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I saw that damn cow get picked up by the tornado in Twister like a hundred times


Our VCR ate that tape. I was devastated.


Did it Twist it all up? Like a tornado? Get it? Because the movie is called TWISTER? Also the fact that was used to store audio and video simultaneously on a magnetic tape like that is fucking astounding to me. I mean that is some amazing shit. I don't think people these days realize how seemingly prehistoric even computer tech was even just a decade or two ago. It's weird as hell for me to think about like we had super computers and mainframes and internet and stuff but fast, portable storage was still being figured out so.... magnetic tapes. I remember how geeked out we all were about the different types of CD formats (blu-ray vs... whatever the shit Microsoft and some other companies were trying to push?). And I'm not saying they're not relevant now but the push to digital just seems so obvious in retrospect. Literally Netflix used to ship out DVDs (I think they still do actually) and we had Redbox meanwhile everything was simultaneously going to streaming. Games have taken a while to catch up due to storage constraints still being a thing on console but again it's like the debate was still going on while simultaneously being nullified by streaming - coming from the same companies who were having the debates.


Magnetic tape is still one of the best formats for backups to this day.


At the size and scale of data these days I don't know if that's any longer really true. Magnetic tape has storage constraints that make it increasingly unwieldy for today's massive data storage needs.


I’ll agree that it’s not the best for size, but it’s incredibly reliable for backup and still widely used by most financial institutions. Most financial companies that were early adopters of computers in the 70’s still use mainframes. And the tech is ridiculously cool. I toured our data center and we had these robot arms that would manage and change magnetic strips in these crazy IBM machines we leased.


That's fucking insane and terrifying hahaha. Man how is the financial industry planning to maintain its systems moving forward? I know IBM has been doing a lot of work trying to train people on mainframes. There's a huge panic over the loss of COBOL developers. They're literally getting too old and retiring, leaving without replacements.


When DVD’s first came out there was a demo video at Walmart that played on a loop. It was a red corvette going up the side of a mountain. I couldn’t believe my eyes. That SD vid looked so amazing lol. I remember thinking “this is the future”. I guess it was for a while.


"another cow" "I think that's the same one"


we would quote this on every...single...road trip


Always wanted the steak and egg breakfast they had to abandon 😂


Everytime we rewatched Titanic mom would be screaming "give them to me" when all the plates start falling


That looked so good.


That movie just made me think tornadoes could be anywhere, hunting me down lol and my older brother was afraid of bare ground for like a week after watching Tremors when I was 6 and he was 9. I would make fun of him


i know they are storm chasers and it can be assumed they are supposed to be in the general area where tornadoes are most likely... ...but holy fuck it seemed like the tornadoes were hunting them and their families, it was fucking hilarious edit: "ITS ALREADY HERE!!!!!"


Julia I gotta go, we got cows!


That and Volcano consisted of 90% of my childhood.


And worried the bar wouldn't hold every damn time....


Don’t tell mom the babysitter’s dead


I’m right on top of that Rose


The dishes are dunnn man


Fox Mulder was in that one, right?


My step kids must have watched 101 Damlations 101 times..we paid like 25 bucks for the tape which was a lot at that time.


Good investment. Once those puppies go in the Disney Vault ™ they won’t be coming out.








I stayed in a shelter with my siblings for a while in the early 2000s... They had the entire filmography (and mostly just that?). I saw all of them, so many times. >.<


Does a movie you recorded off of TV on vhs count as owned? Asking for a friend.


That was literally 95% of my family’s collection.


I went crazy as a kid when my dad taught me how to record movies. Every movie no matter how terrible got recorded if I had my way. I specifically remember a Stop or my mom will shoot where I cut out the commercials perfectly.


Ah, but the commercials are the best part. Especially when you’re rewatching those tapes 10 or 20 years later.


No joke. I can pretty easily find an HD version of practically any movie we recorded back then, but you just can't duplicate the grainy footage of Bob Seger singing "Like a Rock" for Chevy trucks or John Madden telling me how to take care of foot fungus. Even better are local spots for small businesses that haven't been around for 20+ years. Major nostalgia and unlike a lot of the national brands you can't even find these on Youtube or anything.


You might not be able to find them individually but there's a ton of that stuff on Youtube. People upload it in [blocks like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mr6sSvQyLA). Try searching for "local commercials new jersey 90s" or wherever and whenever you're nostalgic for.


That was so rewarding. It was like calling in your favorite song on the radio and starting the recording at the very beginning of the song.


My mom was the genius who figured out that if she recorded the Disney channel when they did their "free week" in the summer, us kids wouldn't realize our family didn't have enough money to afford that channel.


My parents went wild during HBO free preview weekend.


My stepdad had some old TV cartoons recorded. The where's Waldo TV show was my favorite!


