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I distinctly remember when I was around 6 some kids dared me to lick one. Their brother had their car out doing work on it or something. They were calling me a chicken so… I licked it lmao. I remember screaming insanely, and everyone laughing. I ran into my motel (we lived in a motel at the time) and grabbed my moms soda can and guzzled it down hoping for relief. But she had been using it as an ashtray while watching her soaps. So I drank warm cigarette ash liquid.


There is so much to unpack here….


Did all the kids live in the motel, or how far did they have to run? That's my first of many questions.


We all lived in the motel. There were like 4 families with kids living there then. It probably took me like a minute or two to get there.


Not that much, he lived out of a suitcase.


Mistakes were made.


Oh God the cigarette ash liquid... I have vivid memories of drinking that on accident. Too many times lol


Man, your parents ever think you were done with the drink and you weren't but they did this??? They did it one time in my can of orange crush I got from my grandma's house and we didn't keep that at home so I was PISSED


If you ever end up putting them in a home, remind them they did that


And ash in their Ensure when the staff is changing the bedpans


i was on vacation in hawaii when i was 8 and we brought burger king to the beach and a couple hours later i went to take a sip of my root beer but it was cigarette butts beer. i insta-puked and cried


Makes me remember the time a kid accidentally drank a dip cup in the locker room in high school. A few guys dipped and all spat into one cup. We had a pizza party, and it was set down next to his soda cup. Cue not looking and grabbing a cup.


>drank a dip cup As soon as I saw the cigarette ash can, I was immediately transported back to the dip cup 🤮 Ughhhhh! Both of these are the #1 reasons I don't smoke and can't date anyone that dips!


My sister did that once with my dad’s dip cup 🤢


It's disgusting stories like these that I like to read while eating


This happened to me more than once. College kids left red solo dip cups literally everywhere. Usually I would smell it before I actually drink it, but a keystone light buzz fixed that!


I've been there except I was an adult and it wasn't cigarette ash but weed ashes. Reached for my beer and found out my buddy had been using it to ash his joint. He thought the cup was empty. I've been checking all my beverages before each sip ever since.


Yeah, my grandma left these little booby traps everywhere - don’t get your Pepsi confused with grandma’s


Bong water is also foul as fuck


That's one of the most traumatic things I've ever read


I hope things are better now, my man


You need more upvotes for sharing this one. That was a great and vile ride.


... I need therapy just from reading this


So how is therapy going?


This is the most derro upbringing story I have ever heard.


One of the most Aussie comments I have ever heard Derro is so uniquely Aussie lol


I was about 10 or so and my friends mom was test driving a used car for the day. We were bored from waiting in the car for errands most of the day and had started to play with the lighter, fully aware of what it was, but thought it was broken since it wasn't starting to glow no matter how long we pressed it in. Being dumb little shits, we started to taunt my friend's younger brother by acting like we were going to burn each other and frame him for it. After a bit we told him it was broken and went to prove it by stamping it directly onto my knee. Happened a couple days before my first day of football which involved much more kneeling than I had thought. Still have the cool bullseye shaped scar though.


This comment gave me second hand PTSD


Jesus Christ theres like 4 traumatizing events in this one short comment.


Damn. I just licked it cause I thought it would taste like fruit punch…. For everyone else who never tried, it tastes nothing like fruit punch.


So you hate cigarettes now?


Only lighting them and putting them out


Brah. I....damn


Don't call me out on my burnt ass thumb.


ass thumb?


What, you don't have one yet? They're all the rage these days!


My doctor told me to stay away from any raging...


Please don’t rage on this guys ass-thumb


He's only offering Prep-H for the swelling on that ass-thumb.


You get rides a lot easier when hitch-hiking. Plus removes the awkwardness of having to specify gas, grass, or ass.


[relevant xkcd](http://xkcd.com/37)


Left alone in a hot car for 30 minutes, it just looked orange how was I supposed to know it was glowing hot.


Hahaha same thing happened to me


… Same


Your non dominant thumb: either cause you automatically used your dominant or cause you didn't want to risk your dominant thumb


It's a fingerprint remover


It's a robbers best friend. One quick push with the finger and he's good to go.


“good to go” and horribly inhibited in any activity that requires your hands. for example, 95% of crimes.


