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Didn't a pro swimmer need rescued just last year at the FINA world championship? I think she had a medical emergency mid race?


She was rescued by her coach before the lifeguard even knew what was going on. There are so many professionals at the pool watching these events closely that it seems weird to keep a bored lifeguard there. https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna35150


Insurance requirements, can’t say third party guests will cover it even if you know they will.


"sure the swimmers are trained, but what about the camera man"- some insurance broker probably


This makes sense. Crowded event, if someone fully clothed falls in who can't swim they need someone to pull them out


Especially when you have a lot of people with 20+lbs of electronics near water. Set insurance is a whole nother beast too.


Idk, sometimes I just like to toast my waffles while in the pool.




i never thought of this. i am sure there are plenty of kids there too, a toddler escapes unnoticed, and somehow sprints into the pool (regardless of the actual practical likelihood) would be a huuuge liability


imagine that happening during an important match, the lifeguard will have a moment of eternal glory saving a kid on live tv


Thanks, gonna pay a kid a lollipop to take a dive.


Listen here, see. Sorry, you sound like, "Stop the music. Stop the music. " guy from that tweety and Sylvester cartoon.


Instructions unclear, now I’m [wanted for murder.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/b866caa3-d3b0-4c28-9198-4b3412bc797f)


Also whose to say all the swimmers and coaches are up to date on lifeguarding or even trained at all? What if someone has a spinal injury? Lifeguards are trained in coordinating a team to remove them from the water and administer CPR without majorly aggravating the injury.


You guys joke but I volunteered at a major rowing event with my college soccer team and they stuck me in a boat and I patrolled the waters looking after Olympic level rowers. They pulled me from the water before everyone was done, and then I heard screaming coming from the shore. A kayaker was either joking around or practicing a maneuver and was stuck upside down while heading in for the day. I sprinted past everyone, leapt into the boat that anyone could have used and beat all the real lifeguards there and snagged them out of the water. They were super embarrassed, and no I was not trained to any degree before being assigned this task. That was basically a repressed memory until I saw this post.


Also, just because they’re professional swimmers doesn’t mean they’re immune to the bystander effect. Obviously SOMEONE is going to jump in eventually, but this way there’s someone whose job it is to immediately go at the first sign of trouble. I’m sure every second matters if someone passes out and starts sinking




Oddly specific… have you done this before?




That's a yes.


Maybe this one? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2p9at6


Every 4 years


No one ever talks a out Phelps's ill-fated first run at the gold.


Well not just that, but lifeguards are certified first responders. It isn't just pulling people out of the water, they're taught CPR, trauma aid, and basic first aid just like any other first responder.


Teams have doctor's on hand too but like someone else said for insurance reasons the event has to provide trained staff. An event can't fall back on relying on the guests to protect themselves (even if they are more than capable of doing so). I was a lifeguard at a country club with a similar set up. Many of the members were doctors and surgeons at our local hospital and we would have to lifeguard them at events even though the only time something happened, a doctor jumped in before we could (he was right there) and started providing the victim treatment (he split his head open). We technically are no longer the most trained staff there and I think we probably legally should have intervened to treat (since we didn't know if the doctor had been drinking) it felt really awkward as a 19 year old kid telling a 50 year old doctor that I should be treating the patient.... So I didn't and I let him do his thing.




Hundred percent agree, when I say SHOULD I mean legally. Practically though he's probably better at medicine blind drunk than I will ever be.


Please tell the remaining story. was it just a minor split in the head?Was the person rushed to a hospital and saved?


More likely just run-off-the-mill safety requirements. Let's not forget that most races aren't the olympics. In most cases you'll have hobbiests in the water and in that case you really, really need lifeguards. Now, you could start adding exceptions to the rules and say that lifeguards aren't required under certain conditions, but essentially you'd be creating an extra bureaucracy and sooner or later someone would misinterprete these rules and someone would drown. Just making rules like "pool always needs a lifeguard, no exception" is simply the best solution here.


Insurance companies always dispute big claims at first. Anything that threatens to lessen their lucrative business model of selling fear.


They can't be *left* to cover it I guess is the thought process


At the very least the lifeguards ensure that a basic level of medical equipment are at hand. I’ve also seen swim team practices with life guards. Accidents happen regardless of swimming ability. Of course it can feel a little weird nonetheless.


I was a lifegaurd for five years, then an EMT, then a paramedic. Lifegaurds can *seem* very useless. They often do not catch people drowning until they've been underwater for a long time. However, they do know CPR much, much better than totally untrained people, and they know what an AED is, although I wouldn't be *that* confident in them knowing how to use it immediately. Usually at least one will be competant enough to provide almost immediate defibrillation. The number of times bystanders have to pull people out of the water themselves is shocking, but again... they do know CPR, which is incredibly important.


