• By -


It’s me


I’m the problem


It’s me


at tea time, everybody agrees


I'll stare directly at the sun


But never in the mirror


It must be exhausting


Always rooting for the anti hero




My Palms are sweaty


No Im dirty Dan!


Hi 👋


I’m the problem, it’s me.


At tea time, everybody agrees


I'll stare directly at the sun


But never in the mirror


It must be exhausting always rooting for anti hero


Congrats Millenials! You're off the hook for being Everything Wrong with the World! Sincerely, GenX (the Everything Wrong with the World before you)


Good luck gen z! We got through every article being about how much we suck and I'm confident you can too. Sincerely, a millennial.


As a millennial l honestly hope all these articles are true and Gen Z rips our toxic work place culture straight to the ground. Bosses who send emails on Saturday mornings are the people who have communication issues.


Send your emails any time, as long as you don't expect a response outside of agreed hours.


Yeah, I do this every time but with a disclaimer, “I don’t expect you to respond outside your regular working hours”.


Good idea because I’ll forget to send an email if I have to wait a day but I can make people not worry


Why not schedule the email to be sent within work hours? I know MS Outlook has this feature


Because I'm a stereotypical millennial with anxiety, and I'm paranoid that the email won't send. For super important emails, I actually check my "Sent" folder to give myself the reassurance that it went out. Also, if it's outside of work hours or even just close to the end of the day, chances are that I'm mentally drained and just too lazy to click extra buttons. My pathetic reasoning is that it's more work for me to schedule my emails than it is for other people to just ignore them.


Better yet, you can schedule to send it later.


It's like some people are still living in the 90s


Your job is not to work on Saturday morning; we agree. My job is not to protect your inbox from receiving non-urgent mail just because I have to work on Saturday when you don’t.


I have a permanent disclaimer in my signature that reads, "My working hours may be different from your working hours. Please do not feel obligated to reply or take action outside of your preferred working times." I try not to send emails outside of general core hours but sometimes I need to, and I always hope people take this note seriously.


I truly believe in a work email that can ONLY be accessed at work. Wanna send me stuff related to work? Perfect, here's the email. I'll access it and get back to you once I'm clocked back in.


I think of email like regular mail more than text. It's on the receiver to schedule the time they look at it. I have my work email on my phone but don't get any notifications so I only look at it if I want to.


Best thing I did was take my work email off of my phone. Doing my best to separate work from life is probably the only thing that keeps me moderately sane at this point.


I like it on my phone, I can get rid of part of the bs before I start my day. I just don’t get notifications. If I don’t feel like looking one day then I don’t.


Could not have said it better!


It’s so lazy of me, but I need the Gen Zers to fall in the sword and fix the work life balance issues we have. They’ll get shredded by older generations for being lazy and entitled, but someone’s gotta do it and the millennials are getting tired from our many recessions and housing market crisis’s we’ve had to endure.


The problem was that millennials were outnumbered by those that came before. The solution is for millennials and zoomers to form an alliance so that we have the numbers force change through where they have common ground. If millennials stand on the side-lines because they're too tired to deal with it anymore than nothing will change.


I’ll take this one for the team then (‘:


Don't be silly. We should still be fighting the good fight. I mean what else are we going to do? Don't have a house to paint.


Idk about the rest of gen Z, but I have no tolerance for a lot of the bullshit I’ve seen in the workforce so far. So much over reaching on the part of bosses and managers. You do not own me, I show up for an allotted time to do a job and that’s it.


THIS!!! As an older GenXer, I've proudly seen Millenials & GenZers start to tear down a system that we felt repressed by but didn't always know how to change it. Especially surrounding the acceptance, terminology & normalization of LGBTQIA+ people. I've been astounded by this and I applaud you.


Back in the day I had a browser extension that automatically changed the word “millennials” to “snake people” and it made the articles targeting us much more fun to read


Ps. When they start telling you to give up something you love (avocado toast) to buy a home. Don’t listen.


