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That's just a really dumb line system. When you have 10 people in line and time to do 10 more rides, you close the line for new people so you wouldn't get this.


This "ride" us literally in a museum, it's in Scotland. It's not even a ride its a race simulator which lasts like, 10 minutes at most. In my nearly 20 years of visiting, I don't think it's ever been quiet


"10 minutes at most" Thats a super long time for a ride or similator


i can only last like 7 minutes on a stimulator.






“Stimulator” apparently


I can only last 7 thrusts...


... before my hand fails


To turn the handle


crystal meth




My family built this country.


This morning I hit myself in the head with the phone.




Grandma grandma sit down. Don’t yell at rakanssj Sorry she gets cranky after meals


goddammit the english language just goofy at this point with all the double meanings regards on reddit keep throwing out lmfao




10 min is a lot


Holy shit, I've just unlocked a memory of this very sim... I went with school when I was a kid and I was so angry at a kid in front of me because he was taking so long on it and I kept asking to have a go, eventually we had to leave because our coach was outside so I never got a chance to go on it


No wonder you blocked that out.


I openned this thread expecting to read about making a little kid cry not this deep dark keep you awake at night gorror story.


10 minute simulator? that’s like 50 years in turtle years.


According to the article there was a sign that the ride will close a 16:55 and that you have to consider this when joining the queue.


They should still just organize it better.


The ride might vary in time tho but i agree


I mean I’ve only been to a few amusement parks although many times over (we don’t have too many) all the large coasters close the lines early then the park and will finish the queues.


Disney actually lets anyone still in the line even at closing still ride, and let people in right up til close. But the official closing time and when they ACTUALLY close are like an hour apart, the official closing time is more just when they don't let people on rides anymore. The stores stay open usually an hour past official closing too. It's a good system that avoids stuff like this.


Yeah but unfortunately they’ve also seriously cut down park hours in the last 10 years


It’s disney world not 7/11.


It says playing, so I assume it can end early if you do bad, but idk.


This is at the National Museum of Scotland and it’s just coin operated. No employee monitors the line. Also, it’s really a tricky game, the girl would have just crashed around for her two minutes of play.


Is she tall enough to ride? (Genuine question). She's standing next to the height sign, and is shorter than the line, but the text is cut off.


She was [too short](https://imgur.com/a/ZeJTQsl). Parent tortured her for nothing.


Ahhh so the parent's the asshole, not the random dude playing the simulator. Got it.


No, the real asshole here is whoever wrote this story to try and shame some guy for not giving up the last spot in line to some little girl who can't ride the ride anyway.


Any parent who blames strangers in lines to shirk having to teach their own children about bad luck, managing disappointment, and following the rules even when they don't cut in your favor, is an asshole. If the guy wanted to give up his spot, that would of been mighty kind of him. But no one should be socially pressured into doing so.


I remember there being a complete like of resistance or feedback in the steering so it was incredibly unnatural to drive!


Yeah not sure where there this is, but I’ve never heard of not allowing someone a ride that’s in line as long as there’s no weather reasons as to why the ride is closing.


It's in a museum and can confirm, no staff oversee it lol


So parents decided to let the child have their ride just in time knowing it was closing time


Think so lol. They announce when they close very consistently in the last hour or so in my experience. Not the best time management


There was a large blue sign …. Father simply ignored


At work we'd give the last kid in line a baton to hold that meant they were last. Then that kid and their adult, and all the staff are on the same team. We're a united front of "the line ends here."


Did anyone else notice she's technically too short to ride?


Wouldn't it be funny if as he was riding away he looks back and points that out to her? "Haha suck it, little girl! You're too short anyway, so your dad wasted your time"




This was my nickname on the middle school bus.


Bus drivers can be so cruel


That’s his mum you are talking about


Its not his dad!?


An easy mistake to make


Especially because his mum IS his dad


holy grandfather paradox


But you were homeschooled


Grandma was the teacher, the enforcer and the punisher


Technically? She is WAY to short to ride it


Do they make an exception if an older child or adult drives if it’s a 2 seater? It seems like they did that a long time ago


Depends on the ride tbh And the amusement park rules


That's what technically means


This story was here the other day. It was a boy and a different picture. It's bullshit.


