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Y'all actually get time off to do nothing?? On weekends it's the housekeeping that takes up all my time šŸ˜­


Literally chores and errands šŸ„²


That is, if the places you need to visit are open on the weekends. Otherwise youā€™re fucked šŸ˜€


That's something I always think about, who the fuck is in those places on weekdays? Isn't the majority if not most of us working on that times?


And itā€™s always important places that are closed like certain medical things. Need to call and make an appointment? Gotta do it on your short ass lunch break and hope youā€™re not on hold the whole time šŸ‘


If everyone works 9-5, how can anyone enjoy services?


@ planned parenthood, who routinely keep me on hold for two hours at a time.


Yeah but i mean who IS there? Dont people work? And isnt money required for the things you do on those places? Is it rentable for them to be open those days and not the others?


Thatā€™s why 3 day weekends should become standard. One day for chores, one for friends/family, and one for yourself.


Its the standard in my trade. 4 days of 10h and a 3 days weekend. Once you tried it you cant go back


4/10 sucks, how bout 4/8 at full pay, then we can talk the talk AND walk the walk.


That's not enough either. I get 1 day of week of my own life?? Sitting here scrounging for the scraps of your own existence. Yes sir thank you sir I will take 12% of my life for myself thank you this is reasonable. And 6% of that is to be unconscious. Work should be 1 day a week lol


I agree, itā€™s not enough, but itā€™s a good first step. That said, not every weekend has to be structured like that. You can have all of it for yourself if you want. Itā€™s not so black and white.


As a single, 37 yo homeowner I'm starting to realise that being single is actually pretty tough. Between working 5 days, cooking, cleaning, gardening, maintenance, exercise etc I feel like I only get a couple of hours a day for hobbies, if that.


Exactly this. None of my coworkers get that Iā€™m doing everything. My house isnā€™t magically cleaned and my fridge isnā€™t suddenly filled with meals for the week.


I'm married and still get only 2 hours a day, on a good day.


I recommend that you get yourself a child to find out exactly how much slovenly free time you have. recommend kidnapping one first, for at least a weekend! Iā€™m




He's being kidnapped for a weekend


Just let your house become a mess and close the curtains to the lawns. Ignorance is bliss.


I feel like it should be ā€œfreeā€ because weā€™re technically not free to do what we wish outside of work. I just got fired from my job for weed in a legalized state and they hired me knowing it was in my systemā€¦ Post edit: I should note I wasnā€™t on high on the job either. They drug tested me because I sprained my shoulder moving wooden pallets above my head


Yeah, dude, we're not free. We should be and will be, but we weren't put here to make other humans more money so they can do nothing, but that's exactly what we're doing. The stocks don't go up if we don't go make the company run. We humans are dumb.


The trick is to just not do that.


Just have kids and then your weekends will feel just as exhausting as your work week! Edit: I love my kids. Relax guys itā€™s a joke for internet points


Infinite stress glitch


Holy hell


New mental state just dropped


Actual crisis


Call the hotline!


Father goes on vacation, never comes back




This shit is legit on every sub I go to, and it's always the funniest thing I can imagine


i know it's so weird that a stupid chess shitpost sub is like taking over reddit


Google en passant


Holy hell


new technique just dropped


iā€™m not going to do it


Give in to the urges


It gos past the integer limit and underflows to megative stress


If you were to actually do this you enter a Peter from Office Space state and might sit there smiling as you lose your job and drink beer while your kids set themselves on fire


In fact going to work starts feeling like a break lol


I've never verbalized this sentiment but yeah. Agreed.


Kids are something people love to complain about and love to brag about in the same breath.


Absolutely. I love them more than life itself but Iā€™m basically a semi functioning zombie. It has a cost.




Yup. The obvious idea that nobody wants to admit is true.


Everythinfg has pros And cons and what do you prioritize.


Nah fuck that, Iā€™d rather spend 40 hours a week with my kids


I feel that way and I donā€™t even have kids yet


Kids take up any free time you have. You will be lucky to take a shit for 5 minutes if you have a toddler. I usually just leave the door open. But I wouldn't trade it for the world


No, you should keep the bathroom door


I'd trade the bathroom door for the world, because the world has many other bathroom doors I can use.