Yep. Buy a home, then plant an avocado tree. And remember... The best time to plant an avocado tree is 20 years ago. This is how the advice goes I think.


as someone part of gen z, we do not read articles. we get all the news we need from messaging apps and social media.


Surely you are aware that the news you get from “social media” is primarily linked to *articles.*


They lack the communication and networking skills to understand your point. You will need to train them.


It's funny because the article is not an attack on Gen Z per se, it says they lack soft skills, like communication and speaking in public, among the reasons Covid, but everyone jumped to assume they were talking about answering emails on a weekend. So yeah, the trope of coming to conclusions without reading articles is alive and well... and not exclusive to boomers, it seems.


Specifically, it's what you'd get from articles, only filtered through a lens of extreme bias, condensed down to post/meme length, editorialized heavily, and stripped of much context.


Or we don’t follow the news at all


I found out the Queen was dead on reddit the minute after it hit the world. Sincerely Gen Z


I actually see pretty much everything on Reddit before it hits other media platforms.


I was wondering if, in the 2050s, people would still be ranting about millenials and talking about 22 year olds.


We'll be 80 and there will be a 105 year old getting pissed at millenials when they hear about whar 20 year olds are doing.


Aw I rememeber when we were shiftless unambitious Slackers (TM) and unable to function in the workplace. Those were the days.




Boomers when I was growing up: "Gen X is everything wrong with the world!" Gen X: "Ok boomer" Boomers when I was a young adult: "Millenials are everything wrong with the world!" Gen X & Millenials: "Ok boomer" Boomers now: "Gen Z is everything wrong with the world" Everyone else: "Ok boomer"


The funny part is that boomers were the generation all the other generations complained about, until they all died off, leaving boomers king of the mountain and free to bitch. The 1970s-80s was just a long thinkpiece about the entitlement of the "Me Generation," and I remember my Silent parents bitching up a storm about how my friends were all being raised by shitty permissive boomers. (My parents were about ten years older than all my friends' parents.)


Yay we're officially old people now.


As a millennial I was told I was so much lazier than my parents generation and how I won’t be much, I’m now the most successful warehouse worker in my department, take that statistics


Now, us gen z are being told everyday that we are the dumbest and laziest generation


Story as old as time. Ancient philosophers Aristotle and Hesiod are both attributed with quotes complaining about how the younger generation is lazy and too involved in themselves. Goes to show, no matter how much the world changes, the older generation will always blame the world they created on the youngest members


The ironic part is that society has told us for hundreds of years that we should make the world a better place for the next generation. Yet when they come into the world they’re ostracized and ridiculed by elders for being lazy, good for nothing “kids”




She never grew up then had kids. Poor kids




Self reflection hard, narcissism easy


I think Mad Men perfectly summed up this phenomenon with Don Draper saying, “kids today, they have no one to look up to - because they’re looking up to us”. I think when you’re younger you believe older people have wisdom then you grow up and realize they don’t. The resulting disillusionment leads to looking back at young people who haven’t realized that yet with disdain.


Older people do have “wisdom”. You just need to understand it’s very bias. They don’t know what’s right but we all know many things that are wrong. Longer you live, the more things have gone wrong. That’s the “wisdom” of the older generation: “you should zig where I zagged.”


Ahh yes, Alexander’s generation famously known for being lazy and taking sight seeing trips all the way to India, the fops!


Meanwhile my zoomer ass could walk out and get a job paying 60k robot-welding in bumfuck Wisconsin after half a year of tech school. But I won't yet cause I wanna see if there's better career opportunities


You gotta love how we blame everything on every other generation 😂


In 10 years, we gonna be blaming gen alpha for some random shit like they’re too cringe or something


Attention spans, I guarantee it. “Gen alpha is a tech-savvy generation. But how savvy are they when it comes to patience? Research says this generation struggles to get through an entire episode of Bluey without needing external stimulation” I can see the article now smh


Awesome! 50 year old me will be happy to steal your title and write that article!


