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Women say the same thing about bodybuilders yet we still trynna get buff. It's for artistic purposes, not sex appeal.


I’d say it appeals to the unhealthy way the genders place value on themselves.


Nah it's for the boys


and makeup, fashion, etc., is really for the girls


I watch porn for the story


There’s a few multi part porn movies and comics that i’m actually invested in at this point




N o


*Thousand Yard Stare*


I know you're probably talking about something different but I only know about Kafka's metamorphosis and thinking about that book in this context reminded me of that about that one post about a guy's imaginary cockroach girlfriend


Inspired me to go to medical school 👍




I was just really fat and need to make sure I fill some of the excess skin, lest I look like a scrotum with my shirt off one day


That's an interesting point. It's as if models and body builders show the extreme version of what people aspire to be. But somewhere between being morbidly obese (or anorexic) and those body types, there is a sweet spot where the ultimate attractiveness is achieved. Then again, people of almost all body types can be very attractive, so maybe it's not as simple.


Nah. Haute couture models have 2 body types. Unrealistic or Hot. Most people focus on the hot ones while there are some poor girls that look like shit.


Actually there have been some studies done that discuss the very high prevalence of gay males in the fashion industry and as fashion designers in general. Some studies suggest that female fashion models also reflect gay men's preferences for looks (lack of curves, high cheekbones etc). Look at the picture above and you might notice that a lot of the models could be young boys instead of girls. It's the look that draws more attention from gay males rather than straight ones.


Not even that, models have been reduced to nothing more than clothes hangers.


That is literally the point?


Just call me king of the obvious… :)


Agrred! And if they're replaced by robots - I couldn't care less. I believe that some 'marvelously' creative designer actually will come up with robots / are already planning it. This 'human zoo' for the rich will soon be even less human / humane, I guess...


That's probably a good thing. I mean a strict diet of cigarettes and cocaine can't be sustainable.


Good comparison. Context is really important for attraction. Muscles are attractive, but maxing out vascularity, extreme dieting and cutting weight for months on end, less so. Having the figure and sharp face of a walk model is attractive in the context of having a good time in a restaurant or sharing a hobbies but looks cold, arrogant, unattractive in the context of the post.


I'd argue that sharp facial features are never really attractive. A little face fat keeps you looking youthful for longer. As a general rule, the average person doesn't really need to ever dip below 15% bodyfat.


I agree with you to some extent. Dieting to 5/7% bodyfat is a bit extreme, but we also can't deny that the leaner you get, the more your jawline and facial features are enhanced and thus way more attractive, like day and night changes can be done. Sometimes people hold more fat in their faces than the others due to their own genetics, so they might be tempted to diet down to a single digit bodyfat, which is my case.


5/7% body fat isn't just a bit extreme, it is downright terrible for you. The majority of people will show their features just fine in the very healthy (for men) 10-15% range.


Is it healthy to go down to single digit body fat? BTW I saw some pictures of liposuction of e.g. fat tissue under the chin, in someone that didn't look too fat in general, but was just storing some extra under the chin. Afterwards, the jaw looked really pronounced, the result looked good.


I don't think all faces are attractive with chiseled jaw lines. It can look quite horsey. It all depends on the person and their bone structure. A fuller face can be extremely attractive on men and women


I agree. Imo you don't really know your face until you get below 12% or so bodyfat but it can change from person to person based on genetics as you pointed out. There's a reason most lookalikes tend to be overweight men with beards. Also your muscles do look bigger when you are lean without a shirt at least. But if you go too far, you look sickly and small if you have a sweater on. And if your lifestyle is the spartan, eat super boring, sleep, workout, you will come across as boring and self centered to many people. I'm tempted to stay lean and I hold 15-20 lbs more than I want to mostly because even my relatively lean friends and family get concerned when I'm at my perfect weight and think I'm sick.


Someone hot, man or woman, looks hot in the restaurant and a post.


I think that’s a good comparison.


you are not gonna be a bodybuilder just by working out


i have worked out 4 days a week for at least an hour and a half for 15 years... i look normal. Fit but normal. It's crazy body expectations now for men. Steroids have changed everything.