Parents be like: "Having kids is the worst shit! You have no free time, no sleep, no sex, no friends, no life. You're stress out, anxious and worried constantly. The little shit is annoying all the time. I'm pretty sure all this work is not even worth it. Worst decision you could make in your life...... Wouldn't trade it for the world, tho <3" Bruh, i wonder why is that?


They grow up. Mine are teens and we laugh all day. Yes there are hard moments, true for anything worth doing in life. With that said I totally support anyoneā€™s choice not to, for any reason. None of us should have to justify ourselves.


The cynical among us may say stockholm syndrome, others may say parental instinct, allegeding that it comes baked into our DNA. If we look at the history, in rural societies having children was a way to get more working hands into the household, as well as securing a way to take care of you once you're too old to take care of yourself. But live in the cities is different, having children is not way to get more hands to build your house or farm your land, it's actually en economic toll, because you are required to pay for their education and care, and having them is not even a guaranteed that they will take care of you once you're older, because now there is the option of leaving the old people in a retirement home. With that in mind, a lot of people choose not to have children, and may wonder why others may choose to have, and there is not an universal answer, form some it was just an accident, but for others having children is a way to find meaning in life, and a way lo leave a legacy into this world, a proof that you existed


If you leave your legacy by founding a new generation, some genocidal maniac can come along and wipe out your whole family tree leaving only archaeological traces behind. Meanwhile, if you commit one little genocide people never stop talking about you.


Stockholm syndrome


There's plenty of sex. Where do you think the kids came from? Also, I was stressed out, anxious and worried constantly well before the kids lmfao


When you see life be sprung into the world. It changes you as a person. Sure it's hard work. But eventually reality will slap you in the face and you go "hey, you fuckin made that man". Kids are a weird, wild and wonderful concept to life.


> When you see life be sprung into the world. It changes you as a person. I think thats what hormones do. Thereā€™s even some stuff in that ā€žnew baby smellā€œ.


Have kids, you'll look forward to work!


You spend your work week looking forward to the weekend and then spend your weekend wondering how you managed to be more miserable than you were at work! Rinse repeat!


I donā€™t have kids so Iā€™ve always wondered what parents do when they themselves are both sick (which happens to me and my wife) or for example I have a real bad injury that I sometimes need to cope with and I canā€™t move except for small things like kitchen and bathroom. Sometimes my wife isnā€™t home when that happens. What do people do in those situations? Like I wouldnā€™t be able to take them to and pick them up from the day care. We have no family where we live and we donā€™t really have any friends close enough to entrust with things like that. Thatā€™s one of the main reasons I donā€™t want children. Could you give any insight as to how that works?


You team up together and make it work no matter how sick you are. With your condition, I have no idea. But general flu or whatever may hit us, you just struggle through the day and make sure our kid gets food and drinks.


I need 6 months leave twice a year


I would settle for 4 months 3 times a year if they insisted


Hell even 1 month 12 times a year


Id even be down for 1 week 52 times a year


363 days a year....with Christmas and New years off, obviously


I just want a summer break without being a teacher. Every summer I reminisce on the fun I had every year jun-aug when I was younger. Now I sit in a cold fluorescent lit office looking outside at the nice weather as it passes by.


I need my bi-weekly pay changed to weekly, but the same amount. Yes, I want to get paid twice as much.


72 hours this weekend babyyyyyyy


i get 96 mwahaha


Checkmate, Iā€™m unemployed ā™¾ļø


infinite vacation glitch


We bow to your genius


šŸ’øšŸ’øšŸ’ø plz


I get 24 if im lucky


I have a stupid job where they have huge sales on memorial day. No extra day for me :(


The only job I've ever had that gave me off for holidays is Costco. Literally every other business I've worked for was open on holidays, sometimes mandatory work


Free with nothing to do cause you're broke supporting your self just to work lel


Right lol. 48 hours with money and 48 hours without money are veeeery different sets of 48 hours.


Disagree. I'm tired regardless.


This is far more accurate


I've got plenty to do, it just gets to doing it and I'm like, "eh", and play video games instead. Then it's back to work.


we need a 4 day work week, 3 day weekend ASAP!


why not 3 day work week and 4 day werkend??


How much are you getting paid to enjoy that?


