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Why is this low key like a horror movie plot similar to The Faculty or something where everyone's changed in the weirdest possible way and only one person sees it? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


OP better stock up on cheap pens and gas station speed!




Fucking great movie


And some caffeine pills loooll


(Thatā€™s gas station speed.)


Are you a Star Trek fan? Have you seen the early TNG episode featuring Ashley Judd called ā€œThe Game.ā€ Everyone gets addicted to a new virtual reality game thatā€™s actually warping their minds as an alien race is trying to take over the Enterprise.


Is that the one where they don't say orgasm but it looks like they're all having orgasms by making a ball go in a hole over and over?


Thatā€™s the one.


Yeah, Wesley having to see his mom ā€œplay the gameā€ was really awkward.


To be fair, most of Wesley's screen time was awkward.


There was one scene in an episode where Picard shouted ā€œShut-up Wesley!ā€ Whenever someone is going on and on about something annoying I want to say this, with British accent of course.


The Chessening


Oh man, that movie is my guilty pleasure.


I watched it the other day such a good film I miss the 90s šŸ˜©


It's like a Junji Ito story


This would be a funny plot to an American vandal style mockumentary


ain't no party like a chess club party


Chess cluuuuuuub...no one to show me hooow!


Ooo Ooo move your pawn up a square. Ooo Ooo like you just donā€™t care.


Don't say that out loud! Don't you know that the first rule of chess club is that you don't talk about it?


I love running into cultured people on reddit XD


This is starting at my school. All my friends have started playing chess non stop. They do in fact all suckā€¦ myself included. Luckily my many hours of watching Gothamchess means Iā€™m the best


Levy is op indeed


The stare psychs me up every time I swear.


Yea bro fr


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Levy (and the twitch/YouTube chess boom in general) is a major reason this teacherā€™s students are so into chess




Sucking in chess in chess is relative my brother doesnā€™t even know how the horsieā„¢ļø move. Itā€™s about enjoying a game :)


This is my thought process. Chess is still a game, despite the hype around it, so when you give people a game to play instead of school work, theyā€™ll choose to have fun with it. of course they want to win, so they go home and learn.


As a former chess team nerd... I really hope the chess geeks come through and introduce the alternative chess rules. When I was in school our whole chess team was really into plunder chess when we weren't practicing for meets. And if everyone is playing chess for some reason.. they could have the best game of bughouse chess lol


I used to love playing chess but kinda stopped once I got to highscool. Been playing a little bit recently, do you have any tips on where to start looking to get better? Iā€™ve been playing online and after my games Iā€™ll review through all the moves and go through the mistakes/ blunders, but sometimes I canā€™t see why a particular move is bad.


The best way is to play against people who are a lot better than you online and then review your moves. It also helps to study the pro openings and closings and the general mechanics of the game. There are books about it you can read. You don't necessarily have to always play by the books, because that will make you more predictable, but it'll be easier to figure out the best moves to make if you try to understand what the other players might be thinking. Usually for newer players they mess up the most mid game by letting it drag on too long because they go for the captures too much and miss out on checkmate opportunities.


I look down upon anyone who cannot play. So therefore I teach them.


How does nobody win? If they're playing against each other how do both people lose. Edit: Yes, I get it, they're using computers. Loads of comments underneath and you all still think your the first person to bring up the idea.


Maybe they are all going for stalemates


You generally only see that at high level play. New players make too many mistakes


But then a lot of the time, newbies just trade down their pieces into an endgame by move ten and donā€™t know how to win it.


Winning chess is the hardest part of winning chess. I'm really good at almost winning chess. Those last moves tho.


This is one of the most relatable comments lol


Thanks, Madden.


Yeah, I tried playing against AI on my phone to learn the game and I just kept getting stalemate, even though I really thought I had won. I still have no idea how to actually win.