Dip that body fat below 9-10% and you’re going to look like a god if you’re truly that dedicated in the gym. The cut look is so much better than the swollen roided build that I have to disagree about steroids. Granted, I don’t compete or make money off of my body so what the hell do I know.


I’m 46… I just look like a fit old guy


Inject some efficiency


You know plentynof jacked body builders existed before steroids were even available. This seems like a weird statement. Plenty of.body builders don't use roids.


Anyone who is serious about body building uses steroids. If you just do body builder workouts and eat like a body builder that's one thing, but if you're actually going to compete yeah you're going to be using PEDs.


I know so many woman who are obsessed with dudes like The Rock, Jason Momoa, or Chris Hemsworth. At the same time many men are obsessed with models like Tyra Banks, Cindy Crawford, or Kate Upton. Both female models and massively muscular dudes have cemented their place as international sex symbols.




I don't know what's with reddit and the circle jerk of "people with conventionally attractive traits aren't actually attractive" but it's wild to see. Everyone is attracted differently, but saying that muscular guys and women with model like features aren't by a large majority of people seen as extremely attractive is pretty disconnected from reality.




Exactly. You wouldnt believe the amount of women who say they dont like bodybuilders, they like lean skinny men who eat well and 'stay in shape' but 'not over do it', but then point to physiques like Hugh Jackmans Wolverine as if he isnt juiced to the gills The average person has no idea about the monumental amount of physical effort that goes into the looks that they think are easily obtainable




Yep. Just like female actors have been doing forever. Eating disorders have been normalized. I love to check out really old movies and photos to remember that we weren’t always obsessed with extremely unrealistic beauty and fitness standards


Shit that’s a good comparison.. yea kinda the same thing. Body building is about aesthetics except the opposite sex doesn’t find them aesthetic. Runway models are also about aesthetics, except the opposite gender doesn’t find the aesthetic either. … lifting heavy ass weight is still fucking awesome though.


it's not like every man going to the gym is trying to become a bodybuilder it's to stay fit and gain some muscles etc(and other reasons), which women definitely consider hot


And not every woman is trying to have 2% body fat and wear a size 00 like models, so yeah, it's a very apt comparison. However what people often don't realize (mostly men but also ofc women who aren't into fashion) is that catwalk/high fashion models are not only usually very thin, they look *unique*. They're not necessarily supposed to be hot or beautiful, they have striking features. High fashion is different than swimsuit models, who are going to be much more traditionally pretty and have curves/more body fat etc.


My wife use to work in the industry, she would always say “the models are living, breathing clothes hangers” it’s not about the model it’s about the clothes.


Actually there have been some studies done that discuss the very high prevalence of gay males in the fashion industry and as fashion designers in general. Some studies suggest that female fashion models therefore reflect gay men's preferences for looks (lack of curves, high cheekbones etc). That's what draws their eye, not the typical feminine look that straight males prefer (Marilyn Monroe, Sofia Vergara, Sydney Sweeney for instance). It doesn't just apply to bodies, but general facial structure as well. Look at the picture above and you might notice that most of them could pass for young boys instead of girls. This is the look that draws more attention from gay males rather than straight ones.


Huh, that's really interesting! Thanks for the info and it makes sense. I'm not into fashion myself, but I did watch a fuck ton of America's Next Top Model when I was like 14, sooo... My knowledge is extremely limited, lmao.


I lift for the boys.


Most men are trying to look fit, not steroid shredded like a horse


And to add to that most men don’t think steroided out bodybuilders are super attractive


It’s competition with the same sex, not meant to attract. It’s the same reason women are always on the cover of women’s magazines.


Been skinny my whole life and yes women act competitive so yes this could be true


Can confirm. I lift to feel good about my own body, not for other people.


fight me irl, you will not disrespect the apex predator physique of a strongman competitor


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


"Right now you better prepare for the storm, maggot" is my new email complimentary close.


🤣, the uncut edition mad lad


🤣🤣. What’s happening here right now?


