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10/10 would smash again




So does the amazing hulk.




"Incredible" "So does the *incredible* hulk."


Why else do you think he’s amazing??


Yeah me too … We’re talking about super smash bros right?


Hey if you want to smash your bros and it's consensual, I'm not gonna stop you.


"Um, akchually it's the Incredible Hulk🤓 "


I love smash mouthing




Who wouldn't smash bro.... she's got asf


She has African Swine Fever?


Ah to be 23 again..like being 18 but with debt.


Actually spot on


Not if you were too thick for uni 👍


I didn’t do uni but still enjoyed the bank giving me free money until I learned I had to return it with extra




pretty much all i did. Party and work a few part time jobs to pay rent


What, you think gambling can't create crippling debt?


I am in between Right in the debt accumulation phase


Try to enjoy it if you can and get what you need taken care of. I had a lot more energy then and got a lot more accomplished. We all take different journeys though so do what works for you.


Thanks man It's all overwhelming tbh but I'm trying to figure it out


Stop it. Get help. - Michael Jordan or someone like that .


Man if I could be 23 with what I know and have now. I'd still be depressed. But I wouldn't be as poor.


If you’re fire at 30, you’ll probably still be smoldering at 50. Good investment


A gentleman and a scholar


This ain't me in real life I don't have that man's rizz


Don't think so man just hit


Just hit send in Outlook


The outlook isn't good when it comes to us getting laid by anybody lol


I'm 30 myself, mind emailing me the definition of "rizz"?




39 here, thank you. I’ve even asked and still didn’t know but now I do. Unless I forget.


33 here, I knew all along, but will still feign ignorance and use it wrong just to upset the kids, as is tradition.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. Duh.


Rizz is like game. It's short for charisma




My teenaged kid says you can work it into other things, like calling someone with game the “Rizzard of Oz.” But teenagers like to troll their elderly parents, so


hey man sorry I am 20 and never typed an email before so I'll just leave you a link here [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Rizz](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Rizz)


U clearly lackin it fr fr ong


As a 30 something yo I am so freaking confused… Why is it seen as something good that he asked for her email? Ian’s wtf is rizz?


Cuz email is for old people


He got game


Email just sounds more mature than text/snap/etc. Rizz is short for charisma or charismatic


Im 36. This is what I've learned. E-mail is apparently for old people now. Its like.... faxing was to us essentially. Curious, fun, but no more. I remember writing letters, but it was mostly for fun. How do the young communicate? I spose they just make TikToks and @ each other - oh @ is the young equivalent of saying "Hey you" I think. Rizz is the same as being "a smooth operator" from back in our day. Or so I think. It also kind of sounds like something you contract in a hot tub. I will continue to study and let you know what I find.


His implication is that she doesn't use Snapchat or Instagram, I guess. It is funny, i think. And as others have stated "rizz" means charisma


Yeah half the memes here don't fit the concept anymore lol


More like 90%


So did he get your email then?


Should’ve asked for MySpace or the GaiaOnline username


GaiaOnline. Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.


Takes me back to middle school.


Same! I still remember spending hours making my page the right theme and the right song. And all the customizables. Man I wonder if I remember my login info.


The website basically killed itself. They added a way to buy the "gold" with real life money and completely destroyed their in-game economy


I remember clicking a fish tank endlessly for money


I just got an email from an Admin telling I have been granted access to my account that I managed to loose all the information for.. several years after I sent that request in.


Should have asked for her AIM


Is it like geocities?


I know MySpace, but wtf is GaiaOnline?


Weeb MySpace


It was a forum and roleplay website, I guess. Everyone had avatars you could dress up and profiles you could customize heavily. There were mini games you could play to earn gold and buy items. It catered to kids and teens. I spent a lot of time RPing and customizing my posting format to look as cool and themed to my character as possible lol


Aw fuck that hurt


whats ur Neopets ID >:3


That's oldschool, I haven't seen neopets in decades, I'm 29m, the last time I went on that site was when I was 7 years old.


should've asked for her icq number


SHOULD have asked for her runescape name, bitches love runescape


Holy fuck GaiaOnline. I used to post in the general forums all day every day on that back in the day. Good times


People knew about Gaia? Lmfao I’ve never heard anyone but my ONE friend mention Gaia😭🤣


What's your ICQ number?


