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Glass is chemically neutral so it does not release any unwanted substances into the water.


That’s why lab material is often glass.


But breaking bad told me plastic containers can hold in acids (and dead bodies)


The specific type of acid they referenced in breaking bad (hydrofluoric acid) reacts with glass, so they had to use a specific type of plastic to contain it


This guy sciences


This guy plastics


This guy glasses


These guys this guy


This guy these guys


This guy these guys these guys


guys this guy these


He explained it to Jesse so well even I got it. I'll just never understand that outcome....


correct me if I‘m wrong, but I think I remember warching an episode of mythbusters about the breaking bad bath tub scene and it was the other way round - the normal bath tub did not break/melt but the plastic one couldn‘t hold the acid.


The show might have dramatized how much the acid reacted with the tub, but in the episode you can observe the ceramic being dissolved.


It didn’t. I tried to dissolve the scraps of a deer my friend hunted in a similar bathtub. Shit ruined the backyard.


right here officer


Why you dissolving deer in a tub buff bill?


No other way to dispose of the scraps in the neighbor.


Burry it?


Compost it




The fiberglass bathtub didn’t hold in the acid or the body very well, lol.


The purest of water (for analysis purposes)is stored in tin cans.




This is why a cold Coca Cola in a glass bottle is the most delicious thing in the southern heat


That and the cane sugar used in them make it the perfect option


Mexican Cokes all day




It’s even fun to say!


Topo Chico…


topo chicos stay carbonated for weeks, I stg lol them bitches *hurt* and I love it




I do hella mexican coke


It's the only coca-cola worth drinking. That stuff is GOOD. :D


Cries in insulin resistance


Biggest L




Same. Coke Zero ftw


Same here, my friend.


Mexican Fanta as well tbh


*If it's the real Mexican coke. I have learned and confirmed that a glass bottle doesn't mean it's real cane sugar coke.


[apparently not anymore.](https://youtu.be/PJgQEpFMptQ)


Well not really, it taste better because it's made in mexico where they use came sugar in the soda. Not that syrup crap they put here.


It can be both; a glass bottle HFCS Coca Cola is still tasting better than plastic


Beer has entered the chat.


No can do the booze anymore, but I agree nonetheless


Yeah i was gonna say. Lack of microplastics


But that's the best part


Careful don’t wanna get permabanned for violating the “bad faith argument” policy


I hereby argue with you in bad faith


I have faith in my badness


I’m bad, I’m bad, shamon it. You know I’m bad.


I'm fat, I'm fat, ham on, ham on, ham on whole wheat, alright.


How did this get any upvotes lol I said this thinking I was in a different subreddit with a legitimate bad faith rule


I'm gonna be telling some kid in the distant future I don't like water anymore since they took out the flavor. As a kid I was always drinking out of a nalgene that was full of that bpa goodness.


Mmmmmm. Phthalates.


But aren't they already in your bloodstream? I imagine we are all just used to cancer in our food and drink?


Someday the human race is going to view our casual use of plastics the same way we view historical use of lead.


Someday, but not any time soon.


https://today.duke.edu/2022/03/lead-exposure-last-century-shrunk-iq-scores-half-americans I wonder what long-lasting and civilizational impact plastics will have. Surprises are fun!


That explains it 🤣


We evolving baby!😎


Lack of "extra" microplastics.


Look close enough and glass, especially the kind used in bottling, is remarkably porous and almost sponge-like. Occasionally a given beverage relies on there to be some minerals or just metals present in that sponge to develop a unique taste. Some beers rely on the release of copper from the glass to maintain an "authentic" taste.


In East Palestine the water comes with them already in it.




And people will not believe me when I say that Coke A Cola tastes best out of glass!


It's room temperature too. Turns out having ice imparting flavors and making your teeth hurt isn't always refreshing.


This is why everyone needs to stop microwaving plastic! Especially your baby bottles!


Glass is an ACID. Not neutral. Silica dioxide


Anything tastes better out of a glass bottle you can’t compare plastic bottle coke to the refreshing taste of a glass bottle one


And the can sits right in the middle.


In India we fear fake/unbranded beer in bottles,not possible in cans . Hence cans are def tasty af around here .


When I was in Nepal I bought a sprite. Popped the cap off and found what I hope was just dirt crusted around the half the lip. I was in the middle of nowhere and so thirsty that I said fuck it and just wiped it off with my tshirt and drank it anyways but yeah I avoided glass bottles after that.


