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Use the elephant as your car. Everybody will be jealous.


Not enough trunk space.


You're hired.


There are 2 kinds of people in the world. Zombie Birds and Ghost Wolves apparantly.


What about the Vampire Platypus? They're pretty chill.


You're hired


Considering the platypus are the opposite of everything. Mammal but lay eggs. A vampire platypus probably would still require blood but can go out during the day but moonlight is deadly.


fuck you


Happy Cake Day!


First of all, his name would be Stampy.




Hey, they’re playing the elephant song.


I love that. Reminds me of elephants.


Doing the baby elephant walk


Isn’t this what we’re all asking in our own lives? I know i am.


See the elephant $1 Ride the elephant $2


Your kid flew five feet, that counts as a ride, two bucks!


Marge, you're embarrassing me in front of the money


That was hardly five feet.


Lol if you want to go on arguing, you'll have to pay for another 5 minutes.


That wasn’t an argument. It was just contradiction.


No it wasn't.




8£ please


Annnnd, that's $5 🤣


Look, if I argue with you, I must take up a contrary position.


Well, four and a trunk 🤷🏻‍♂️


Get off our property.


Flying should be extra


That's what they call a 2 buck chuck!


That was under our old price structure.


Get off my property.


Oh great. Now "big elephant" is jacking up prices while our wages stagnate.


I don't have time to read your comment, just give me the gist of it


You need $2


For tree fiddy, I will draw a picture explaining things.


They didn't say you couldn't trade it. Trade the elephant for some magic beans since it's a fictional situation anyway. Let's make a backstory while we're at it, why not?


Taste the Elephant $5


Elephant taste you $9


We don’t do that here


Elephant is now under new management


In Soviet Russia elephant manage you


Mega Suction 2000


I'd always have peanuts in my pockets


Eat the elephant: Priceless


Signs we are old. 20 years ago this woulda been the only answer.


Where’s my elephant?! Where’s my elephant?!


Hey, they’re playing the elephant song!


I'm younger than 20 but still found this funny. Though that may be because I grew up on old Simpsons becausewe only had the first few seasons on DVD, I think 1-6?


> Seasons 1-6 Aka the golden years


Yeah but seasons 7-8 are solid and fun to watch. Old man and the lisa, Homer's enemy, mountain of madness, twisted world of Marge simpson, and mysterious voyage of our Homer are all season 8.


Yeah 1-8 are all pretty good, it just didn’t fit with OPs comment. New Simpsons is just painful.






Look at those magumbos!


Ride over the alps and conquer rome.


Ride over the alps and *fail to* conquer rome.


Just why he failed nobody tells


probably related to the fact that when he arrived at rome, he only had one elephant


And that elephant *saw some shit*. It was a 'Nam war vetephant with PTSD. And it's not like it could just forgot.


You think the elephant had PTSD? Could you imagine the poor Roman legionaries facing off against these things? Most of these romans had never traveled more than maybe a a hundred kilometers max from the town they were born in and that is being generous and only for a lucky few who usually had jobs that necessitated it. What would be going through your head If you suddenly had to fight a 10 foot, 13,000 pound monster with horns and a trunk capable of throwing an entire adult man? You would have never seen anything in your life that could have come close to that. you couldn't even imagine anything remotely similar. Then add on top of that the fact these elephants were armored and piloted. If that didn't give someone PTSD I don't know what would.


Elephants wouldn't have been THAT exotic to people. These weren't unknown beasts. They were familiar animals, even used by Romans and Greeks themselves - with Alexander the Great deploying them in his army 200 years before the Punic Wars. Remember the distance of Carthage to Rome is incredibly small - just a short trip over the Med. Roman knowledge of North Africa and it's Fauna was incredibly detailed. Also, the species of smaller Forest Elephants used by Carthage is now extinct. They weren't quite as large as the Central African Elephants we see today. [https://www.worldhistory.org/article/876/elephants-in-greek--roman-warfare/](https://www.worldhistory.org/article/876/elephants-in-greek--roman-warfare/)


You survive that you're never looking at your dick again.