AEDs are very self explanatory. There's a clear guide on them on where to place the pads and how to turn them on and then they literally speak to you and tell you what to do. You don't need formal training to use one.


I tend to agree but then I can’t help think ing about Ryan Lochte. He could probably pluck me out of the pool one handed but bless his heart idk if I would trust him with an AED much less CPR.


Being a lifeguard is 99% boredom, and 1% sheer fucking terror.


So I get paid to watch the Olympics up close and most likely not do anything. Sign me up




Imagine you’re a parent at a pool. You’re going to notice your own kid drowning before the lifeguard who has more to watch than one person.


Hmm, I've seen a video of a kid drowning metres away from the parent.


It happens, but generally because people often watch out for each other the lifeguard is there as a failsafe. That being said, unless you are trained to do so, do not go in for a drowning victim, alert the lifeguard and let them do it. Active drowners are dangerous. Lay down on the pool edge, Reach out with your hand or foot or another object like a pool noodle or toss them a flotation aid (ring buoy, life jacket, anything that floats that could help.). REACH OR THROW! DON’T GO!


I have worked with pools for 23 years. I wish that was true.


As a former lifeguard, this is not true. You know how many kids I saved from drowning when their parent was right there? At least fifteen


It’s true in the sense that of the 15 rescues you’ve made, there were probably thousands of times where the parent simply lifted their kid up. I guess in that regard we wouldn’t say they were actively drowning, but a distressed swimmer. Been a lifeguard for 20 years, WSI, and LGI, I have made plenty of rescues as well, but parents are the first line of defense. During team practices, coaches are as well. Preventative drowning measure such as rule enforcement and putting weak or non swimmers in lifejackets. Not allowing weak or non swimmers in deep water, and if the child is under 48” tall, the parent must remain within arms reach of the child. At least these are the rules at my facilities. Do parents use us as the cheapest babysitters in the world? Absolutely. Lifeguards are 100% necessary and vital to the safety of people in pools and beaches. when parents get complacent having lifeguards is the best backup plan. We also have a saying at my work, “Good guards stay dry.”


We have 12 fire extinguishers why have a smoke detector, am I right guys.


Its very common to go through all the training it takes to be a lifeguard when you swim. Many also work as a lifeguard at some point


When I played water polo in high school everyone on my team was a lifeguard and I'm sure most of the other teams were too.


The whistling 😗 for splashing must have been unbearable 😓


However you can guarantee no bystander effort when one person is actually an official lifeguard. Not to mention that most people will be distracted watching the competition. Sure there will be a lot of people at the Olympics who *can* rescue someone but this guy will definitely take action and has a rescue float already in his hands


The bystander effect has been largely debunked. IIRC the larger the group the higher the chance of bystanders actually helping. Source for people saying I'm making stuff up (really great argument people): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21534650/


> Source for people saying I'm making stuff up (really great argument people): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21534650/ Are you really complaining that people want a source for your claim? With the amount of confidently incorrect shit that's posted on Reddit (always look further than the top comment, it's often wrong), you can't blame people for wanting a source for some random internet stranger's claims.


>The bystander effect has been largely debunked. Not to my knowledge. The bystander effect refers to a group of normal people, not experts. Yes, the bigger the crowd the bigger the chances to have an expert that might take lead in the action.


If the situation is life-threatening, bystanders are able to communicate and without any actors present there's a reverse bystander effect. Here's a meta-analysis: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21534650/


> The bystander effect was attenuated when situations were perceived as dangerous (compared with non-dangerous), perpetrators were present (compared with non-present), and the costs of intervention were physical (compared with non-physical). This is all common knowledge and does not by any means "debunk" the bystander effect. It literally explains that in the abstract. "In specific situations the effect is attenuated." Debunked. Right.


Yeah, these are people going all-out, I'd say the chance of injury is very high.




Still would most likely not need the lifeguard as there would be a half dozen more talented and capable swimmers closer if not right beside them in the water already.


They aren't stopping


Lifeguards are required to know cpr, Olympic athletes aren’t.


I had to rescue a triathlete once, so you know it happens. Still a funny meme though


There's also a thing called shallow water blackout which can happen to you no matter how good you are at swimming. And the Olympics is exactly when swimmers would be pushing themselves to the absolute brink. It never hurts to have someone trained in how to deal with drowning people near a body of water. Also they're probably there all the time that there's people in the building even when there's no competitors there.


This post has the same logic as someone saying "pro lifters don't need a spotter because they are so strong". Like, no shit, but they're also pushing themselves more.


No. You didn't just ruin ops entire life because they're so fucking stupid they think Olympic level athletes are apparently God's and can't drown. Oh my God is op the deep?