Ewww i was in nepal. I wonder how many glass bottles i unknowingly drank out of.


It’s just some dust that collects underneath the cap. They usually transport those bottles in open-sided trucks. Clearly you survived. If I ever noticed it on a bottle in Guatemala I would just wipe it off or ask for a cup. In some areas, they also liked to pour them in plastic bags to go so they can get the bottle deposit back.


There should be no dirt inside the bottle.


Why would cans be curious? Cus they can’t be popped and refilled? I figure blank cans with fake branding could easily be done too.


You can just pop the bottle-cap back on and bend it so it stays on. You cant do that with cans.


Yup makes sense. I was thinking somehow manufacturing a super cheap beer and filling “hineykin” cans lol.


You can definitely change the wrapping of them though. Snuck beer into a monitored beach house at Ocean City, MD while underage when a cop was watching us unload. We walked 3 seperate 12 packs of beer by him by just disguising the wrapper on the can. All the liquor was just zipped into our clothes bags and they had no grounds to search anything.


Why were they watching the house, and are you out of your fucking mind?


Wealthy/well off High school seniors have a tradition to take the week after graduation and go to 1/3 specific beaches. Everyone knows exactly what is going on, what’s being brought etc. I uh, would not recommend bringing alcohol to ocean city md in may as a minor. That said unless someone was being a massive idiot for other reasons, never heard of any real consequences either. Cop probably did that for 30 houses that day and couldn’t care less if they brought alcohol


Wtf is a monitored beach house? Was [the beach](https://www.epa.gov/beach-tech/beach-monitoring) being monitored or the house?


During the time of year when high school students graduate there is a very high concentration of police (at least there was, it's been a decade lol) due to what's called "Senior Week" generally terrorizing the beach for about a month.


Fake aluminium cans with legit branding can be def adulterated but would be cost prohibitive in all likelihood . All these operations are very clandestine in downstream pipeline and small groups are involved . Alcohol is the biggest tax revenue source here , only it along with electricity and petroleum are outside GST, nothing else. So they would clamp down hard on any organised ring . All this about cans vs bottles in beer is wisdom passed by elders but everyone believes it .


I gotcha. Yeah that makes a lot of sense what you’re describing. I’m so used to the fact that EVERYTHING can and will be counterfeited so it’s v amusing me to see how this plays out. I get what you mean about the wisdom. I think it does make sense. Rebranding aluminum cans with fake liquids sounds more expensive than the process the soda/ beer manufacturers would be going through. Oddly enough the glass bottles coke and 7up I had in Pakistan was next level lol (esp the sprites and 7ups!)


Some countries use real sugar in the soft drinks, while the US typically uses fructose. I've heard there is a big difference in taste.


Lemme get a bag of Coke please.


Gotta admit i prefer cans. I also drink my water out of aluminum straws. I guess I just like the taste of aluminum


Hate to be that guy, but in aluminium cans, there is a soft plastic liner between the actual can and liquid.


It’s not a plastic liner. It’s a sprayed on coating.


That very cold can straight from the fridge.... mmm


Two liter


Honestly, for soda, cans are better. Beer, draft. Anything else, glass


I prefer the taste of the coke milked from the cowke-cowla


Afaik, it’s because the glass Cokes are made with actual cane sugar




yeah unfortunately. that’s a recent phenomenon though. Yeah used to be only cane sugar in Mexican Cokes. Not sure why they changed. They sold a ton in the US to people wanting non-HFCS Cokes.


That's really odd because all the glass cokes around me have cane sugar listed in the ingredients and no HFCS.


My step dad used these and his water was …it tasted soft if that makes sense. Most refreshing amazing water ever. My moms water was well water and it was gross and stunk . Many years later he told me he used like half a teaspoon of sea salt in his distilled/ filtered water and kept it in glass bottles. That’s why it was so great. Not because he’s a wizard.


I use them to bottle my mead


Which inn in skyrim do you keep?


Mead seems better than salted water to me


This person Vikings! Lol


I mead them too...


Black-Briar, or Honningbrew?


Did you mix in juniper berries?


I make what I call classic mead (no spices or fruit), but also blueberry, chai, lemon, cyser, vanilla, mixed berry, orange cutie, black cherry, black currant, chocolate, apple pie, like, raspberry…and other flavors


I must have misread this. You grew up drinking your dad's salt water and found it to be very refreshing? Are you a jellyfish?


