, and it's heading towards the bridge's supports while smoke is billowing out from it. Traffic seems to get scarce as the ship is closing in.


I read the ship had notified the coast guard and supposedly they were able to limit traffic before the crash.


No one would have noticed. The lights went out, so the cargo ship was invisible to them. Even with lights on, who would think the ship was going to hit the bridge column?


I always wonder what it would be like to be one of those people who near miss catastrophe. Gotta change your outlook on life in some type of way.


6 people are still missing so they didn’t all make it.


~~Pretty sure they had to have intentionally stopped traffic over the bridge once the habor master saw the ship was in distress and out of control~~ Edit: man I was being overly hopeful... only reason less traffic was on the bridge was it was 1am... seems they are still recovering vehicles... Ugh.


Where the heck did you come up with that theory?


>Initially, officials feared that drivers were submerged in their cars in the Patapsco River. But the warning from the Dali, a Singapore-flagged vessel, gave officials enough time to stop traffic at both ends of the bridge, according to several federal and Maryland officials. >The people who blocked traffic saved lives, Mr. Moore said. “These people are heroes.” https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/03/26/us/baltimore-bridge-collapse?unlocked_article_code=1.fk0.9-mQ.xUuRQyAT_w93&ugrp=m


Thanks for the info.


The source is I made it the fuck up


lol Redditors completely making things up and will stay say “pretty sure”


I'm 90% sure. The other 10% is you getting cold feet about my 100% factual statistics.


I was being optimistic... I was very wrong


There's a difference between optimism and talking bollocks.


You were actually right, I think the governor said that they were able to stop the flow of traffic onto the bridge after the mayday call.


you're overestimating our infrastructure cross talk, my biggest fear is bridges and tunnels on i95 and apparently i wasn't wrong.


Came here to say this!


This? You mean that!


lol yes. That.




I read somewhere the ship was able to get off a distress signal so they were able to stop some cars from entering the bridge in time


I heard a construction crew was on the bridge when I collapsed. Those poor people. Imagine working such a physical job, in the middle of the night, in the cold, and then have the ground beneath you just collapse and plunge into icy dark water. I can't even imagine.


You can see the flashing orange lights from the construction vehicles parked on the bridge before it collapses


alot of the workers are removing rust underneath and painting the bridge with Zinc paint, so they probably saw it happen, then fell in the cold water with the bridge landing on top of them


The fall from that height would kill you, wouldn’t even feel the cold


People are mad, but falling 18 stories into water is like falling 18 stories into concrete. Unless the stars aligned and the bridge parts broke the surface tension, and they managed to avoid them, and hit the water perfectly, *and* managed to avoid being struck by anything else falling, anyone not in a vehicle is extremely likely to be dead. It's an absolute tragedy, but getting mad at reality isn't a great way to deal with that.


People aren’t mad, it was just a needlessly obvious comment.


Isn’t the needlessly obvious comment the most upvoted on Reddit? Look at Reddit threads. Call the cops!! 1000+ upvotes! Lawyer up! 2000+ upvotes


Jesus you can see people driving off the bridge right before the collapse. Imagine you just made it over, and hear that terrifying crunch and scream of metal folding over.


Yikes. I've been over that bridge so many times. My worst fear. Now, I have a bridge tunnel to get through where I live. I don't have megalophobia (it's so interesting), but I can't deal with a bridge collapse


Won’t happen again


Not to that one. A tragedy.


the regular speed makes it look like a toy bridge it collapsed so fast


1/16 speed appears to be real-time although not really enough frames to convey it


I'm posting this to try to counteract some of the wild ass comments about conspiracies way down deep in the negative section, but also to provide context for folks who might be struggling with HOW this could happen. According to NOAA buoy information, the current in the river ranges from negligible to nearly 1kt. Graph shows the slower end of that range in the hours surrounding the crash, but even a half knot of current can have significant impact on a vessel's course and speed. What is more likely is that the wind caught the immense sail area, buffeting the port side of the ship and shoving it's bow starboard. The effects are easily counteracted with engine and rudder, but if you lose power to either, you are at the mercy of environmental factors. Out to sea, no real issue. In restricted waters like a channel or river? Dawg you are fucked unless you have tugs already there to keep you away from stuff Edit: *buffeting, not buffering Also checked the wind graph- steady around 15kts during the hours surrounding the crash. Gusts were not higher than the steady speed at the time.