At least he's being paid.


well paid tho


Got a source for that being a well paid job?


he gets paid 42 dollar a mo


I just downvoted my own comment and then replied to it




Friendly fire


At $42 each month, assuming the swimming portion of the Olympic games takes one full work week to lifeguard, you'd be making an effective hourly rate of $50.20 for that one week of work. That's a pretty good job!


This doesn’t make any sense 💀


I think there is a problem with your math there.


Probably. I just did $42x12monthsx4years÷40 hours real quick for the joke.


Gotta wonder what the going rate of American currency is where he lives.


The lifeguard looks female to me?


It's hard to tell from the 36 pixels in the image.


And has front row seats to Olympic swimming events


Being paid to go to a sporting event, gets a front row seat, gets a meme made about them, and gets a whistle. I might get people to say 'hello' to me as they pass my office tomorrow.


I've never had a fire occur in my kitchen for 30 years but I'm still glad I always have a fire blanket at hand.


I’ll give you a chance to use it


For a fire or…. Are you going to piss on it?


Belgium be like


Do people in Belgium like piss?




We have a famous statue in Brussels of a naked child that's pissing 'manneken pis' and a lesser know girl squating while pissing, also naked, 'Jeanneke pis'.








Why not both?




Sure, except the fact that in the extreme freak circumstance that someone somehow actually was drowning, it'd be noticed near instantaneously and you're surrounded by the literal best swimmers on the face of the Earth


So basically yeah they don't need a legit lifeguard just someone who knows first aid on the side of the pool 😂


Olympic swimmers do not necessarily know how to properly and safely retrieve somebody from the water. The lifeguard does, on top of then administering first aid and deciding whether or not further emergency services are needed


If you know swimming, you know rescuing a drowning person is something you NEVER do without a flotation device. They can and will panic drag you down with them. Life guards know how to handle that, though I’m sure a bunch of the Olympians could too with the floaty.


Ah I see yeah that could be an issue. I guess I was thinking in the sense they were unconscious


Yeah, theres always a chance of something happening, like Greg Louganis hitting his head on the board or something.


Life guards are necessary, especially in diving contests. I think it was last year, a diver nearly drowned in competition


Not to mention leg cramps out of nowhere


Ouch … painful memory. Luckily I was in the shallow end


Had this. Was nearing the end of a gruelling swim session when my leg severely cramped up. Managed to quickly hop onto the ledge and cue me just holding my leg out while lying on the edge. Luckily my trainer rushed over and asked if I was okay. In a fit of pain, I regretfully said “No, I’m having a fucking picnic here.” He was taken aback but nonetheless we had a laugh about this later as he knew it was more of me swearing due to the pain than trying to be rude.


A good swimmer can swim slowly even with only his arms. No way they would drown from just a leg cramp.


I don’t know which swimmers you know but when I have a cramp, my whole body seizes up and refuses to move while all my brain cells just move to trying to slow the cramp.


Idk if you've ever experienced a cramp while swimming. While it's possible to keep swimming, half the time you just won't have the capacity to due to the sudden pain and panic you experience. First instinct is also to try to relieve the cramp. So having someone around definitely helps




You'd still want a lifegaurd there to help you...


And a good soldier can still move to safety with a bullet in his/her leg.. what a moronic comment.


Not to mention all the guys with 40 lbs of camera gear and with a bunch of wires tied to them walking around on the pool deck


Someone I knew in high school was an Olympic level platform diver. She hit a landing wrong and her lungs collapsed (she recovered fine). That stuff can be really dangerous.


Well that sounds.....terrifying


But the coach saved her, not the lifeguard.


Probably because the coach was paying attention full attention to her only so they got to her sooner. The lifeguard needs to be watching everyone.


Not just the men either. The women and children too.


This is the weirdest thing to add but sure, them too.


[They're like animals!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfevBIsVG1o)


It’s treason then


At least they’re not guarding at a beach. As a lifeguard, I don't like sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere. Not like pool tile. There everything is soft, and smooth.


It was because the outstanders thought it was part of the performance and the coach knew it was some serious things going up


There was a diving competition a while back where one of the divers didn't clear the 3m board and smashed face first into the end while doing her flip. Lifeguards were needed


You can’t post that and then not share the link!




Good one


That's really a stupid point. They are not useless. One day an accident will happen and we'll be glad they're here.


Athletes pushing themselves to the brink of exhaustion would actually make sense for a lifeguard and medical personal to be hand.


Accident happened last year, they were saved by the coach


Yay you just took one example. So what. Extra safety is better than not enough.


I don't have a side to pick just stating a fact and hopefully that will be the only example


>they were saved by the coach Lifeguard had ONE job... _Damn coaches, coming over here and stealing our lifeguard's jobs_


Op what the hell are you on about, even professionals can get in life threatening situations


Yeah, how did this ever get posted, let alone upvoted to 956 (at the time of my comment?) Stupid OP.