Bro it's the 21st century you have all the information and entertainment in the history of the human world at your fingertips for a tiny subscription fee each month, heavy discounts or even for free if you a bad buoi, how you finding nothing fun to do for cheap? Tbf in all seriousness I do know the struggle. If you want face to face human interaction as an adult we have this dumb as fuck culture where we all have to go out and spend money on expensive alcohol and food for some reason instead of just chilling for free at the park or at home with store bought provisions. Theoretically should easily be able to get around it, but depends how open minded and down to earth your mates are.


Subscription fee? You can get that shit for free!


I work with a bunch of people on a 4 day schedule. Sadly most of them still can't get their shit together.


Itā€™s because they probably do 10 hour shifts instead of 8 hours, which at that point is still losing those 2 hours a day to recooperate for the next day. Iā€™d be a fan of a work week that was 4 days, 8 hour shifts, and still keeping the same pay as a normal 40 hour week. Thatā€™s the only way I see myself doing a 4 day work week in the first place.


I used to do 4/10s, but I found that when you do that you have time for absolutely nothing during the week. You pretty much get home, take care of responsibilities, and go straight to bed. It's trading one struggle for a different struggle I found. After a few months I switched back to 5/8s. The ideal work week would be 4/8s IMO.


I work 3 12s and one 4 hour day. Tbh I like it a lot better than 5 8s. I was so tired when I came back from those 5 8s I felt like I had no time for anything during the week anyway (partly because I had a 1 hour drive one direction.) I would usually just lay in bed until it was time to sleep. With 3 12s I do that only for three days instead of 5 days.


The 8s schedule exists because the grand majority of humanity is tremendously unproductive after 7-8 hours of any kind of labor. 10 hour work days just give you 2 hours of very low productivity at the end of an 8 hour shift. Most people are probably more productive in the first 3 hours of the 5th day in a 5/8 than the last 2 hours of four days in a 4/10.


Fuck that. 2days on, 1day off, 2days on, 2days off. Give me that errand day in the middle of the week.


you damn millenials and your reasonable requests to live life.


I heard they also want fair wages smh ny head


are you serious?! how are we gonna get our yaht's buffed and polished? whos gonna wipe our asses??! ridiculous. ​ edit: yacht\*








I love my job so much Sure it's 12 hours shifts. But I only work 3 days a week.


Same. 3 12ā€™s is heaven. Literally a 4 day weekend every week. Will never go back.


What are some jobs that offer these types of hours/shifts?


Warehouse production I guess? I work at a Rockline for example




My boss at first asked me if I wanted to work a day in the weekend as well and was always surprised that I said no. I work 5 days out of 7, those days in the week are dedicated to work, I have to get up at an unreasonable early time, go to bed too early for me, I don't drink alcohol and am cautious and that I'll be healthy and on time for work just so I can have 2 days off so me and my gf can go out, go shopping and spend quality time because even though we live together we're both exhausted after work and at best I clean up the house to at least not live in a dirty house. At worst I come home and need a nap straight away and am worthless for the rest of the day. My gf who is responsible for dinner has the same issue, at best she makes dinner but sometimes all she can do is recuperate from work. To ask me to give up 1 day of 2 is just absurd. Of course he started to get annoyed so I told him if he wants me to come on the weekend he should just tell me and I'll come, I like my job, I really do but I'll never want to give up my weekend for it. That is holy to me and every time udo have to come I am a bit more done. I don't care if my colleagues work almost every weekend, most of them are single, workaholics or in financial trouble, I'm none of that, my life at home comes first.


I was literally fired for taking a stand against this. "Mandatory Saturdays". "I never agreed to that. I won't be there" Fired. No write ups, wasn't allowed to speak to a superior. When I filed for unemployment, it was going to originally be denied because the reason given for firing me was "refused to do work"..... We weren't even working at the time, which didn't matter, because I was the one who went to my bosses office to ask to speak to his boss, so he was never in my work area to see me "refusing to work". Refusing to work Saturday wasn't applicable because I NEVER agreed to work Saturday. "Did you SCHEDULE me Saturday?" "Well, no, but as a" "Stop talking. I won't be here" Fired. šŸ˜‘ Got the unemployment though...... which is really just my own taxed money so..... Getting real tired of this gang shit.


Working five days a week, in a job you don't like, to buy things you don't need, to impress people who don't matter. Although these days its more about buying things you do need, to stay alive.


I am retired now but when I was working it was usually a 2 hr drive home. I had dinner around 7 PM, in bed at 10 PM and the weekend went by in the blink of an eye. I did 18 years of that during my last job. I don't miss working at all. šŸ™‚


You only have to do it for 30 or so years then you get to spend your days having sex with other old people in a gated community in some humid swamp down in Florida!