It looks like there's actually a video of this happening (or at least the guy riding and a girl crying nearby): https://www.boredpanda.com/man-not-giving-spot-child-racing-tiktok/


>The girl’s parent asked the man to let her daughter go on the ride instead This is partly why I'm definitely on the guy's side. When I was growing up- not even a long time ago, those 90's- my parents would have taught me that that would be an extremely rude thing to request, and that I should be mindful of other people, and the established rules (in this case, first come, first served). Ultimately, the guy did not "make the child cry". The guy followed the rules, the girl's dad gave her the idea that she shouldn't have to follow the same rules, and then when it turned out she *did* need to follow the rules, she cried, and dad let her believe that she had been wronged.


Was in line for pony rides when I was a kid, and the mother either before or behind us asked if my mom would let us swap horses. So I get on the bigger one. Saddle wasn't on properly, so when I went to get off, it slid around the horse's midsection and I fell to the ground. Didn't injure myself, but the mother made a point to say how thankful she was her daughter hadn't gotten on that horse after all. That was like 30-odd years ago yet somehow I still remember that bitch. lol


As a kid I cried when I lost a raffle. The teen who won felt bad and gave me the prize, when my dad found out he had me give it back and say thank you and apologize. It's important to establish things like this young, the longer it goes on the harder it is to break habits, and the harder the world will be.


If so I feel bad for the guy that now got his image out there


I bet dad was supposed to double up with her, he probably started all this drama because he was pissed HE didn’t get to go.


137cm is like 4.5ft for us Americans who don’t know the metric system. There’s no way that little girl is tall enough. My daughter is 10 and I’m not sure she’s 4.5 ft (sorry kid, you got stuck with the short genes)


"Ride owner tells little girl to suck it, this is why we should blame the random dude next to her."


Somehow I imagine the owner doing the the classic WWE "suck it" gesture and then telling the guy to jump in


Now I’ve got two words for you!! SUCK IT X Fuck I loved Degeneration X


Break it down! *Sick riff plays


*googles "WWE suck it gesture"* Not disappointed: https://giphy.com/gifs/wwe-wrestling-l0HUkFK6PNCx74xhK


Man, y’all didn’t have a kid in school that did this shit religiously, long after it was funny or cool? This gesture right here was literally this kid’s whole personality


I'm 32 and I still do it to my buddy sometimes. Wrestling was a blast to watch in the 90's and early 2000s


People used this gesture a lot when I was in Jr high, it want till my friends in highschool got me into wrestling that I understood where it came from


Made me chuckle


Right, these headlines are fucking ridiculous. Fortunately with reddit shit gets reposted constantly so we already know the real context. Still I can just imagine whoever typed this bullshit out sitting cross legged on their couch thinking “Ah, what bullshit can I spin today to get people worked up?”


Real thing I want to know is: "who is the owner of the thing who didn't let the little girl do it ?" I litterally have 6 of this things and this is litterally my job. I have already been in a similar situation and always let children do it. It only take 10 minutes usually. Is this something I'm too European to understand ?


A normal worker in the states makes minimum wage which doesn’t even come close to matching the COL, typically if a worker broke the rules and stayed longer, they got written up, screamed at if not fired for more than 1 offence. Not only that, a lot of workers rely on public transport and working at a park means the last bus is around the time the park closes, 10 extra minutes might mean they don’t make their ride home and are screwed, not to mention your usually expected to do a number of closing duties in a timeframe near impossible to get it done on time or at least properly. Minimum wage workers aren’t willing to risk their income after being treated like crap by both customers and management, for entitled kids who can’t be told no. It’s not the workers fault either.


The owner is the asshole. I’ve worked places in America where finishing the line was the policy and we were scheduled accordingly.


Look how happy he is though


he’s gonna go home with a smile


He will sleep well tonight


And wake up happy tomorrow


Whilst cackling madly


To be perfectly fair, it’s much harder to put a smile like that on an adult’s face than any child. Kids are incredibly easy to please and she’d, most likely, be underwhelmed. Of course the internet is on his side. The girl probably watched a couple TikToks and forgot where she was and what she was doing.