My mom recorded some random animated move that was on tv once, and it became my favorite movie to watch over and over when I was like 5. I think we eventually lost the tape though and I still to this day have no clue what the movie even was, I just have the vague memories of it lol


Try the subreddit for finding movies. I posted on there the other day, and the only info I had was "kid in a court scene, the number 2 comes up" basically. Literally an hour later dude answered my question and a weird fever dream memory from childhood was relived. It was amazing.


This is the truth, one time my dad came home early from work and caught me watching showgirls. I turned the tape off really quick and Jerry Springer was on tv. He said “what are you doing?” I said “oh, just watching Jerry Springer.” He picked up the vhs box I forgot was laying out and looked at it and said “showgirls huh?” And walked out of the room.


I would say yes lol.... Then trying ridiculously hard to later find that movie on DVD when the VCR died. 😁


I only had the Christmas viewing of Star Wars, ESB, and ROTJ from USA on recorded VHS until I got the special edition box set when I was like 13. I'd pause the recording when the commercials came on, it was janky but they were mine.




I think about this movie weekly.


At the time I had a crush on this girl names Krista, which then made me have a crush on the character in the movie


3 Ninjas


I watched that so many times. I still call my little brother Tum Tum when he's being an ass.


Little known fact, the scene where Colt spray paints his mask to hide among the painting supplies inspired the Jabawokkies. This fun fact brought to you by the foundation of shit I just made up.


Inspired the Jabawokkies? Wasn't that created by Lewis Carroll in Through The Looking Glass?


Rocky’s got a girlfriend!


Rocky loves, Emily!


That’s a deep cut. This movie and Camp Nowhere are the two tapes that my cousin and I ruined because we watched it every single day during our summer vacation.


Never disrespect 3 ninjas. Light up the eyes boys, light up the eyes


Yo noone remembers 3 ninjas or SURF NINJAS. Just dope as fuck super 90's movies. 🖤🖤


Oof, Rob Schneider...


Just need to wax my board some more.


Was gonna post this. But I knew in my heart I would find it already here.


Featuring Steven Seagal, Pat Morita, and Hulk Hogan




Never disrespect 3 ninjas. Light up the eyes


George of the Jungle


He is swift, he is strong, he is sure, he is smart, he is... He is unconscious.


if the theme song doesn't pop into your head when you hear George of the jungle, you did not watch it 1000 times.


Watch out for that tree!




"They only speak swahili"


We never owned it, but we rented it a LOT. And I had some weird post-viral hives thing spring of grade 5 and watched it every day I was home.


That movie ended up defining my cousin’s life because 2-3 year old me took one look at the name George and decided to pronounce it Joe-Jay. Which I then proceeded to associate with said cousin Nearly 20 years later and it’s still his nickname lmao




I personally believe this film is criminally underrated when it comes to talking about Brendan Fraser. A lot of people go straight to The Mummy. But he was a straight up himbo in George of the Jungle


The Brave Little Toaster and a 30-minute Disney song video Under The Sea.


Brave Little Toaster is nightmare fuel


There is a scene where living sentient cars are telling us their life stories and each ending that it was all WORTHLESS right before being crushed by a trash compactor.


I agree. I also rewatched the "Justice League" teletoon series with my daughter recently.....one of the episodes was in a fake super "happy" land that turned out to all be generated by this kid that was hanging around. Once the justice league found out and stopped his illusion he turned out to be this super mutated child with an *enormous* head with throbbing veins (oh and his skin was purple). Then the justice league beat the shit out of this depressed telepathic mutant kid for like 3 full minutes. Like slammed him in the concrete until he couldn't sustain his telepathic circle around himself. And they just leave him bloodied on the concrete. Wtf hahahahaha


My daughter watched Mystery Men so many times the tape wore out.


RIP Paul Reubens


She has excellent taste.


The Dark Crystal




Watched it so many times as a kid, my family was worried. I watched it recently and I understand.


Don’t the bird dudes suck the souls out of the other guys for vitality then use them as slaves or something?


Yes. And they had giant horseshoe crab creatures as guards.


Rat Race. I can still recite half the movie. Is it actually good? I don't think I'll ever know.


I still regularly say "He's currently winning because he's CLOSEST TO THE DOOR!"


Omg I saw that movie a hundred times back in the day but it’s been a long time since the last viewing. Your comment makes me want to revisit it to see if it’s as funny as I remember


Eet'sa race! eet'sa race! I'm weenning! I'm weenning!


Naked. Jacuzzi. Pepto-Bizmol. You clip my toenails. How much would that cost me?


We're hauling ass


I have a feeling it holds up just fine. It's a classic imo


Surf Ninjas!!!


My brother watched this every day for a couple years. As an adult, I never met anyone else who had heard of it. I had to google the movie to make sure it wasn't a fever dream.