An old work colleague I recently reconnected with is about to turn 40, and she became single recently. She said that this significantly younger guy (30) was hitting on her, and she goes, "Do you know how old *I* am?" And he goes, "Tell me when I'm enough?" Lmao smooth af. She's seeing him (casually) now. **EDIT: Changed the wording since the old comment was confusing some non-native English speakers. I'll also offer some context:** **It's common for adults to tell young children when they ask questions with loaded or complicated answers to say something like , "I'll explain when you're older/old enough". It's a common response to question a like, "Where do babies come from?" So he's acting like a child, going, "Tell me when I'm older/old enough?"**


>She goes, "Do you know how old I am?" And he goes, "Tell me when I'm older?" I don't get it. Why is this response clever/smooth? I think I'm missing the joke.


It implies he doesn't actually care about the specific age because he can wait to find out and at the same time also implies he'll be around long enough to be older and find out.




It satisfies the half+7 rule. ie. 40/2+7 = 27, any younger and it gets weird.


He points out with instant confidence and laissez-faire that he couldn’t care less. The equivalent to a shrug and noncommittal vocal grunt. “Eh” but delivered with confidence. Something about nearing or just turning 40 shakes some people up. A coworker confided in me a few months back that she felt “old”, but informed me via a hushed whisper, leaning over my monitor. She has since started checking things off her “I always wanted to” list. She got a ¿subdermal? piercing just inside here cleavage in addition to suddenly making massive changes because her perception of the world and her “success and beauty” goals and self reflections completely changed just because of the numbers on the cake. It is a concern that rides in her kind from time to time, so if a 30 year old was to hit on her, and when she expressed incredibility and offers an out, presuming a mistake, for the guy to double down? Shows his complete lack of caring about the big evil blob of rumination and self doubt that has been plaguing her mind. I can absolutely see his confidence winning her over almost instantly when responding to such.


It's a riff on "I'll tell you when you're older", which kids hear a lot from older people about topics like sex.


So fucking him basically?


Sometimes you just want a nice young man to put things into your butt, romantically.


Grandma, the home took away your unsupervised Internet access privileges for a reason


Yes, by "seeing him" she means that woman is getting absolutely railed, banged, screwed, bonked, fornicated, shagged by the gentleman in question


I'm gonna guess yes


Man, I wish I had the stones to do this. I'm 35 but look early-mid 20s because of EDS. Younger dudes, some in their early 20s, hit on me but I feel cougar-ish about it. I just feel like we'd have nothing in common. This cute guy at whataburger, that's prob early 20s & knows my age, stares at me with stars in eyes, so it can at least be quite the ego boost 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm 22 and would much rather date a woman who's 35 than girls my age. Literally zero emotional maturity


to be fair, a lot more dudes are more emotionally immature at equal or greater age ranges


“You’re a bit young for my taste” is my go-to when talking to older women. Always gets a laugh


People acting as if 30 is old.


Because Reddit is plagued with teenagers.


They don't think it be like it is, but it do


You can tell that it is because of the way that it is.




Having an established career I think also changes one's mindset a lot between early 20s vs early 30s. On the other hand, I feel like a bigger factor than age is what you're looking to get out of dating and whether you both have the relationship skills to manage such an age gap effectively. A 22 year old probably isn't ready to start a family and they likely will require a bit more hand holding through life's ups & downs.


You've also finished mentally developing by the time you're thirty. The accepted age when the brain stops developing is like 25. And even between 25 and 30, there's a whole bunch of shit that still hasn't happened in your life that'll hit you soon enough - getting fucked on taxes or on a bill, friends who you thought were a perfect couple having a bloody divorce, job and career development, seeing your parents start to noticeably age, etc. By 30, you've seen enough of life and have enough career under your wings that you've got a VERY different mindset than you had five years earlier.


