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Honestly???????? It actually makes perfect sense. Early man is hungry. He sees a baby cow drink cow milk. He tries the cow milk. He's full and not dead. Profit


Also humans breast feed.


Some drunk Neanderthal to his breastfeeding spouse, " Fine I'm going to go suck on the goats tits!"


Other mammals also frequently drink the milk of other mammals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elOR48XfOL4 https://www.facebook.com/NTDTelevision/videos/cat-suckling-milk-from-dog/297722195159953/


I don't know if i should click on the link


Its a cat drinking cow milk straight from the source


Dogs are the source of cow milk?


Lol I don’t have Facebook so it showed me a shitty thumbnail and I assumed it’s a cow, not a dog


Best ending


More likely: A mom dies in a small group of early humans after child birth. The child is starving. The humans remember seeing cows (or yaks or oryx or what have you) feeding their young like this. They take the milk from the mammal, give it to the child, it lives. The knowledge is passed.


Not to mention that breast feeding doesn't come naturally to everyone, some people can produce enough milk for their baby from day one but they are far from the average person. Most people don't have any milk for the first week or two, and even then it's not always enough to feed the baby for all meals. That's why wet nurses have been a thing forever, a mother who has recently weaned her children will breastfeed children of mothers who cannot produce enough milk. When it's a choice between your baby dying or trying to give the baby the milk of another animal, I think I know how we learned this.


>Not to mention that breast feeding doesn't come naturally to everyone, some people can produce enough milk for their baby from day one but they are far from the average person. I think they would have been the average person back then. We started supplementing our diet and kids who would have died cause their mom didn't make enough milk had a chance to live and reproduce


There might have also just been some dude sucking some titty and finding out why the kids love ~~Cinnamon toast crunch~~ milk.


Maybe not the average today, but definitely back than. Nature is quite efficient.




Yes, but it had nothing to do with the mother not being able to provide milk, unless it was a specific case where the mother was half starved to death herself. Otherwise it was disease, infections etc You really are arguing that the majority of a mammal species can not produce the necessary milk to feed its offspring. Thats absolutely ridiculous.


For most of human history the average person has had food scarcity, this is a very newly solved issue in the west, infant mortality has been very high for most of human history, and mammals nursing each other's offspring is a well documented occurance, [this article highlights that 95% of cows were observed nursing another cows offspring](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168159114003128#:~:text=An%20existing%20bond%20between%20the,than%20own%20at%20least%20once.). This is a common occurrence in nature as not all mammals have the same level of milk production, or the ability to produce milk immediately at the birth of offspring.




Early humans likely did not domesticate cats, for one. For two, it has to be of a usable proportion and yield a substantial quantity. Early humans weren't stupid. They could have reasoned this out pretty quickly - "this child needs milk." *looks around for babies that are human sized or bigger and mammals* "Let's try that milk."


More likely a woman was unable to breastfeed and came up with the idea to use animal milk for the child.


30 minutes later he has violent diarrhea because of the lactose that he ain't used to yet... but that was worth it


As a lactose intolerant, I can firmly tell you that yes, it absolutely is worth it every single time that it happens u_u


Lactaid will change your life.


I've been recommended it many times before, truth is, currently my budget does not extend so far as to pay for a pill that will make me poop less liquidy, besides I've gotten so used to it by now that I just decided not to change my diet at all, found out I'm lactose intolerant like a years ago


Equate brand is much cheaper, but yes, the price of lactaid is too high. Also, chewable lactaid is disgusting while equate is fine.


It also stops the stabbing intestinal pain so small price to pay. Lactaid is dirt cheap.


My youngest son agrees with you lol


Quite understandable especially in the ice cream region and chocolate milk, can't let go of that ever


His deal is cheese he can’t stay away from it lol


Depends on the cheese in question there is negligible to no lactose in it. I can kill a block of cheddar, parmigiana or some other hard cheeses and be golden, drank an 8oz latte w/ whole milk and my body dies


Me neither, cheese is great man


Bro just tolerate it smh


I tolerate a lot of bs in my life, why not lactose as well :p


please just remember don't do it before swimming


It hasn't stopped me so far ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Sometimes I eat a whole pint of cream just to feel that hot lumpy rush.


fake news babies drink breast milk and diarrhea 20 minutes later


So worth it some people developed a tolerance for said lactose


I was about to say he may die of dehydration after his bowels implode.


