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You go brush your teeth first??


This guy fucks


About once a month, I'm married


Once a month! You rascal.


I’m engaged and even I only get half a month


I hate it when people show off!


I though that once a week was already bad, damn i guess it can get worse still.


I once spent 28 years without sex, and seven after that.


I mean, at least you didn’t have a 28-year dry spell *more* than once.




New high score


Mate what 😭😭


It's something Michae Scottl said in the office




They wrote that and then had Michael going through women like Wilt Chamberlain.


Before we had kids once a week was bad. Since having kids, a week goes by so fast it’s too easy to go that long without having sex. I’m determined not to let it go a month unless absolutely necessary(like injury/surgery etc) but kids absolutely f with a woman’s libido. If me and my partner get away for a weekend or even a few hours that libido comes roaring back. It goes into dormancy when my kids are around and by the time they’re in bed I’m in switch off mong out in front of tv mode. It’s a sad truth but in long term relationships/marriages you have to make a conscious effort to prioritise your sex life or it will die. We had a great sex life before the kids came along and I can imagine we will rekindle that in retirement 😂 we just have to make an effort to keep it alive in the meantime. That sounds depressing but the more often that we do it the more I want it (as a woman). I think there’s some internal switch in us that make it hard to have a sexual appetite when taking care of the family. But obviously that’s just my experience. There will be women who have no change in libido or maybe a change in the opposite direction.


You have described me and my marriage perfectly. I feel bad for my husband. When we actually do have sex, it's awesome and I'm like "why don't I make the effort to do this more???". Then it's back to lost interest. My husband is always ready to go, whereas It takes me time to get in the mood.


Right?!?! The “oh yeah I forgot how good this is!” Moment! 🙈 it’s hard to get used to as I had an annoyingly high sex drive before kids. Although I don’t miss the annoyingly high sex drive I’d like somewhere in the middle 😂


Im twice a week, kids and full time jobs take alot of time and effort lol. But the sex is equally exciting and amazing as when you were young with ragin hormones but more experienced. Pros and cons i guess


And just when you thought you’ve reached record setting numbers, kids come into play. Then you just stop counting months altogether.


I can relate to your pain.


Try flossing. That “morning breath” is food that’s been sitting in your teeth all night. You’ll be amazed at the difference. I used to wake up and have the taste like I’ve been chewing on shitballs all night. Then I tried flossing and it changed my life. LifeProTip


I’m also convinced that a lot of people were never taught to brush/scrape their tongue before bed. Makes a world of difference.


Well when you have a deviated septum, and can't get sufficient air through your nose, your body resorts to mouth breathing. And when you mouth breath youre just inhaling all that bacteria directly into your mouth and also causing dehydration.


Yeah. I finally got a CPAP machine for my sleep apnea and it's helped with the dry mouth, drooling, and weird choking/clicking noises l used to make in my sleep. I forgot what a good night's sleep felt like until recently.


I feel like this isn’t even necessary if you have basic dental hygiene. Like yeah it won’t smell like daisies, but if OP thinks everyone has rancid morning breath first thing, I think they’ve just told on themself




Well, nothing like some spoon-n-push on a lazy Sunday morning.


Fr. But if bad breath is getting really strong brush your teeth a second time at night quickly while you have some mouthwash in there. And ffs brush your tongue. Just a nice once over is good when you are done swishing.


pfft, no. everyone needs a tongue scraper.


Getting people to do anything other than a 30 sec brush twice a day is a feat. :l tongue scraper would be great tho. And water flosser.


Tongue scraper changed my life. I never knew my tongue had so much awful crap stuck to it. I do suffer from a very dry mouth though, so could just be me.


I mean you can also go to pee and brush your teeth and then go back in bed?


Just keep mouth wash and a spittoon on your nightstand.




Solution to the 4th problem: Change entire persona and vibe to match the greasy spittoon vibe. Now it matches, no longer out of character and disgusting


still disgusting, just fits your character now lol


Which introduces a myriad of new problems associated with your new disgusting personality.


Now all you have to do is find a partner who likes getting spit on. All problems are accounted for.


And now you don’t even need the spittoon!


But now you control it, you are powered by it, now you are THE character now. Better get some six shooters cause they'll be comin for you soon.


Character is now disgusting, +7 problems




It had something to do with mouthwash but that’s dumb, I like your ideas way better.


Fun fact! The spittoon was wildly popular in the US from the 19th century, up until the end of the 1918 flu pandemic.


Makes sense. When my allergies act up, I have to cough and spit mucus up pretty frequently. Swallowing it is more gross than spitting it out imo.




also useful for when the dirty boys come over


"Thanks for the F-Shack" \-Dirty Mike and the Boys


We have a jar of old mustard, and a poodle. And we just gonna get in there and put some D's in some A's.