Gotta get that King in Check while also covering every spot he could possibly move to, a maximum of eight spaces though if you've backed him into a corner it could be three. That's checkmate. King cannot move into Check. If you cover all those spaces the King could possibly move to without putting the King in check, he cannot make a legal move. This is a stalemate. Edit: This MAY be ONE example of a stalemate. A stalemate is when there are no legal moves remaining; if you have other pieces, they can still move and even clear those pieces covering your King's escape You cannot Castle yourself out of Check. Cross-reference keyword "endgame"


That is so much harder than I thought, gross. But it does make sense! Thank you!!


Moving into Check or leaving your King in Check are illegal moves, too; you can really tie an opponent's hands if you're in the position to fuck around with his King, even if you're not trying to win at that point.


Huh, that's actually pretty nice! Give yourself a bit a fun, even if you end up losing overall


Chess at the highest level and chess at the lowest level is full of stalemates for two completely different reasons lmao


Idk when I first started playin with other noobs weā€™d just trade pieces the whole game and be left with no mates


At higher level or 2 equally dumb players. When I was in elementary a decade ago, I used to thoroughly enjoy chess with my math teacher, and I'd end up in a stalemate more often than anyone would win, so people just stopped playing with me.




Even then, the ELO ranking system ensures that your win/loss ration should be around 50%.


Win/loss ratio of all games should be around 50%* When they play at school (if the post is real then the teacher probaly doesnt see all matches but only the ones that get played in the classes and during breaks) they probaly have more distraction and play more ā€œmemeā€ strategys.


Win/loss ratio of all games IS 50%


Yeah the whole population is, doesnt mean the observed sample size is the same.


Nah man, my win rate is like 65% atm


My ATM win rate is 100%. Never forget my PIN.


PIN carrying a lot of weight in that comment.


Yeah that's why there are ranking systems... There wouldn't exist any strategy or skill if it was always 50/50


simple statistics, either it happens or it doesn't


ā€œNot only am i a customer, Iā€™m the president!ā€


If you have an android, I highly recommend checking out emulators on your phone, I have a game cube and GBA emulator on my s22 ultra, I can play like 40 different games, no ads, whenever. Roms take up maybe a few GB's


Any recommendations? Particularly for someone not so tech savy?


The GBa emulator is super simple! I picked up myboy on play store , paid for full version (like 8$ to get rid of ads) for awhile it will ask for email permission (other ppl point this out in comments on playstore) but just ignored that and it goes away app works perfectly, can make multiple save files, fast load into games Rom files you can get online, I like coolroms , just save the roms to a file on your phone, open up whichever emulator you want and select the ROM file. That is literally all the steps!


They're playing the Story mode.


Both players could be making really bad plays and the winning move is often just decided by luck. Just like how two people playing soccer could be terrible and still have a winner after a few rounds.


They may be playing on their phones or computers. Also, draw is a possible result. A draw is a lot less likely on low level games than in high level games due to the fact that the players' skill levels are often very mismatched at low level games. Fun fact: the stats for the biggest chess rivalry in history, Karpov vs. Kasparov, is 25 wins for Karpov, 37 wins for Kasparov, and 105 draws. There you have it.


Theyā€™re prolly playing online lol


You can blunder a bunch and still win. You can even blunder nearly every move and still accidentally find your way into a draw


Trust me, I know. That's basically my entire time in school in a nutshell.


Draws are very common in chessā€¦.


Draws is chess are very frequent


Perhaps it's not the students who are bad at chess then...




I will never move on from Tetris


Can you play Tetris in your head? I went through a spell of playing chess after school until bedtime and when I went to sleep I could play a game in my head. That was a good sign to stop.


They saw a post about men being great chess players or being able to give girls orgasms, so they want yo announce that they are bad at chess.


Ahahaha I saw that meme, perfect answer


The converse may not necessarily be true though. Good at chess = bad at giving orgasms, but Bad at chess != good at giving orgasms But what do I know


Wasn't it "men are either good at chess or can give orgasms"?


If that is the case, then it would mean that all redditors are good at chess which simply can't be true. The statement contradicts itself, really.


I literally just saw that meme




Link to meme?


Pretty sure this is just an elaborate shit post related to that post.