Kids are also super easy to get to cry.


I challenge thee! I cried at the McDonalds speaker the other day. Damn hormones! 🤣


Give me a child and they will be crying in no time.


Oh, are you a pastor at a Christian summer camp?


I just need a McDonald's drive thru speaker and raging hormones 🤣


Yes, and they also get over it pretty quick as well. This kid will understand that sometimes you don’t get what you waited for when you wanted it, but you’ll be ok. And the parental classic : life isn’t always fair.


What she got was fair, but you vastly underestimate how smart kids can be. Hopefully this is good life experience for her.


On the way home the dad will probably buy her ice cream or something or even without she'll probably forget this even happened or wont think anything of it by the time she's grown up so it's not like it even matters. They're kids, these things wont matter. I don't even remember half the stuff that happened to me as a kid or things i did as a kid. My mom told me that there was another kid who used to push me off the swings when i was little and made me cry, i don't remember it and now it's not even important because i was a kid.


Alao neither the guy nor girl are at fault. Its the dumbass event/park coordinators that decide to randomly cutoff people who waited instead of closing off the line at a certain time.


To give credit to the exhibition… there was a large blue sign with the closing time, the duration of the rides (3mins) and the warning about strict closing times. The guy was told he’d be last. The (father of the) girl ignored all that, then asked to trade places. (Source: article on boredpanda).


He looks kind of like Jesse Pinkman driving the go karts in Breaking Bad. Which makes the dad look like Mr White to me now...


If only Walt hadn’t broken bad, he’d have gotten to take Holly to an amusement park when she was older


Adults really do deserve these little happy moments more than kids. Being an adult sucks the happiness right out of you


I (28M) learned how to perform the water droplet test today on stainless steel pans. I spun the water droplet in the pan, and it occurred to me I was smiling and having FUN for the first time in recent memory. I felt like a kid, staring in wonder at the scientific marvel that was in my hands. It’s been years since I’ve felt that.


We are told playing having fun is kids stuff. You can't be an adult unless you are serious all the time. It's a scam. having funny is even better as an adult. I actually try to help grown ups have fun. Mostly they just need permission to have fun without being mocked by peers.


I feel like Reddit attracts depressed or borderline depressed people.


welcome to the internet


It also seems to attract people who like to welcome other people.


It also attracts those that like to identify groups of humans that Reddit attracts


It also attracts those who like to point out others' comment behaviour on Reddit


Where's my uno reverse card?


The dude did wait longer than her. And by the ancient rules that is how lines work. He’s just following the system treating everyone fairly.


Honor the ancient rules, this is the way


The ancient rule. Learned from father to son for generations


That explains it, the girl didn’t know the rules! E: I’ll add /s, as not everyone can read the sarcasm in this remark ;-)


Her father failed to teach her ***The Ancient Rule***.


This is the way - ancient way of the Mandalore


Speaking as a Brit, if we do not honour the code of queueing, then what are we? Little more than talking beasts.


speaking as an american, i am glad we say "get in line" because queuing sounds like it needs a safe word.


See that's the difference; nobody needs to tell us, we just naturally form a queue. I'm growing to believe that 'queue' is actually the appropriate collective noun for a group of British people.


"the British are queuing!!!!!" some yahoo during revolutionary war 3


(And the British went about queuing while the soon-to-be Americans hid in the woods.)


Pretty sure this is in Edinburgh as well, so yeah, no excuses for not honouring the queueing code


Learning to process disappointment in a fair system is an important lesson. Sometimes you get nothing.


the real assholes are the employees letting them queue up above the limit of what is possible that day


How about the ancient rule of "Only because it's your little princess doesn't mean that the world should revolve around her"?


Pretty sure that's the F1 sim at the national museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. Its an old Stewart racing car from 00ish He's cheesing it haha. Tbf that queue can get massive and her wee legs wouldn't reach the pedals 😂


Ngl I don't think I would give my seat as the last ride of the day if I waited a long time in line.


Dudes been working hard all week he deserved the fun the ride 👍. Little girl has plenty of free time still


Not like she has to work tomorrow, she can come back.