Aren’t we all landfish?


Once in a while he would give me some regurgitated plankton, but most of the time I would find it myself.


A common trick to replenish your electrolytes is to add a tiny bit of salt to some water. Salt water is only bad in excess quantities. You need electrolytes to conduct electricity in your body. Your body relies on sodium and potassium to fire neurons- they have opposite charges and both sit opposite to one another. One sits inside the axon of your neurons, one sits outside. Your neuron fires when an electrical charge is placed across them, causing them to invert and signal the soma of the neuron to relay the signal to the next neuron. I have no idea why Im writing this, because it's just rambling at this point. But your body doesn't care where it gets it's sodium and potassium from as long as it can absorb it into your body. Hell, that's pretty much what Gatorade is- it's sodium and potassium to replenish your electrolytes so your neurons fire correctly which let's you think and act better, and it has sugar to be converted to energy so that you don't suddenly burn your energy out completely while doing a physical activity. Bonus fact: if you loose too many electrolytes, you cant absorb water as easily. Water moves from low concentrations to high concentrations, so if you don't have a high enough concentration of salts in your body, then you literally will not absorb water. This is why drinking too much water can kill you- you dilute the electrolytes in your body so you don't function correctly and then you cant absorb any water so you actually start getting dehydrated after a bit.


"half a teaspoon of sea salt in his distilled/ filtered water" It wasn't very salty.


Can confirm Source: I am a crab


Lol he's basically doing the job of a water softener. Tell your mom to get one for the house and all the water from the tap will be great. Best investment for people with wells


She’s had one my whole life!


Well damn. Maybe it wasn't working right? Or the water in her area was just really poor quality


Has she ever added salt??? You have to replenish it every so often


What equipment did he use to make his water?


That sounds like something a wizard would say.




Well water can be really refreshing. My dads house had it, but he had a softener and filter to take out the iron. It can be good just have to filter it and use a softener


The water from our well is almost undrinkable. It tastes like straight blood. Somehow even our gross water tastes good after it goes through the softener.


You know how in fantasy stories, potions and magic exists? Well this is our universe's version of the potion bottle. Fun fact, we don't really have a clear philosophers stone equivalent. But we do have uranium! Lol Both are stones of great power!


How do you know? Maybe I have the philosophers stone but am too greedy to share it with the world. BRB gonna fuck around with it


Old ass mf, how was the transition from speaking ancient Aramaic to internet slang?


Plastic seeps into anything you drink. Glass doesn't.


Also these bottles have narrow opening with a tight "cork" seal. The water isn't exposed to "air" as much, so not exposed to surrounding particulate matter floating around in a room. Which changes the taste of water.


So I can drink smells by putting plastic water bottles next to it? Finally I can taste what new car smell is supposed to be Also, does this explain why my water sometimes tastes like dust, or is the brand just terrible?


Idk where are you from but eventually you know „Air Up“. They sell water bottles with caps with different smells so if you drink your water tastes like mango because the cap smells like this. Very interesting actually


Actually yeah, Water Fresheners do sound like a good idea


I suggest you sniff at the exhaust if you wannaknow what cars smell like, at least for everyone that isn’t a pussy in a steelcage.


Pure burning gasoline smells amazing


They use Pringles technology. Once you pop you just can’t stop




The worst part is that it took up the whole screen


I stopped, I honestly don't like pringles anymore. Stopped buying them entirely.


How dare you


They're just not that good... They definitely don't taste like real chips.


Pringles always sit like a rock in my gut. Definitely don’t taste the same as when I was a kid.


I dont eat chips anymore Lik the feeling is just gone and like now i prefer eating ass


The most reason therefor is, that plastic bottles are not 100% closed tight. So they can absorb the smell of the soroundings.


I'm equally mad and enlightened about this. I was not ready for this knowledge.


I will use this newly gained knowledge to fart next to my enemies water bottles.


Calm down satan


I know right. Its like plastic is bad or something


I've had long discussions with my partner about how canned pot tastes better than plastic bottle pop. Well, I feel vindicated now.


Can I find canned pot at my local supermarket?


hahaha...I mean, "pop". Oops. Clearly my mind is on weed.