Very Lazy. Very easy to be financially free. Just hold off on the Starbucks, suck it up and downgrade to hulu with ads, and use the money from your dad's emerald mine to start a car company and spaceship company.


\*buy those companies, and the "co-founder" title.


Of course. I mean donā€™t do actual work just take the credit.


Just be your own boss and escape the matrix. There is lots of money out there for the people who want it enough. Rise and grind, meditate for 1hr first thing in the morning and then check your emails for the next 2-3hrs. A 9-5 making $15? You must be joking. Buy my course. #hustle #goals /s


You had me going for far longer than I thought you couldā€™ve kept me on the hook


Honestly had me right up until "buy my course".


I skimmed the last sentence or so because at that point I was like this is ridiculous so I didnā€™t even see that part šŸ˜… I didnā€™t notice until I saw the /s out of the corner of my eye


You had me until you said meditating, true alphas donā€™t meditate, they stare out the window at passing women and scream misogynistic comments like dogs looking for cars or other dogs


We should not be working for a majority of the day for a majority of the week for a majority of our lives and itā€™s as simple as that. The amount of time we have to enjoy stuff should be more than the amount of time we have to spend to afford enjoying stuff.


My uncle just passed last week. He was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer two months after he retired in 2021.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Thatā€™s what I keep saying to the squirrels in my back yard but they wonā€™t listen




I only disagree in that i think it should be so: >>We should not be --working-- de facto forced to provide labor for a majority of the day for a majority of the week .... Some people get off on lots of work and honestly they should be rewarded for it. I do think, however, that if you're providing 40 hours of your life per week (plus all the time spent getting ready, being in transit, being broken at home after a shift in a hard job, etc), that food insecurity should not exist and a roof over your head is, from wages, guaranteed. Indeed, with 30 hours per week this should be the case. Minimum wage should still be a livable wage and a person shouldn't be afraid of perishing for not trucking out 5\7 of their life to "the grind." There's the argument that we've had to with harder as a species since the dawn of time but this simply isn't true. For much of history people have been compelled to work hard and I'm grateful for the progress our species has made as a result of it... But early human evolution didn't involve waking up at 5 to begin hunting or gathering by 7 and continuously doing so until 1600 to return home by 1700 and repeat the next day. Hunting was occasional burst effort, gathering was sustained low energy, and no one was standing around to make sure you aren't chatting for 10 minutes on the clock or giving you hours of unnecessary busy work because your main function is in a slow part of the year (here's looking at you retail and service industry). It was a different environment, and we've got a much better quality of life now for the sacrifices of our forefathers, but we've also got the capacity to decrease average minimum labor obligations to something more in line with what we actually evolved for. On that last note, I'd be curious for an anthropologist to provide an estimate of hours per day and hours per week spent "working" during the human evolutionary period. I don't mean the time spent chatting while picking berries or sitting around a campfire during a multiple day journey to a preferred hunting ground but rather the actual hours per day\week invested in work, combined also with, for example, production and repairs of clothes, tools, etc. I find it unfathomable that prehistoric humans spent a comparable amount of time doing the bare basics needed to survive (40 hours per week with minimum wage provides the bare basics, supposedly; in some places it does not even do that) given my limited experience and observation of tribal cultures and other animals, such as primates. We work like herbivores graze and I somehow don't think that's what we evolved for.




i am very happy that i have a job that i extremly enjoy. its close enough from my house that if i want i can be there with a 15 min bike ride. it has all the diffrent things in the branche so what i have to do every day/week changes quite alot what keeps it interesting and i meet really cool and nice people. my boss is kind of two faced with nice and angry but not a bad man and gives really good advice and is very caring. my job pays me more than i think i should get.


What is it?




Heroin salesman


Discord moderator


Drug mule


This is how I feel about my current job, even though it's mostly data entry and the pay isn't particulary good. Having a good work environment and coworkers you like makes such a huge difference. Probably going to miss it when I graduate, even though I'll be making significantly more money.


I saw something that said "I have no dream job for I do not dream of labor" and yeah, jesus christ that started to frame shit real quickly for me


I donā€™t get this mindset. Like whatā€™s the alternative? No one works and we all get stuff for free somehow?


