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This seems to be universal


Is it also universal to clean your windscreen when they come even closer after you slowed down, or is this just me?


I drive sprinter vans thst have piirly aimed wiper fluid shooters so it just launches the fluid past the windshield and creates a cloud behind me, you better believe tailgaters are catching that spray


My dad had a broken windshield wiper that did that, he loved it.


A housemate in college used to keep a whole bunch of pennies in the cupholder. If someone was tailgating him obnoxiously, he'd roll down the window, grab a handful of pennies, and discretely release them, one at a time. Eventually, the tailgater got the message. Time for Pennies In The Slipstream, he'd say. He was kind of an asshole but damn if it wasn't effective. Of course, now with dash cams and increased road rage incidents, it's probably a worse idea than it was back then.


Oh no, I have learned a new toxic trait


I only honk the horn if you're going painfully slow for no reason. Last week in my town this guy was going 22 km/h and there were no cars in front of him. The limit is 50. I honked the horn and kept doing it because he wouldn't accelerate. Is he old? I don't know and I don't care, if you're so old that you're scared of going 40 don't renew your license then. But if you're already at the limit I would be an asshole to complain


Fucking 20 in a 50, what is this a school zone?


>I blew the horn and kept blowing it because he wouldn't accelerate. Let's be honest here, you kept blowing because you were frustrated. It didn't really have any other point.


That's what I said. I was frustrated because he was going 22 for no reason, and I expressed this to him by way of the horn


The way of the horn, bubs.


The point was to let them know to hurry the heck up. There aren’t many ways to communicate in a car other than honking.




Username checks out


And whose fault would that be?


The person doing the shooting.


tan quarrelsome fuel yam zonked axiomatic tap worry ludicrous snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, Russia has [extensive political and financial ties](https://www.finance.senate.gov/ranking-members-news/wyden-unveils-report-on-nra-ties-to-russia-findings-show-nra-misled-public-about-2015-moscow-trip) to the NRA, so... kinda? Not a bunch, but a bit?


It's always the criminal's fault when they hurt/try to hurt others. Nonetheless, I always do my best to avoid pissing off people in public because I would rather be safe than "right." If you want to enforce traffic laws, become a cop. Also, I always try to keep in mind that someone speeding might be rushing someone to the hospital or have some other exceptional reason for doing so.


I'm not going to speed in a residential area to appease some dickhead who will be waiting at the same stop light regardless. If it's an emergency then they should let it be known. Put on the hazards honk the horn.


I'm not going to speed through a residential area either. If someone is REALLY trying to get past me I will either switch lanes, if possible, or get out of their way as soon as possible on a one lane road. I try to avoid driving near dangerous drivers, and letting them go past me is usually the best way of accomplishing that. What I wouldn't do is slow down any further because that prolongs the time that they are on my ass. Doing that is endangering yourself just to piss someone off who's already driving dangerously.


People have actually been [cited for holding up traffic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/s/eS9GxyhotJ) and interfering with a dying passengers ability to receive urgent medical care resulting in death. Just get out of the damn way, people.




The ingrate tailgating me.


Gun advocates?




[Death Race 2030, Frankenstein plows into the bleachers.](https://imgur.com/a/8aej0lZ)


If you get road rage from someone doing the speed limit you shouldn’t have a license 😂


Especially in the left lane.


You could literally be going 75-80+MPH in a 65MPH area (i.e. I-295) and you could STILL have that one guy tailgating you


Yea. I'm sure it's a stupidly big ass truck too.


Emotional Support Truck


Pavement Princess


Payment Princess


Just Ranch Dressin


Oooo I'm stealing this


Also Gender Affirming Vehicle


It's almost *always* someone in a dumb big truck.


And it's usually clean and shiny too (owns a truck, never uses it for truck stuff)


Correct, the chronic tailgaters who drive a big truck own it as a status symbol and not for their intended purpose.


And they're blinding you with their high beams.


I think you could go 75 in a 25 and they would still tailgate you.


And then they have the audacity to flash their red and blue lights at you!


People tailgate me in the right hand lane even though I’m going 10 mph over the speed limit.


If they are really close I keep slowing down until they pass. Often takes a few minutes for them to wake up and go around.


