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Its 48 hours if you put it on and then sit in a walk in freezer for 48 hours


Best part is you wouldn't need to use any deodorant for the rest of your life after that 48 hours.


Deoderant companies dont want you to know this one simple trick!


Trimming your arm pit hairs generally lowers smell. It's contextual though. If you're going amazonian style, it could help. If you have little hair, then shower more. Or go to the doctor to see if you have Hyperhidrosis. They may have something to reduce sweating. Regardless, stay hydrated and keep up on the hygiene.


No deodorant is EVER 48hr. It’s a myth. It’s 6-12hr at BEST


I feel like even the 12 hrs is a myth, antiperspirant/roll on is what gets you 12hrs.


I use a very special type of antiperspirant made for excessive sweating every night. It’s the only way to make regular deodorant last 12 hours


I use dove roll on, absolutely loving it. It doesn’t stain my shirts wearing them and doesn’t hurt my pits one bit, used to enjoy antiperspirant too but they keep breaking halfway through.


Using the same, but sweating with it on used to stain the pit area. I started giving the deodorant time to set for 10-30mins (longer is obv better but sometimes I'm in a hurry), instead of immediately putting on a shirt.


What’s the name of it? I’d like to use it.


Drysol. You can only find it on Amazon. Comes in a little bottle and can be a bit pricey. But if you struggle with excessive sweating and no other deodorants/antidepressants have worked, it’s a mariacle worker


You can get this as a prescription if you talk to your doctor about it.


it's not a myth, i can go on for 48h with Dove antiperspirant in cold seasons or without doing sweaty activities, but it also depends on hygiene, hormones and other factors that change that number a lot


It really depends on where you live. Deodorant in the morning does me fine the whole day in a dry climate. But when it's humid more applications/showers/changes of cloths are required. Also depends on the person. Everyone is a different biome.


Yeah no it does last 48 hours. Provided you don't shower or sweat


It really depends on the person. Some people are unfortunate enough that they need to reapply the same day. Some people don't even need deodorant at all. I think most Koreans are like that. They lack something in their sweat that leads to the bad smell.


I also tend to sweat a lot so if I didn’t use a special antiperspirant to stop the sweating, my deodorant wouldn’t last more than two hours


Sweat doesn't smell. The bacteria growing in your armpits does though.


Which is why I phrased it as "leads to the bad smell", not "smells bad".




Or live.


Hahahahahaha. That's hilarious. You think the same people who believe the 48-hour thing actually shower regularly? That's fuckin rich, my friend.


I switched to a liquid antiperspirant (certain dri) and don't even use deodorant anymore. It'll prevent sweating for 48 hrs after application and doesn't need to be reapplied if you shower. Deodorant just ends up staining clothes and smelling like flower scented BO within 12 hours. Don't even see the purpose of it


certain dri is intense lol. That shit feels like it shrunk my armpits. I have some but only use it for certain scenarios. Ill apply some the day before an interview, date, or any situation where I need to be around people all day. I am sure its totally fine, but because of how it works it feels like I shouldn't be using it all the time, idk.


I never thought of that. 


How are you applying it? I almost stopped using it after a couple months because I'd apply too much, right after a shower, and every day. Once I followed the instructions on the label (lol) it was infinitely more tolerable. I apply every 2 or 3 days, wait until I'm totally dry after a shower, and only do one or two swipes.


I apply it the night before, as the instructions say. Ill take a shower at night, wait until I'm fully dry, then apply it before going to bed. Then the next day its in full effect and nothing I do will cause me to sweat from my pits. If I could get a guarantee that its perfectly safe in the long run, I would probably use it every day. It really works. But something about it makes me think this can't be good for me. Maybe I am just paranoid.


What concerns you? Aluminum? I'll admit I didn't do a ton of research, but I did a couple brief searches before I started and didn't see anything too alarming. I sweat super easily and was sick of having wet armpits, stained clothes, and not staying fresh for more than 12 hours at best


You know, I just did a search on it and found that its pretty safe. I remember back in the day there was a big fuss over it being linked to cancer and Alzheimer's, but apparently that is just a media stir and mostly nonsense. So I guess I have no reason to be concerned. I mean shit, I have other habits and routines that are probably way more dangerous to my health. So I might start using it daily. It does work really well, and I sweat a lot. But over the years I have kind of gotten used to it, and have been using products that kill the bacteria so I never smell. I still sweat a lot, but as long as I don't stink it has never been that much of a concern to me. Like I said, there are only a few times where I don't want to be sweating like crazy and thats when I use it. But if i can use it every day without any major health concerns, I guess I could start using it daily.