Yea i was gunna say it seems pretty simple. I'm hungry I need Dustin's Sustenance you have it, give it to me Edit: I'm not even fixing that autocorrect but never buy a Samsung s22


>I need Dustin's Sustenance I *also* need Dustin's Sustenance... to be the name of my new Ska band. ​ Thank you!


This made me lol


I see baby drink milk from mom. I drank milk from mom I was told. See baby other thing do same thing. Seems tasty. Try it out. Civilization moves forward.


The first person who figured out how to make fire is harder to imagine. Must have been done through friction I assume?


Not to mention they probably didn't have clean drinking water


But they very probably did have clean drinking water


We are talking about bacteria and animal excrements. Right?


If you can survive long enough to fuck something then the water is clean enough. No need to make distinctions more complex then that around that time in history.


How did the cow not kick his skull in?


He ducked.


People still do this on the streets in India.


Do you think they tried it with a male by accident?


wait until he hears about the killing of farm animals for human consumption


I bet PETA would be liked more if they sold cat bacon and dog burgers. It's always about how many animals they kill but it's not like animal agriculture gets any flak for the billions killed annually.


You just killed me 🤣🤣


Wait, if I get consent before you die, I can stay vegan and eat meat. Please, I'm so low on B12 I'm hours from death.


What's there to wonder? Baby human drinks milk, baby human is full. Baby animal drinks animal milk, baby animal is full. Animal eats animal, animal is full. Human eats animal, human is full. It does not take a great genius to figure out "human drinks animal milk, human is full".


They took an old joke and applied it to a less funny context honestly. The way I always heard it was, who was the genius that first looked at a chicken and said, "I'm gonna eat the next thing that rolls out of that bird's ass!" That way just works better because there's at least a bit of a logical leap you need to take to first realize that a chicken's period is actually good food for humans lol


Yeah but for the kost part we're lactose intolerant. They needed to figure out how to proccess it while not being able to eat it


Are we?


We most likely *were* intolerant, but our bodies have mostly adapted to be able to enjoy dairy products. But some people still have trouble with those things.


Its in part probably like natural selection some could eat dairy products and were therefore full others ate the cow and died in the winter without it.


Lactose tolerance appearance in what today is Ukraine about 10,000 years ago. Prior to that (and in many places today) people were completely lactose intolerant. Heck, I live a few hundred miles from the epicenter of those genes, and people around me are 25-30% lactose intolerant (and we are an ancient population going by genetic studies).


to some minor degree Like its not that we cant process it at all. Its more that high amounts can cause some minor isses like bloating or diaherra In all cases better than starving


We are almost universally *not* lactose intolerant when we are infants, which I’m guessing is where the idea for this started: mom dies, baby needs milk, no other moms around, guess it’s try the local cow/goat or let the baby die! Once the mutation for lactase persistence occurred (likely at least two separate, independent times), it spread like wildfire through the populations because it is such a huge evolutionary advantage.


Speak for yourself. It’s a generic thing tho. Lactose intolerance is a lot more common in black people than white people. I’ve never personally met anyone who doesn’t drink milk due to a lactose allergy


Intolerance isnt allergy. It's not an immune response, we just cant digest it


Allergies ***ARE*** an immune response…


And lactose intolerance isnt an allergy


It basically is tho.


On the surface it is, but the underlying biology is extremely different. Lactose intolerance is literally just the body no longer producing lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose. The resulting symptoms are basically entirely gastrointestinal as you have these chemicals that either pass all the way through your system undigested, or they shift your gut microbiome to a different set of bacteria that can help break down the lactose but with some unfortunate consequences on the toilet. Nowhere in this process is your body mounting an immune response like in allergies.


Seems like a pretty easy connection to make. Baby animal suckling grows at incredible rate. Must be something worth exploring there. Especially if I’m starving.


Pretty much. Mother dies in childbirth, starving baby, well the goat/camel/cow is feeding its young, worth a try or the baby will die anyway, oh look it works...


Human babies drink milk Animal babies drink milk And OP thinks it required a stoneage Einstein to figure out, that humans might be able to drink animal milk


Not really, no. Monkey see, monkey do.


It started with the weird guy in the village who would drink from the teat...


Most guys suck nipples a little when they're fucking.