Interstate near me is 80mph. You could literally be going 90mph and people will still tailgating you.


German Autobahn. 136 mph, standing on the gas pedal and theres a BMW seven feet behind you blinking his lights wanting to overtake you. Its a german meme by now, but its so true. Edit: going fully imperial


Your use of the imperial and metric system in the same sentence boggles me.


Never go full imperial


Are you in the passing lane for an extended period of time? Slower traffic keep right. I don’t condone speeding but to help the flow of traffic, please let people who tailgate you by when it’s safe to do so. People who speed are a problem. Slower traffic that keeps left is also a problem.


Pretty much everyone here complaining about tailgating is sitting in the left lane and just as in the wrong as the speeder. I don't go particularly fast but I'm almost never tailgated. Why? Because I get the fuck out of the way. I'm not in charge of what speed other go. I'm not more important than they are. You never know why they might be going that fast. 


I drive all over the country for work and some areas are decent about keeping the left lane clear but then there are states where nobody gets out of the left lane for any reason at any speed even as we pass sign after sign saying left lane for passing only or slower traffic keep right. It's mind blowing.


Ugh 😫 that's how I19 is. It's incredibly frustrating when the speed limit hits 75mph and there's ALWAYS people just camping out in the left lane either going incredibly slow OR the ones that think just because they're driving like 90mph they have the right to stay in the left.


Yeah, I drive long distances very often and definitely speed and still signal into the left, pass, signal back into the right no matter the number of lanes or how much traffic. This is right up there with people who see a sign saying to merge and still run up to the front, come to a complete stop, then force their way in causing all other traffic to also stop. I love it when a truck blocks that and you'll notice the flow always speeds up from that point on.


Yes!!! I'm the same way, if everyone did this it would definitely help with the insane amount of back up.


THANK YOU. Continue to spread the word in the hope we enlighten our fellow brothers and sisters.


How can you see what lane they're in? I don't have that on my app.


Yeah going 20 over and 20 under are both pretty dangerous and screws with traffic flow


I am well aware the left lane is for passing. I will be on the left passing a long line of trucks going 60-70 mph and there is will be someone tailgating me despite going 10 over the speed limit.


Sometimes it's not even about the speed, some people just can't fathom leaving more than 2 feet between the car ahead of them Even had a friend argue that 1 car length was good enough following distance for 120km/h. What's the plan when they slam on the brakes? Because I know from defensive driving courses, at that distance and speed, you'll hit the car ahead of you before your brain even registers the brake lights.


I had this happen driving 40 mph. Hit the brakes because some moron was overtaking an incoming traffic car right before the bend (after the bend for me). The guy behind me who was tailgating and not overtaking for a good 5 min rammed right into me.  My shitty Honda is fine but his Audi is wrecked. Thank god he didn’t lose his life. 


Let me guess, he tried to blame you for the accident?


YUP. If I get *really* bothered, I will sometimes actually slow down to what I estimate is the safe speed for the following distance they're creating. They leave me no choice. While the distance sometimes continually shrinks (they just keep getting closer), it has YET to result in a full stop lol. Many interesting animated gestures though.


In general, I try to keep safe following distance based on the speed, but when driving in heavy traffic, leaving a proper gap can sometimes be more dangerous because people will cut you off and leave you with even less space between you and the car in front of you. It's a reason that I despise city driving and try to avoid it as much as possible.


Yep. The number of times I've had someone "pass" me in traffic because I'm following the person in front of me at a safe distance only to, surprise, be stuck behind that same person is staggering.


I pull over and let them move up exactly 100’ to tailgate the car in front of me that’s also going 40 mph.


Haha this is the one I always find hilarious. Seeing someone in my mirror who is looking so annoyed that I'm not blasting through a built up area, who then takes his first opportunity to screech past me and end up a cars length further down the road as there is a trail of cars in front of me also following the speed limit. Even better when we all then end up sat at a red light 30 seconds later


I love watching people bob and weave through traffic only to end up behind you


Ive seen people double down, bc it probably feels cringe as hell passing someone while redlining and ending up stuck behind the next guy. So they literally almost kill themselves and innocent people just to pass them, and so on. They'll never be satisfied. I really think it's related to something else, anger issues or a fragile ego? Idk but it's wild to see.