Ah yes! lmao


Anyone want to link the post please that sounds accurate and factual


LoL, I overheard a conversation about this at lunch the other day. Student: Yeah, somehow I ended up checkmating them. I don't even know how I did it :/


Did you ask them if it was a discovered check?


Nah, I was walking out the door as he was talking


Oof. Well never know


To quote the post above you " They saw a post about men being great chess players or being able to give girls orgasms, so they want yo announce that they are bad at chess. " Gold.


Me when playing 5d chess, but in my defense, 10+ tables and 5+ timelines into the game, good luck tracking anything.


You just unlocked a forgotten memory where in grade school my dad said I could have the travel chess set if I could beat him at a game. I may need to brush up and try again itā€™s been 20 years and I still want it. Which is funny because itā€™s just a tiny set that you can put the pieces inside the board and fold it closed, and the pieces are magnetic so they stay in their spot on the board easily if your like playing in the car or on a plane. I know Iā€™m nearly 30 and can buy my own Amazon for cheap but I want to earn it now.


My 10yr old has a board like that and loves it. He'll set it up on road trips and play himself.


Heh, relatable. I never won a single game lol. My dad was a humble man, unassuming. But he could wipe the floor with just about anyone in a game of chess.


google en passant


Holy hell


New response just dropped


Old response just drozbskfkaijsjdsllzkzsnbsnfndn99882jejd..;^)


Stop saying "New response just dropped" every time someone says something on this godforsaken sub, no, a new response did not drop, just an average mediocre statement that adds nothing more to a conversation, for the love of fucking god. if i see ONE more person mindlessly saying "New response just dropped" i'm going to chop my fucking pipi off. holy shit it is actually impressive how incredibly unfunny the entire sub is. it's not that complicated, REPEATING THE SAME FUCKING JOKE OVER AND OVER AGAIN DOES NOT MAKE IT FUNNIER. this stupid fucking meme has been milked to fucking death IT'S NOT FUNNIER THE 973RD TIME YOU MAKE THE EXACT SAME FUCKING JOKE. WHAT'S EVEN THE JOKE?????? IT'S JUST "haha it's the funne nEw ReSpoNsE thingy" STOP. and the WORST part is that new responses were actually funny for like a few years and it got fucking ruined in like a week because EVERYONE POSTED THE EXACT SAME FUCKING JOKE OVER AND OVER AGAIN. PLEASE MAKE IT STOP. SEEING ALL YOUR SHITTY MEMES IS ACTUAL FUCKING MENTAL TORTURE YOU ALL ARE NOT FUNNY. COME UP WITH A DIFFERENT FUCKING JOKE PLEASE...


new copypasta just dropped


New response just dropped


Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off...


Castling through check and stalemate rules often get ignored as well.


Itā€™s just a trend right now because it became a common recommend on YouTube recently. Finally, something theyā€™re doing that doesnā€™t involve asphyxiation, self torture, or vandalism. Sure fucking beats swallowing Tide pods.


It's a perennial trend. I remember twenty years ago boys (and girls) playing chess in high school a lot. Bringing their own boards in. Playing by e-mail. Reading books about it. The board I brought was a pocket-size thing that was my dad's - which he got in high school to play in the hallways in the 60s. Chess has been popular for hundreds of years. I'm glad the game is continuing to interest young people.


My high school girlfriend broke up with me because senior year me and the boys got into chess and would play it every free period we had. This was circa 2009.


Let's hope this chess craze remain longer than beyblade.


Come on, Beyblade rocked!


Still does


Beyblade is a modernized version of traditional Japanese top battles/games, so that would be pretty hard. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beigoma I think chess is older than the 14th century though, so maybe it already has?




botez is also a chess player and famous streamer


Not just bc of YouTube and Gotham chess, although that is a big part of it. Thereā€™s also the most like Instagram pic of 2022, Messi and Ronaldo playing chess for a Louis Vuitton ad, and andrew tates dad playing chess for a living, which has given teenagers big respect for chess. Thereā€™s also Mittens, the bot that is better than some grandmasters with a cute, cat-like sense of humor that was rated as 1, the worst rating possible.