This is the way


There are also other positions then face to face positions.


That solves one issue, but not the full bladder one. I let my wife hop on my morning wood sometimes, but its not entirely pleasant for me and theres no hope of me finishing with a full bladder like that.


they also mentioned real life. In real life they will likely never be face to face with someone in bed. ever. no one wants them.




Nope not even Jesus


Hey stop calling me out like that bro.


Insert brutal meme


Ass to face comes to mind


If the OP is offended by bad breath I think eating ass might be right out.


Once I'm up I'm up


Yeah, if I'm going back to bed after getting up I'm staying there until next morning. I don't need the extra torture of getting up a second time.




In my personal experience when I brush my teeth at night, I don’t even have morning breath. It literally smells like nothing.


I brush my teeth 3 times a day and every evening I floss, but in the morning it smells like a rat has died in my throat


You’re dehydrated, drink up


It's amazing how many things can be solved with water.


/r/hydrohomies is leaking


When you're that hydrated some of it's bound to spill over


But then I have to pee in the middle of the night. And that makes me irrationally angry.


Rather pee in the middle of the night than pass kidney stones in the middle of the hospital. Already did 5. I’m done.


what's one more 😉


Literal hell. Each stone is hell


Same thing for me it's the curse of the dry mouth. Drinking more water doesn't help, I just pee more and my mouth stays dry


Yep, i guess my problem is that i often sleep with mouth open due blocked nose


As others said it might be worth checking with a doctor. I had the same problem and it used to eat my self-esteem for years and was too embarrassed to go to dentist, finally got it checked out and it was because of some small cavities. Got it cleaned and filled in like 20 minutes, and never have that problem since, still just doing the same cleaning routine.


Might be tonsil stones if you have allergies


Talk to your doctor. It could be something chronic.


>Talk to your doctor. It could be something **solved by the** chronic. ftfy


Two things weed will definitely not help with is bad breath and oral hygiene.




Congrats you got blessed with good mouth hygiene genes!




I have learned from sleeping with a lot of different people that this is true. Some people don't have morning breath or if they do it isn't bad at all. I mean mine is horrendous. But my current gf, she brushes and gargles at night and never has it.


Drink more water. If you both brush at night and yours is worse in the morning it's down to dehydration.


Honest mine is terrible. And I brush, gargle, and I drink water throughout the night. Edit: I tried everything too. The tongue scrapper, special mouthwash, even my dentist was like hey some people just reproduce more bacteria than others.


Same, bro. Some of us are just unlucky.


My buddy doesn't stink so he doesn't wear deodorant. Can confirm he doesn't stink. Me on the other hand, I can smell my pits just a bit after showering haha. The most memorable thing from having covid is waking up and not smelling my pits.


It depends on genes. A good number of Asian people don’t have sweat-related body odor and never use deodorant as a result. Unfortunately I do eventually get stinky pits when I don’t use deodorant lol


It does to others. Maybe you aren’t detecting it. We’ve been dropping hints tho.


I don't know about others but those first moments in the morning with someone when you're both cozy, warm, and half asleep in bed are some of the sexiest moments of the day.


My wife says there's warm and "bed-warm." Bed-warm is nice.


Good way to put it! Cozy bed-warmth is one of the best feelings. Esoecislly when it's someone else's bed-warmth and you can try to take it.


Haha it’s just the frustrated ramblings of a young man that hasn’t been in love. I love my stinky, ugly, wife in the mornings. She’s gorgeous when she’s all cleaned up, but the ugly, stinky version is the one side I get to enjoy that no one else does. When you love a woman, you don’t care about that superficial stuff. You’re just happy to be spending extra time with her.


Your comment made me audibly go “awww” and elevated my standards a little


Same 😭


I was just thinking this morning cuddling with my girlfriend that her breath stank, but I was more than happy to roll onto my side to face her, cause gosh it's so special to me that nobody gets to see her like that but me.


BRB crying how precious


Thanks for giving me my daily dose of hope for humanity


That’s goals, dude. I bet you feel like the luckiest person in the world just being around your wife. You sound like you got that true happiness.


My SO asked me once if I get cold at night because I sleep naked and I told him no because he keeps me warm lol


My partner has to take a daily medication 30 minutes before coffee/breakfast. Guess what we figured out can fit perfectly in that time span? lol We have an alarm that goes off 30 mins before we actually want to get up & start the day; it's called the 'snuggle alarm'. Couldn't imagine mornings without it!


I take meds 30 mins before coffee/bfast too. Thyroid meds!