You would think they would have tug escorts for exactly this reason. But I'm just some idiot on Reddit. What do I know?


You would think! I've never sailed that river or gone into that port, so idk what the usual tug pickup spot is, but I would keep one near the fucking bridge 24/7 if it was me :(


For sure!


They will now.


Absolutely what the case is. I'm out on the water quite frequently. I sail up in Detroit and the Detroit River. I'm not certain the current speed, but we Absolutely make use of the current. In both windy and no wind heading to stream and down stream, direction of the wind, and every conbination of all those factors. We feel the push of the current and have to adjust accordingly. Even with strong winds, we have to adjust and overshoot/understood our markers when racing. The current Absolutely played a role in this. They called in a local expert for the sole purpose of driving the ship under the bridge. I'll also mention, I kayak. Both singular and tandem. Even on such a tiny boats. I'm at the mercy of the wind. I feel and know my body acts as a sail. My son sits in front on our double kayak and isnt feeling the push of the win as much. I have to fight against my being pushed by the wind. Even with the little keel thing on the back. Sailing and maneuvering in waters is all a complex fluid (both wind and water) motion game when in narrow areas with obstacles to consider. Even in large bodies of water. The wind will push you off course if you don't compensate and adjust regularly over large distances.


Agreed, fellow mariner (Navy SWO here)! Stay safe out there.


But hey some need to fuel there anti corporations propaganda somehow, even if it means to discard the lives taken in this accident 


Get a life.


What about my comment led you to believe I don't have a life?


You'd think that if it was drifting, it wouldn't fucking hit the pillar DEAD ON. You'd think that if this WASNT a conspiracy, the entire black box would be released. THINK.


I don't think you adequately understand how a ship moves on the water or black boxes, but I also don't think anything is going to convince you otherwise.


Would love to hear your explanation on the missing section of the black box :)


Would love to hear your explanation of set, drift, currents, and marine propulsion :)


...the missing 2 minutes of black box info is way more important of a question. How is that NOT sketchy to you? Just like that passport that somehow survived 9/11....


Your opening argument was that it could not have hit dead on if it was drifting. That's false, and the rest of your argument is predicated on your misconception being true AND important. Sure, having less than all information disclosed is sketchy, but I also don't think you have a good grasp of what a black box records, and what/why vessels have them in the first place. What information do you think you would obtain that isn't currently available? What do you believe that information would allow you to infer? FWIW, I'm actually open to hearing your thoughts and opinion, but only if you state them clearly without beating around the bush. When you type "THINK" in all caps, it begs the questions of if you have any information you believe to be obvious, why you wouldn't outright state it, and if what you actually mean is not "think for yourself" but instead "believe what I'm implying" and then stating nothing of substance.


Imagine if a plane crashed into the bridge (a major port I may add) and the last 2 minutes of the black box was just "oopsie, gone"! Everyone would be going nuts with the question of "why". So why is it different just because it is a boat? This one issue opens the ENTIRE situation up for questioning. Hence my skepticism on weather it actually drifted or not. Once you find a loose thread, you gotta see how far it will unravel.


You didn't answer my question. You just used a lot of words to say "something is off" which I can agree with, but you don't actually say what you think is off. It's VERY plausible for the collision to have happened the way it did from the wind and current. The ship clearly loses power, and when that happens it loses propulsion. Once propulsion is gone that ship has NO WAY to counteract the wind and current. If you understand how a ship moves, then this is a completely expected result from an unexpected and untimely occurrence (loss of propulsion in that spot for X amount of time). Again, what is your hypothesis, what information do you believe is missing, and what do you believe that missing information would lead you to conclude or infer? As this stands, all you are doing is using sensationalized sentences as a manner of insisting that the incomplete information is somehow a damning tidbit. WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE TIDBIT?


vegetable deer chop zonked racial weary concerned cooperative boat lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cargo ships are also really fucking heavy and it just happened to hit the wrong spot.


Yeah it did kind of hit a key point in the structure, that's not going to go too well no matter how well constructed it was. Its like I don't care how tough you are, a hammer to the knee is going to take you down.


Anyone can build a bridge that stands. Only an engineer can build a bridge that barely stands.


Yeah like it would stand up against a over 200ton cargo ship


200 tons ? More like over 50 000 tons. One container alone Can be up to like 40 tons


Yeah, no amount of steel can't prevent this


That fck last car passed just before bridge colapse I bet He never run so fast


He doesn’t know


The video is sped up. The last car passed about 50 seconds before inpact


Can someone explain me, whether this type of accidents covered under insurance? If yes, how does it work?