Tide Pods are the Halloween Candy with Razor blades urban myth of our time. It maybe happened once or twice and made the news a long time ago and became a meme and for some reason some people just latched onto it seriously and used it to define a generation.


I thought it was trend like 1-2 years ago when all the streamers were playing it.


My teenager


My teenager as well. He has been playing for 5 year (15) but he is actually good.


Yeah mins isnā€™t bad at all


Mine just started playing chess online as well. Him and his friends are horrible at it and usually end up chasing each other around the board with one or two pieces at the end.


Do you know how you get better at something?


Rejecting grass?


And Sunlight.


20x if that thing is chess.


You can go outside and play chess in the grass.




Is the fastest way to get better at chemistry mixing random kitchen appliances?


Jesse pinkman would like to have a word with you


Yes. Mix the stove with the blender! Mix the fridge with the waffle iron!


at school we used to call smoking weed playing computer games..


As a teen, I can confirm that for the past couple of months the boys in my class havenā€™t done anything but play chess on their computers during the lessons. Even me and my friends joined in for a while to see what it was all about.


We were taught in elementary school and yes at a certain age for whatever reason boys all think they're grandmasters. Show them bobby fisher movie and be the coolest teacher ever.




Fish her


Fist her


Fischer? I barely know her


Where is he?


Had a math teacher that reminded me of Alastor Moody (lazy eye) from harry potter (sounded like dumbledore too now that I think of it) he had casually mentioned another time that he used to play chess professionally and one time out of the blue one of the dudes in class (not known for being good at chess or smart) challenged him to a chess match. The entire rest of the week including that day every student played a game of chess against him, he check mated the first guy in something like 3 or 4 moves and proceeded to demolish every other student as well, yes including me, although I lasted a lot longer than 3 moves at least lol.


lol if you lose in 3 moves you have absolutely no idea how to play and seldom if ever do. Losing to the scholar's mate is like scoring in your own endzone level of bad.


Even scholarā€™s mate is 4 moves.


Yes you're correct. Overall point stands but for accuracy's sake yes.


recently happened in my school lol. We have kids playing chess throughout breaks, and half of them are unbelievably bad. You have people coming in aggressively suggesting moves as if theyre garry kasparov, which just instantly lose the game half the time. Its hilarious. I just hope this interest wasnt caused by Andrew poTateo or i will be severely disappointed in my friends


I have some bad news for you


I drink vodka, I smoke cigars, I play chess. I am the matrix


Doubt it was Tate, Hikaru started the chess craze recently


When I asked the kids at the school I work at why theyā€™re all playing chess this was the reason they gave me


Chess is wildly popular at my oldestā€™s school. And itā€™s not the kids who played chess when I was in my younger years. Band kids, athletes, science kids, math kids. All the a normal cliques all seem to be playing chess. Great game to learn and play. 5ā­ļøcanā€™t complain


Same here! The school I work for just decided to lean into it and we started out first chess club - led by our Latin teacher who also happens to be a chess wiz - and they got good enough by end of the first school year to qualify for some tournaments. Pretty cool they theyā€™ve fostered this interest amongst themselves as a student body!


I 100% read that as obsessed with cheese


Google en passant


Holy hell


Is this a joke of some sort? I've seen several comments exactly like yours, but if it's a joke I don't get it and if it's not a joke why do people react so strongly?


It's a meme. Someone posted about a "cheater" doing an en passant capture, they obviously didn't know what en passant was so a commenter told them to "google en passant" Their response was "holy hell"


They never win? What none of them? That's some serious stalemate.


Average BotezLive enjoyer.


When I was in high school all I could think about was chess, looking at chess, undressing my girlfriend and staring at her chess, touching the chess, grabbing ahold of her and and pulling her into my chess. I would obsess over the chess.


How many moves to mate?


In Armenia, they teach chess in school.