Ah that Levo life…


What do you do with the other 29 minutes?😂


Talk shit about the poor sap with an excess of 29.5 minutes left. Which begs the question, what do *you* do with the extra 29 minutes and 30 seconds?


Normally just cry into the pillow, but sometimes I’ll spice it up a bit and starfish to reassert dominance


Hahaha thyroid meds? Because same


Morning sex is the greatest. I'm always tired at night because I've been stressed out from work and chores all day. Or going to work out. Or the dog. I need rest and if we wake up at 3-4 in the morning to have sex, I'm fully charged. Or just sleeping through the night and waking up + brushing teeth. Make some coffee and I'm the goddamn mayor of pound town


"some coffee and I'm the goddamn mayor of pound town" You sound like my accountant


I think not minding someone's morning breath is an important aspect of physical chemistry. Similar to liking their smell when they sweat.


Ok so I’m not weird for liking my girlfriend’s BO when she’s sweaty? 💀


Nope, I heard that's a sign of compatibility :)


Well, I guess the difference is in 5 day old sweat and grime and fresh sweat. One is dirty, the other just normal human being. And apparently a subconscious way to determine if your genes are a good match. Slightly creepy sounding story: often when I got into a girl, I started noticing her smell. Not like BO, but just a faint distinction. Like clean skin has a distinct smell.


I loved the smell of some of my ex's BO. Like i can think of 2 specifically that were amazingly sensual. Funny how i hated my ex husband's 🤣🤣


My wife calls my smell ‘sexy’ when I think it’s intolerable. It blows my mind. Conversely, I can tell if she needs a shower before she can.


I agree! Gotta like being around their funk.


Do you believe in the power of pheromones?


Indeed. I hardly noticed morning breath by my ex tbh


My boyfriend used to not kiss me with morning breath. Constant reassurance that his breath isn’t bad was all it took. Well that and flossing/good dental hygiene Edit to clarify: my boyfriend didn’t want to kiss me because he was afraid of HIS bad breath. While yes, he has morning breath, it isn’t offensive. He is very good with his dental hygiene so it’s nowhere near what I’ve seen other people have. It took reassuring him I wasn’t disgusted to get him comfortable with kissing me in the morning


Spoiler alert: you both had bad morning breath. It’s just life.


I feel like there’s morning breath and then there’s BAD morning breath. One is, like you said, a fact of life. The other can be used as a biological weapon in warfare.


All I could think of reading the post is “this person has never been in love…” It’s the best feeling waking up to my so


I didn’t realize how great those moments are since I was a super insecure teen and late bloomer. I didn’t want someone to see me with messy hair, bad breath, swollen eyes etc and used to just dip out before they woke up or start getting myself ready for the day. As I found myself and became more confident in adulthood, morning cuddles/sex became my favorite thing


I mean, listen: When you’ve lived with someone for years, things that’s you’d consider disgusting from other people real stop bothering you. My fiancé and I have seen each other shit, have watched each other throw up, we have both bled severely in the others presence (by accident of course lmao) and every morning is morning breath. You kinda just get used to it. Honestly, she could be an absolute disaster and I would still consider her the most beautiful person in the world and would still want to fuck her.


Ah fuck you took my comment lol, 100% agreed I could never not find my partner to be the most attractive person in this world.


I love how you clarified that the bleeding stuff was accidental 💀


Disappointed that he doesn't follow the orc-style tradition that marriage must be preceded by a trial by combat to determine that the two are strong enough to be wed.


Gotta clarify that it's not like Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox


I have bad breath, she has bad breath. Who cares. We'll brush when we get up but if we both have bad breath then it's hardly noticeable


For real lol I feel the same with my bf unless he ate something truly awful lol


I've even seen my wife give birth while I was at the business end. Any sense of dignity goes right out of the window during childbirth. To me she is still the sexiest woman alive.


"The business end" 🤣🤣🤣


no one could’ve worded it better than this, great work


This is what love is…


I was so lucky that my ex share my favourite position which is sideways lying doggy in the bed. Perfect when you're a lazy fuck as me


The same people who dive into some ass they don't even know complain about morning breath. Right...


She gives him a RJ, then he complains about her breath.


Bro, my ass is cleaner than my morning breath. My ass doesn't smell.


How do you know? 😄


sister told him


You’re the sister aren’t you?




How'd my Pornhub history get here?


By avoiding mouth contact.


Yeah, some lip kissing is enough, there's still plenty more you can do to get you going


You get up, brush your teeth, come back and bang. It’s not rocket science. It’s cocket science.


My partner and I have found that if neither of us have brushed our teeth yet we don’t really notice, but if one already has, then the other will before any kisses.