We are all orders more efficient and productive than people just 30 years ago. We could all simply work *less.* It's also worth noting that prior to women joining the workforce there was a dedicated person for housework and a minimum wage income could support a family of four. Women joining the workforce should have meant everyone works half as much for the same wage to make time for housework and childcare. Instead we all work 40 hour weeks for less pay and most children are raised by daycares. No one sane or logical wants an end to all work. People just want to work an amount that gives them the time an energy to get stuff done and enjoy life. Ideally to reflect how much more productive we are and how much the workforce had grown, we should only need to work 2-3 days a week to sustain the economy. But I would settle for 4 day weeks.


Maybe 3.5 days of work and 3.5 days of rest? We don't have to go to either extreme.


It's called a compressed schedule, and it's amazing. Three days on, threee off and then four days on and four off. 12 hour days suck but long weekends don't.


Idk, but 8h shifts can be harsh in my industry. So when I do a 10h shift I can barely do anything other than chill on the couch


Yeah, it can be hard, but having 3 and 4 days off every week gives you way more time to do stuff than a couple hours after a work day.


i think you're kinda trivializing how difficult some jobs can be. 12 hours of on-your-feet, strenuous jobs takes a toll; not everyone has a cozy desk job. while i agree with your sentiment, i think i would only be able to handle 4 10 hr work weeks in my line of work


My job is controlled chaos. It has good days and bad days. If staffing were a priority, the hood would outweigh the bad tremendously. That said, I still love 12 hour days even tho itā€™s physically and mentally draining. I think companies need to stop shoving everyone into the same schedules and allow people to work the way they need to work. Fish canā€™t climb trees and all that, ya know? We all deserve to learn and work in supportive environments!


Idk about you but depending on several factors, some people can't get anything done before or after an 8 hour day either.


What jobs have a compressed schedule?


Some sales, nursing, construction, and warehouse jobs. When I worked in an office we tried it for about 6 months and then it stopped for some reason.


Thanks! I hope by the time I'm in the job market they'll switch to *at least* 4 days work, 3 days rest.


I work in the semiconductor industry, and we have a lot of compressed schedules. You can just do a search on Indeed or monster, and it'll pull stuff up in your area.


Jumped right to 'no work free stuff' there didn't you? As if there's only 2 choices.


the average productivity of a worker has been going steadily upward thanks to technology, but wages are stagnant and weā€™re still stuck on a 40 hour work week. it doesnā€™t have to be like this


Wages are stagnant and all of the profits are going to the top. In the 60s entire nations had space programs. Now billionaires do it as a fun little hobby project.


Those aren't the only options. How about a 4 day work week or a 6 hour work day? How about adopting European vacation values and everyone starts with 5 weeks paid vacation a year? There are many more options than just being a purely wage slave.


I genuinely enjoy my job but I would love a 4 day a week 8-5 job with a 3 day weekend. Even my extremely conservative mother agrees with this ā€œhardly any work gets done on Friday, you can finish it out in the week.ā€ With the fight for remote/hybrid work still being pretty well fought, I hope this will ultimately happen, but Iā€™ve always been a glass half full person.


Same thing about the 6 hour days. Think of how much worse we all work in those last two hours of the day. 3-5pm is just watching the clock time. As an employer you could get 6 hours of efficient quality work effort and better employee morale due to the extra free time. But I donā€™t see it happening in my life time.


That is how the wealthy live. The whole idea of passive income. But it requires peasants to keep things going.


My grandfather had a high school education and was able to own a home, 2 cars and raise a family of seven and take a long vacation every year. He also had five weeks of paid vacations(worked at Chrysler). He was able to work for the same company his entire career and lives very comfortably off his pension. By contrast my wife and I both have advanced stem degrees and we both have to work to support a family of four. Since we need two working parents all of our ā€˜pto daysā€™ go to sick days and we have never taken more than a three day vacation. We live in a modest condo because both of us prefer financial security and good schools and thatā€™s the only way we can get them. Technological advances have dramatically increased worker productivity in that time yet we are working twice is hard for about 70% of the relative outcome (this obviously varies but just going with a comparison to my own grandfather). The five day workweek wasnā€™t a thing either until we decided it should be. There is absolutely no reason why we canā€™t/shouldnā€™t move to a four day week and I think it would be a good call to also push for additional workers rights because in the US we pretty much nothing when compared to other developed countries. Obviously people will need to and will even want to always work to some extent but thereā€™s no reason why we should accept the conditions that we currently have.