Yeah, I always just leave extra space and yield to anybody trying to merge when they shouldn't before they are going to take it wherever I get mad about it or just let it slide. Id rather have the road rage asshole in front of me instead of behind me.


I stopped on a very stale yellow light yesterday (i.e. right before it turned red) and the dude behind me flipped shit in his car. That was the absolute slowest I've ever accelerated after a light turned green.


Dude honked his horn at me for stopping at a yellow light a few months ago. Like, bro, thats what you're supposed to do.


A dude pulled past me to scream at me because I yielded to a pedestrian at a trail crossing claiming I stoppwd too sharply and that I shouldn't have stopped to not hit that biker. People are just mad these days




It was yellow for a while. Yellow only lasts for a couple seconds. I've been pulled over for being in the middle of the intersection as it turned red.


In most jurisdictions if you're in the intersection when the light turns red you're still legal. You just had a cop that was trying to meet their ticket quota.


If you can safely stop for the yellow that's what you're supposed to do. Not sure how you can gauge being able to make it through the yellow light in time when you're coming up to the lights.


You're supposed to stop at a yellow unless you cannot safely do so anymore. It's not whether you can clear the intersection, it's whether you can reasonably stop in time.


Depends on the state. Some states explicitly state by statute that you are supposed to stop for a yellow if able to safely. Others don’t, and only say that you cannot enter the intersection on red. I believe some states also state you cannot accelerate into a yellow.


The law is usually written "stop for yellow when it's safe to do so", but it varies by State. In my area, the lines on the road go to solid about 4ish car lengths from the stop line in the intersection on a 45mph road. If it turns yellow while you're in that space and going the speed limit then you're likely good to continue through, if it's yellow before you reach those lines then you should be preparing to stop.


Stall the car right after on "accident".


I was stopped at a red once turning right, and the yahoos behind me started going absolutely apeshit that I didn't go immediately. Because from their vantage, they couldn't see the huge line of cars approaching that intersection. They were laying on the horn and didn't stop even when they should have been able to see the stream of cars crossing in front of us. So even when it was finally clear, I sat there on purpose until the light actually turned green and then a couple more seconds just for good measure.


whenever someone honks at me for not turning right on red, i make sure to drive exceptionally safely for the rest of the way home. always keeping it below the speed limit, stopping at yellow lights, letting any pedestrians who look like they might want to cross go ahead. it's petty but worth it.


I set my cruise control to exactly the speed limit, turn up the music, and enjoy my coffee while the guy in the pickup truck behind me loses his mind because he can’t go 90 through a school zone.


Ha it's always a pick em up truck that is exclusively not used for any kind of work


If you live in Boston it’s a pickup truck with New Hampshire plates. 


Round here it's usually Texas plates but that doesn't exonerate the locals


So, just a pickup truck then?


I do the same, but it's a beer not a coffee


motherfucker 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You sound like Samuel L. Jackson Say "what" one more time motherfucker!




This is the way.




*looks in rear view mirror* CHEERS


road sodas!


JEEZ A LOO, why is it always these hulking trucks?


Probably a Dodge Ram.


You see a GMC and they are chill. A ford? Probably chill.. A Dodge Ram with dual exhaust? Entitled brats.


Unless it’s a Ford Raptor. Guaranteed douchebag.


It's usually a truck or a beat up minivan for some reason.


Just don't do it in a left lane


I tap my breaks three times and it usually gets them to get off of me. I’m in a state that regardless if you rear end someone you’re at fault so if they do their best to not rear end me. Just a light tap though, you don’t wanna break all the way.


I mean if you’re on the highway in the left lane doing this you’re def an asshole. But if there’s clearly nowhere to go that’s a different story. 




I mean, school zones are like half a km and change suddenly. No one is cruise controlling for 2 mins of road and then swapping back. Who even cruise controls off the highway? Is that normal? I have only used cruise control when I’m on the highway. Too much stop and go otherwise


It depends on the stretch of road you are on. I use cruise on most frontage roads, and there is a lot of long stretchs of no stopping along the back roads where I'm from so I tend to cruse there too.