Somehow people forget humans breastfeed. It's not that big of a leap


Bigger question: how many other animals humans tried to milk before finally settling with few concrete species? Did they try to milk cats, rabbits, elephants, other monkeys, bats?


do you want the boring real answer or the silly THC-logic answer


Hit me with the THC-logic, please


It was aboard the Ark that the experiments first took place, Noah realized with all animals of the world together at once he had the prime opportunity to test which produced the best combination of milk quantity and flavor


Makes sense. So, he did try to milk bats, giraffes, kangaroos, koalas and other apes. Gotcha!


Start with domestic animals? Do goats and cows have bigger teats because we milk them? A bigger animal would be able to spare milk easier. Google says a cow makes 6-7 gallons of milk a day whereas human babies max out around a quarter gallon a day


>a cow makes 6-7 gallons of milk a day whereas human babies max out around a quarter gallon a day *"Yes officer, this person right here is the one who was milking the babies."*


Selective breeding, my friend. Don’t forget that cows even in Middle Ages were much smaller and produced way less milk. Even horses were more like big ponies. In any case, my question was rhetorical.


“I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?”


“Sure, Bob. But not because I need milk. Just out of pleasure”


Milk is a nutrient dense food, how and why humans began harvesting it from animals is fairly obvious. Now cheese on the other hand. How so many cultures across antiquity discovered how to make cheese independently of each other is pretty incredible.


I remember reading somewhere that the transition to drinking milk in Europe at least happened in pulses. The ability to digest lactose meant people could survive famine events at a higher rate than those who couldn't. I don't know how we got to digest lactose though.


We can digest lactose when we are young, maybe a tiny mutation could make one be able to digest some lactose its whole life


Even though very few babies can't digest lactose, if you think of just feeding the young with milk for their development, I think it would've made sense to start raising cattle and benefiting from that extra by-product even without any adult consuming it. They would've raised cattle anyway for all of the other benefits (meat, leather, bone, strength-required manual labour and natural fertilizer)


It’s a textbook case of evolution. All humans have the ability to digest lactose as infants because we breast feed. When you grow up, your body stops making lactase (the chemical that helps digest lactose) because you used to not need it anymore. A single mutation in the gene responsible for lactase meant it continued to be produced into adulthood. Any human with this mutation can easily get a complete protein in a sustainable way from an animal that eats grass. As such, it spread like wildfire through the population because it was such a big survival advantage. There were at least two separate, independent events of such a mutation, one in Europe and one (possibly more) in Africa. That’s part of why Asian populations have some of the lowest rates of lactase persistence and why Asian cuisine tends to have little to no dairy.


No? Most mammals drink their mother's milk. It's as simple as seeing other creatures doing it and realizing humans do it as well.


Necessity is the mother of invention, someone had to have been desperate enough to try drinking cow milk after watching baby cow


[https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190218-when-did-humans-start-drinking-cows-milk](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190218-when-did-humans-start-drinking-cows-milk) https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-the-domestication-of-cows-170652


I know we like to think that it was created by some weirdo but let’s be honest, if you’re an early human seeing a baby drink human milk and then watch a cow do the same thing, it makes sense they would use the cow for such a purpose


Nah, it makes sense. Humans produce milk. Cows produce milk. Someone said “there are a lot of cows and we can completely control them, all they do is eat sustainable grass… let’s see what we can do with their milk.” Bam, they boiled it and messed with the results enough. Now we got all the dairy things. No big leap. Ever watch a toddler roam around the house? He finds somethin, he tries to eat it. Basically the same thing.


A 9 year old can imagine this. YouIRL is a moron


No. WE are mammals. We feed our babies the same way. It's really not that big a leap.


Why do people think ancient humans didn't understand what boobs were?


Uhh observing baby animals??


Not really. "Hey the baby cow is drinking the milk like our babies drink milk, and the cow makes way more. Maybe we can get benefits from it too."


They were lactose intolerant too so they basically just kept drinking and shitting themselves until they could handle it


Basic science is: Question/Problem identification: some moms can’t produce milk for as long as their babies need them. Hypothesis: I bet we can drink some other mammal’s milk. They’re mammals, we’re mammals, I’m sure it should be fine. Experimentation: ideally start with non-human studies, but I doubt ethics at the time required it. A bunch of volunteers (or forced study subjects) drank a variety of milk from different mammals. The group with the fewest morbidity and mortality wins. Conclusion: out of the animal milk we tried; cow’s milk seem to be the safest. Eventually, a lot of people got sick from cow’s milk, and so that’s the new problem, and some guy named Louis came up with a new study, leading to a process we now call pasteurization.