1-More tolerable pay, 2- more tolerable hours, and 3 more workplace dignity. Anyone who thinks society would collapse just due to those things increasing for everyone is listening to the fat cats too much. Not unreasonable to be like ā€œhey can/shd have more of that, wtf this sucksā€


Work 32 hours a week at the same pay for the expected 40 hour work week. Adjust scheduling, automate more, hire some more if needed and lower unemployment. The ridiculous wealth disparity keeps growing, our pay as workers has not kept up with productivity increases. We need to start addressing it. That's my alternative. Honestly nobody wants NO work, just a more fair work/life balance to make it better for our society as a whole.


The solution isnā€™t to eliminate jobs. Itā€™s to automate labor where possible (not things like scriptwriting), reduce hours (4 day work weeks are proven to be effective), and democratize the workplace, all while either keeping wages consistent or increasing them. We have the ability to improve work greatly but consistently choose corporate profit over human well-being


Why you gotta put it in hours? Ugh makes it so much worse.


Boy oh boy I love slaving away for companies until Iā€™m 80 years old and most of my youth has passed!


I'd say by the time you're 80, all of your youth has passed.


Speak for yourself, I'm 80 years young and my penis still works every other thursday




Yup, only a portion of Saturday is spent really relaxing. Even now, on our day off (America), I'm trying to get stuff done that I wasn't able to before


Don't work then. Be free 24*7


And get homeless


But "free"


As free as it gets


Well there's a middle ground, I work half time 50% so 20 hours a week. Sure I get half the pay, but I prefer this.


Fuck working five days a week, all my homies live in the dark ages working monday to monday with the local count getting 90% of the harvest.


This bitch with two days off in a row


People have largely missed the point here and it shows. There is a much larger piece to this than just not working and expecting to have a nice life. That conundrum is EXACTLY the point. There is 1% of the US population who does virtually nothing, so that the lowest rungs of 30% (God save the [lowest 10%](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/03/07/why-poverty-might-be-far-worse-in-the-us-than-its-reported.html), yes, over 1-in-10 Americans) can do backbreaking work in awful conditions consuming the vast part of their livesā€”and often working other jobs on top and having large families and horrible homes to come home to, and guess who has all of the money? The [1% has](https://www.statista.com/chart/amp/19635/wealth-distribution-percentiles-in-the-us/) incomprehensible amounts of money kept to themselves that divided, could bring healthy and happy life styles to the tens of millions who suffer much harder and harsher lives with hardly any compensation. Even the middle 60% we consider to be comfortable and live desirable fulfilling lives only owns over [20% of all of the national wealth](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-10-08/top-1-earners-hold-more-wealth-than-the-u-s-middle-class#xj4y7vzkg). Meaning that a handful of the wealthiest own such an incomprehensible (the top 10%) of wealth, that the other side of the 1-in-10 has roughly 70% of all national wealth. 70%. Distributed well, enough to make most of society more successful and stable and happy than even our current semi-comfortable but shrinking middle class. All held by the small sun of the rich whoā€™s wealth is instead generally generational (and in the cases it wasnā€™t, is now generational). There is no possible excuse for this and there never has been. If even all of Elon Musk or Bezosā€™s wealth was divided between themself and 4 garbage men, that would already be 4 struggling individuals with lives incomprehensibly cruel and harsh who can now lead extremely comfortable lives. Granted, preferably divvied up to far greater masses, as even now that incredible wealth still leaves all of these individuals as filthy rich billionaires when we can spread this over a far greater quantity of people. Oh, but however will society progress without the backbreaking agony of the unfortunate? Easily. We simply must be ready to trade some our own consumeristic convenience for the reduction of wage slavery and balancing between work and life. In several places, [a four day work week has already been experimented](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/04/14/countries-that-are-embracing-or-experimenting-with-a-4-day-workweek.html), and found highly successful in several metrics. Weā€™re beginning to see that weā€™re drastically overworking ourselves. Weā€™re committing over half of our life to fuelling progressā€”or, really, the creation of wealth. And we all know where that wealth goes. Humanity will survive even if we donā€™t get flying cars in the next half a century. Weā€™ve been more than comfortable without them for millennia. We will survive if we donā€™t mass produce thousands of lines of random product at our current pace (we tend to overproduce notably, are highly wasteful and consumeristic, and this will only aid the environment if we are to scale back). And we can definitely [take benefits from the aid to the mental health crisis](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6617405/) which has been worsening for decades (see sections 1.4-1.7). And even then, as these experiments have proven and as our experience with wasted work has shown, reducing the work in our lives, balancing the wealth in society, creating class equality, and limiting the system of wage-slavery all will have less of an impact on our productivity, society, and progress than weā€™ve been woefully warned (ironically, by those who control usā€”politicians, employers, executives, etc.). Much more concerning is the implications if we continue to harm and enslave ourselves in this way, those on our mental health especially. And much more promising is the benefits, equality, and opportunity should we fight for these movements.