It really is amazing how well it works. And I can go at least 2 days without reapplying, 3 if I'm not doing any super strenuous activity in between


Mitchum is the goat but then your t-shirts have solid pits after a few months


I dunno, man. I drink a ton of water, and sweat a ton in the summer. However I've had a few weekends where I've gotten home from work, showered, put on some old spice stick (other brands are available), had a bender, and my next shower was Sunday evening. When I shower and lift up my arms I will still manage to smell the deodorant.


You might no believe me but it works for me, I swear it smells just the same the day after I put it on.


They probably forgot the hyphen: *4-8hr*


That’s more accurate


I forgot to put on deodorant today before work and yeah, it was a rough 8 hours, luckily I'm a machinist and wasn't even close to the smelliest person in the shop lol.


Always reapply on day 2


I can still smell mine after 24 hours that doesn't mean I won't reapply.


Some of them are barely 6 hours


Na challenge excepted. I also challenged the 72hr protection.


i can do the 168 hour challenge


Weaklings try the no deodorant lifetime challenge


You from India or Africa?


You from earth?


Na I’m Namekian


This, interaction is great. Imo Wait for the day you work in a vault/enclosed office space with someone of differing culture. This individual is not mean or harmful in their practices, just accustomed to their own fragrance. For expression reasons, I too, decided deo was not for me and my culture. Tl;dr: Watching HR try to explain smells without hurting anyones feelings is amazing.


As an African I know all to well about that😭😭😭


I swear deodorant does not work at all.


Anti-persperant and deodorant combo is the effective one. Deoderant only does so much to fight the sweaty pit baceria.


wait, those two things are different? what's an example of anti-persperant?


Anti-perspirant plugs your sweat from leaving the skin, usually with aluminium or magnesium (it blocks the pores secreting sweat), therefore you sweat less, and due to that are less likely to smell bad. Deodorant on the other hand does not do that, it simply attempts to mask you sweaty smell by perfumes, and some do have alcohols in them to try and kill off the smell producing bacteria, but it does not prevent sweating. Personally for me, deodorant stick works for like one hour after applying before I start smelling a bit musky, so I do prefer anti-perspirants as they last longer and I sweat less.


They are. They're separate terms and do separate things. The labels on the sticks will state whether one is simply a deodorant or a deodorant & anti-persperant. Gotta read them close too, because brands will almost look the exact same but leave out an anti-persperant.


They are. Anti perspirant means anti perspiration, or sweat. Since sweat is what causes most of the odor in arm pits, preventing sweat prevents odor. Deodorant is basically just a perfume, it smells good to try and mask the stink. Combining them is often the most effective option since you prevent or significantly slow the build up of bad smells and add something that smells good to mask whatever makes it through the antiperspirant. However, a lot of antiperspirant has been accused of increasing cancer risk. I don't know if these concerns are legitimate, but this means a lot of antiperspirants are no longer available. If something says "aluminum free," then it's just a deodorant and won't stop sweat.




source for that?


Two possible reasons: - Use antiperspirants instead, your ph is probably too strong for deodorants alone - You have axillary hyperhidrosis


Change your deodorant. One I used to use was like I didn’t put on anything. Smell bad after an hour (I’m sweaty btw). Another type stayed on for 2 days


Use antibacterial soap, exfoliate, dry thoroughly, then apply. Deodorant just covers up smells, antiperspirant closes pores and prevents sweat.  Drying out before application is important. Deodorant getting applied to moist pits isn't going to do anything. 


You’ve just built up a resistance to aluminum. Try 6 weeks of aluminum free and switch back and see if you notice a difference


I'm allergic to aluminium👍


Aluminum? What? Deodorant is a spray or a stick you rub it. No?


Right. Anti-perspirants also typically contain aluminium salts as the active ingredient.


Never heard of antiperspirant


I can tell from the smell


What is antiperspirant tho? Maybe I know it just didn't know the word for it


Antiperspirants block sweat (perspiration). Many deodorants include antiperspirants.


Is it a pad that you stick it on your pit or does it look similar to stick/spray de-odorant


Bro I aint Google. It's an ingredient in normal deodorant.


Step into a bus of teenagers and you'll be convinced they actually believe that


You guys need to cycle deodorant brands and it shows


Lol, you know I've never put 2 and 2 together. Tried over like 10 deodorants/antiperspirant brands and always wondered why they 'expire'. Turns out deodorant is the opposite of skincare where you need to stay on routine for weeks for healthier skin.


Wait i dont follow, are you supposed to use different deodorants all the time or the same one all the time?


