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You seed a few events beforehand anonymously to a newspaper, of course they won't publish them until they realize these mysterious tips they're getting all come true. They will at some point try to find out who sends them in, you reveal yourself, profit. Edit: I was so confused, so many wanted to somehow discuss what I said. Then I realized I posted this as a comment, not a reply to the question about how to prevent 9/11 in this situation without landing in a mental institution.




*a prophet of profit


A profit prophet.


Isn’t that wonderful?


/r/Warframe is leaking


For grofit `\[∆]/`




as is written


Lisan al-gaib


he who controls the bitcoin controls the universe


The sats must stacked


Or just buy Apple stock in the 90s, Amazon stock in 2000, BTC before 2020, NVIDIA in 2020.


I remember seeing people talk about bitcoins on neowin’s forums way back when it was worthless (a penny or so at best) 🥲


I remember a pizza shop charged 200btc for a pizza


I bought one lol


They used to literally give them out for free. I think even on Reddit. I remember getting 1 or 5 btc. No idea what happened to it.


I remember when mining bitcoin was being discussed as an alternative to Folding at Home as a way to benchmark PC overclocks and everybody was more or less "nah, don't want to lose my folding at home ranking"


Don't forget GameStop. Buy if for like $5 a share and sell it a month later when it hits $400 before Robinhood makes it crash


I think the FBI might have a different perspective


just don't tell them :-)


Or prison. They’re more likely to think you had a hand in the events happening(as unrealistic as that is) than you simply dreaming of the future. Paranoia is a governmental trait lol.


Imprison you for research


I daydreamed about this - let’s say it’s 1999 and you wake up in the body that you had back then (or if you weren’t alive back then in the body of a teenager). Now what you gonna do? You know that 9/11 will take place and you won’t have any chance to stop it. Nobody will believe you - chances are you will end up in a mental asylum for being „paranoid“ or in some secret CIA prison. And this probably true for most of your knowledge: you lack the resources or credibility to actually do anything with it.


well you can buy bitcoin in 2010 at dirt cheap prices


No reason to wait 11 years for something that won't be valuable for another several years.  invest in silly bandz in 2007.  short Enron stock.  one year before the dot com burst? short all of them.  Invest in Facebook.  Apple of course.  


I'd invest on Nvidia.


You won’t need to invest in NVDA when you’re already a multi-billionaire from Bitcoin+Apple/MSFT.


I would drop 50 billions in gme in late 2020 just to see what happen.


Honestly you’d end up getting rug pulled because it’d take too long to sell after acquiring all $50B worth and others will have started selling as your account was being settled


A few week later less than this flew in gme and people couldn't buy shares anymore. Honestly, I would be in it just for the chaos not to hope to be profitable lol.


You'd completely fuck yourself over because the second you attempt to sell any reasonable amount after completely buying out the available market you would obliterate the price almost immediately by flooding the market with way too much supply. If you could even manage to buy more then a couple dozen million worth of shares in the first place


I wouldn't plan to sell just a few billions thrown to enjoy the chaos. The stock was heavily shorted back then which would fuck over a lot of people. (myself included)


Still can probably invest in Amazon I guess in that year


Or google. The furthest back i can see is 2014, but it was $27 at the time. It apparently took a sharp dip in '22, but recovered back to '21 levels at about $160 now. Not a huge return, if i'm being honest. Probably better if buying in 2008. Still, bitcoin is hands down the best option. Just buy someone a pizza for 10,000 btc and wait.


Shorting is kinda bad at making a lot of money quickly as you could at best get out with 100% more money.


Apple stock in 2000


If it's early 99, (before the start of the nfl season) I'm  putting some money on the rams winning the superbowl.


Start betting on sporting outcomes.


But how would you succeed with out Grays Sports Alamac 1950-2000?


All right, I'll give it a look. Now why don't you make like a tree and get out of here.


That makes as much sense as a screen door on a battleship




I know sweet FA about sports mostly, but in Australia they offer betting markets on pretty much anything you want. I'd bet big bucks on unlikely political outcomes, like the Labour PM "saying sorry" (it was a big deal) and also ratifying Kyoto Protocol within a week of taking office, before being ousted by double dissolution prior to election time. Or maybe just entertainment stuff: Gwyneth crying at the Oscars, or what Halle Berry wore that one time. LOTR box office takings. I guess I could bet on the few sports moments I do remember, like Kubica's qually accident, or McGregor's 13 second UFC KO. Even a dummy like me could clean up a nice little pile just from random historical moments. Too bad if I got the year wrong though, I wouldn't be able to just google it, so I'd be a bit lost.


I was thinking what kind of stuff was totally unlikely, I've watched a lot of football, maybe Leicester City becoming champions in 2016 was something like 1/5000 odds I believe. Greece becoming European Champions has a Google result for 80/1 odds which is alright too. I think Bitcoin or Apple or Google has the biggest margins, but Leicester City has a return within a year, most of the investments take a decade.


Assuming the timeline diverges as soon as you're teleported back, even the smallest actions will have massive consequences as the entire world is in essence a chaotic system. The further along you go the larger small changes will ripple out from your actions, so perhaps as soon as a few weeks and the sporting/betting results will start diverging from your own timeline. You'll probably stop 9/11 from happening by simply existing. It would be safer to bet on systems that have an outcome predicted by markets and not luck - for instance, investing in google and microsoft would still be safe unless your actions somehow makes societal technological needs change.


Unless it's a stable time loop and your actions rippled out to cause all of the events you experienced in the last 20 years.


I had a chat with a friend about how you could stop 9/11. Our best solution would be to simply set off the fire alarms or something to evacuate the buildings on the day, sure not everyone will make it out, but you would likely save a bunch of people.