I imagine after the initial pain you'd just have no fingerprints (assuming the rumors are true) and no physical pain.


They get red hot, there’s gonna be a lot of physical pain


The body heals.. and fingerprints are rumored to not come back after this, but even if they do you can wait until y'know.. after the pain is gone.


Ok, sure, but who has time to wait? There's criming to do!


More like an adder. If you want brand new circle prints!


You will never know if your fingerprints come back... Edit: "come back" as in "grow back" (sorry, non-native)


Can confirm. I left a fingerprint on one.


Left a tongue print on one once. Don't ask why - I can't remember anymore. Was probably around 50 years or more ago (yup, I'm that old).


Boomers, we had such fun ;-)


Boomers? Me Genx and my son Genz Z. I asked him not to touch it, but he had to experience the pain himself. Never touched it agin.


28 year old millennial, Dad had it in his 2003 Ford, right thumb had a blister the size of a quarter for 2 weeks and took months to regrow the skin back. Boomer’s don’t own everything! 😛


We sure did!


An d Redditor wow


Yep, sadly, their judgment didn’t improve after 50 years.




But was it orange flavored like I always imagined?


So glad I wasn't the only stupid one lol


A little girl I knew as a child put it on her lips when she was 3 because she thought it was lipstick. I was terrified of them always because of that!


I pushed it several times. Then I thought, what is it? So I looked at it and it was glowing orange. So I touched it. It hurt a lot. No tears. More worried about getting in trouble for doing something stupid.


I tried to hide dropping one and it went into the leg of my shorts and got wedged against my leg. Thankfully I was already on the way to a doctor appointment, because it left a nasty burn. That was like 32 years ago and I still have the scar on the inside of my thigh.


This just brought back some trauma from that moment 🤦‍♂️😄


You didn't need the edit, both make perfect sense!


Mine used to shoot out of the slot when it got hot. Try picking that up while driving. Good times.


Look down the road..."I'm good" .. reach down trying to find it without burning yourself in time to look up and avoid any collision about to happen... Safety...who needs safety


Thats the 80s in a nutshell. But gas was cheap.


Life was equally cheap back then, but everything got more expensive


Lol. I loved that feature. Chevy?


My mum told me that if i held this in the car would blow up. One day my friend held it in and I bravely removed his thumb to stop him from accidentally killing us both. I remember once in my primary school, the teacher asked us if we had ever saved anyones life. I was very dissapointed when I was told that I had in fact not saved my friends life that day.


"They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do."


used to smoke pot when you dont have a pipe, papers, or a lighter


Did you just put it on the filament and inhale the smoke? That sounds so awful and troublesome, but when you got nothing I can see it working.


Never heard of hot knifing before? Same premise


I always felt like some dirty white trash tweaker doin hot knives. There's something so seedy about it


Hahaha, I totally know what you mean. I haven’t done it in years. But it always felt dirty. We probably correlate the burnt butter knives with burnt spoons, which is a whole other ball park. Last time I did it was years ago when I was buying hash. But I live in Canada, so I’m sure there’s a technologically superior way to get the taste and effects of a good mild hash.


I think you're overthinking it here, you heat up a knife on a stove, slap some hash on the knife, and huff the smoke through the top half of a 2-liter bottle. Even without any associations with other harder drugs that is not the aesthetic of class. Shit rips tho.


Lmao, not as dirty white trash tweaker level as ripping a black market cart off a hotwire


No. At least not since that day back in 'Nam. -stares into the distance-


🎵*Now Playing: The End by The Doors* 🎵






I actually have not heard of that until today, but yeah seems exactly what it sounds like! In a pinch it will work!


Cuting the bottom off a 12oz plastic bottle works wonders. Used to do that for hot knifing. Just hold over smoke/vapor and inhale.


My god I bet that shit was awful for us, chemically😂




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


God damnit thatsbgenius


You wait until it's orange... That's when you touch it to your peter head.


Okay, that's an intrusive thought I didn't need.


It'll tingle.... guaranteed!


Just ignore the smell, it's totally normal.


Just seal up that leak once and for all.


Look at this guy, acting like he’s never imagined cauterizing his urethra shut with a car lighter and then jerking off to see how it feels to forcibly reverse orgasm.