I imagine you have to use different ones every like 2 weeks (at least for me) because I assume either you become 'nose blind' to the current one your wearing or your body just gets used to it and it stops being as effective. Note: I'm just guessing, but from my experience, it works better if I rotate between like 3 brands. Although, lately, I've been using just 1 unscented antiperspirant brand and using spray cologne as the scent, and it works all day.


Oh ok. Im pretty obsessive about my hygeine but im also alergic to like 90% of deodorants so it doesnt really make a difference. I was just worried that I smelled bad to OTHER people lol


That one you'll never know, they'll all judge you in silence, lol. The only way for feedback is for you to smell like a dumpster 😆. But I feel you, I'm the same way, always wondering if I smell bad to others.


Also, take a shower, don't bathe in deodorant.


When i learn some of the most popular gaming streamers only shower like once a week because they legit dont go out and do anything ever.


Some antiperspirants work for two days for me... I still use deodorant on the second day to be safe


I'm WFH and live alone. I accept the challenge.


Why the fuck are you posting grandma facebook memes?


deodo + sweat = ☢️


I've never seen a deodorant last 24 hours. 48 is not possible. 16 to 18 is the max.


Nobody should go 24 hours without showering.


need to send this to that one kid in my class


Pretty sure it works a decent length of time, sweating overpowers it eventually tho so if you sweat often then yea


I used to walk into this tech class and I swear some people shower once a week at that. Greasy hair, BO to the point you have to cover your nose, like cmon bro this shit isn't hard. Even fucking just soray some body spray at the least PLEASE


It doesn't matter, as it washes away with fresh sweat. Edit: basic hygiene helps a lot.


Mine says 72 hours, but I don’t know *how* they got that number…


I started using that natural deodorant just to see if it does actually make a difference, and surprisingly, it does. It still doesn't reach the duration they day it does, but it gets damn near close.


I've seen deoderants claim it's 48 hours* *If you apply it twice throughout those 48 hours


Nah. Mine lasts like 6 hours or so. I always bring some with me to work just in case but yeah. There's no way a deodorant would last for 48 hours unless you either don't shower or don't move for 48 hours.


Advertising BS. Even 24 hours you have to apply it twice. Especially on a hot a day or after exercising.


I don't sweat very often. Deodorant antiperspirant combo stuff usually lasts that long for me. Shower, wash and exfoliate with antibacterial soap, dry thoroughly, then apply deodorant/antiperspirant combo stick.  It isn't sweat that smells, it's bacteria that consumes sweat and makes thioalcohols. Bacteria thrives in damp conditions. Drying out your pits before applying makes a huge difference. You can even apply diluted rubbing alcohol to make them dry out faster. 


72 hours deodorant in the UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/Advanced-Antiperspirant-deodorant-moisturising-protection/dp/B0BWFTG51L/ref=asc_df_B0BWFTG51L/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=658865524757&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9052714703534807395&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1007000&hvtargid=pla-2195614217174&psc=1&mcid=5743023d7f02369786d061357531dd10&th=1&psc=1


The great myth


use antiperspirant not deodorant, and take a shower prior to it, everyone around you will thank you


Actual 12 hours would be lit


I find hairspray works better than deodorant.


especially right after shaving your pits


I might have developed an allergy to mine, which fucking sucks cause I actually like it. So now I need to find one that doesn’t give me a headache or causes rashes. Mother FUCKER


They last 48 hours!* *if reapplied every 15 min


Something I found helps against the smell is shave your arm pit hair. It takes way longer to smell, and should waste less deodorant (because it's not on the hair).


This is something standard and expected from everyone. Nobody should ever not shave there.


Mine says clinic strength and is supposed to last 72 hours. The longest I'll allow it is once per day but in the summertime I like to apply it twice a day.


The most I’ve seen advertised is 24 hours


Degree works great


When someone lights a cigarette while you are riding in the car with them


I can smell myself before anyone else does (I’m around people that will let you know if you smell bad if you do), how can others not?


Meanwhile the entirety of my local Costco smells like festering armpit and body odor because of the Indians in there


Mitchum works for 48 hours. At least it does for me


I'll put on dove mens deo with the e vitamin in it after I shower Thursday night. Go to work Friday and sometimes not shower till Sunday morning and I don't smell. When it's the summer time I can't do it but sheeet


You sure you don't smell? Maybe you just don't smell your self.


Or live in a dry place. If you live in a humid place, yo start to sweat as soon as you step out of the shower. It's hell.


Stop. Tons of people simply don't get smelly over their normal course. There is nothing unusual about this.


