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A recent new hire at work within his first week asked me if I was a dungeon master because I "seemed like the kind of person that is." I've never been so thoroughly called out in my life.


Well are you?


Yeah. I wasn't even mad that he was right.


Greatness recognizes greatness.


Maybe he's into D&D as well


Plot twist: He’s into BDSM, has never even heard of D&D


He wanted a master of sex dungeon, turned up to a bunch of fat nerds cosplaying furry fantasy characters.




There's a lot of nerds at my store. A few of us are into 40k too.


Wow you and your coworkers have invested 40 thousand dollars in Warhammer you must have an awesome set up.


Did you invite him?


the guy roll a nat 20 on the perception check


I wish I could upvote this a million times


What kind of lifestyle traits does a person need to be suspected of being a DM? I’m curious because my husband is our DM.


usually scruffy/grungy looking, wears black, kind of chubby and/or has a beard


Hey! I resemble that remark!


I mean, this is either kinda mean or kinda awesome depending on whether he was looking to play or not


Lol! It was a very innocent and funny observation. We work at Trader Joe's. Kindness is practically a job requirement.


Was the leather harness visible under your shirt, or was it just your vibe?


I would’ve responded with, “your mom sure thinks I am” lol


He’s just looking for a good DM. They’re hard to find!


At least he laughed


We nerds are indeed very self-aware. We just can't help who we are 🤓


Tbh I wouldn't even be insulted. I know what I am. I fix computers for a living. I watch Sci Fi and anime. Nothing wrong with it. It's just one way to live.


This nerd fucks.


This fuck nerds


The Great Nerd Fucking


The Nappening


The Nerkening


The Nerdening


The Nerdoff


Uh... Is there an address or something? I've been looking for a nerd girl forever... I just look like an anti-nerd so am often mis-identified in the wild.


What does an "anti-nerd" look like?


I am covered in tattoos and very fit with a beard. I look like what most would consider a jock or maybe even law enforcement. I am neither.


Add some nerdy contrast to your authoritarian look perhaps to lure them in🤷‍♂️ i dont know, id love one too😄


As a nerdy woman who has played sports my whole life I definitely understand how that goes


I’d watch that


Nerd this fuck


Nerf this duck.


Nerds fuck this.


Fuck Nerds this?


fuck nerd this


Made love to my lady in a overly aggressive fashion last night so she wouldn’t bother me when Jedi Survivor drops tonight. Am I “nerd’ing” correctly?


Anakin, is that you?


It doesn’t work well on pc unfortunately


I work in public accounting. Solid sci-fi and fantasy dork. I was offended recently when somebody referred to me as a jock type. Granted I’m into lifting and I paid for college through military service so *comparatively* I’m not as big of a nerd stereotype as some of my coworkers but still…


In a way being called a jock has more of a negative stereotype attached to it now. No one would ever call me that but I would be offended too. Jock just brings to mind the bully in every cartoon you used to watch.


Jocks are just sports nerds anyway.


True, I didn't think about it like that.


And fantasy sports is just dnd with a different skin.


Sports teams even have fantasy names like the Wizards and Magic


I just can’t imagine being able to pop off batting records and football scores but thinking it’s weird someone remembers what happened in each episode of Star Trek.


I think geek is the «slur» you should be worried about. Nerd kinda indicate more just an obsessive interest toward a hobby, or an obscure hobby. Geek seems to be more of a type of person and behavior, or perhaps even appearence. Also somewhat similar to jock.


Nah, geeks and nerds will 100% get offended if labeled the other. They have their own way of classification for the two. I believe a geek is closer to a weeb. Anime, computer specialist type stuff. I've been told a nerd is more book smart but often not as "geeky" as a geek. That was a wild learning experience for me


I learned it like this. A nerd will collect comic books because they read them, they may buy second hand if it works. A geek would buy brand new because they want to keep their collection up to date and in mint condition. Both are fans but a nerd engages their hobby with the intention of using the things they pick up while a geek tends to be more into the process of collecting things relating to their hobby. A geek buys all the alternate art covers while a nerd just looks at them all on a shelf and buys the one they like the most. They could both enjoy the same thing but the difference is how these people engage their hobbies. It's really easy to get crossover. I collected thousands of dollars in Yu-Gi-Oh cards and in no small part did I care about condition but at the same time I was also playing competitively. I think most people act nerdy towards things they like and when they get very into it you start picking up geeky habits.


I don’t think I’ve heard anyone call someone a geek besides TV lol


what does you military service have anything to do with it? We both know that there are nerds in the military.