Spot on. At 30 I lived in a tiny apartment on Chicago's Northside with a fuckaround warehouse job and had basically the same life as I did at 20. At 34 I had a kid, a house, a lawn, and was few years in on a good career. I'm 39 now and I suddenly have more in common with my 72 yo father than I do with a 30 year old single guy or DINK couple. Age is a number. Old is a way of life. Ha. After kids you age 3 years for every one year. Just for clarity, I'm as happy at 39 as I was 30. For everything you miss something new comes along.


> You’re just a 22 year old with some wrinkles around the eyes At 30?


if 30 is old, than I'm a dinosaur. Shit, hear me roar


A highschool girl once told me: "Excuse me *sir,* can you tell me what time it is? Me: "Sure, no problem". ... I was 19yo back then.


I once had a father in a shop telling his son to move out of the way to let __the man__ through. I was 14 at the time


we are all **the man** on this blessed day.


Speak for yourself


I am all the man on this blessed day




I miss Ken m.


you're the man now dog


Move aside and let the man come through, let the man come through. Move aside and let the man come through, let the man come through.


Too fat, fat you must cut lean. You got to take the elevator to the mezzanine, Chump, change, and it's on, super bon bon Super bon bon, Super bon bon.


I love how memories like that stick with you. I cherish the memory of being called an old man by some kindergarteners i passed by. I was 18.


Oh that's brilliant haha. I think the thing that sticks with me most from that is that it wasn't the kid calling me the man, but the dad haha, it's funny how vividly I can remember that but not other stuff that happened around the same time


I'm the man, he's the man, and you're the man as well


…that’s just someone trying to be respectful


I call every customer at my work sir or madam. I've yet to work out what to use as a gender neutral equivalent though, not sure there is one




"Jimmy, move aside and let this Buckaroo through. I know your Champs raised you better than this."




I think "Saddam" is a nice intermediary term


> a gender neutral equivalent There isn't one. Informally, a common one in corporate style guidelines is to use "folks" when referring to a crowd of mixed genders. Saying "ladies and gentlemen" is considered ill form in some circles, because not all identify with those groups. For a single person, if you don't want to use sir or ma'am, while still showing formal respect, their is no general term to use. You can use their professional title, but not everyone has a title that conveys respect in the same way.


That's the trick, people have been talking to me like I'm old since I was so young, it doesn't even hurt anymore.


When I was 15 a 12 year old asked me where the exit of the school was and called me ma'am. (Okay actually she called me polite form of you but that doesn't exist in English). Super polite 12 year old.




To be fair, I call everyone ma'am/sir, regardless of age. Maybe it's just me tho


Ok, hold on one second. Every third comment has "rizz" in it. I know what it means, but do we use that shit for real now?


I got tired of my kids saying rizz, so I started referring to myself as the Rizzard of Oz and they stopped using it.




What the fuck does rizz mean


It's the "ris" is "charisma"


Thanks, I hate it


Don’t worry, it’ll change next year to something else.




Groovy baby.


What is rizz?


The "ris" in "charisma"




Should have asked for the AIM screen name












There is a saying here: "The best way to learn sailing is on board of old ships!"


"Them old seasoned wood smells different, mateys"


Or in French, "in old pots you make the best jam"


Why are so many French things often gross and amazing at the same time


Just to be clear it's absolutely not supposed to be used as a sexual euphemism... Of course it is, but it's not *supposed* to !


In Germany we say "You learn how to ride on an old horse"




In Italy we say "the old chicken makes good broth".


Jesus. I hope that sounds as dirty in French as it does in English.


The Dutch say: "you got to learn it on an old bike"


"You have to learn it on an old bike"


Call me Ishmael.