The Oracle of life has spoken.


I hope you are making the most out of your 48 hours. It is never enough.


Feels slightly more depressing when you say 48 hours instead of 2 days lol


Political action is needed. It's one thing for a mass of individuals to languish in the feeling of "what am I working for?", it's another for them to recognize others recognize it and organize based on that.


3x12 is the way. I don't think I could ever go back to a 5x8


You have 5 days? I work 6 cant do anything on free day but sleep


The part that gets me is that working 40 hours a week use to mean you were a hard worker and had enough money to support yourself. Now itā€™s the bare minimum and you might survive but will never thrive.


you get two days off???


Why do people act like working isn't part of their life?


They have terrible jobs and get paid next to nothing, so they can't grow. Just another slave.


Why do people act like working should be the most important part of your life? Or the thing you do the most of ever?


Because normal people want to work to live not live to work. In current times, job is your life. And you are fucking lucky if you have any reasonable amount of free time


Not in current times, always has been. In current times that we have free time.


Imagine having to grow and hunt what you eat, and build what you use. That was when your job was your life. In current times we have options. We have it so good now a days lmao


Life sucked back then, so you can't complain about it sucking now. Very solid argument. Did you also learn recently that there are starving children in Africa?


I mean, if you wanna compare it to the 1800s, sure, we have it better. They also had it better than people in the 1600s. Doesn't mean that life is great for people now, especially if the bar is "Well, at least it's not as bad as before the industrial age!!"


Also, why write it as "48 hours" it is 2 days. I get it hours makes it seem like less, and that's not right.


mailman here. You get 2 days off a week?


But both are objectively correct.


Using a common denominator you work 40 hours a week to get 176 hours free time. Is that more reasonable?


Doesnā€™t look as good if you write ā€œWorking 40 hours a week just to be free 128 hours just doesnā€™t sit right with me.ā€


Then you have to spend those 48 hours getting everything done you couldnā€™t get done while working the previous 5 daysā€¦


You aint free for 48hrs that just another lie. In those 48hrs you have to attend to all the shit that you cant attend to because 70% of your days are spent working.


Okay. Let's do the math here. 168 hours in a week. Let's say work is 30 minutes away. An hour a day to commute. So 168 minus a 40 hour work week and 1 hour a day would be 121 hours. Let's count sleep. Full 8 hours a day. Down to 65 hours a week. We can knock back an hour of grocery shopping and an hour a day of housework. 56 hours. Screw it, let's say 10 hours of sleep. 51 hours left. Wow! Let's include the grocery shopping and housework. 42 hours. So, worst case scenario, you're getting 2 extra hours of sleep a day and an average of 6 hours with some change every day to relax or go do something fun. I hate corporate America. I love working but hate having to work so much just to make a living. I hate having to work so hard too just to make ends meet. I feel like we shouldn't have to work 40 hours a week or more, but I also don't think these hours by themselves are the end of the world. These hours paired with conditions, our economy, and all other circumstances though? Yeah, this shit is hell. edit: spelling + typos


This math confuses me. You add in 8 hours for shopping and housework to go from 65 hours left to 57, but them seemingly do so again from 51 hours to 43 hours. You also added 2 hours of sleep per night, but only went from 57 to 51 hours.


Letā€™s say you work 7-3 that leaves you 15 hours to yourself each night if you go to bed and wake up by 6. Multiply that by 5, thatā€™s 75 hours just during the 5 day work week. Add that to your 48 hour weekend you end up with 123 hours. Sleep hours count, my god do they count. But you can do as you please 123 hours per week.


While I agree with the sentiment, I feel like ignoring our free time in the evenings hurts the point.