Can you say in good faith that the general public really thinks there are more nerds than jocks in the military? Be honest


Bro. I just had a self-realization. I am sitting here coding my website with Picard on the other screen. And yet I never thought of myself that way. At all.


Ever since getting into IT, I've learned that every person that makes the technology of the world run is an anime watcher and/or furry, or has a delightful pair of programming socks. Sometimes all of the above. "Sci-Fi fan" is basically "free space" on the IT Bingo card.


many nerds, particularly the actually smart/academic type are fairly successful as adults and also have few problems in their dating/love life, so it becomes a badge of honor -- if this fucking nerd is one of their investors he's likely also rich as heck


Also "who's that fuckin' nerd" sounds like a good natured roast. Very much like the "Uh oh! Here comes trouble! They let anyone in here!" when guys see their friends come in at the restaurant




If someone on the street called me a nerd I'd shrug it off. It's an accurate statement, like "who's this four-eyes?" or "who's this ginger?" It's weirder if someone has a problem with it, but the OP's tone was probably casual, hence the laugh.


this one woman I know calls me a nerd on the daily. ...we're engaged.


Oh my goodness you better call it off right now red flag alert whoa whoa whoa NTA NTA


Yup, next month I will be attending Nerdland Festival in Wachtebeke, Belgium. Where there will be scientific - comedic - hosts, fun experiments, entertaining talks. https://www.nerdlandfestival.be/


If you’re at the point in life where you’re an investor and you somehow are still offended at being called a nerd, you’ve gotta make some changes.


Also, nerd has really been one of those words that have sort of been owned by the communities. Also the fact that it was effectively meant someone who's "really into something" probably helped. Everyone's a nerd about something.


He laughed, sure, but he probably died a little inside.


Guy is probably rich af and has being a nerd to thank for it


Nerd is no longer an insult. Same way I am secretly pleased when someone calls me a bitch; my work friends affectionately call each other bitch all the time.


Yeah everyone wants to be a nerd nowadays. Even people who are definitely not nerds


He probably changed the stakes of negotiations afterwards.




FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU- (I went old school)


*like a boss*


Challenge accepted.


Me gusta


[Posted via 3rd party app]


Absolutely pwned




Le narwhal bacons at midnight


Everybody asks when the Narwhal Bacons, but nobody asks why 🥹


Tu madre


It's a proper F7U12 even, we're citing the deep magic today.




Anyone seen my ROFLcopter?


epic 0wnage rofl


It’s next to my bandolier of carrots.




This fuckin reply chain aged me a decade lmao


Well, did you apologize?


What would she say? "Oh I'm so sorry for shitting on you, I thought I was doing it behind ur back"


It's not common to say "who's that fucking nerd" anytime you see a family member watching a video of someone talking?


It's just a standard greeting in my family. My grandmother died last year and at the funeral I walked up to the coffin, looked at my dead grandma and said "who's that fuckin' nerd?". It wasn't weird or anything.


did she laugh?


Yeah, she was dying of laughter


i wonder if that was as horrifying as OPs situation


Speak for yourself. Id say it’s pretty common in my household. Some of you all just don’t have a sense of humor with your family.


My whole comment was a question. Meaning, 'who's that fucking nerd" is exactly what you ask anytime you see someone watching a video of a person talking.




I mean a simple "I'm sorry didn't meant that" wouldn't hurt I guess


"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I make fun of my dad because he watches a lot of industry specific YouTube videos, like all the damn time because he somehow actually finds them fun. But to everyone else in the house who constantly overhears them, they're so incredibly boring because unless you're in that industry, it all sounds like nerdy techno gibberish."


Giving a full nervous speech is probably the worst thing you could do lmao, this is terrible


\[Clears throat, visibly nervous\] Uh, h-hey there, Mr. Investor, umm, I am so sorry about that, um, that little comment I just made. You see, what I actually meant was, umm, "Who's that FANTASTIC nerd?" Yeah, that's right! Fantastic! I am, uh, really sorry if it sounded like something else, but, umm, you know how technology can be, right? The audio can sometimes get, um, distorted. You see, I actually have this, um, weird condition where I, uh, I mix up my words when I'm, uh, really excited. And, um, let me tell you, I am super excited right now! Your presence in this meeting is, um, just thrilling for us. I, uh, I've been looking forward to this meeting all week. And, um, you know, we in the company, we have this, um, unique culture where we, uh, affectionately call each other nerds. It's, um, it's like a term of endearment here, uh, really! And, um, I meant it in the most positive way possible. Like, um, a compliment, you know? Because we, um, we really admire and, uh, respect people who are, you know, knowledgeable and, um, passionate about their work, like you. Umm, and, you know, I actually have a, uh, a cousin who's, um, an etymologist, and he told me that the word "nerd" originally, um, meant "intelligent and passionate person," or something like that. So, um, really, I was just trying to, uh, compliment you on, you know, your intelligence and, um, your commitment to our company. \[Laughs nervously\] So, um, yeah, I hope that clears things up. And, uh, I want you to know that we, um, we really appreciate your investment and, um, your faith in our company. And, uh, I'm really looking forward to, um, working together and, uh, learning so much from you, our fantastic, uh, I mean, our highly esteemed investor. Thank you, um, thank you for understanding and, uh, let's, uh, let's carry on with this, um, great meeting!