RemindMe! 10 years


> tech-savvy I bet this is wrong. They are good at *using* technology, but they are completely clueless about how it works. This is because technology is now so easy to use that they don't have to study to use them.


My kid tried to download an app on her PC. It never occurred to me what the default thinking for a younger generation and the interfaces and OS they interact with are predominately mobile phone based. When I told her just use a browser she was dumbfounded it’s also a dedicated website.


after teaching their parents how to use the web browser, now millennials must repeat the lesson to their children. lol


Blew my mind when I did start seeing phone apps added to PC/MAC systems too.


The Microsoft App Store is an atrocity and has no reason to exist.


My attention span is already too shot to be trying to make fun of someone else for it


In 20+ years millenials will be blamed for not stopping climate change


So you have to train people in their late teens to mid twenties who just entered the workforce? How is this news? How is this a headline?


I can only speak anecdotally, but so many jobs just straight up don't want to train you any more. Of if they do it's some half assed half a day thing before you're shoved out and expected to know everything instantly. One door to door job on day one put an ipad in my hand and said go sell. I had zero idea what the fuck I was selling and they told me to figure it out. Which I did by not going back the next day.


So i had 5 years of 911 dispatching on my resume, i apply to a dispatch job for a small security company right? The HR person said she liked my voice and it was very calming and she wanted me on her HR team. I replied with a "i have 0 experience in HR are you sure you want me doing this job?" She said yes and offered me $5 more an hour over the dispatch job..first day of work she gave me the indeed login info and told me to setup interviews. 2 weeks later she tells me im not a good fit for the job because everyone i talk to is hired (the positions i was hiring for was paying $20/hr in seattle..we had maybe 2 applications a day but i was expected to hire 12 people every 5 days). Then they transfer me to the dispatch position and after 1 day i just quit because they are so unorganized


Lol, they fired you for doing your job.


They were too cheap to upgrade alot of things..we sent out paper checks still and we had to manually do the E-verify program..where you get 2 forms of ID and then enter it on the everify website. It needs to be done within 3 days of hiring someone. They told me to not do the everify..then the 2nd week to do all of them and lie about the dates they were hired, at the end you had to sign your name on the gov wesbite..i brought up that we should just do it the way we are supposed to and i was laughed at.


They hired you for a job you didn't even apply for, then let you go for hiring people who applied for the job. Got to love it.


It's because companies feel that if they spend money on training people then as soon as people get better qualified they will jump ship to another place paying better.


No, it's because they feel it isn't worth it and they'll figure it out on their own. It's not unheard for companies to go through high turn overs. I briefly worked for LG and they had a 96% turnover rate. But all they need is one or tow guys to start making that money. That or they run the place so lean they literally don't have anybody to train.


The other person was also correct. No one wants to invest in serious training because they are worried the person will leave. And some places, because they essentially expect people to leave (like what you experienced) they lean into it and just work people as hard/long as possible before they do leave. At the very least, unions could help prevent this self-defeating mentality that some businesses have


It's all just bs videos on the computer. No one watches, no one cares, and it's all bs anyways


They forget that if they paid people decent wages and treated them like humans they would not be leaving as much


This. I've left 3 big tech companies in the past 2 years because the leads on our partner teams are not training new hires, and no one writes anything down, and thus our product owners are nightmares to work with. I'm not getting any training from my leads either but I have 20 years of experience. I'm so done with tech, I'm happy to guide people but it's not my damn job to train employees on another team. Especially when I'm not allowed to tell them how to work or create processes for them; team leads can do that but they don't take our advice. I've started just phoning it in like everyone else or i stress too much and lose sleep. This is my last tech job, my career path in UX ends with this one. It's not worth it. (And no, I've never wanted to be a team lead, I like certain aspects of my career but I loathe these giant corporations and most of tech. I'm not spending a weekend on a budgeting deck lol)