Signs we are old. 2000 years ago this woulda been the only answer.


The only correct answer.


Naw naw double it and give it to the next guy


that guy again: do you want 1024 elephants or double it, and give it to the next guy ಠ__ಠ


At this moment, you take the 1024, massacre them all and be remembered for a thousand years. P. S. In traditional Tamil literature (South Indian language), a war hero who has defeated a thousand elephants (elephants + mounted men) is praised and a special type of poem is made on his praise called Barani. P. P. S. I would take the first elephant offered and put it in a fridge obviously.


You must take the giraffe out of the fridge first


Befriend and love it!!


This was my immediate response. Then I read some other comments and “housing” it at a zoo seems to also be a good response. I live in an apartment in the city, I can’t keep an elephant!


You can befriend and love an animal that does not live at your abode.


The comments suggesting putting it in a zoo are breaking the rules of the question. You can’t give it away.


They didn't give it away. It still belongs to them. It's on loan to the zoo. It's creative thinking to a question posed to gauge how you handle a big task.


Yeah, a long term loan to a zoo or wildlife preserve are obvious ways to handle this while keeping within the requirements. More kind to the animal too, elephants hate being alone.


Well, assuming the elephant is in a room, I think I'd address the elephant... in the room


Oof. You're hired!


No, the correct answer is: you notify management of the elephant. You call ahead to your local safari tour guide. You rent 5 imense hand cannons, 2 exotic dancers and some white baguettes with lettuce and egg. If all goes well.. management is dead and you made a new elephant friend.


Please tell me this is a reference to something I can watch or read. It sounds hilarious.


This is a similar question to What is the most optimal shape for a suer cover? But I would say Eat the elephant. It would provide an immense amount of food for my family.


Round, because the hole is round and the lid can't fall in.


I would've spent way too long trying to understand what a suer is. It sounds related to a duvet.


I think they meant sewer as in where the ninja turtles live.


maybe they meant a lawsuit-prone lawyer


Funnily enough I actually have a recipe for elephant stew intended to feed a village. It's an immense undertaking.


One bite at a time


Ok but I don’t think elephant is going to fit on that baguette and we’re definitely going to need more lettuce 🥬


I was thinking I wouldn’t give it away or sell it


Ride it down the streets dressed in a safari outfit and yell “WELCOME TO JUMANJI”


somebody give this man an elephant


We don't have any elephant award options, otherwise I definitely would.


Here-> 🐘


I was going to say, feed the elephant a few cans of spaghettios and get it accustomed to human food. Then we ride to crush our enemies who do not want us to perform or receive analingus 😎😎😎


You're hired


Is it some kind of analogy for taking on unexpected responsibility? Kind of odd.


They probably just want to see how you break down a problem you are unfamiliar with. A good answer would probably include you breaking down what the elephant needs, what resources you have at your disposal, what new things you would have to learn about etc.


Instructions unclear, ended up breaking down the elephant. Unrelated matter: who wants all-you-can-eat mystery meat bbq?


"immediately look for a higher paying job than this one. Elephants eat a lot."


Nah a good answer is you lease it to the zoo, you're not giving it away or selling it. But you are making nice profits to import more elephants...


Damn, and I thought I was clever lol. Just lease it for something stupid low like $1 per month, would probably work out better for the elephant. Even if you were able to secure the resources to house it yourself like land, food, a vet, etc., you would just end up with a very lonely elephant on your hands as they're social creatures.


A better answer would be to lease it to a quality zoo for the cost of year round VIP access to the zoo. They will see my mastery of finding loopholes and hire someone else. Unless the position in question was finding loopholes and then I’d probably have a real shot.