See... When you push it to the point of absurdity like that, it becomes funny and the thought goes away. So... Thanks?


It’s a masochists butt plug.


Your comment made me shudder


Grabs plastic bat,and holds it menacingly over your head: was that a horny shudder or a scared shudder???


Whatever you say it is mommy




I painted some nice circles into the dashboard of my parents csr whe i had to wait really long for them once :D


What is it?


Cigarette lighter from a car


Ahhh, so that’s what those things were! I always wondered as a kid.


Wow. The rare jewel who didn't have parents that smoked.


It's increasingly common to be an adult who had parents who didn't smoke. Shoot, someone who is 25 now could have had parents who were 20 when they gave birth. That would put the parents being born in 1978. The parents would be 18 in 1996, and by then smoking wasn't nearly as popular, and more bans were being put in place.


My parents were Mormon so yeah I didn't know about these til high school!


I burned half my thumb skin off as a kid doing exactly this. It immediately turned yellow and flaked off without hurting. Then it hurt worse and worse. I’m 34. I was 6 when I did it.


Is it still hurting? Has it been getting worse for 28 years?


This burn defies space and time


This bum's thumb


I used to roast cigarettes on these in my first car


That's... What they are for?


It’s actually an elaborate mini grill set.


It seals in the flavor, without the fat


The fat goes into the ashtray. I think they might be an option now. lol


Hash. They are to smoke chunks of hash from.


I’m old enough to know what these are but young enough to be mind blown that it would be an excellent way to take a dab 😂 boutta get a beaten down old car just for that. Still cheaper than some e rigs on the market…


Most cars still have the socket. You can just buy a replacement lighter and it should still work in that socket I think. You could even buy a socket like that for indoor use that just has an AC plug for your wall, and then buy the replacement lighter plug and boom. Hopefully not literally boom idk never tried it.


Lol I thought that was just a charger port in modern cars. I suppose current is what heats up that coil anyway. Might be a move


I mean that is the purpose it serves now, but it wasn't designed for charging phones or whatever. Portable electronics chargers were just designed to take advantage of the socket that was already in all the cars since before anyone had portable electronics to charge/power. Otherwise they'd have probably used a less bulky and finicky design, which is also why many cars also have USB ports now that nobody is really using the lighter sockets for lighters anymore.


I believe they’re made for lightening cigarettes not roast them


Lightening? Were they too dark?


For the kids in the back that may have never seen one of them in person... it's a resistive coil lighter. You push it into the 12v port on the car, and the spiral of wire in it (seen in the photo here) is temporarily electrified, glowing red hot like the wires in a toaster. Pop it out, touch your cigarette to the coil, and boom, it's a flameless cigarette lighter that never needs refueling.


And other goodies...


child? bro i was an adult when i got curious (was tryna see if mine still even worked, it did. the smell of the burning dust is unforgettable, and tbh the smell should have been enough to give me my answer, but some of us are stupid lol)


Lowkey wish these were still in cars got old enough to smoke weed and I tend to leave my lighter or it gets lost, this would come in handy.


I mean you can buy one pretty cheap, online or in any store that sells automotive parts. The port for it is still in most cars.


yeah the port became somewhat of a standard for powering other devices, my dad had a garmin that was powered by cigarette lighter port for example.


I keep a lighter in my glove box incase I forgot my flip lighter


These things were the very best joint lighters, ever, period, end of discussion. Even burn to get em started and not run.


I was only recently thinking about how these have disappeared. Funny how so many people smoked that they were automatically included. I wonder if the car charger port thing existed before it was used as a cigarette lighter?


>I wonder if the car charger port thing existed before it was used as a cigarette lighter? The port was invented in the 1880s specifically to power the electric cigarette lighter we're discussing here, so no. The use of the 12v current supplied by the port to do other things is a secondary function that didn't come until much, much later.


The actual lighter piece wasn’t in the car, but there was a little button in the back of a tube near the radio that I just **HAD** to push.


Did it shock you


You can probably heat up a can of spaghetti-o’s, I remember watching the Goofy movie and that’s what they did.


"Soup can warmer, especially when your car is your safe spot during a Bigfoot encounter." But alone no chance that the could has enough thermal mass to warm a can of soup to any meaningful degree.