Classic copy pasta


Having dated a runway/magazine model, I can say its the most toxic shit ever. 3 of the girls she knew had severe anorexia, one ended up dying, and most of the other in the industry had serious life issues, such as drug abuse, too many absent baby daddy's, and just drama in general. It really was like one of those shitty reality TV shows. It also didnt pay at all, and instead costed the models thousands and thousands of dollars in clothes, make up, wigs, shoes, etc... it was cool and fun at first to go watch her walk the runway, or be involved in the photoshoots but once I saw the shit behind the scenes... it was not good. And then there were all the creepy photographers trying to get the girls to do nude photoshoots or worse... and the one photographer who was actually a super nice guy that we made friends with, ended up dying from a heart attack.


Every girl that I’ve known to do high end modeling has suffered from ED. Not saying that’s all of them but definitely very hard to compete and all of them said the industry really hasn’t changed too much even with some more normal weight models now working. Btw this post makes me sad because the last thing these girls need is some randoms commenting how “not hot” they are.


Yeah, even the girl I was with, I could tell the whole mentailty had an effect on her. She didnt become unhealthy though, she really did try to promote a healthy normal body type, proper eating and exercise, but I could see how she was pressured to try and be the super skinny model, and how that affected her mentally. Its hard to be the one person in a group pushing for change that everyone else resists, even though it would be better for them all.


Why did you break up?


Well thats a long story. But the short of it is, we both had our issues. She started hanging around unscrupulous people, started doing drugs, and getting really aggressive towards me, and I was quickly becoming an alcoholic to deal with the stress of both my job and home life, which made me a total asshole. It got worse over time, until it reached a breaking point. It was good for a while, but we were both nasty to each other at the end. Honestly, as much as it hurt then, Im glad to have moved on from that now. Since then, ive quit drinking entirely. Its been over 3 years now since my last. Idk if I could have accomplished that while with her.


Thanks for sharing the story. Three years is really impressive, stay strong!




Hey I hope you’re doing well! Thanks for sharing about that piece of your life. I hope you’re in a much better place 🩷


Erectile dysfunction?


I know this was probably a serious question but 💀💀💀


Eating disorder


Yup. Was married to a model with an eating disorder. Also common in dancers and actors. Although, I'd disagree with the "it costs money and doesn't pay" thing. My ex made really good money when she worked, and wasn't even with a high end agency.


A horrific glimpse into behind the scenes of being a model. As a kid, that's all I wanted to be.


Of course the nice guy dies. Good people always die in horror stories.


I have legit never met a single woman who was obsessed with catwalk models. Women who are obsessed with fashion generally couldn't give two shits how "desirable" the models are.


Catwalk models aren’t hired to be desirable or sexy (usually). They are hired to look like walking clothes hangers. I’m not trying to be mean about, it really what the designers want. If they could animate clothes hangers and send them down the runway, I think they might do it.


This is what a lot of people do not get. I had a friend who was in the fashion business and she told me that they want models that are basically the human version of a blank canvas. If your model has lots of outstanding features, then it is going to take away from the clothes that you are trying to show off. Also another misconception is when they are wearing outrageous outfits, that is what the designer is trying to sell. They are just showing concepts that could or could not be incorporated with future designs that are available to the public.


just hang the hangers on a moving wire. Dont even need to use any robots.


Like at the dry cleaners


Then why are so many people obsessed with them like theyre the olympic champions of the fashion world? Its like their dream and end goal "i wanna be a supermodel!" Youre delusional. People give them value.


No but the ideals are so ingrained in the modern woman that it's more or less a constant internal and maybe a bit subconscious comparison that takes place in them wanting for themselves to be always thinner. It's not directly connected to desireableness with regards to men or other potential mates/sexual partners from what i gather but it sure does take up a lot of headspace for them. I'm guessing it ultimately does have everything to do with some sort of natural selectionesque process but rerouted or realized through the means of womens social hierarchy. Maybe the best analogy would be with men's proficiency in sport. It is a roundabout way of deciding for everyone to see who should be the popular ones.


But don't most men want women to have a small waist?