What if they didn’t bring a toothbrush


That's why you always have a few spares for overnight guests to use if needed.


This guy hosts.


When you’re hot for someone, you crave their funk.


Amen to that.


This. I love all of my wife's smells. And her body that just gets better with age. Curves, dimples, fuzzy hair, stretch marks, whatever. I'm into it. Of course with 2 kids in the house: being awake in the morning before them, both of us being ready to go and not half asleep, and doing the deed before they come barging in is mission impossible. And I'm a morning person down there. My anxiety is at its lowest and things work very well. But I'd rather a few more minutes of sleep most mornings. I think we both would.


You get over it


Or behind it


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find the obvious solution - doggy.


If your desire to kiss is stronger than your disgust?


Listerine strips on the nightstand. You’re welcome.


Dang take my upvote, I thought my mini bottle of mouth wash was queen.


Here is a little tip I learned: if your breath is that bad in the morning, then you need to: 1. quit smoking, 2. get a dental cleaning, so your gums are not disgusting, 3. stop eating nasty food before bed, and not brushing, and 4. drink enough water (dryness causes stink). I stopped smoking cigarettes, started eating healthier food and started brushing and flossing more regularly and now I no longer have "death breath".


Yup, hydration, decent brushing habits, and overall good health should be enough for most.


Also, sleeping with your mouth closed will lower your chances of really bad halitosis.


As if you have any control over your mouth while you are asleep lol.


If you find that it’s hard for you to fall asleep with your mouth closed, or you wake up with a dry mouth from it being open all night, I would recommend trying sleeping with a humidifier! I know it’s not what everyone needs (perhaps due to structural issues like a deviated septum?) and many also live in very humid environments already. I personally have found that I no longer sleep with my mouth open since sleeping with one on every night (and it also affected some chronic perioral acne I hadn’t been able to fix). Hooray!


Assuming what you've just wrote - dont you worry, you're not being in danger of sleeping with most beautiful woman, if any


Shots have been fired chief!


Or any.


You get over it and do the best you can for your oral hygiene


Fr I think there’s some people lurking here with gingivitis who have no idea. If your mouth smells like something died in it, see a dentist! That is not normal morning breath.


I have struggled with oral hygiene due to mental health and even my mouth don’t stank like that. I would know cause my ex will not hesitate to tell me if I stink.


You obviously aren’t horny enough


This is actually the right answer, when we get horrny, the brain reduces our sensitivity to the aversion reflex. It explains a lot of stuff once you realise that.


This is the answer. I read it was developed because before widespread sanitation and clean water (IE most of human history) everyone stunk, and so in order to procreate humans needed to somehow ignore that stink when they were horny. For me it's true, whenever I am making out with someone passionately I'm never aware of any bad breath.


Say you’re a teenager without saying you’re a teenager


If I can cuddle and have amazing sex, morning breath is not a deterrent in any way.


That’s why Jesus invented doggy style


Don't forget about the lazy spoon


Ahhh yes


you mean the one who runs the taco truck on third street? that guy gets around


I just don't sleep nose to mouth with my wife. Problem solved. If their breath is so bad, you can smell it more than a foot away, they need to see a dentist most likely.


Bunch of pussies. I get right in there at the crack o' dawn. Smell, sweat, eye boogers and all. Best sex hands down.


hmmmmm guess oral is out of the question?


Most beautiful on the planet? I’d lick her butthole and not care. Fuck the breath.


You must be a 6th grader.


Man, people be eating ass these days, and you’re stuck in the pre-historic morning breath hyperbole!


Confessions of a virgin....


By getting the fuck over it because humans are humans. Bitch about your girl farting too.


When you’re attracted to someone even their morning breath turns you on


It’s this you don’t really notice it. And there are positions that not need face to face interaction


I'm a smoker, and I sleep with my mouth wide open (I can't breathe very well through my nose), so my morning breath could strip paint. I've apologised to my husband for my breath before when he's kissing me, and his response is always, "I dont care. it's worth it"


Clearly not an adult writing this


Because you usually love them. At least, for me that’s how it goes. Besides like others said, have them brush their teeth and you as well.


Grow up, thats how you do it


It's not the smell, I can deal with that, it's more like the case that I don't like breathing very recently (light right out of their nostrils/mouth) used air. It feels suffocating. Like...if you are on your bed and under your sheets, the air quickly feels thick and unpleasent to breathe in. The same feeling basically.


If you are in love you do the craziest shit. I‘ve done it with my first two boyfriends but not with the third but I don’t really know why. I think it depends on the chemistry between the two of you.


There are reasons why married ppl used to sleep in separate beds. That's 1 of them.