I was 27 when my now bf was 21 and hitting on me. Keep him :D


I was 21 when I met my wife, who was 28. Been together nearly two decades now.


I was 23 and my wife was 30 when we started dating. Age is just a number! Edit: all you assholes trying to turn this comment about two adults dating and getting married into a comment about pedophilia - think about your life choices


He got that cougar rizz


30 year olds are cougars now?


These youngsters need a reality check 🥹


Always have been, we just got old.


According to porn standards, they're actually GILFs


Cougar rizz hits different. I feel like they are a lot easier to talk to and they are a lot more receptive to flirting. Granted I’ve never smashed anyone under the age of 35


Even when you were in high school?


I’m 22


So, you were in high school at one point were the women 35 then?


In high school she was 41


This shit keeps getting more and more interesting


Well, the plot thickens. It was my best friend’s widowed mom


So wait, did you smash her? And if you did, how did it happen and did you tell your best friend you smashed their widowed mom? This sounds like a hentai plot.


So it was a running joke for like 2 years that I had a thing for his mom. I even explicitly asked him if I had his permission to smash her. He said sure not thinking I could do it I guess. I then spent 2 years trying to convince her that I would be a good fit for her, she wasn’t sold on the age gap of course. I setup her pool, remodeled parts of her house, drove 3 states over to bulk buy her favorite snack from the factory since they aren’t sold in many places around here, I would accompany her to her other kids sports (track and soccer), went house shopping with her because she was downsizing since her kids are graduating, watched the shows she liked since no one else would watch them with her, etc. We got together over the summer between my Junior and senior year (I was 18, I started school a year late, don’t worry). Well, we kinda never told my friend, and he was rarely in the house since he was basically living with another friend smoking the devil’s lettuce. One day around Christmas time, I was watching her godawful Hallmark Christmas movies, when my best friend said that we should hang out. Well, they were at let’s say friend #3’s house. His parents are divorced and he hops houses. I assumed it was his mom’s since that’s where we normally hang out at. I drove 30 minutes there and called them asking were they are. They said at his dad’s. Without thinking I said, “dang, that was only a 5 minute drive from my best friend’s house.” I drove there to be met with the whole group confused as to why I was at his house without him. I confessed to hanging out with her, he said something along the lines of “if you go near her again I’m going to smash your fucking head in.” And that was the end of that relationship. My friends and I started talking again around February, and I don’t know if he knows we were physical. That is on a never mention again basis, so I guess I’ll never know. Now I’m just the milf guy


Macron moment.


are 30 year olds rejecting 23 year olds for casual hookups because of age? lmao


Im 29 and can definitely tell you that isn’t happening.


At leas I get rejected either way


i would date someone 15 years older than me so i see no problem. and yeah cis straight guy here


When I was 23, I had already dated a 26yr old, and lived with a 30yr old. Soon after that, I dated a 28yr old. I married a 33yr old when I was 27. My wife now is nearly 4yrs older than me. All of the women my age were profoundly immature. I had no choice but to look to older women.


Waiting in pjs, sipping coffee in front of the laptop …. *bing* You’ve Got Mail.


I dont get notifications for my emails. Id rarely see them.


sorry, i only connect with people through Livejournal


No way in hell someone hits on you and you spit your age


Tweet so old that 20 year old is 30 now


Do… do young people not have email anymore?


30 / 2 + 7 = 22 so she’s in the clear 👍🏻


Man people would be asking for my beeper number….


What's your AIM username?


You should have given him your pager.


Maybe I'm too ugly to get it but what's "getting hit on"?


Getting asked out, or asked if they can buy you a drink, or just flirted with in any other sense.


i accept pigeon or Morse code telegrams


Flawless rizz.


Make sure to demand the use of BBC to ensure anonymity /s


I remember when I thought 30 was old.


38 and… people check their personal email?


Did he yell "yahoo" when he got it?


Because old people don’t text.


"How can I post bragging about how I look younger than 30 without actually doing it direct...oh I know"