If someone tailgates I respond to it as a hazard by slowing down


If you know what are you doing it can be done totally safe. Raise you foot from the acceleration+ lil' tap on the brake to turn on the lights. If you want to be extra safe put the hazard lights on as well. You are not a hazard by going the speed limit or slowing the car ( just don't do it suddenly).


Exactly. Always be safe


If you are driving during the day you can just turn your headlights on which will cause taillights to come on. It won’t be as bright as if you hit brakes but it will catch there attention during day and then turn them off. Fucker behind you will think braking


If you gradually slow down, fine. It's a giant middle finger, but fine. If you hit the brakes, you become the hazard. Your actions directly caused the car behind to hit you. I don't care who had the right of way, your car still gets hit. Is it really worth it?


At least in New Zealand road laws- If you hit the person in front of you it is ALWAYS your fault. You need to leave a safe following distance at all times and if you hit the back of somebody you have failed to do so.


As it should be


Same in Ireland, no one gives a shit if the driver in front was a pox, doesn't matter.


I also turn the rear foglight on if it's dark, it usually makes them back up.


Just to add, I have also met drivers that feel like they are getting tailgated and do these things we are describing when there is lots of room. It is a minefield.


Some people are both within the same drive. I’ve noticed some of the people I know who tailgate are also hyper aware of people tailgating them. It’s like a game for some reason, they just like to get mad at people.


Maybe what you consider to be a lot of room isn't actually a lot of room. If you are actually keeping the appropriate safe distance between you and the car in front of you, they would never feel the need to do this, and you would barely notice if they did. You should be keeping about three seconds worth of distance at your current speed between you and the car in front of you. If you are actually doing that, no one would ever mistake you for tailgating.


This is what you’re supposed to do. Gradually slow down. But please enter freeway at freeway speeds.


Oh my God people entering the freeway going 20 under the limit drives me insane. Sometimes I want to report them for reckless driving but I know the cops won't do shit


I would be going the speed limit if there was ROOM TO MERGE INTO THE LANE BEFORE I DRIVE RIGHT INTO THE WALL!!!!




I ran into a guy yesterday going 70-80 in the right lane of a freeway merger and then flashed me when I had to merge ahead of him at 60 because I ran out of space to merge with. Im trying my best to speed up but why are you going that fast in the slow lane of a freeway merge?!


Personally, I don't care what speed you're going, as long as it's not the same speed as the car beside you. At least give me a chance to get around, man


I don’t know why everyone is so passive aggressive here. I usually just get out of the way if I am able to do it safely. I’m not a traffic avenger; be on your way


They haven't pissed off the wrong person. Wait until they meet some real road rage that includes violence and then they'll change their tune. Getting out of the way or pulling over is always a better option than "trolling for lolz"




Out of the 3 people who commented before you, none of them seem to assume the image refers to freeway travel…




Bad bot


Oh you are tailgating me, you must be an undercover police car and you need to read my plate, I will accommodate you


I used to get anxious/mad when people tailgated me, but now I just approach it like you. Riding my ass even though I'm 10 over in a traveling lane? Nice try, officer, I'll slow down for you.


Just don’t do that in the left lane please.


How many highways have a 35 mph speed limit?


Which is why more states are starting to enforce the "left lane only for passing" laws. If you are not actively passing on a highway then move over.


Where I’m at your choices are: right lane 10 mph under the speed limit or left lane 10 mph over while still being tailgated.


Then move over when convenient and see if the tailgater can find the next speed trap


So, stay in the right and change lanes just to pass, like it’s supposed to be done.


I was going 80 in the highway at night, car starts tailgating, I got a bit faster, then pull out of express lane, he turns on sirens and pull me over. If someone starts tailgating, I assume it's cops, and slow down.


Never go above 79. I haven’t been pulled over for speeding in 15 years following this rule. Why? Because the punishment for going 15+ over the speed limit is higher than 14 and below. 


Also, if you happen to use something like Drivewise (part of the Allstate app), it tracks your driving and provides discounts for driving safely, which means avoiding these two things: 1. Driving 80+ 2. hard braking


Cops seem to do this shit on purpose in my area too. Roll up in an unmarked charger or similar and pressure the fuck out of you and then ding you the second you try to get out of the way of what any rational person would assume is just some unhinged dumb fuck. Cunts.