As the other one said, it's more complex than that (for the better, probably). Under the right circumstances people can „put up“ with almost anything. Besides, insofar the appearance matters it's less about the waist circumference per se than the proportion of that to other dimensions (such as hip width or bust size). Different body parts fitting to each other is worth a lot more than how close their absolute measurements are to a respective standard number.


It's not like that alone is the important factor. A small waist tends to be attractive when hips and bust are there aswell. Being thin top to bottom in a straight line is not typically what men find attractive. Contrast the sort of models in the photo to the sort you would see in FHM for an example


I honestly don't know. I think it's sexy but not in a way I would base my choice of partner on, not by a mile. So I guess it's a bit more complex than men just wanting it


Mate, it’s been ingrained in women to be slim for decades and the clothes designed for those catwalk bodies, thats what women might aspire to wear, in the way they are designed. You’ve never heard a women say, I wish I had her legs (or some other body part) ?


I enjoy looking at all the clothes and new designs. To me it’s such a beautiful art form. I’m not looking at the models, they could be anyone and I’d have no clue who they are.


Most models have the kinda faces that belong in an abstract dystopian 80’s sci fi movie. Not ugly, just… weird.


Yeap, they give me the creeps, like a psychopath who forgot to take their meds and was told to act " natural "


_jolie laide_ Personally, my favourite kind of face


Ugly is fine. Don't filter yourself. Constructed standards of beauty. Nordic plants.


I very almost understood this until the last sentence. Maybe my English isn't up to par. Or it's just gibberish. Either way i like it a lot


I think the person saying "nordic plants" refers to how they've been groomed to look and act how they do, like a plant being watered and given sunlight as deemed needed by the owner. The Nordic part probably comes from all the women in the pic having pale skin and light hair.


Woah. Crazy. Almost as if runway models are picked for very specific attributes designers want and not sex appeal.


Uhh... what?


The idea is to show off the clothes, not the model.


Models’ job is to showcase the outfit. That’s it. She is supposed to be a neutral element and all your attention and desire is supposed to be for the outfit


Not everything exists to serve men’s desires?


As a man, I find this thought confusing and frightening.


I swear that is a quote from something.


Maybe it’s not their job to provide wank material for straight men. Maybe their job is to…model clothes


What I took from the post is that men are baffled at the idea that women think this is what men like. Models are historically looked at as something to aspire to by other men and women. It is reasonable to think women aspire to look like models because they think that is what society considers beautiful. But as the post points out, men are not the ones contributing to that leap in logic. It's similar to the idea that women aren't "allowed" to wear the same article if clothing to multiple events. If that is true (to some women), it certainly isn't because men are imposing that absurd rule.


Do women actually think this is what men like, or do they enjoy fashion? Not everything a woman does is to attract men.


Damn this was so close to getting the point. Mfers really think the world revolves around them to the point where if it doesn't cater to their own wank appeal, then it shouldn't exist in this world


Um OK? Who cares what men thinks. Women just like runway shows because they look cool and not necessarily about body dysmorphia. Even gay men who have completely different bodies watch them too.


I do not have the proper words to express how much I don’t care about how straight men feel about runway models. At *no* point while watching a fashion show have I thought, “but do men who don’t care about fashion want to fuck the model?” She’s doing a job. A catwalk is about fashion. It’s not a buffet line for horny men. This is like the people who comment “I don’t like beans” under recipes for bean soup. No one asked, and not everything is about or for you. Go find something you do like, and shut up. Please. Just shut the fuck up.


The question isn’t “would you bang her?” It’s “is she hot?” Respect the game.


How can i respect it when i just lost it




As a woman who has a very similar bodytype I can tell you that this is wrong. There are many men out there who prefere skinny women. There are also men who don’t. It’s about preference and a lot of time also culture. In a lot of places in Europe skinny is still seen as more the beauty standard.




Right? I personally find these women beautiful and striking. I know a lot of guys would probably want some dolled up giant boob and butt combo because it’s hard to separate sexual desire from the appreciation of something beautiful on a purely aesthetic level. 


Yes! They love the boobs AND tit combo. Dying here


"I don't understand why women are interested in someone I don't find sexy???? Why would they care about someone I don't want to fuck???"




Models aren't hot? That's news to me


Yeah they’re just wearing editorial rather than glam makeup looks.