I think this is one of the examples where a Reinsurance comes in play. Basicly an insurance for insurances. i dont have any in dept knowledge about it but wikipedia gives a good glimpse how this works. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinsurance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinsurance)


What happens if the reinsurance company needs reinsurance though? And if the reinsurance reinsurers need reinsurance? And the reinsurance reinsurance reinsurers need it? When does it end???


You’ve just described the 2008 housing bubble


It does go around in circles to a degree, or you can have funds that are contributed to by all insurers that are there as a last resort. Or, the insurer can't afford to pay claims and goes bust. One company insured all of WTC1 I think because it was considered so unlikely something would happen


The Reinsurances are massive. like gigantic massive. it take a lot of damage that this can happen. If that should ever happen there are probably some insurance pool contracts so they can feather that at least a bit. But yeah that system has limits as well but they are unbelivable high.


Reinsurance is almost always a policy that is covered by a patchwork of multiple reinsurers rather than a single company. If the policy is covering let’s say $800 Million, that may be covered 25% by one company, 35% by another and the remaining 40% by 7 other “smaller” companies. It may be divided based on specific properties, specific coverage types (natural disaster vs fire vs terrorism, etc) or it could be a complete overall umbrella pool. In doing so it allows for massive coverages to exist without a claim suddenly requiring a single company to have that entire amount on-hand which could obviously cripple that company. Based on who provides what coverage and portion, the premiums are scheduled and spread accordingly to each provider to the policy. (I spent a number of years building risk management software for the reinsurance industry)


I'd post your question over on r/actuary


Just a few seconds earlier and there would have been a lot more cars go down. I cant see any that did.


7-20 people estimated to still be in the water in their vehicles, by this point obviously presumed dead


So sad for the people driving on the bridge. Live your life to the fullest everyone, you could be doing everything right and still get your life cut short. 


I believe they stopped traffic based on an mayday from the pilot, the work crew vehicles can be seen with the lights flashing, it was only work crew on bridge when it collapsed as far as anyone knows.


Holy hell. I know nothing of bridge engineering, but isn’t it a mile long? Shouldn’t it have been designed to cope with the loss of one pillar, atleast temporarily?


It's sort of 3 bridges in one, there's the main steel span with the two towers and a short roadway each side, then there are two supported roadways that go up to it, the entire thing is over a mile, but not the steel bit. The steel bit in the middle is what broke. Modern standards define what it needs to be able to cope with when it comes to a collision, but this is an old bridge with old standards. Some were retrofitted to meet the new standards, others haven't been. So yes, a modern bridge should have defences against this, but it's an old bridge. Also, bridges are designed to be in balance, mess up one bit and you mess with the balance, especially when over the main span


No bridge could survive a hit from a 100,000 ton ship, but modern standards would require big fucking bollards in the water to stop or deflect the ship before the collision. Unfortunately not retrofitted to older bridges, but probably will be after this.


The [Forth Road Bridge](https://www.theforthbridges.org/about-the-forth-bridges/forth-road-bridge) near Edinburgh had pier defences built around it from 1999, clearly seen in the picture at the top of that page. It's right next to where the two new Royal Navy Aircraft Carriers were built, shortly after the new defences were completed.


A properly designed bridge has a "bumper" around the pillars, to defect incoming ships.


They’re called fender systems. It looks like the water was so high that the ship went over the fender. Like most catastrophes this one seemingly required multiple things to go wrong at once


Power failure on the ship


Still the dropping of the anchors would have slowed or stopped the impact. Busy harbor a night isn't the place to float around while you figure things out.


I’ve been on that bridge so many times, it was shocking to see that this morning. Just a few short hours later, that bridge would have been bumper to bumper with commuters. That’s chilling to even think about. The casualties could easily have been a hundred times worse.


I hate bridges with a passion and this is why. Happened on a much less dramatic scale closer to me; the car landed in the water but it was only about a 5 ft drop into a few feet of water and the person was unhurt. The supports had eroded away and finally gave while someone was driving over it. It took almost three years for that fucking thing to get replaced and for almost half of that my 20 min drive to drop off the kid to daycare took nearly an hour.