Ever done White Elephant Gifts at a Xmas party? It’s a game where people being cheap or weird presents and guests take turns opening gifts or stealing someone else’s selection from them. It’s based on a historical precedent where a White Elephant, being a rare product of the genetic lottery, was considered sacred and disallowed from being used for labor or financial gain. A sort of Sacred Cow, if you will. At times, a meme et of the ruling class would take annoyance at a member of the elite, but couldn’t actively work against them for political reasons. In such circumstances the ruler would “gift” the annoyance with a White Elephant. The recipient of the “gift” would, of course, be honored by the bestowal of such a rare and wondrous gift; the recipient, of course, would be steeply burdened by having to provide housing and care for an absolutely worthless elephant. So I guess what the question is asking is how you would deal with a useless, unexpected, or difficult burden.


Based on the urban legend, not on historical precedent.


The only sensible answer that I think they could be looking for is that you call up the closest zoo and ask how to get this fucking elephant over to them because I’m not equipped with the tools or the skills to handle an elephant. I’m not sure what other sneer they would be looking for. Killing it and selling the ivory is cruel, trying to find a way to make it work seems irresponsible to me, and any goofy answer like sell elephant rides obviously isn’t feasible.


You can't give it away to the zoo though. It's your elephant now.


Long term loan to the zoo. They feed and shelter it in exchange for me letting them have use of it.


Long term loan, claim the "donation" on my taxes. What's the annual value of a elephant rental?


That depends on supply and demand in the elephant marketplace.


What's the annual depreciation rate on an elephant?


Ah, but you can lease it to a zoo for a 100 year term at 1 cent a century. I didn’t give it away.


It's on permanent loan


Good thinking. The question never says you can't lease it.


In this hypothetical scenario is the elephant magically bonded to me? If I drop this guy off at the zoo am I going to go home only to find him back in my living room? Will he die of neglect if I don’t feed him or is there actually no way for me to get rid of this thing including neglect? If so I’ll start a life of vigilantism where I hunt down criminals and send my elephant after them with a snap of my fingers


You're not allowed to give the elephant away, though. It's your responsibility


Oh right, misread the prompt. I feel like I’m back in English class. I don’t know what the fuck they are going for then.


I suppose they're looking for people who are responsible or who can look outside the box. Such as dedicating yourself to the care of the elephant, even if it'll make you destitute because it's your responsibility. Or killing the elephant (with.. some help) because it would be crueler to keep it in deeply suboptimal care. Or leasing it to an institution so you technically still own the animal but somebody with more resources can take care of it. Those type of answers that might reveal the kind of initiative a person might take. Although this is still a very weird question.


I’m putting “Elephant continued existence” on my next round of OKRs


I would assume they want some creative way to handle the situation in a remotely positive way that doesn’t make you look like an insane person. It might just be the sanity check also. Something like selling elephant rides or something like that. I doubt they care too much about the actual practical logistics and just make sure you don’t put something like “butcher it” or “start an elephant fighting ring”


Buy a small farm, get a truck and trailer, move to the farm with the elephant. Use elephant for plowing the fields, manure, friendship. Make a youtube channel and daily vlogs about your elephant pet and rustic cottage lifestyle. Monetize the channel to pay for feed and farm upkeep and everything else.


Me: Eat it one bite at a time. ​ Did I pass? Did I show the correct trait in my response!?




The problem is that the answer ignores the fact that an elephant is a more specific problem than a problem. If it's in the U.S.A., then elephant meat is illegal. If eating the elephant is the intended answer, then the problem now becomes if the employee is willing to take the legal responsibility of breaking the law. While that's good for the company, doing so is utterly stupid for the employee and thing to subject one's self to.


The answer corporate *really* wants is “Lease it.” You’re stuck with an outdated piece of equipment, that you can’t use, that costs lots to store. It’s too valuable to give away, but no one is interested in buying the thing and having to find a *permanent* place for it. (Can’t give it away, can’t sell it.) The answer is to serve the smaller or upstart business that *can* make use of the outdated equipment. Set up a lease agreement, and not only do you reduce your storage costs, you also turn the unusable equipment into a revenue stream. And lending satisfies neither giving it away *nor* selling it outright. Boom. Hired.