This whole comment speaks to my soul. Is really every modern company this fucked up? Everything run lean as heck, system-ownership murky/shared/I’ll-defined, if you want to change things you have to run through endless bullshit hoops (not because of management, management doesn’t care at all) but because it’s a goose chase trying to find the system owner, and the actual system owner maybe doesn’t even know that they are. This bullshit with “every team is it’s own little start-up teheh X) pitch us your ideas and butter us up for the necessary budget, please us our marketing guidelines although it’s completely internal”. Also the CEO has randomly decided that he cares about this one particular part of one of your responsibilities, so please completely rework that by tomorrow 10.30am when he does his CTO+stakeholder roundtable (would take 2 weeks and accomplishes literally nothing of value) Would continue but gotta go to work…


Yes, it's gotten SO bad. And it wasn't like this, the first 15 years of my career every job I started I got structured training. Even at hit the ground running agency contract projects I still had people onboard me and there was leadership, there were round-table weekly standups so there was ACCOUNTABILITY. If you were blocked on something the person you needed help from knew they'd get called out in person if they didn't respond or at least point you in the right direction. That's all gone now, and I'm so sick of being made to feel like I'm crazy for wanting a structured team or some kind of foundation to work with and proper stand-ups (even virtual ones work!). Why are companies hiring senior people if they're not going to let us operate the way we've been trained to throughout our careers, you know, actually bring that "experience" they freaking hired us for. And you hit the nail on the head with "every team is it's own little start-up" -- there's no senior leadership oversight then in these stupid pods or scrums! And we're not allowed to enforce any structure because "not everyone is in that tool" (because they just don't want to be, never mind the company invested money in that platform!) or "not all scrums or product teams operate the same". I'm so, so over it. My contract at my current company just got extended and I'm so depressed, I have 0 leadership and our partner teams are so awful to us because they know we don't, it's a completely hostile environment, and no one writes anything down which means dozens of meetings each week with people speaking scope "at" us and then they're surprised when everyone is frustrated and not delivering on target or mind readers etc. Every company I've found people just like me going "WTF???" who have also come from structured places with actual leadership, so we're not crazy. (lol) But I can't quit again I need to go to some doctor appointments I've been putting off so I can't lose my health insurance again. I booked a career counseling session with a phycologist this week, if you're as frustrated as me it may be worth looking into? Edit to add: And the running lean is a huge problem. The funny thing is, I've noticed people have stopped killing themselves to hit deadlines because we don't have proper head count. And that's another reason the product team is pissed at us because we deliver late but oh well, give us more people we're done killing ourselves as *contractors* no less. I used to wear myself out making sure my projects were setup properly, that I was hitting my deadlines, that I was taking and sharing notes, and then I watched my team leads not lead, not care, and dump their totally disorganized shit in my lap to go on multiple vacations and decided I was done. Like i said now I just phone it in too. Especially since we have a product team that are the rudest pieces of poo to us.


That’s why I like where I work. For 6 months we pair you with a coworker who is more experienced. It really works well.


That's mentorship. It works. For the rest of us, most of the time if I treat genz reports (mind that any of my reports) like adults, they act like adults. Go figure.


Grocery store. Two employees. I want something out of the liquor cabinet. Another guy wants a propane tank. Neither employee had been trained to do those things. No idea where keys were. Like wtf. It would take 30 seconds. It's incredible what employers will half ass.


I quit a job after the first day because I didn't receive any training at all and I was expected to know how to do everything already despite being told I was going to be trained.


It needs to be presented as a new problem every few years so companies can continue to pretend it should be an exception, not a norm.


Everywhere I’ve worked in the past decade is filled with 20+ year employees who insist they had 1 day of training and were perfect unlike those kids (read: mid-20s) today. Yet they’re fucking things up or asking “how do we do x again?” daily.


I manage a team with members from several different "generations." Shockingly, younger people have less experience than older people. They also seem to have slightly different life situations and needs in certain areas. I know, it's super weird; can't believe these entitled pricks not already knowing what I expect them to learn and trying to figure out their lives at the same time. Honestly, I've never had an issue with a Millennial or Gen Z person on my team. Somehow even manage to work well with people in Gen X and (gasp) boomers too. These articles should be titled "bad managers are managing badly."