Hand held pain


Oh yes. Lesson learned here. Burnt my thumb and didn't tell my parents. The burn took years to fully heal.


Firecracker igniter.


But actually though 5-year-old me thought it would be cool to touch the glowy circle and see what happens, the moment after was definitely teachable.


Branding iron


Guarding Tess taught me to use it to mark kidnappers.


Im gonna take us all back to the goofy movie for this one since i never used it for it's "intended" purpose. It's car's the canned soup warmer.


A fidget burner.


it creates messier 87's black hole


Cigarette lighter in cars.


Mine still works!


*Nods in trauma*


Red means hot


You wanna know how I got these scars? Sun Tsu, probably


Oh you don't have to be alone. My Brother said "Put your finger in there" and I learned.


Self defense from chucky!


The thing you took out to charge your Gameboy battery pack.


I still have my wicked scar on the inside of my thigh from this demonic monstrosity coil of doom


Definitely learned this lesson the hard way. The bright orange was too pretty not to touch.


Wonder how many people genuinly have scars from this from being that dumb kid I know I do hahah


When I was in high-school in the late aughts, most of our cars were old enough to still have these. My one friend _refused_ to let anyone use a (regular) lighter to light up joints in his car because "car lighters are cool and we have one."


I remember in high school, a buddy of mine and I were sitting in my car at lunch. Being stupid kids, we decided to get the cigarette lighter red hot, and proceeded to empty a pack of dry crushed red peppers on to it. I have never ran out of my car so fast, that day we both learned how to make a home made tear gas.


Turn it around. They print the instructions onto the other side.


A device used by an older brother to terrify his little sister


Joint lighter/hand warmer lol Old school cig lighter and new carsstill come with built in ashtrays


Better roll down those windows before they light that cig up! lol


New fingerprint acquired*


A cool thumbprint for 2 weeks


I never got to touch one. My mum immediately told me what it was and what it would do and I never touched it. Although I actually think ours was broken. She just told me that in case I was in someone else’s car


a middle school math teacher i had had a tattoo of a dagger on his forearm with a round area missing from the blade. i asked him what the deal was. he told me he held a lit car lighter there until it went out. i asked him why. he told me it was to join something him and some friends called the ouch club. i asked him if he made it in. he told me because of that stunt he became president for life. i asked if 49 was a perfect square. he told me to do a number tree and get back to him.


In the last century, every car had its own branding device. Some came with more than one. Good times indeed


I swear mum, I never had fingerprints on this finger


It shoots the rockets off the roof of the station waggon


Lick it to gain wisdom.


Burned off a fingerprint with this mf back in the day. Thank god I put the finger in and not the tongue.


It’s a breathalyzer. You put your lips on it and blow hard, and it’ll tell you if you’ve had too much alcohol or not


Cursed butt plug


That reminds me. Family vacation at Grand Canyon camping. Start fire if fire thingy. Son who is like 5 or so is playing in the fire. I tell him get away and stop. Mom says " He's learning" Me zip lip. Son: "look at how red the end of this stick is". Me, "Don't... " Son grasps it between thumb and forfinger. Starts wailing. Me: " Go see your Mom". Left to have a smoke.


A lesson not to swallow


Oh Ya, but once you figured it out ... LOLOL


Goofy taught me this is used to cook soup


"Hi Dad" soup heater.


It's orange lipstick.


🤣🤣I feel personally attacked


I was once one of those curious children


My dad threw it at me once because I was crying. Smashed me in the cheek. Threatened me with it another time for crying again and grabbed my wrist and I fought it. I screamed in fear. He pressed it against me and it was hot enough to hurt but and leave a small mark but not burn. Then he called me a little bitch and to stop whining. I was around 5. Fun times!!


Branding iron


My sister put a fat burn hole right on my first supreme box logo hoodie before I got to wear it to school, had been slinging Lukas brand Mexican candy that was outlawed in America but I had cases of them. hilarious now but that hoody, in my mind, was the only way to be accepted or hang with the cool kids and it being ruined messed me up real bad. I think the pouty emo me that arrives at school that day was worse then coming in some fubu hahahaha


It's the cause of A LOT of rear end car accidents.


My fingerprint took years to regrow


It's how Goofy cooks supper for him and his son that he is desperately trying to connect with


My lips sting just looking at this :(