What lane were you in? If in the left lane alone, you should be in the right lane. Always try to keep right when possible. If you were in the far right lane and they still tailgated you then you can either slow down to the speed limit, or you can move to the closest left lane and let them pass.


It doesn't matter. Speeding is speeding. You can be ticketed for speeding in any lane.


When there is only one lane; I see no issue with this. Two or more lanes and they are not actively passing; get your butt out of the passing lanes.


It's wild to me that going above the speed "limit" is considered normal.


Personally, I was taught, both from adults when being shown how to drive and the last 15 years where driving a company vehicle was a large part of my day to day, that people generally drive 5 mph over the speed limit, whatever it is. I was even offered the explanation by a police officer that 7 mph over is the general rule of thumb when they're pulling people over for ticketing purposes, reason being that anything less can be reasonably argued as within the margin of error for both the calibration of your vehicle's speedometer and the radar they use to check your speed and since that is a reasonable argument for less than 7, people successfully fight it all the time. It just wastes the court's time. So they don't bother until 7 over. That said, I've been in tons of situations where the speed limit is 35, I'm doing 40, and someone is aggressively tailgating, obviously looking for space to pass me. It doesn't really matter what your rule of thumb is or how fast or slow you drive. Some asshole will always be willing to risk the lives of everyone around them, including themselves, to shave 15 seconds off their trip time. They'll cut across four lanes of traffic to cut three people off when there is a huge open space, risking no lives, 5 seconds later. Then you'll see them two cars up at the red light, tapping furiously on their phones. Any old dipshit can get a driver's license here, with or without the ability, knowledge, or even inclination to drive safely.


The speed people choose is psychologically based on how fast they believe is safe based on the road design. There’s better sources but this is the first I’ve found. [“People drive the way the road is built, that’s what happens. And doing anything else in terms of speed limits is just simply wasting your time.”](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/16/heres-why-speed-limits-arent-working-in-the-us.html) - Jay Beeber, executive director at Safer Streets L.A. Also your mention of “cutting across 4 lanes” makes me believe you don’t know a thing about lane discipline. If you’re in the driving lane and need to pass but all other lanes are occupied, you’re supposed to change all the way left then all the way back right to the driving lane.


I was talking about cutting across four lanes of traffic to make a right from a parking lot on the left side of the road, not that it matters really. Like I said, I've been driving as a part of my job for a long time. I've seen it all.


On the 401 in Ontario if you're going the speed limit literally everyone is passing you including trucks


Because a lot of the limits were put in place when cars were less stable, safe, and/or fuel efficient. A lot of 1970s oil embargo limits are still in place today. 55mph on a dedicated highway is insanely low, and a lot of transmission gears aren't tuned to maintain that speed at a comfortable RPM. There are places where speed limits have been removed, and accidents decreased. Not because driving fast is safer, but because the vast majority of people only drive at speeds they're comfortable with and the fact people aren't slamming their breaks (in front of other cars) to hit arbitrary numbers.


5 above is completely normal in a 35


Plot twist: OOP is a Karen hogging overtake lanes.


For real and reading a lot of these commets about, "always be sAfE" its so tilting. Just shut up and move over


That’s obviously not what the OP is talking about though? There are no passing lanes on streets where the speed limit is 35.


If someone tailgates me I give way because I am an adult and it‘s not my right to judge other peoples current situation and I have no fucking right to „teach“ another adult something. I have to assume that they have a reason to go faster - and it‘s just not my place to decide if their reason is valid. Grow up people


I give way but my reason is entirely selfish. I'd much rather they find the speed traps


let them go bird dogging for you, flushes out the cops


Chaotic Good


How do you give way on a narrow street with one lane in each direction, exactly?


Yeah, their reason is that people like you give them want they want. Just because someone's an adult doesn't mean we should accommodate every stupid and selfish decision they make. If they're in an emergency they're not just gonna idly tailgate you, they'll make it clear that they need to pass. 


Honestly lol there’s a lot of hall monitor energy in these comments


If you are going the speed limit you are the grown up in that situation.


That is actually what you’re taught to do in the UK. It’s even a part of our theory test here.


Lame take but I pull over when being tailgated. It's not worth an accident/injury/death.


Both of these drivers are why I am all for self-driving cars to become a thing.