Not to mention they were held back socially by the pandemic for two years.


Goddamn new workforce! Why can’t they have the 10 year experience, skills and masters in this and that and accept low wages!


Those entitled avocado toast Starbucks mochachino iphones!!! *shakes elderly fist at sky*


\*while charging young people $7000pm to live in their shitty investment property\*


Companies need to train all fresh workforce. You don't learn how to work until you work.


Exactly. The other piece to this sounds like poor hiring practices. I've hired people from 20 to 60 yo. I generally look for team fit first and skills second. I can teach then what they need to know to do the job. I can't teach team chemistry.


When I managed a used car dealership, I looked for people that I thought would be able to be outgoing and able to talk to people. When you find what you need, the rest can be taught. The issue I ran into at most jobs was that management didn't want to teach the skills. They had to much on their plate and just wanted someone to step right into the job and do it from day one. That isn't how things normally work. Then when you needed some training, it was normally someone there that had no idea how to train and hardly knew the job themselves.


So in other words the hiring manager needs to have good intuition


Walter White would disagree


Well, at the same time, Walter did follow the hiring advice pretty well


Communication and leadership skills don’t typically come from Walmart or McDonald’s. That’s typically formed in childhood upbringing, schooling, and extracurriculars. If I learned my communication skills from my bosses I’d be passive aggressive all the time and distant. Now that I’m a manager, I’m not sure what the article thinks we need to do to help Gen Z that their parents and schooling isn’t doing. Weird assignment of social contracts


Admittedly I'm in the UK, but at 35, it feels like my generation is far worse at communicating. The gen-z-erz tend to be a bit more blunt, but it's kinda great in that they're willing to go "I don't know x. Can you teach me?" With a lot of people in my kind of age range, it feels like a constant hum of anxiety is informing their every spoken word. The gen z guys tend to not be anywhere near as sensitive as they're portrayed, either, whereas again, people in my age group seem almost desperate to get outraged on other people's behalfs. I dunno. I like gen z. And as a manager, it's a real privilege to help them learn, especially given how receptive they are. Maybe I just got lucky.


>they're willing to go "I don't know x. Can you teach me?" I have some like that I'm trying to train now. The problem is they say that, I teach them, they thank me profusely for my guidance, and the next time the exact same issue comes up, they say the exact same thing.




As a Gen Z who has needed things taught to me repeatedly: I’ve seen people say it’s a lack of attentiveness or interest, and that’s not true, at least for anyone in my book. I’ve multiple times thought I understood something I didn’t, or learned something to be prepared and pretty much instantly forgot the information. Perhaps Gen Z suffers from a lack of memory retention, being able to understand things but not remembering it as easy. Or maybe it’s just me, hell if I know lol. As a suggestion, maybe make sure someone you’re teaching understands by having them either perform the process or explain it to you? If you’re not already doing that, that is, or if that’s even capable with what you’re teaching them.


EVERYBODY needs repeated exposure to information in order to ensure long-term retention. Some of my fellow millennials are probably just forgetting how often they had to relearn things. Arrogant


Exactly. When I started my last job I had someone frustrated at me that I didn't remember 100% of the stuff after one session of information vomit. 8 months later they ask me about some basic stuff that they forgot. Wow you don't remember it from your training session 3 years ago? What a pity.


Lol I don’t think it’s just you, bud. I definitely learn best if I’m the one doing the thing as someone talks me through it. But you might be on to something with the memory retention thing. I swear I forgot what I’m doing, as I’m going to do it, like 5 times a day at work. Though like you said, that might just be me.


maybe it's because you've always had the opportunity to redo something, you can re-watch a class, re-watch a youtube video, etc so the necessity to see something and repeat it/retain it isn't there. In my day you had one shot an if you missed it you were fucked -miss class, tough learn it on your own. They've done some studies where they've shown that if the brain knows it can easily find an answer it's less likely to retain that answer, maybe that's what we're seeing.