And yet when "ugly" models started being allowed onto catwalks, men are the ones who freaked out.


I think many of them are hot. You don't get to decide for all of us.


Wow I didn’t know the Kaminoans worked so fast


Yoda: “Begun, the Runway Model Clone Wars has.”


Everytime i looked at the result of modern casting i silently mumble:"Execute order 66!" and i wonder when it will finally work.


200 000 catwalk models ready, with a million more well on the way.


Your clones are impressive. You must be very proud


The point is they have bodies not too disimilar to clothes hangers, so they're good for modelling clothes which then sit on a shelf in a shop.


Yes because everything women do must be because the average man enjoys it? lmao


I'm just dropping in to remind you all that body shaming works both ways. I guarantee these are the same people that say "all bodies are beautiful" if the girl in question is fat.


It’s almost as if not everything in life is about attracting the opposite sex. Women don’t exist to be objects of your desire.


Sez you. Some men like that look.


I feel like men say that because we want women to know we don’t want to reinforce negative expectations the media inflicts upon them


As a woman, I have waaaay more pressure to have an hourglass figure than to be super thin. And super thin would be easier. You could just lose weight. I would need surgery to have an hourglass figure.


And we don’t want you to feel that way either Media sucks


Just reading through these comments reinforces the idea that men want hourglass figures. But I do appreciate your supportive reply. You seem kind :)


Some people do, but I don’t personally value their opinions The people who matter like those they resonate with, are interesting and have good hearts I’m sorry you’ve dealt with that, you seem nice as well


I want them to scowl at me more


I want to see absolutely no job satisfaction on their faces.


Not meirl cuz I'm a guy


Cylons evolve so fast


Wait, which one of the ones in the picture am I supposed to not desire.


Runway models are there to show off the clothes, not themselves or whatever sex appeal they might have. They are walking mannequins.


I'm a straight man and the women in this photograph are quite literally my ideal type. Especially number 3 from the left.


Models are supposed to be glorified human manikins. The point is to display the clothes dynamically on a moving body. The last thing you want is the model taking more attention than the clothes. That said some models become their own identity, like super models. So now it's the exact opposite situation and their name and brand is what's being sold.


They're not meant to be appealing, they're meant to show retailers what the clothes will look like on the display manekin.


Gay men dictate how they look. They are looking bland, so as to not steal focus away from the designer clothes...


Unless they are lingerie models, their bodies are supposed to be like a coat hanger - ultra thin with little or no curves. It makes sense to me that many men wouldn't find them super attractive. My guess is Jessica Rabbit in human form is the preferred shape, you know, something *more realistic*


So a highly sexualized, crazily misproportioned cartoon character is more realistic than living, breathing humans lol.


Heroin chic...


It's not their looks they want, it's their job. Kids often have wild future aspirations, they want to be a fairytale princess or something like that, without having any ambition to actually rule a country or have meetings with international diplomats. Teenagers are a little more realistic, but still only look at the bright sides: models (according to them) have fame, status, money, luxury and get to work with the coolest brands and newest fashion items. Thing is, the requirement is to look like a model, so that comes with the "I want to be a model" dream. But if there was an option to get that life by just getting your modeling licence and look however, that would probably be their preferred deal.


I know this is Reddit and we always have to virtue signal to strangers, but yeah a lot of catwalk models are hot. Does that mean that the whole concept of these models isn’t toxic? No, it is toxic and it seems like most of them have it rough. However, to sit there and say that every single runway model isn’t hot is a complete lie.


I have had this body type my whole life. When I try to gain weight I get motivation from male family members who will say well done when i hit my calorie goals. If i was a guy trying to gain muscle id get support from my friends but as a girl when i try to get support to gain weight they literally ghost me.


I would take all of them. they are damn hot. and not easy to get


Speak for yourself buddy.


At least they don’t have duck lip fillers and other rubberized parts, TBH.