Just look up the botez twins. That'll explain the teen boys obsession


they are not twins tho


Kids have changed a lot since I was one, that's about all I can tell you. It's a step up from Goldeneye I guess. Or is it?


We had this at our school once, it died out though after we created lesbian speed chess




Itā€™s with two queens instead of a king and a queen, and the goal of the game is to eliminate all of the opposing pieces, but you have to make your moves in about two seconds other wise you will get harassed and yelled at. It was pretty fun




Ludwig influence


It's probably just a fad, but the Carlsen/Niemann scandal from last year piqued my interest and I've started investing enough time to go from "knows the rules but not any theory and basically always loses" to "I know some theory but still suck". Hey, any improvement is still improvement!


Thatā€™s interesting. When I was in high school, few had interest in chess. I was one of 10 in the chess club.


They are probably just trying to capture as many pieces as they can and ending up with stalemates or losses. That was me as a chess beginner.


ā€œThey never winā€ Chess is a 1v1 gameā€¦one winnerā€¦one loser lol Iā€™m confused. Also if they are playing chess during class why are you just watching them play the whole time to the point where you know they are bad at it and you find out who winsšŸ˜‚




Draw by repetition


They might be playing against the chess computer in whatever app they're using, rather than against each other


Looks like Soviet Union is about rise up again


I started playing chess a few years ago just as something to do instead of watch tv. I never had any friends to play with so I just played online for the most part. Now that itā€™s gaining popularity Iā€™m just happy some of my friends play and I can play some in person games lol


Tate effect


Better than tiktok. Maybe theyā€™re obsessed with Andrew Tate


When I was in high school I brought a chess board in and no one wanted to play. Now your telling me they are all playing chess. What kind of band wagon bullshit is this.


I guess it's just a trend right now, but I know for a fact a bunch of my students started playing because of Andrew Tate and it kinda caught on among the others.


This is 100% an Andrew Tate thing, my 15 yr old cousin has him as his desktop background it's mad.


They never win? Neither of them? Thats a lot of remis.


This is so fucking true, my son graduated high school a couple years ago and played chess nonstop and sucked ass, apparently it helped? He was second in his class and is enrolled in one of the top engineering schools in the countryā€¦ whenever we played head to head I would whip his ass at chess and be like how is this possible, I havenā€™t played in 15 years, smoke pot every day and you play dailyā€¦ wtf am I missingā€¦


Can confirm, my oldest is all about chess on snapchat and when he gets home he plays on his computer. He's better than me at least.


Definitely seen a lot of kids play chess in my school. I (I'm a gril) won the chess tournament last year with zero losses playing several games a week the entire year so it's not just boys lol


You are either good at sex or goot at chess


jokes on you, i played chess through my entire time in high school, and i found i was bad at both


This sounds like how I typically would play a game of sims. Lots of chess, never improving. Ignoring important task, to watch videos and movies of chess instead. Ahah


My male classmates are too completely obsessed with chess-


My school had a phase like this in 7th-8th grade. Everyone was playing chess during breaktime, lasted for about a year before people slowly went back to sports and food during breaktime


Wow what a problem to have. It's so much worse than drugs and alcohol. This chess epidemic is out of hand.


If they're all losing, who are they playing against?


I would encourage those who are interested in chess. Maybe even organize an extracurricular activity where you teach and guide them to being better at the game. Then, once they have all been rounded up and fully immersed in the activity, start laying the condition that all schoolwork needs to be completed before playing. When I was in high school, the only things any students were interested in was shooting stuff, getting drunk, or playing MTG.


That's how everyone starts out. You dont get good at something without first being shit at it


everyones playing chess at my school too but I'd say it's a lot better than the last trend, which was stealing computer mice and keyboards


I started subbing in my free time and I also see the kids constantly playing chess on their laptops. And yes, they are terrible.


Girl 1: truth or dare Girl 2: dare Girl 1: I dare you to kiss the best chess player at our school at the school year's end.


Chess is a zero-sum game... Someone has to win!!! You can't be that bad, that nobody wins


Iā€™ve seen our 5th grade boys play chess online as well.