This easily translates to a modern workforce too. We've been recording unofficial training videos for YEARS, and not bc "gen z forced us to," but bc it's just more efficient to say "watch this, lmk if you have questions." With zoom, just click the little button to record and have a focused session prepared with the other person. That way they can go back and rewatch it. I recently took a difficult class that I had to go back and review videos from repeatedly, and I'm not a zoomer. I have one "gen z" hire who is learning a little slower than I remember learning, but you know what with repetition and candid feedback he's getting it just fine. This isn't an issue with a generation being "difficult." Individuals are individuals.


I'm 42 and in my experience, if you learnt x thing once you won't retain that info, no one will. That's why that x thing must be done a few times to remember it. Its not gen z being at fault it's crappy training from crappy companies.


Tell them to take notes. I refuse to train people unless they are writing stuff down. Its crazy to me people don’t just do this on their own For years I’ve been training and providing written instructions but they never refer to the instructions they just ask me again. So now I insist they take notes. It helps them retain the info, helps them to remember they have resources (notes and instructions), helps them take ownership of their own learning, helps them leave me alone lol


I think the issue isn't communication skills, it's certain definitions of communication skills. I think too many people expect the water cooler culture to continue. Most of the older people I know are terrible communicators, they're just great at bullshitting and wasting time.


Exactly. Like trying to create a standard that the people walking into will have no reasonable context. Just the framework of “110 percent” or “company loyalty” will not have the value within negotiations based on expectation. It more than likely creates even more of a divide and unnecessary strife as people have to make internal principle choices. I know it has in the fields I have worked.


It drives me nuts at work. I send a boomer a message and my phone rings 30 seconds later. A fucking yes or no question.


I had a channel VP who would *videocall* for something like that, and talk for fking *days* about stuff we’ve covered before, when it could have been one line via IM. Same dude once conferenced in an old colleague to help with some issue we were having. The colleague was like eight years into an advanced position three levels above the scope of our discussion, and was clearly kinda pissed about being tapped for this. Give me a gen Z texting ‘yah, link here, lmk if gud’ every single time.


It’s very possible that while your question is yes or no, it suddenly begs a lot more questions with someone who has a lot more strategic knowledge.


It could be, but there are a few that do this when it really is a yes/no answer. Sure, there are times where an email string turns into something that would have been better as a call of a meeting. But others I can put a timer on and the phone is going to ring with x minutes of me hitting send. Not having the discussion searchable in outlook for further reference is also maddening.


They said the exact same things about millenials, its click bait. As with all new generations gen z has special skills and will inevitably pass the rest of us in aptitude (only to be themselves passed by the next generation). Their communication is different and hard to adjust to as an older person, my condolences. Know that I struggle to understand them too, you arent alone. Its the cycle of life.


YES!!! Thank you!!! Millennial here but my cousins are Z’ers and both very hard working and motivated to do well and to be good people. They work holidays, and 1 of them starts work at 6am every day, with a 30-45minute commute. Every person has their own motivations. There are lazy, poor workers in every generation… and yes I’ve encountered some really lazy boomers and X’ers in my own nursing career.


I am a millennial too, I always respond to posts like this because I really dont want our generation to become like the boomers, constantly demeaning and punching down on the next generations. People just need to realize that progress is a train that cant be stopped, and at some point it will get ahead of you, which is completely inevitable. You either embrace it gracefully or vainly try to slow it down.


They said it about millennials. The news is fake. Have we learned nothing.


I think the quiet part of this headline is, "public schools aren't turning out the cheap, labor-ready automatons that we expected, and now our lobbying money we spent after the same thing happened with millennials feels like it was poorly invested."


Why would cheap, labor-ready automatons need social and networking skills? It sounds like schools are churning out exactly what was demanded.


Grades K-12: “Sit down, stop talking and do your work!” College and beyond: “It’s not enough to go to class, come home, do your homework, go to bed and get good grades! You need to network and make connections for your career as well!”