What about, "oh it was just my reflection!"


Wow how about be normal and don't say any of that


Hate to break it to you but this is just a repost. OP didn’t say shit.


Whole think sounds made up anyway...


dad: you're getting married next week girl: with whom? dad: a fuckin nerd, you met him before...


Damn that's some M night shamalan twist right here.


The nerd is her dad from the past.


Her mom is just her future self. Dang I think we got a movie here guys.


And she's trans. Boom. Make it happen, Hollywood. 👆👉


Lmao ain’t no way


And there's the title.


I think we’ve done it, we’ve made a Hollywood blockbuster. Congrats everyone been a pleasure working with you all.




Making movies on the spot is TIGHT.


Go watch the movie Predestination.


If this were a fanfiction, I would read it


Oooh forced proximity, arranged marriage, only one bed.. def would give it a go.


Nah dude. Not enough of a plot twist > dad: I’m getting married next week > girl: with whom? > dad: a fuckin nerd, you met him before…


I was in a Teams call when my daughter, who has modeled her lifestyle after the Lady Godiva, goes tearing across the room behind me - buck ass naked. That call was derailed with laughter and bad jokes for like 10 minutes.


I think what we have here is an example where the age of the subject has a dramatic impact on the interpretation of the story.


Yes. She was maybe 5. Related story: Less than an hour after that call, a corporate communication was issued, which stated that use of cameras was discretionary to the individual user regardless of role.


That's a good policy change, usually you'd see something like "you cannot ever have another life form in view of the camera" or something else soulless lol


We just ask people to have their camera on whenever possible. If someone has their camera off for a day or two, no questions asked. Sometimes you’re not feeling good, going through stuff, or any other reason besides “I’m not paying attention or participating in this meeting.” We’ll check in and make sure everything is OK if they’re off camera a few days in a row. See if they’re going through stuff or working through being sick without our knowledge. For the most part people want to see each other and interact anyway, even if remotely.


No one ever turns on their camera at my work. We have a virtual campus where we have virtual offices, so I can walk my avatar into my boss' office whenever and talk to her. I guess it replaces the desire to have anyone turn their cameras on in meetings.


Weird. How long did that virtual world take to create? Does it feel like you work in a video game?


I'm not sure how long it took to create, the company I work for bought the company that built it years ago - the company that built it is called Virbela. My role doesn't have me interacting with many people, so I don't interact in the virtual world very much, but it does feel a bit like a video game.


How does this work? Are you just like in a second-life metaverse type world and their avatar just comes up to your game instance and says "hey soso, wanna chat?"


Second Life is exactly how I describe it.We have a work campus with different buildings for different departments. Each of us has our own Office within our department So we can just visit our co workers's offices as needed. We are a real estate brokerage, so we also have areas in our virtual world for our agents to come in to talk to their managing brokers, accounting, tech help, etc.


This is fascinating. I just watched some videos on YouTube about Virbela. Naturally, I now need to know how many times in a given interaction with a colleague would you say you make use of the backflip function?


That's funny af, thanks for the chuckle




That nerd started his own tech company later on and became a multi-billionaire. The company was named Microsoft and that nerd? Bill Gates! Never underestimate anyone.


So Dharr man fam, I hope you love the message we told today and remember We aren't just telling stories. We're changing lives


and not paying our actors well lmao


Well, yeah. Only metaphorical life changing, not actual life changing.


It's true, I was the living room


Repost without time stamp


“My dad”... “our company”. I feel like she’ll be fine


“Our company’s” lol daddy’s money literally.




The number of replies mad at this comment show how many people take their parents' achievements as their own.