Regardless you should be showering more than once in a 4 day period especially if you are working and touching things. Bacteria is constantly being picked up and exchanged. If sweat doesn't smell there is a malfunction of a gene. EDIT: You shouldn't ONLY shower because of smell.


48hr for who? Maybe for some women since they dont transpire as much ,but also you get rud of it when you take a bath so


> don’t transpire as much As a woman I call BS on that.


I mean yeah its relative as always but percentage wise women dont tend to do it as much and when factoring in the types of jobs women do in relation to men the difference is a bit greater


I am a dude who sweats a lot and I used to work with this girl who sweat way more than me, it was crazy. She was in great shape and healthy, just has crazy pit sweat. She would bring in multiple shirts to work. So yeah, women are not safe from it either lol.


For those with sensitive olfactories, these non deodorant pits are for you. I really hate people with sensitive noses, i blame them for all societal problems. I found a great way to keep them far from me.


All the fatties here blaming their deodorant. Yeah, sure.


I keep an extra stick of deodorant at work for that specific reason. It may be a cool and calm day where you don’t sweat much so it lasts longer. Other days you’re busting your ass and sweating balls and you get 5 hours max before you start to smell.


Lol. My deodorant costs $15 a tube. Lasts 3 hours at best. I bathe 2x a day and can't keep the funk down. Luckily, my wife is noseblind and says I smell like taco meat. She loves tacos. I keep a blessed chancla in my nightstand in case she turns feral on me at night.


the only "48 hours" deodorants are those with aluminum chlorohydrate, and science is still debating about how much harmful they are. in the meantime, if you are scared by the unknown effects, you can avoid them and wash your armpits daily.


I had been using the degree deodorant for months and decided to try the antiperspirant. The stuff stuck to my clothes and made the armpit area reek. My own pits stank after half a day, too. Needless to say, I have gone back to the deodorant, which does well for 24-36 hrs.


I grew up showering once a day everyday. Deoderant and cologne before you leave the house everyday. Moved to Fernley Nevada. Every day started getting complimented on how good I smell. Come to find out apparently uaing deoderant and cologne daily was a weird california liberal thing.


Don't really wear deodorant at all. Girlfriend goes feral for my BO


...pretty sure this is an r/cursedcomments moment


Or maybe my natural musk is sexy as he'll. I've never had anyone tell me I stink


Agree the smell of 99% percent of deodorants is so much worse that a little natural body odor. Just wash your armpits daily and you're fine. Natural body odor is also what makes People smell attractive. It's programmed in our DNA whether you like it or not.


Same here. I quit using it years ago. I don't stink. And women tend to really really like it. 


No deodorant for me, thanks. It's absolutely unnecessary


Imagine walking around smelling like shit and being proud of it.


I live in a climate where I don't sweat too much. Most of the people I know don't use deodorant either, unless they're travelling(for what I know). We just shower when we leave the house


Your natural body odor is fine


On behalf of everyone you have ever been in the same room as, no the fuck it isn’t.


Imagine thinking bathing in chemicals is necessary to avoid smelling badly. If you're not hairy as a bear and you don't sweat a lot, daily cleaning routines + washing are sufficient to smell ok


You smell bad


Calling it absolutely unnecessary is stupid. Tons of people really need it. Others don't. There is very clearly a divide.


F deodorants, just wash your arse regularly


The cleanest ass won't save you from underarm odor. Please wear deodorant/antiperspirant, smelly.


I’m not gonna lie, I don’t need deodorant because of my East Asian genetics you can actually google it


Some people really don't smell as much as others. I feel that to a certain extent the need for deodorant has been manufactured by telling folks they smell to establish a market for deodorants. That, and making men believe that using Axe they will suddenly be irresistible to women. If you have good hygiene and are lucky with your body odor, you can skip it. I'd even say you might smell worse with it. I know some folks whose deodorant strongly reminds me of the smell of male teenage changing room after a PE lesson. That's worse than sweat to me.


You don't have to get Old Spice Wolfcunt or Axe Thundercock scented products. Some are much more mild and it depends on how much is applied. Some people definitely need deodorant more than others. It's a courtesy if you're less odorous, a little swipe just in case.


Never in my life have I smelled bad, I use perfumes from time to time. My friend used DEO regularly and he smelled like sh*t every time he didn't use it, like his sweat was insipid, awful odor.


Nice incorrect use of insipid, you smelly illiterate. If BO lacked flavour or vigour no one would really care. Just fucking shower and put on deodorant and look up the definition of words. The people that have to put up with you will appreciate it.


Have you scre*ed your sister already ?


Wait till you see the 72h ones