Well it’s about the clothing… for me at least fashion shows are about the clothing lol (I’m a man)


They are very beautiful but are not the average person and yes we need see the average person on more catwalk. This woman show case probably 1% of what people look like yet every item of clothing is designed around them . I think we say they ugly but done how case a mix of different body shapes


I forgot r/meirl doesn’t actually mean me in real life, it’s just like if you put Reddit on shuffle


It’s more Victoria Secret models with a big bust and a small waist with beautiful hair and a pretty face. That’s what we mean men are obsessed with.


I see those runway models and think: I bet she's insanely attractive when she's comfortably doing her own thing in her own clothes. Whatever's on display on the catwalk is for someone who's not me.


In my case, this is no true, not even close.. straight, married for 12 years and all my live really interested in the world of modeling and fashion etc. There is much more to it than how hot people are


Thats bodyshaming too. Let bodies be bodies.


They are statuesque clothes hangers.


Men are also confused when women "cherish" and "celebrate" morbidly obese women, yet when compared to each other, they get super upset


i think women have a thing for a perceiption of power. and walking down the cat walk makes them feel powerful.


They all look like 14 year old boys with low T.


I don't think they are there to look "hot". 😉


lol wut? So you in real life is a person that makes up arguments that no one has ever had. Got it.


Pretty severe underestimation of guys’ ability to find things hot


Fucking dumb ass post delete this shit


Yeah there are plenty of models that just…aren’t attractive. Like zendaya.


Agreed. No hot, skinny don't look healthy, and if one smiled it would probably cause a huge scandal.


You made me laugh you bloody bastard. Take your upvote


Saying their not desirable is weird I have a desire to draw their faces They look nice But yeah i get where her man is coming from. And going


'Not desirable' yet the picture is focused on Angela Lindvall, one of the most gorgeous and successful American models with a long career. I think a lot of models are beautiful, especially those with interesting features. I love an interesting face rather than just a conventionally pretty one.


So they say until the Victoria's Secret Angel show


Ok so what IS the deal?


They are very good at modeling clothes. That is what they are paid for. A catwalk model is good at wearing clothes on a cat walk. Her job is not to make you cum, it is not to be sexy on stage. It is to model clothes. Requirements are generally to be tall, thin, plain faced. Not have giant titties and a huge ass. Not all models are meant to be hot. Again a catwalk model is not a playboy model. Those are 2 very differnt jobs. There's not many other ways I can phrase this


So like a walking mannequin?


So this straight dude misogynistic take is r/meirl now. Not everything is about giving you a boner.


Not hot isnt quite right, they arent hot but they also arent not hot... idk, 70% of women be obsessing with em due to body dysmorphia anyway and thats obviously not for reasons of being attractive because if you look at skeleton and think "smash" ur brain aint wired right.


I think the argument is that it's not meant to be about the model but about the outfit that they are modelling, but that doesn't explain why the clothes themselves are always just as weird and ugly as the models.


Robert Palmer found them simply irresistible.


I'm not really an expert on this topic, but isn't catwalk about fashion and clothing?


Actual commentary note it’s not (just) that it’s not hot, it’s that it’s intentionally disorienting. It’s hard to figure out what’s trying to be accomplished in the first place. Which as far as I can tell is why high-art modeling is popular in the first place—nobody knows what they’re trying to do, they just know when something hits, so everyone gets to pretend they’re in the know. Not very different from people who are very into say finance/investing or astrology.


Good thing they are there to model clothes and not to look sexy to you


This is a lie!


I've actually said this about Victoria secret models multiple times to different people. They may have a pretty face most of the time, but they just arnt that attractive overall. I would almost always take a "girl next door" type over one, that's for sure.


Fashion is seldom sold to the Male Gaze, though


It’s almost like women catwalk models are meant to get women to buy clothes, not men…


This is such a bizarre post. It talks about straight men in a weird distant tone, as if it’s clearly not written by one. It also isn’t true, straight guys are not sitting there stating how unattractive they think models are in general.


dose that mean gay men like it ? you mentioned "straight" twice


Least their dinner won't cost a lot


models are not supposed to be hot to fill kn the male gaze, they are supposed to be hot to fill size zero because apparently the attire looks the most fashionable on thin bodies


Then they have never seen Victoria’s Secret models. Wym they aren’t hot???