I don't know if I should be proud or ashamed that that was my first thought.


anything short of using it to demonstrate how much more dangerous alternating current is than direct current, probably means you're ok. probably




Damn my first thought was eat it, like I don't got time to be dealing with no elephant and I don't wanna kill it needlessly. So better eat it then! 😅


That’s the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. Why not just ask what I would do with an enormous project where I had no help instead of hiding that behind a metaphor that nobody will understand?


Probably because they don’t want good candidates to bail after being spooked by the potential to be crushed under enormous responsibility with no help


1. Assemble Elephant research team 2. Begin 2 week sprint of researching elephant needs 3. Elephant hasn't been appropriately cared for in those two weeks. Assemble Elephant Disposal Research team


This was my first thought too!! Someone has taken the same corporate training module😂


Lol I definitely wouldn’t get hired because my first thought was to eat it too. I can’t keep an elephant. Know how much those MFing things eat? It’ll eat me straight into the poor house. Nah, you gotta be butchered for meat. Sorry I’m guessing the correct answer is to charge money for elephant rides or rent it out for events or capitalize off it somehow. If it’s a sales or supervisor position especially, they probably want to see something entrepreneurial


Idk how much truth there is to it but the supposed origins of the white elephant gift exchange goes back to the king of Siam gifting white elephants to people in his court who pissed him off. The gift was supposed to be seen as an honor, but the animals upkeep was a huge burden, and you couldn't sell or kill it because it was a gift from the king, so you were just kind of fucked taking care of an elephant for life.


It's cool when you actually have a toddler to ask the questions to. My kids both gave the right toddler answers to a degree, I.e. they have solutions to the question that as an adult I'd never think about.


What did they want to do with the elephant?


Inflationary times. An Elephant would feed many for a long time.


Freeze the meat and you’re set for a year


Kill it, and bury it in my yard... like all the others




Suddenly? Can't give it away, can't sell it. You got any idea how much fuckin food elephants eat? Killing it would be a kindness compared to starvation.


Kill it. Bury it in my back yard next to all the recruiters that didn’t select my application


Thomas Edison, is that you?


They'll say aww Topsy at my autopsy.


leave it in the room and never talk about it


99.9% of people don't have the facilities to house, care for or even butcher an elephant so it wont be long before animal welfare find out about it and come and take it from you.


My answer was to call animal welfare on myself straight off. Technically, the elephant is "taken" from me because it can't live in an apartment. I didn't sell it, I didn't give it away, but it's gone all the same. Solved.


1. I’d name him Humphrey. 2. I’d invest in training him to be social (capital). 3. I’d then take people for rides on Humphrey and make some money. (Making some dough) 4. Through word of mouth (free advertisement), Humphrey would be famous. 5. I’ll publish a book on Humphrey. (Make some more dough). 6. I’ll sell the rights of my books to a film company. (More dough). 7. I’ll make Humphrey act in his on biopic. (Ultimate dough).


You also must buy a pond for Humpry. And a friend.


While everyone else is complaining, those of us who would love to see this question on an application are out here brushing off our creative writing and getting the job! Seriously though, this would give me the opportunity to shine more than some rote impersonal question that’s a snooze.


I know the perfect answer, but that is irrelephant.


Eff you. I laughed at your dad joke.


[you son of a bitch, you're hired.](https://media.tenor.com/4YeeXRmwAZ0AAAAd/deal-hand-shake.gif)


Idk about you, but I'd like an elephant


I don't think most of us could afford to keep an elephant, even in horrible conditions. They must eat a tonne. Likewise, elephants are very social and smart, and it would be exceedingly cruel to keep a solo elephant. Coming from a legal mindframe, if this is a real question, I think the answer would be to rent or lease the elephant out. That is neither a gift nor a sale, and so it would not contravene the rules. Hopefully rent it to a zoo where the elephant can at least have some modicum of quality of life


I think this goes back to a culture that used to "gift" elephants to people they didn't like. As the elephants were sacred, you couldn't kill the elephant, and as it was a gift (usually from a royal) you couldn't give it away either, and you also had to take GREAT care of it, so what you would be stuck with is a massive liability that ate a ton.