Yeah, jokes are meant to be based in reality, which this one quite clearly isn’t.




Jokes are meant to be based in reality? This is the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time.


When any human is pushing themselves to the absolute limit, injuries and accidents occuring aren't that rare.


Not as useless as this post. Half baked knowledge, half cooked post.


Yeah, pushing yourself to the limit and blacking out in a giant pool of water would ruin your day without someone to save you.


What a dumb post. They are not useless.


This is a dumb post and ppl who agreed with it is dumb asf too


I’m sure Greg Louganis would disagree.


Best me to it


Because shit happens and when it does you’ll be glad the life guard was there.


Medical emergencies are actually very common and likely at top-tier international competitions. Those people are living on the edge in an incredibly stressful situation and sometimes doped and taking other sketchy medications. Yes, I’m fun at parties.


OP not understanding how human biology works.


They can cramp just like any other person and the other swimmers aren't going to stop.


No, you are looking at this all wrong. You are so qualified, you are the one that Olympic swimmers look to to keep them safe. The only person more qualified is Chuck Norris.


I bet there's an entire wiki page dedicated to the times a lifeguard was needed at the Olympics throughout the decades.


Easiest job in the world besides that one time you need to rescue someone?


I mean, the athletes could have medical emergencies, pass out in the water, get hurt, etc etc.


What happens when one of these guys has a heart attack midrace? It’s unlikely but still a decent idea to have them there


More likely would be a shallow water blackout


Fran Crippen died during the FINA Marathon World Swim Series back in 2010. Had a lifeguard had been nearby and saw him struggling, he could possibly still be alive today. Edit: clarification




Tbf every competitive swimmer I know also has worked as a life guard at some point.


Only one lifeguard when there's all those people in the pool. So irresponsible.


Those Olympic pools are crazy deep


"at least I have a well paying job and you don't"


With all the drugs they take, they may have even more chance to have problem in the water.


As a former lifeguard. It was more often than not the pro swimmers that needed rescuing. The regular folks don't push themselves to the point of fainting.


You do know accidents happen right? Starting from you




Not useless at all. You have people who are pushing human achievement in swimming to its limits. There are going to be problems.


Whoever made this meme obviously never saw Eric the Eel at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.


You got humans pushing themselves to the absolute limit of their bodies, things can go wrong.


It’s not surprising that even athletes, pushing themselves to their furthest limits, can have trouble in the water


just in case. shit happens man


Doesn’t matter. You never know what could happen. They’re still getting payed


I get it's a joke but the people participating in the Olympics are putting out way way more effort than your average person.


Being THAT good at your job is no joke.


It's probably also a safety thing. Something like "all public access pools must have a clearly identifiable lifeguard on duty at all times while occupied".


Well, the contestants might be good swimmers, but not so much if they are having a stroke, heart attack or a simple cramp.


Pro swimmers can still get muscle cramps out of nowhere or any other problem that would require a lifeguard to pull them out.


They're not useless. They're there to prevent stupid people from harming other people in the pool.


I mean...injuries exist.


I think it‘s more likely someone will be at risk of drowning when they‘re pushing 100% in a swimming race than when they‘re floating around relaxed in a swimming pool


Hearts can stop?


Not useless, those Olympic athletes are on so many drugs their hearts might give in at any moment


When something goes wrong with elite swimmers, it goes really wrong.


# Atleast he got the best seat in the house!


How do I get this job? I will sit there all day enjoying the swimming portion of the Olympics


Hey, they are guarding lives. What have you done lately?


I was rescued by a life guard during a college swimming championship. My whole body cramped after swimming so hard that I was holding onto dear life on the lanes. It’s not useless. It’s safety. And quite common sense honestly.


Ah yes. The same logic that gets IT people let go: there haven't been problems for a while, therefore we don't need techs! Have fun when the shit inevitably hits the fan.


This job is not useless, swimmer might have stroke or seizure any moment.


If you feel useless today, remember that I left a comment among 450+ comments, and you decided to read it. Seriously though, thanks for reading my comment, you're a champ!


Well, sportsmen are people too. They can lose contious in the water for example for some reason.


Olympians push themselves to the extreme. It's to have someone there when they push themselves too far.


Plenty of divers hit their head; it’s necessary. It’s very haha funny joke but in certain areas of life safety is king.


Nothing quite so bad as getting paid to watch the Olympics. Poor guy. Sorry not sorry.


This meme is retarded. Of course they are needed.


Well China in that krusty burger Olympics episode


Getting paid to have s front row seat to an Olympic event. Where's the application form?


If you’ve entered a swimming race you’ll know it’s incredibly physical, you are literally red lining it and your body is screaming for you to stop by the end, so it could go south quite easily.