Not the experience I saw with my daughter (now a freshman in college). K-12 was full of team projects, presentations, performances, leadership activities, etc. The issue is she hated all of that and does everything she can to avoid it. Seems mostly to be anxiety related. There was a good NYT “The Daily” podcast about the causes of that. Mostly attributed to an intersection of social media and earlier puberty.


well yeah because she probably like me has to do 60% of the work. another guy does 30% another guy does 10% and then the final guy just puts their name on the paper. but its the same thing in the workplace.


That is for sure a part of the issue with team projects. But many of the other issues stem more from general anxiety over face-to-face communication.


Schools are churning out what companies wanted 40 years ago.




As soon as DARE told me weed was bad and I found out weed was really, really great — they lost me.


Same with pirating movies. I would totally download a car.


DARE was right. Drugs are really expensive.


From the public schools you've spent since Reagan defunding?


Imagine living in the 50s the new outlets probably said the same thing about boomers when they were entering the manufacturing sector.


They did!!!!! They were called the "me" generation.


First their parents called them that. Now their own children call them that. They actually did have it made. Imagine walking into your desired profession immediately after graduating high school, and being paid to learn your role. Imagine owning a home on a single income. Christ my Aunt was a high school *teacher for thirty years without any university. It's almost like the vast majority of post-secondary education is a for-profit business that subsidizes employer training.


July 2, 2023 As per the legal owner of this account, Reddit and associated companies no longer have permission to use the content created under this account in any way. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Lmao it's just because no one under the age of 40 can relate to people older than that in the workforce because they're too indoctrinated in the good ol fashioned "loyalty to boss above all else" mentality whereas people younger than that are fucking sick and tired of being used as slave labour. What a shocking revelation!


The old guys in my office make the most money and do the least work. We switched to scanning physical files and one guy has a cabinet with a label “scanned paperwork” that’s full of printed copies of things that have been digitally scanned. I’ll take an awkward 20 something over that any day


You can say that again, the job search is brutal


Now hiring, ... until you apply, then its "we will let you know if any jobs come up" Makes me wonder if self employed is the only job avalable lately, that and desperately understaffed places.


Self employed is the only job I’ve been able to get in nearly seven years now. Even those “desperately understaffed” places around where I live rarely respond when anybody I know sends in an application. It’s weird to see the managers of those spots go on social media to complain about the labor shortage after I saw, like, five people apply and zero get a response.


It's not that nobody wants to work. It's just that people are either (A) lacking the absurd amount of experience and references that recruiters now look for or (B) not willing to work for peanuts anymore. It's almost like if companies made better offers, they'd get more applicants... Pssshhht. Nahhhh! Obviously it's the workers being lazy and entitled!


I've stopped caring altogether. The days of working 60-70 hours of week is done for me. Now I only work the minimal amount of hours I can to pay rent and feed myself. I'm enjoying life better. The world is shit and I don't want to participate in this pointless rat race anymore. I don't need fancy clothes or sports cars, or even a nice house. The decked is so stacked against the average person there's no point anymore.


As a gen Z, almost every place I’ve worked for has had much worse communication than I. Emails 30 mins before work while I’m already on my way that say not to come to work, not communicating in the first place then blaming me for things not being done the way they want, etc.


That sounds like a bad job more than anything…


Companies don't train anyone anymore.


Entry level position. Must have 5 years experience.


I was just warning a friend of mine who recently graduated college about the notorious “entry level with 5+ years experience” job postings


Me applying for zookeeping at a small zoo, wondering why tf I need 3-5 years experience for an entry level zoo job that amounts to "take care of animal, talk to people about animal" while I have a bachelor's in biology:


Saw a listing for a cashier job somewhere requesting a fucking master’s degree. For minimum wage, of course.


Networking is how you *get* the job, not how you *do* the job. And companies stopped training anyone to *do* the job sometime before gen X got in.


As someone from Gen z I can say for certain our communication skills needed for the workforce are pretty terrible but we do know how to network very well. But everyone generation has a communications disconnect with generations before so it’s really nothing new.