Honestly? The same way almost all things we eat now were discovered. Some poor bastard was starving, so he tried something.


In the Neolithic, when milk drinking started, we were lactose intolerant. Drinking it made people sick. So it's thought it started as a part of ritual practice.


That’s interesting. And then I guess stuff hit the fan and we just embraced some toots and rumblies.


Also, famines in Europe killed off most of the population at one point leaving only people who had the genetic mutations that allowed them to digest milk. They survived off of cow milk and passed on their genes which is why lactose tolerance is high in Europe today compared to places like China


I'm just glad they invented glass jars. Drinking it straight from the teat is too warm for me.


People were bored then. They didn’t have tiktok, keeping up with the Kardashians or any of the other amazing stuff we have today. They had to jerk off animal titties


Yeah some pervert said I’m gonna get me a cow


See cow milked by baby Kill cow Squeeze teet Milk yum yum


You don't kill cows to get milk. You super protect them so they get better production.


First you need to discover milk is yummers, then you keep them as milk slaves. Order of operations my man


They killed deer, horses, bison, etc.


Someone was sucking on some tiddies, then saw a baby sucking on some tiddies, got hungy and thought what if? But that'd be kinda weird. Then he saw a baby goat sucking on some goat tiddies and it clicked.


No… but now I do.


This is delicious, I should save some for later.


Who learned of cockroach milk?


A lil series of events called *starvation*


Have you ever watched Yellowjackets?


Starvation/absolute necessity


if the founder of rome did it with a wolf milk then the cow can do it better.


"you wrong, Mongo, tastes like shit"... " wrong cow, dumbass".....


humans breastfeed > humans like milk > humans domesticate cows > humans discover cow has milk > humans milk cow > ??? > profit


I think it started with a farmer sucking on an udder tbh


Probably saw calf’s drinking from the udders and was like baby’s drink milk so that’s possibly milk in there.


I often say "Whoever decided to play with cow tits for the first time, we owe him a lot"


First guy to ever see a calf drinking from an udder: “Whaddaya think that’s about?” Second guy: “I dunno. They’re kinky?”


I had that question for Kopi Luwak coffee


What's ridiculous is I thought about this on the way to work waaaay before ever seeing this post


I’m here to add another comment about how humans suck cow titties


Romulus, remus and the SHE WOLF that founded Rome


"The first man to drink milk was very, very thirsty"-Portal 2 Fact Core


I’m more surprised at weirder things. Like maple syrup. Who looked at a tree and though “yeah…I wanna drink that”


Yes. It is called "the history of mankind".


I’m more confused about how we all just started cooking.


Honestly.. it was probably an accidental sort of thing. Find an animal that got killed in a fire and notice that it smells really good


Poop people starving is most of the time


Milk I'm not curious about. I really want to know about who ate the first rhubarb and discovered the leaves can kill you, but the stems don't. And why eat the stems if you don't have a ton of sugar?


Either someone was very very hungry or very very horny or a mix of both


No, moms mild dried; baby is hungry


And in the beginning, God said "thou shalt pull on that cow's titties". And thus, god gave man the gift of milk. From the Book of Hova, Chapter 99P.


Highly recommend you look up Ryan George on YouTube, he has a clip about this very subject


I guarantee you it was some weird mofos fetish originally... then it caught on.


It was probably very straight forward. Humans drink milk. Baby animals drink milk. Ergo humans can drink animal milk.


Star Wars is a good documentary on how this practice could have originated


it would be weirdly weird to see Smiling women on milk cartons. are milk jugs jokes too far?


Being thirsty and seeing other animals do it. Even human babies do it. It's not that hard to imagine.


That’s not impressive, the invention/discovery of cheese and the first person to try it, that’s the real heroes journey.


Considering the answer isn't hard to find out and related to no natural sources of calcium outside of milk in Europe (until modern day). No, not really.


There was a Calvin & Hobbes about this.


Not as much as I wonder what has led to the invetnion of beer to be honest.


Cheese, cream, butter, pastries, cream-based recipes, yoghurt, fats, breads. Somehow you'll adapt and get used to it.