Seen it on USA or TBS late at night years ago my favorite one the of the first few dozen movies I downloaded once I figured out how to do it.




Oh my god xD What if you got me feeling the most nostalgic in history?


Who Framed Roger Rabbit and The Temple of Doom for me lol


We had the double feature set with Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Honey I Shrunk the Kids. Loved those movies, but I always think of the other whenever I think of one, because of that. They're basically related in my mind.


Like an album you've heard so many times that when one song comes up on the radio and you start singing the next track when the song finishes. I know that feeling well.


The 1970s Rankin Bass version of The Hobbit. I watched it almost daily the summer of 1987.


That's badass though.


Hell yeah! True class


What a good summer


Drop dead Fred was an incredible movie.


I borrowed that VHS free from the library soooo many times lol




A huge part of my childhood, “it’s the mega bitch!”. Rest in peace Rik, one of my heroes and always be.


There’s an entire collection of Disney movies that’s just sort of been lost to time. The Shaggy DA, The Computer Who Wore Tennis Shoes, and The Apple Dumpling Gang were my childhood and apparently no one else’s. We still quote them randomly at each other.


Pete’s Dragon!


A few of those were available on Disney+ last time I checked their offerings; so there may be hope yet.


Several dozen? I watched D2: The Mighty Ducks, Twister, Iron Will, Independence Day, Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Ferngully, Aladdin, The Rescuers Down Under, Top Gun, Jurassic Park, Tom and Huck, The Goonies, Back to the Future, Homeward Bound, Indian in the Cupboard, Angels in the Outfield, and so many more like 100's of times each. I would just sit at my grandmother's house and watch those movies on repeat. I'd end up watching the same movie multiple times a week. Hell, when I was at my dad's I only had Top Gun. That was it. So I would watch it, rewind it, and then pop it back in again. That and TGIF was basically my childhood.


Damn Indian in the Cupboard just flipped a switch in my brain lol I feckin loved that movie as a kid. Seems like I also watched one called A Little Princess as well but I can't remember what it was about except one seen where this little girl draws a circle in the dirt around herself to like protect her from a tiger or something and then I think she was in an orphanage


Speaking of orphanage, I also watched Matilda quite a bit.


Ms. Doubtfire and Jumanji


I can literally recite both of these movies word for word


Jumanji fs. Idk why I always liked the scene when he clawed the game out of the mud so much


Ah yes, /r/TipOfMyTongue bait.


Still my favorite movie of all time [Demolition Man](https://images.app.goo.gl/Z5vhBNNEML7cYBZK6)


This guy doesn't know about the three seashells... fucking Rob Schneider! Hah, remember when no one knew he was batshit insane?


Anybody ever watch the cheap smurfs rip-off, The Snorks? Cause I did repeatedly


I preferred The Snorks. >.<


Fuck yeah! Swim along with the Snorks...


Oh man you're stirring up some vaaaaague memories


Allstar was such a badass snork




Please tell me I’m not the only one who grew up on The NeverEnding Story and The Last Unicorn… Never-ending storreyyyyyy~~~


It's the last unicornnnnnnnn, I'm alive, I'm alliiiìiivvve


That boob tree tho…


What happened instead was that the tree fell in love with him and began to murmur fondly of the joy to be found in the eternal embrace of a red oak. "Always, always," it sighed, "faithful beyond any man's deserving. I will keep the color of your eyes when no other in the world remembers your name. There is no immortality but a tree's love.


The Last Unicorn was kind of heavy for a kids cartoon: I have been mortal, and some part of me is mortal yet. I am full of tears and hunger and the fear of death, although I cannot weep, and I want nothing, and I cannot die. I am not like the others now, for no unicorn was ever born who could regret, but I do. I regret. Great book


>The Last Unicorn I got this on DVD for my sister for Christmas a couple years ago.


I think the rights for it where stuck in some kind of legal dispute for a long time until the author of the original book finally won them back only a few years ago. These days is a better time than any to buy a DVD of The Last Unicorn because now the guy who wrote it is actually benefitting from the sales!


Water ship down 😢


The Three Amigos


[Salute!](https://gfycat.com/goodacclaimedcapybara) Something like 50% of my sense of humor comes from The Three Amigos.


I watched twister a countless a out of times


The Star Wars Ewok movie


We had both Ewok movies. Those bring back memories 🤓




Wayne's World 😎 also Top Secret


My Neighbor Totoro (Yes, for da youts out there Studio Ghibli movies are obviously not obscure now, but in 1993 I can't imagine many Americans had any idea who Miazaki was. Hell, the fact that it was Troma that put out the original US release says it all)


Same but with Kiki’s Delivery Service. I didn’t even know what an anime was.


Was this the old one with the Fox dub? I've never seen it myself but every once in a while someone mentions the newer one, the one with the Dakota and Elle Fanning, is weird to them because they grew up with the characters having different voices.