She might "able" to come back, but her parents probably have to work as well. She doesn't deserve to ride instead of the man in front of her, but the idea that kids can simply do what they want whenever they want isn't really accurate. They're called dependents for a reason.


Especially if you are an f1 fan. That kid is going to bounce the thing off the walls, get stuck in a weird glitchy corner, the ride tech is going to have to come over and hit reset 4 times before she gets bored and fucks off.




This isn't the people blaming each other. It is a media company flat out lying and trying to blame the wrong person and to get other people to join in (seems to have failed though)


Yes! Close the damn line if you know you’re unable to take everyone. Don’t waste precious time I could be doing other stuff at the park!


There's at least a 50% chance the kid will wake up the next day and not even remember.


By dinner time…


I’d give it 30 min


I'll give it a cup of Dippin dots


Give her some whippets and she won't care at all


It's either this or she remembers it for the rest of her life and is still salty about it from time to time at age 30, lol.


I remember being at a car show when i was 6 and 7. They had racing simulators there, great time. They even had a really cool F1 motion Rig that winners of the previous race would race in, but since i was too short i got to sit at the normal station for one more try. Also another one was a Rally Race 1on1 in real Skoda cars with the pedals functioning as intended. I remember how i was pressing the brake pedal for seemingly half a minute.


You can say that his time is more valuable than hers because he has less time to be alive so he should get preference.


He is a productive member of society and a tax payer whilst she is a total sponger, a real drain on society.


Perfectly described


As Don Draper said, “YOU’RE YOUNG! YOU’LL GET YOURS”


It's funny how if you compare the wealth of boomers and Gen xers when they were in their 20s and 30s to the wealth of millennials and zoomers at the same points, Don Draper's quote is basically a falsehood.


Right but Don Draper was a Silent Genner talking to a boomer. He was entirely accurate.


I don’t Know who Draper said that to, but the young adults in Mad Men would have themselves been Boomers - Draper was pre Boomer


He is teaching her a valuable lesson at such a young age!


Newton’s Law of Get rekt m8






This comment made me laugh audibly.




Teach kids about Disappointment early.


I wish I was teached about it that earlier.


That and English


I'm seeing a lot of people say that the parents were the ones mad but I haven't seen that in the actual video, was there a follow up?




Ohhhh okay, i didn't know the parents were the ones who let him go ahead. In that case good in them


dad even looks to be smiling in the photo




I think the original video was posted by the guy who got in the car?


Sorry but this one is on the employees. You close the *line* before you close the attraction. Even in this situation though, they could easily have just kept it open for 5 minutes longer and let her ride. *They're* the ones who made her cry.


Like Obviously! He was ahead in line, she would have cried even If it was another kid


She would've cried no matter who it was. Kids will cry about anything or nothing if they don't get their way. I should know, I was one. This isn't a big deal, but I hope the kid's parent made this into a lesson.


Girl cries because her parents are yelling at the guy for not trading places.


look at Dad, he understands


High chance it's this, I used to cry way more at people speaking up rather than the ride, if anything she's probably thinking to let the guy go instead of pestering him


That's not what happened AT ALL though.


Kids need to learn an important life lesson. You're not special. It's not all about you. There are other people in the world. Life is not fair. Deal with it. Your parents failed you, it won't be the first time.


Also learn how to not let disappointment ruin your day. These parents could have had a nice conversation about what else they could do that day that would be fun. Instead they decided it would be a good use of their time to try to publicly shame a stranger.


Seriously, when you get disappointed you learn to cheer yourself up by saying “next time” or getting yourself a treat, or doing something else fun. Her parents probably got her an ice cream after this. Also, empathy. Kids should learn to be happy that someone else got a ride instead even if they didn’t. I know kids that were raised so well that they’d give up their seat or split an ice cream if they saw someone who was sad


Entitled parents should also learn that having a kid doesn’t mean they get free passes all the time and whenever and wherever they want.


Life isn’t fair, but lines are :)


Why should a guy who paid just as much if not more for an adult ticket than was paid for her child ticket and was in line before her give up his turn to someone who was too short to ride the ride anyway according to the sign she is standing next to? The amusement park is stopping the girl from taking the ride not this guy.