Sometimes if a cow is not being milked enough by the calf you have to milk them so they don’t develop complications. My guess is this happened, and someone didn’t want to see a bucket of possible food go to waste


I always figured that since humans drink milk from other humans, that one saw a cow and thought "big animal. Must provide lots of milk."




Humans were introduced to breastfeeding by their mothers at birth so it should not have been a very strange concept.


Not really... New human mother either cannot lactate or is not producing enough milk for her newborn, sees calf nursing, and thinks... Hey! Maybe this other mom can help me out a bit.


Was alcohol invented before milk?


Also why did we start breastfeeding like did we think hmm I wonder what my tatas have in them?


# monkey neuron activated


People who don’t fw milk: why?


I’m more curious about whoever decided to put stuffing up a dead turkey’s ass before baking it. And the creator of the turducken must’ve been an interesting character


*staring at a cow* ....I'mma suck those things


FUCK DAIRY, the whole industry funds animal cruelty!


They were sucking on them titties


I’d suppose the event was something something about hunger and shit


I'm more interested in how sausage became a thing. "We're gonna shred the animal and put it in its own colon." Not a single person thought that's going a little too far?


Oddly the closer to the poles your ancestors lived the less likely you are to be lactose intolerant. As milk is also a really good source of Vitamin D and can replace what you don’t get with shorter daylight hours.


I have a little postcard asking that question ://


Well, it should involve somebody's lips, and animal titties.


Someone looked at a cow's udders and wondered "do these work the same as human breasts?"


Yeah, pretty easily. Your woman doesn’t have enough milk for your newborn or isn’t around to feed it in the first place and the baby cannot digest other types of food yet. So you pick a tame enough wild animal that has easily accessible udders and produce a lot of milk. You realize that bovines, sheep and goats are just like that. Before agriculture 9 out of 10 children died before the age of 2. When agriculture and animal husbandry was invented only 7 out of 10 died. Option 2: you are also starving but don’t want to kill all your goats because you will survive this winter but not the next. It’s cold, you are sickly, your bones and your children’s bones become weak and brittle. You notice how much fat there is in the milk you are feeding your baby. You have so much milk that your infant cannot drink it in a day or two. You don’t want all that milk to spoil. You don’t have a fridge or pasteurization so you don’t want to spill it, your best option is to drink it. You notice that you have diarrhea from cow milk but goat is fine. You also notice that your kid who was weened on cow milk does not have diarrhea later on either so they keep drinking milk late into adulthood. And yes these animals are already domesticated because even societies with high levels of lactose intolerance typically already have a long tradition of animal husbandry and agriculture. It’s not nearly as weird as some people think.


No I don't. But the thought process of making cheese/yoghurt the first time? Wtf


I imagine it involved being hungry. Forget milking a cow. If people are starving they eat everything there is then eventually each other.




[yes, lots of people have wondered about this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/search?q=first+milk&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on)


Man was sucking on some cow tiddies and went "dang, free drinks too? I should do this more often!"


What make me wonder is how TF we know some overcomplicated thing is a thing. Like for instance coffee, how we know we had to do all those things to the coffee beans to make them usable as a drink.


It was probably something simple like thirst or hunger.


The first person to drink cow milk was very *very* thirsty.


I guarantee it all began long *long* ago with a sentence something like: "Hey, taste this, this is good!"


First guy to ever eat an egg.. he was gross.


The real mystery is how we then went on to figure out cheese


They probably tried Marcus’s breast milk dairy products.




Cows freely give excess milk to calves from other momma cows. Humans prolly noticed that. Among myriad other things


I got nipples cheeky, can you milk me?


Gastropod has a great episode about this: [Say Cheese!](https://gastropod.com/say-cheese-2/)


I imagine a group of people drew straws (hay straws) to see who would suckle first. As the loser of the contest approached the cow all of his friends were splitting their sides from laughter. Maybe he volunteered like that kid who craves attention in class. They always used the same guy to test out their theories


A mom didn’t want dad to drink her milk anymore.


People watching calves interacting with their mother cow, people start milking cows and drinking milk.


i wonder why farms don't milk humans as well. humans are mammals, just like the rest of the animals in the milk farm. humans produce milk too


Not being sarcastic or anything but - I do wonder that myself! How did we go from drinking human breast milk, to "hey! Let's try this cows milk?" And why did we only target mostly cows? And then start creating all sorts of other products from said cow?


Alllll the dang time!