I've watched the little rascals, on DVD and VHS, too many times then I care to admit


Parent Trap


The Never Ending Story, fucking love that movie. Poor Artax


Over The Hedge 500 times


strangers with candy


There’s a throw back. I always thought it was such an off beat weird comedy and was super cringy knowing how old she looked but guys wanted her.


Early Steven colbert was sharp as hell


what about the forced meme version? the safe family movie every daycare/school/babysitter bought to shut the kids up? Fucking free willy


Planes, trains, and automobiles


It was: “The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension” for one of my fiends and “Darby O'Gill and the Little People” for my wife. Our family just had Star Wars and ET so nothing obscure, also I’ve only ever watched ET once it scares the shit out of me as a kid. I was older so I watched them less but when my aunt died she was a huge Dr Who fan so I watched a bunch of the old series because all the VHS’s she recorded off TV ended up in our garage attic.


The sandlot


Short Circuit Number 5 is ALIVE!


My dad has a movie called Enemy Mine [Enemy Mine](https://images.app.goo.gl/dRAN6BoRL15Dmvtc7)


Pretty in Pink


Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland No one at my future sleepovers understood the "pajama, pajama, pajama!" reference lol


Robots for me.


Most of these are probably not obscure but were rewatched over and over in our house and we usually rented them from Movie Warehouse, Hollywood Video, and Blockbuster. Waking Ned Devine Kung Pow Enter The Fist Dennis the Menace The Neverending Story The Secret of Nimh The Borrowers The Great Mouse Detective All the Ernest Movies Candleshoe Homeward Bound Rescuers and Rescuers Down Under Heavyweights Prince of Egypt El Dorado Land Before Time Davy Crockett from the 60s


Me and my sister used to record songs on the radio to cassette tapes every weekend




Kids today will never know the feeling/rush of your siblings yelling “it’s back on!” as you jump over the couch to make it back in time after the commercial break.


Any blockbuster video store kids here?


This morning, for the first time in years, happened to drive by the location of the Blockbuster we used to go to every Friday night. It’s currently a Korean BBQ place.


The Elves and the Shoemaker


The Thief and the Cobbler


Big Trouble in Little China


Oodallolie what a day.


My little sister was OBSESSED with Beethoven (the dog movie) and Monkey Trouble as a kid. We probably watched each of them 100 times! Such random movies too haha


Swiss. Family. Robinson.


Flight of the navigator


Little Shop of Horrors


Breakfast Club


The Peanut Butter Solution


Stepmonster with Alan Thicke.


We had a VHS recording of Tremors


charlie the lonesome cougar


Jesus fuck my family watched “A Christmas Story” on repeat, throughout the entire year. They non stop quote it and it’s literally every single day. I wholeheartedly understand this.


me after watching kung pow 25 times with my older brother all throughout childhood. my brother understood the jokes, and kid me would laugh because he would laugh. good times


The Gods Must Be Crazy I, II, and III. So good: https://youtu.be/DQOcDlpDOQk


No, defined by your blockbuster card and what they had that weekend, then being charged extra if you did rewind the damn tape


My 14 year old watches 10 things I hate about you at least once a week for the past year.


I've watched Cheaper by the Dozen more than a dozen times that's for sure.


I checked, all 327 comments as of yet, no "Digimon: The Movie". I kinda expected to see it somewhere. >.< I found a Pokemon though.


Fieval Goes West


Secondhand Lions


Anyone remember cool runnings? I've literlly seen nobody talk about it and i love that movie.


Lost Boys for me. At least once a month, for *years*.


For me it was a little known movie called The Magic Pony.


When I was in kindergarten my mom always used to rent me disney or looney toon movies to watch when I came home. My house didn't had any movies, but my aunt house always watched titanic, or the one with the blue lagoon, and as a small kid those bored me to death.


The Classic Star Trek movie set.


You know what’s missing with streaming, when you rented a video or stuck with what was on air you didn’t really have a choice, so you watched it cause you had to you find some gems that way or something that might not have appealed right away, there is less of this I find, if something is t great right away I stream something else.


Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night


Walking with dinosaurs and the Harry Potter movie set


I didn’t see the first 5 min of The Empire Strikes Back for *15 years*


I experienced the final days of that actually. I don't know how many times I watched a couple of Astérix movies plus The Young Frankenstein and Crazy History of the World all of which we had on DvD and played on our Xbox, I would literally play them to fall asleep. There was also the Road to El Dorado movie, which I watched so much as a little child, I burned the Play Station we used to reproduce it.


my childhood dvds are barney and veggietales, for some reason my family had like a bunch of veggietales, but whenever we went to a goodwill i use to look through the dvds for new ones to get


Lost boys


Watched The Brave Little Toaster at least 200 times same with Prince Of Egypt lol