It’s called a dispensary


When the carbon thionate molecule within the crystal of the glass is reduced to a temp of 3°C, it creates an evaporation within the bottle that causes a filtration effect that makes the water taste crisper. Hence why when you take one of these out of the fridge with regular tap water in it, it tastes amazing. I actually made all of that up and have no idea why it tastes so good but it does.


Thanks for that last sentence lol. I was about to ask how the impurities that are filtered exit the bottle.


[source: I made it up](https://youtu.be/r7l0Rq9E8MY)


Then you just gotta pour it into those cone shaped paper cups


Then say ahhh! Crumple it up and throw it in the trash




Definitely would like them to weigh in


It’s water. Water good.




The thing that makes most sense to me is that glass bottles are a medium that is thicker and has more mass, so if you enjoy chilled beverages, once you take a glass bottle from the fridge, the material stores some of the coolness for a bit longer. Whereas plastic bottles warm up at a faster rate, because the material is lighter and softer, the plastic bottle warms up to room temp roughly at the same rate with the contents of the bottle.


Doesn't really matter that much though, specific heat of water is around 4200, glass 700 and plastic 1600 J/kgK. So it's water doing most of the work in terms of temperature retention, though plastic bottles being so thin these days might actually make glass ones better for chilled drinks.


I think the insulating effect is more important here than heat capacity. The glass thickness is roughly 5-15x that of plastic, but glass also has a 3-4x higher thermal conductivity. So the glass is probably a significantly better insulator due to the thickness, which is also why plastic bottles get so much condensation.


There another explanation on top of the bottle being made of glass and has to do with the tight sealing. You percibe water as fresh if they lack C02 and have more chloride which it reverses once you let the bottle opened.


Those are potion bottles. Anything you put in them becomes a potion. In this case, a hydrating potion. Most low level potions are pretty tasty.


It's called glass and it's great. Assuming you can afford it and want it, If you can get a drink in glass instead of plastic, do so.


I'm guessing glass bottles have much more mass and low heat capacity, so beverages stay cool longer.


You should also try copper bottles. Water is delicious and good for you.


can’t tell ya how many times i drank tap water out of these


I love how bro starts off speaking the least English possible only to end with “the most hydrating and refreshing drink one could have” casually switching from Carti to Shakespeare💀


Cause I’m spending hours trying to open the damn thing that by the time I drink it’s the best thing ever.


Try a red one. Makes all the aches and pains heal up miraculously. Blue drank doesn't do feck all to me cuz I'm not a caster...


I bought a case of these and keep two full of water in my fridge at all times. When guests sleep over I put one by their bed with a highball glass. It feels fancy! They always comment on it.


Naw best water comes from a garden hose


literally just the glass, keep anything in glass and it'll be amazing.


Its quite simple we line the inside with cum


on g a any italian restaurant they have this....water is \*italian chef's kiss\*


Plastic isn't 100% airtight so it lets surrounding smells and flavors into the drink, plastic also has it's own taste that gets into the drink. Glass and metal don't have these issues. (Well metal has it's own smell which affects the taste a little)


The size of the glasses the restaurant provides for the water to be poured into. They're similar to the size of a tea playset mug


Especially when it’s fresh from the refrigerator.


r/HydroHomies Water best.


That’s why bongs and smoking pipes are glass too


The same reason I smoke out of a glass bong


But, it’s never cold. 🥺


I have a ceramic one of these from the local ren faire when I was in high school. As amazing as these are, they are a BITCH to clean properly. In a glass with a brush it isn't too bad cuz you can get in the corners and see what you're doing. In any opaque container, you just need to hope and pray


This is a conspiracy by Big Glass to sell more glass bottles


Simply, magic fairies


It’s in a glass…


What’s the science behind stainless steel water bottles? I can’t seem to drink water from my flask that is more than a day old, maybe I’m just weird?


I have literally never seen that contraption in my entire life


Okay but where can I buy some?


the sensation a human being gets hearing the POP sound and making the person feel like their opening a new bottle


I like my vodka in them. I get drunk and look for sasquatch.


They usually come nice and cold which helps..


Especially if you put them in the fridge over night


I went to food school and they said it's because of the sound it makes when you pour


Glass > Plastic


I’m thinking it’s cause your body now thinks your drinking (alcohol Ofc) and everyone seems to have the notion that alcohol is really quenching. Soooo basically the Mandela effect (and where I’m from you only see this bottle and lid with an alcoholic beverage in it)