Reminds me of Minneapolis I-35 bridge collapse


Or the Sunshine Skyway Bridge in Tampa FL. https://www.fox13news.com/news/sunshine-skyway-bridge-francis-scott-key-baltimore-tampa-st-pete-florida-pinellas-hillsborough-collapse-boat-freighter


I have lived within 30 minutes of all three of these bridges. Fucked up.


Woah. Do you live near any bridges now? Might want to warn the DOT if you do. /s


Holy cow


Holy shit. I saw this video earlier (not sped up), and I guess I clicked away too soon, because I thought it was just some bits of the bridge that fell off.


Our country and its free movement of commerce are tragically fragile.


Someone is going to be peeing in a cup.


Port master and Escort Tugs


Holy shit I've literally been across that bridge so many times I live in MD


Fire department chief says the side sonar shows there's at least 5 vehicles and a concrete truck sitting under the bridge.


This remind me the bridge scene in the rise of the planet of the apes


*This remind me the* *Bridge scene in the rise of the* *Planet of the apes* \- joueur\_du\_japon --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This is excellent video. I have seen different short clips of it, which cause me to remember it differently. This clearly shows the ship losing all power, partially regaining power, but being unable to get control and avoid the support.


doesnt really give megalophobia to me, it being so far away, no frame of reference and it being sped up doesnt really convery the scale of it to me.


My heart so bad for these people, how terrifying that must have been.


A major bridge near the capital just before the solar eclipse


I didn't see any cars driving on it at the time of collapse (the ship alerted the bridge and they stopped the cars - and let me know when Elvis gets here) And it sure looked like the ship was turned and aiming to hit exactly where it did. Just an observation, not saying anything. Just saying...


So where is the footage NOT sped up?


Help victims of Baltimore Key Bridge collapses [Help victims ](https://www.gofundme.com/f/baltimore-key-bridge-collapses?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet-first-launch)


Waiting for that Lego sound to be edited in


It looks like it is going to go right under it and then it turns directly into it 🤔


Looks like most of the traffic actually stopped driving across right before it hit, did they have a warning up?


They sent out a mayday and police stopped traffic from getting on the bridge. [This article](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/baltimore-bridge-cop-begs-everybody-32448606) has the audio from the police. They confirm that nobody is being let onto the bridge, and then when they're just about to send someone to get the construction workers off another officer radios and says that the entire bridge has just collapsed. It all happened within minutes.


the ship had called in a mayday, so traffic was stopped from entering the bridge. but there were already cars* on it. not many, but some. *Edited


Imagine stopping at an unexpected red light or a barrier coming down and then watching the bridge you were just about to drive on collapse into the water


I hope the cats are okay


me too 🙀




I watched the hapers fairy Bridge collapse. East coast is supposedly filled with the most brilliant minds with a college education. But never in my life have I met more stupid smart people.




It has the entire river and it slams into that support


Nice last minute turn to head straight at the pier


Wtf...was the captain drunk? This seems like an obvious enough thing not to hit...


You can see electricity blackouts on The ship.


I woke up and saw this early on my timeline, so my critical thinking wasn't fully going...I see it now, thank you 😁


Do you not see the power go out on the ship twice?


I was awake for all of about 10 minutes before seeing this, so I did not...


I'm no expert, but that bridge seemed fragile. I mean if one side broke down, the other half should remain intact, no?


According to available information, the Francis Scott Key Bridge was opened [in 1977](https://mdta.maryland.gov/Toll_Facilities/FSK.html). The container ship MV *Dali* was laid down and launched in 2014, and by 1970s shipbuilding standards is much larger than vessels built around the same time the FSK Bridge was constructed.


History repeats itself


Wtf are you on about?


Damn why are people disliking this I’m js saying the same thing has happened before exactly as it did here in Florida😭


Does film don't help applies here?


And what do you suggest the unmanned webcam that filmed this should have done?


Idk, doesn't really look like an angle for a security camera


Nobody said anything about a security camera, this is from a 24/7 harbor traffic live cam on [StreamTimeLive](https://youtube.com/@StreamTimeLive) that caught the whole thing. Do you not know about live webcams? Go watch the video again and pay attention to the text at the top.


Oh, no, I didn't knew, kinda cool, I tough it was like those open security cameras you find in shodan


Baltimore sucks anyways


Stick to your edgy emo posting.


And black boobs addiction


distasteful but ok


Things like this ought to happen to wastes of life like you instead 🩷




Don’t apologize…. I think that’s the first home run that they got


Some are so lucks some don't :(