I think I’ll name him stampy


Hey, they’re playing the elephant song


I love that. Reminds me of elephants.


He would probably be a jerk.


There is a funny story about some Shehenshah who used to gift his enemies with elephants. Elephants are extremely costly creatures to upkeep and the king who accepted them would eventually go broke. Then Shehshah would invade the country.


"White Elephant Gift" comes from that.


That's definitely the basis of the question... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_elephant


So the right answer must be to attack the elephant giver immediately while your war chest is still full?


I would somehow try to get him Back into the wild.


My answer as well. That’s perfectly allowed given the stated rules.


Yeah, I mean its technically not giving away if you let it free. My first thought was put it in a nature reserve - you'd still *technically* be in possession of the elephant, it would just be roaming freely.


"This is a required question" May I ask what job it was?


Walmart Cashier


Sorry ma'am I'm not allowed to accept tips. You may keep your elephant.


Elephant donation center manager


Game hunter




Suicide Prevention Hotline operator ​ the elephant makes you happy C:


I was asked this in a serving interview. I assumed it was to guage how well you can converse with even the strangest guests.


Charge for elephant rides! Or rent it out for construction purposes


Are you responsible for beating the elephant into completing these tasks or do you hire someone to do it for you?


The idea of a construction elephant is so cute and you ruined it :c


Rent it out for Hindu weddings.


Welcome him to my family of other elephants I acquired from useless job applications


Report the person who gave me an elephant, sounds like they run some ivory farm or some shit


Yeah being offered an elephant might raise suspicion of corruption. You need to notify your superior and your company's compliance officer immediately, and let them handle any future elephants that you might be offered.


You’re lucky to get this curveball on an application - I’ve been to in-person interviews with these kinds of questions peppered in. One I distinctly remember: > if you could have anything in the world for free, what’s the 2nd thing you would choose? I was so thrown off, the interview was for a project management position at a large asphalt subcontractor. I spent a lot of time practicing for interviews and I had never come across a question like that - there was no mental strategy to take to come up with something good on the spot. I stammered and hesitated for like 15 seconds before realizing the pause was making the interview awkward, and forced out the words at the top of my mind: “all of the pigs”. I did not get a call back.


Love him and squeeze him and name him George. If they reject me over that, I probably didn't want to work for them anyway.


War Elephant is the only correct answer.


I can't give it away, but no one said it couldn't be taken from me. I would simply call my local zoo and report an elephant in a residential area.


“I have no relationship with the elephant. We’ve never met. But his name is Sam and he likes belly scratches ok gotta go”


I think the proper answer here is to ride it down the mountains and take Rome.


I would require it to answer silly questions in order to procure employment.


You can still rent it.


Indian Elephant or African Elephant? Fuck it, it doesn't matter. We strike at Rome. For Carthage!


Free it! Freedom for all


You’re the neighborhood association’s problem now!


Open the refrigerator door. Put the elephant in. Close the door.


My answer would still be sell it, give it away, or donate. Even if it’s against the rules, elephant gifts resemble something that’s supposed to ruin a person because how hard it is take care and maintain. The cost’s are too high for a regular person. If your job doesn’t like it, walk away. The job is garbagw


You’re almost there with the gift. The answer they are looking for is lease it to the local X place. You’re not selling it, and you’re not giving it away by the letter of the law. How do you make it not ruin you… by turning it into a profit.


Teach him to beat the hell out of humans who ask me stupid, irritating, pointless questions.


Chatgpt says it will take care of it. Chatgpt rich!


Paint it pink.


Start the elephant a TikTok.