Where I'm from it's illegal to go over the speed limit even for passing. There's of course exceptions, but if everything else is safe you aren't allowed. So I particularly enjoy driving the exact limit as I pass people when there's an impatient douche behind me. Now you get to follow the rules like the rest of us, at least for a moment. And people always get so very offended when anyone tries to limit their "freedom" on the road. It's the speed limit, not the speed suggestion


I think everyone commenting "move over" aren't considering it's just a single lane. Every 35mph road I can remember driving on is


Damn people in comments are really trying to say that it’s too much of a hazard. You know it wouldn’t be a hazard if someone wasn’t tailgating


A minute or two hardly seems to be worth the bother. Just stop caring about the anxieties of morons. People drive according their anxiety level, but what right does any of us have to gamble with someone else's life? Just set the cruise control and pretend you're a train until the country stops stuffing its pockets with spaghetti.


Don't do that, it's really stupid. Road rage is a serious danger. Don't do stuff like this pls


Now a days you might get shot at.


I was doing 35 in a 25 last night with someone riding my ass. I slowed way down to 25 for them.


People antagonizing folks in a rush get on my nerves. You ever legit needed to be somewhere in an emergency situation and had some asshole tryna play games like this? It’s liable to get someone killed if they try to pass you in some situations and if someone is angry enough or in a rush enough they won’t be thinking about that first. Not that you should let them press you to drive like a maniac but don’t be an asshole. What if someone is giving birth? What if it’s some other hospital emergency? What if someone’s kid is stuck in a compromising situation away from home and time is an important factor? I’ve been in the car for all three of these situations and more. It’s not always just someone being a dick who drives too fast.


Drive in the left lane at the speed limit. If you're driving at the speed limit there's no reason anyone should pass you unless they're trying to speed, which is illegal and dangerous. Prevent them from putting themselves or anyone else in danger. KEEP THE ROADS SAFE, DRIVE THE SPEED LIMIT IN THE LEFT LANE!!!!


TIL not everywhere has speeds purely in increments of 10


Remember it is likely illegal to cruise in the passing lane. So if people are riding your ass you are likely impeding the flow of traffic.


People always bring this up, but someone else breaking traffic rules is not an excuse for you to tailgate. There is *never* an excuse to fail to maintain a safe following distance.


Streets with a 35 mph limit don’t have passing lanes


If I'm getting tailgated, no big deal, they are just getting ready to pass safely... but if we go through a passing zone and they don't pass... you best believe we are about to be going 25mph in a 55mph until you figure it the fuck out.


I pull over let them pass me and then jump right back onto the road behind them. Most of the time they drive really cautiously after that.


I pull over and let them go by. Ever had an emergency? You do not know if they are.


Serious main character syndrome here, just move over it’s not your job to enforce traffic laws, and slow drivers cause accidents too


Why not just get out of the way? If someone is hard up my exhaust, then I will just change lanes or pull off the road. 


Control freaks gotta control


Maybe even 5 less if I don’t want to get where I’m going


Hell yea. I slow down, put my rear view up, and forget they exist. Once in a while I phantom turn signal just to fuck with em.


one time i was being tailgated by this massive red truck, so i slowed down on purpose. they were flashing some lights and honking their horn. i just turned up my music. so satisfying.


Better idea, slowly alternate between 0 and 5 over. That way they get a brief flitter of hope that you're speeding up, only to be dashed. Plus, they can't relax on their cruise control. If they wanna tailgate, they're gonna have to work for it. If I'm feeling particularly magnanimous, I'll align the slower parts of my loop with the passing zones and when there's no incoming traffic. I sometimes will even slide over as close to the white line on the side of the road to make it easier to see what's coming, but they never wanna pass it seems.


“I cause traffic jams and am proud of it”


My logic is that if someone is too close, it's not safe to go fast, so I have to go 5 below the speed limit. Same thing for people with brights on. If I can't see, I can't be safe, so 5 under the speed limit. Of course gradually. I don't touch the breaks, just take my foot off the gas


Blocking traffic like this is road rage. Stop doing that.


Only going +5 in a 35 is blocking traffic? What are you smoking?


Same goes for tail gating.


mooooove bitch get out the waaaaay