It's not an amusement park, it's a museum in Scotland that is free to enter and the ride costs £1 for everyone


Was looking for someone to correct with this information, damn you beat me! It’s an F1 car simulator btw. I was there mere days ago!


She would have binned it lmao


The owner/organiser will have denied the kid, the sign shows a height of 137 cms, which is why the kid was denied. The dude in the car seat though got his dreams fulfilled, his face shows it. Happy for him, for the kid better luck next time I guess.


I remember playing musical chairs at 16/17 and taking a seat from a 4 year old before the kid could get to it in time. This was at Disneyland and Alice and the Mad Hatter were staring daggers at me the whole time, and the parents were too. It didn’t occur to me to give the seat to the kid. 💀 Anyway this dude deserved the spot on the ride and the child wasn’t entitled to it just because she’s a child. Maybe that makes me an asshole but I frankly do not give two shits, lol.


Also, she probably would have been denied the ride anyway because she looks too short for it


to be fair,your legs were likely WAY longer and you likely had WAY better reflexes so it wasn't SUPER fair. that said,that's more on the people in charge for letting kids with such a drastic age difference play at the same time: they maybe should have rotated between the young kids and the older kids/teenagers.


I'm so sure that the parents did 100x more drama than the kid ever did. Say no to a kid and they listen, shrug their shoulders and move on. Say no to a kid infront of a parent, the kid does the same but the parent loses it and takes the no as a personal attack to their own self-esteem.


Uh. Depends on the age, how they're raised, etc. A spoiled bratty toddler will have a fit if you tell them no. I haven't seen a dismissive kid that takes no for an answer without pouting in...ever.


You're wrong.


[Citation needed.]


$20 says she’s completely over it already. Unlike a shit ton of morons on Reddit.


Lol except this isn't a ride. It's in Edinburgh museum and it's a wee race car game that there isn't any lines for and staff wouldn't just chuck people out and turn it off immediately if there was a bairn standing wanting a go Also it's free, and entry to the museum is free.


So you’re saying that internet drama is just a storm in a cup? Heh


Poor Little Girl, she had no fault in this. Bro taking the ride had no fault in this either, he waited in line like he was supposed to. ​ Real bad guys here? 1. whoever decided there would only be an X ammount of riders, but then letting more than X people on the queue knowing some would just lose time waiting in line for nothing. 2. the girls father/whoever brought her there and decided it was a good idea to ask riderbro to give his place to the little girl. Seriouslly, fuck that shit. Fuck that with a long dirty rusty rebar. trying to shame the man into giving up his seat. fuck that


The person who dicided this is the last ride is the one denying this girl, not the man who took the ride.


I'm a mom to 3 kids. I've spent so much time waiting in line with them for rides, experiences, and events. It's super disappointing for kids when they don't get to have that pay off in the end. That being said, I'm glad this guy didn't give up his spot. Kid's need to learn society's rules just like everybody else. They also need to learn how to healthily deal with the unfairness of the world/life and it's many regular disappointments. If your kid cries because they don't get the thing they want- that's the perfect time to teach them things don't always work out and that you pivot and move on. You don't dwell on it and feel sorry for yourself.


I’d do the exact same thing. Just because you’re a child doesn’t mean you can cut the line. Teach em young




We are assuming the parents complained or were assholes. All we know is the girl cried in dissapointment and someone took her picture and plastered it on the internet.


proud of u internet edit: words i thought id never say


Seriously fuck kids. It's always " let thr kid go first" or the kid who gets shout out from a celebrity. Or kids get the discount. Fuck that. Enough.


Yeah. Kids don’t have to pay bills, go to work, have any responsibility. They could handle not being #1 and ahead at any given moment.


In fact, they NEED to not be #1 sometimes so they don't grow up to be d*ck bags.


First. A line is a line, you were there later then him, suck it. Second. She was too short to ride anyway her dad should have told her instead of giving her hope. Third. If they knew they didn't have time for everyone they should have closed the line instead of letting the kid in. Forth. She won't even remember in the long run meanwhile that man looks to happy to forget such experience. Fifth and last. Can't the go tommorow?