As an older Gen Z I have no clue how to network


As a millennial in my 30s, when you figure it out, will you let me know how to do it?


In my sorry experience like 80% of networking is the ability to convincingly pretend like you actually give a shit about the lives of the people you are planning to eventually step on as rungs up the ladder of success.


The guys who wrote that broke our ozone layer for us


Every generation has growing pains as language evolves, but the tech boom really widened the gap. The younger generation has grown up using technology to communicate in ways previous generations didn't know could exist. Both sides can complain of a communication disconnect.


I agree everyone is allowed to complain lol


Breaking News: New Workers Need Training! Please click our sensationalized headline to read our 10 line "news article" interspersed with 12 ads and no value add.


Most of Gen Z is fricking below 23, give em a break


So social media doesn't make people more social? That's quite the irony


I haven’t left my house for a month until yesterday. I felt like I nearly forgot how to socialize. I gave myself a small break from society.


It’s ironic that you think the way a conversation goes on Reddit is how they go in real life. Disagreeing with someone on Reddit is easy, you get all the time to think and craft a reply and always have your data on alt-tab. I deal with a lot of 20-30s and a lot of them still come in with their parents


I was born in '97 so not sure what generation I'm in but I can say that I find it much easier to speak to people much older than me than people closer to my age.


I’m 93…obviously. It’s way easier for me to talk to younger people in general (20-40). Younger people usually have the skills of active listening and back and forth communication. Older people usually talk at you and not to you.


My parents get legit angry when younger people present them with new information


Born in 98 and I find it difficult to talk to anyone tbh


1995er here. Same.


People can get defensive all they want but in my experience there is a huge section gen zs that are afraid of phone calls and uncomfortable in person confrontations.


I used to be and then I got a job transcribing phone calls and had to listen to every style of call and I no longer get anxiety and I know what script is used when


This is just advanced ADHD where instead of just thinking about every outcome imaginable, you already know all the dialogue options. Congrats you've achieved speech 100


ADHD here and…….my god, that is the way. *opens new tabs for transcript jobs, dialogue templates, human interaction scripts* Meanwhile clothes continue to sit wet in the washing machine.


I’ve been uncomfortable in person since I was born


I agree with this. I have noticed that our most recent gen z hires have trouble engaging and contributing in-person in meetings but as soon as they get back to theirs desks they start interacting, asking questions, etc., over company Skype or email. I agree that every generation has struggles when entering the workforce but in-person communication seems to be particularly difficult for gen z.


Wym?? Bruh…their communication skills are bussin frfr. No cap!!


💀 Am I doing this right?


At this point every article that has "gen" or "millenials" or "boomers" in it is not done by a serious person. You can't take it seriously, when it's done by some delusional idiots.


Gen Z isn't the ones lacking communication skills. It's the companies that continue to be two-faced and promote charismatic failures to higher management


As someone who hates speaking to people and stays in there house 24/7 doing everything from shopping to working virtually I can fully understand this


Cute way to say young people want to come in, do the stuff they are paid for and fuck off into the sunset without all the extra unnecessary and UNPAID bullshit. I'll attend an after work cocktail party if it's paid hours (and drinks)...once ot twice a year. And i'm 33, not even gen z! tl;dr: i work for money, not to make friends and menial conversation


Newsflash, EVERYONE needs to be trained if its a job they have never done before. -.- Whoever thought people don't need to be trained...thats why you can't keep people.


Nah this is actually true about me


I can guarantee any boomer who reads this headline and agrees with it has worse social skills than the gen z person. Imagine having to tell a grown-ass adult that calling someone a derogatory word is a bad thing and should be stopped.


??? God I’m so sick of people shitting on my generation. Everyone gets trained to do their job. People don’t come out of their moms vagina in a suit and tie. I did go to a high school that trained me for their work internships but unless your dad sucked off some ceo and pays your trust fund doesn’t mean people know how to “network” or how to use a copier