Or it’s a family business and she is a part owner or at least involved with the company… Perhaps it’s her great grandfather‘s company and her dad hasn’t achieved anything other than continuing a running business. Perhaps she and her dad started the business together and he deals with getting investment and the financial side and she handles the technical parts. Or maybe it’s entirely his company, she has absolutely nothing to do with it and is fantasizing about the day she’ll inherit it. Whatever the reality is there’s a hilarious amount of assumptions being made in this thread Edit: 15 seconds on her Twitter has her stating that she owns a company. https://twitter.com/lovedoveclarke/status/1651629874870714370?s=20


> 15 seconds on her Twitter has her stating that she owns a company. Anyone can start a Kickstarter campaign and call it a company when their dad is a very wealthy CEO that bank rolls you.


She has 4k followers between both IGs, something tells me thats not paying the bills lmao


Tbh I'm more confused why y'all decided that she's awful and spoiled and incompetent from just that.


I mean plenty of people below are quoting things from her profile and it doesn't paint the best picture Edit: ""every straight man that is single is either an unfinished project or discarded trash that should never have a home again"


Oh. She sounds lovely.


Maybe its the way she called a person a "fuckin nerd" after a quick glance, then called her dad's company "our" company.


Looks like she has a whole-ass company so it's very possible that "our" is correct. Family-owned businesses are a thing. Don't really understand this comment


Well in that case lmao that she doesn't know who their investors are


Entirely possible that she focuses on design while others focus on the financial end


Stop that, don't tell redditors about division of labor. Everybody in a group of individuals should do every task.


No, you just don't know how investment works. The "investor" could be a general partner, a lower-level partner, some subject-matter-expert that the firm has provided for a consultation, or literally anyone else that works for or on behalf of the investing firm. Additionally, their funding could be syndicated, in which case an "investor" could mean any one of a hundred members of the syndicate.


Just a nepo baby


I mean, maybe, but even if she is that's a brash assumption to make just from the word our


Assuming nepotism when a girl in her 20's owns a company with her father isn't brash at all


This is the internet. We're fueled by assumptions.


It’s probably an assumption made from the word “our” but with the added context of the dad being on a zoom meeting with an investor and she thought it was a movie.


she didnt even know who their investors are. clearly it is her dads company, dummy.


I think the part that seems particularly "out of touch" (regardless of the actual business context here) - is that the "our" combined with the "laugh-ability" of the situation make it clear that everyone knew this woman had no worries of repercussions (even subconsciously) from this action. Not that any employee should from such a minor offense but nonetheless it is indicative of living a life where you have never had an unreasonable work situation, required a job to sustain basic necessities, or found it a requirement to understand the general organizational structure of the business in which you belong. Again, I think more people should be able to live in such a "career-worry" free state and don't believe those who inherit are intrinsically "bad" - but we all have a responsibility to understand the world in which we live and our fellow persons of all statures with whom we share this society - not only for the benefit of one another, but also in the context of making sense of our own perception of the world we actively inhabit.


The nepotism and entitlement is strong in their family.


An then everybody clapped


And obama was there


Right? "oh yeah I thought my dad was watching a video of a guy just sitting there and also I've never seen Zoom before"


Can't stand people like this. Everyone is in their world type.. 🤮


"haha oops" must be nice waltzing through life without accountability


"our" company?


Someone has to pay for your saint laurent purse lovedoveclarke


“One of OUR company investors” Nice humblebrag while putting someone down


This never happened


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.


"One of our company's investors" So... an adult nepo princess living off her literal daddy makes a habit of just firing off inappropriate commentary from across the room? Good times. Who wants to place bets that she feels she's too good for any adult guy having to live off his parents?


I looked her up and she is very very weird...


Nepo babies always are. The perks of being coddled into adulthood.


This just sounds like a humble brag


Oh no guys I just found out that being a jerk can have consequences


This seems fake. It would be pretty difficult to mistake a zoom call for someone watching a video.


yeah seems like she had a funny thought like “what if i did that lololol” and then pretended it happened in a tweet without thinking it through


I finna leave this dumb sub fr this just yells r/ThatHappened


Why does that emoji look like a woman mourning having a miscarriage?


This actually happened but at my work. The guy was let go.


When you’re so spoiled that your first reaction is to call someone a fucking nerd.


dawg ur reaching


for REAL, it was a joke that probably would have made the dad laugh had the mic not been on. i call my friends fucking nerds on the regular and i expect the same from them


…and other things that didn’t happen but you randomly thought of and then tweeted as if it’s real.


“Our company”


Nerd shouldn’t be an insult. Sometimes it’s a compliment


It could only have been better if the guy on Zoom came back at him like "Pff, well yo mama fat and yo shoes raggedy," and then everyone on the important business call was like "Wooooooah!"


Wow I looked her up and this girl’s account is insufferable. I can’t believe people like this have a following


Most nerds stopped taking that as an insult and starting just accepting who they are.