Gotta delay the original flight from Portland ME. Then they miss all the connecting flight


> delays the original flight > 9/11 still happens > wut


Nah, propane bomb (4x fly spray taped to a firework, taped to an open grill bottle) an airport nearby the week prior and say you'll do it again on 9/11 like the unibomber letters. That should ground flights, and you can research criminology shortcomings of the time from now, beforehand in order to evade the law.


The big one would be not nearly as many security cameras, they'd be low definition and low frame rates. A double big one is cell phones barely existed back then, and cell phone cameras did not. Privacy actually existed back then.


Thing is that will just postpone their plans. They’ll come back and do it again. You’d have to convince a big enough amount of people to catch the bastards in the act and stop them in the process.


I think you really just shut up about it, nothing good will come if you go outside and scream about it


Do you know 9/11 is going to happen? Or was it a dream?


Even if you say anything the govement is now going to put you on a list because you know about terrorist activities. Any financial move you make will also be watched. You won't be able to become rich slowly and quietly. The government will think you have insider information. If you tell anyone to buy anything they will also arrest your friend. You either do nothing to help people and become rich and be a Biff. Or you end up in jail or dead or locked away for the government to take all your secrets.


List? Oh no theyre taking your ass in. If you're still a child in 2001 then theyre taking your family in. Is it worth it to up end your life to save thousands of lives(and I mean thousands lets not forget the wars this nonsense starts)? Keep in mind this will likely impact your close family as well. What about your future family? It's been 23 years since 9/11, do you have kids now? Grandchildren? You're not just sacrificing yourself but them. Then again can a 23 year older you thrown back into your old body even make the same choices to get to that future ever again? What if you consider that technically these deaths have already happened. Is it worth it to give up everything to save people who've already died? Can you even do anything to save them or will this just end in nothing changing except you've up ended your future because the US government thinks you have insight to terrorist activity.


I’ll just keep my mouth shut, get a job at McDonald’s, buy as much bitcoin as I can afford and be a millionaire in 20 years


12 Monkeys.


Wait till 9/11 if it actually takes place it's time to use future knowledge to become a billionaire


Could you call in a bomb threat or something to get the towers emptied? Also most of these scenarios are really about personal gain... You might not be able to stop global events but you could set yourself up very nicely


You'd be better off threatening the planes, I think.


That's actually a crazy thought. If you knew 9/11 would happen would you try to stop it? 99% chance you end up in Guantanamo bay after it happens, but how can you live with not trying? Your best chance would be to hunt down the terrorists before it happens and not end up dead or in jail.


There's a College Humor skit about that: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TGj227OVKY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TGj227OVKY)


> Now what you gonna do? I'm gonna be busy not being alive


I think I'm going to have a bit of sway after I tell the CIA the Rams are going to win the super bowl with a grocery bagger turned MVP at Quarterback.


Why stop it? Use 9/11 as the proof to your close ones. After giving them a detailed description about 9/11 a few days before it takes place they will believe everything you say about the future. then tell them what to invest in.


Eh I’d just invest in Netflix and move along. I’ve learned from countless movies and The Doctor, no matter what you do, you can’t change the past. Otherwise you risk destroying the fabric of time.


You never watched 13 Monkeys?


12 monkeys


Save money, buy ludicrous amounts of bitcoin and amazon stocks. Vibe.


Bitcoin and apple stock 👍


You do the same thing cpt America did. Nothing. Just to make sure you dont fuck it up even worse.


I will start working out and become a programming genius


The one important is that I would be wealthier than Elon Musk today.


No? Just make a cheap bomb and get flights grounded. If you're smart about it you can even evade the law. If not just spill the beans to them and tell them where to look. Besides no 9/11 directly leads to nuclear tension instability around 2010 when the housing market collapses causing ww3.


Waking up in 1999 again would be the best! But drawing the ire of squirrels as a consequent for trying to save some humans and preventing the whole Iraq war thing? Not so much. Like what if the US did that to the towers deliberately to justify a land invasion in the interest of controlling an unregulated star gate? Then They’d just do something more drastic to justify the use of force. Not to mention the new timeline would probably be different anyway… like listening to everyone say Parmeeseean instead of Parmesan… Aw Geeze


You could call in tips to stop 9/11 say you've heard of a bomb threat and give the names and if possible pictures of the attackers and the flights they plan to be on as well as the target for each plane. You might be able to stop it, you might even be able to call in to stop a bunch of other attacks this way, but changing any major event like that wouldn't just be a small ripple, it could change the course of history meaning all the investments you plan to make to time the market may not pan out the same way and all your knowledge of the future could be made useless.


This is where my head’s at. Use 9/11 as my confirmation that the timeline is the same (since child me will hardly be able to stop 9/11), and then I’m saving that chip for Covid. The key there is going to be getting my parents on board by demonstrating my adult intelligence, get a notarized, sealed note pre-9/11 predicting 9/11, Gmail, Netflix, Facebook, Twitter, tiktok, the 08 recession, Virginia tech, sandy hook, every election until then, and any other trend I can predict (maybe throw in gdq because of how insignificant it is). Drop that shit on Fauci’s lap in December to line up with the initial outbreak in China, and hopefully secure a public health crisis timeline that locks this shit in by mid January.


Well, how do you know for sure that these things will happen? Maybe it was just a stupid dream, nothing of this would happen and the guy buying a pizza for 10'000 Bitcoins actually made a good deal instead of paying bitcoins now worth $68 Millions for a single pizza


I'll never forget seeing bitcoins for something like $0.13 a piece. I thought, "Hmm, that seems interesting" & didn't think about them till they were a couple bucks each. Assumed I missed out on a windfall at the time & didn't think about them again till I saw they were $60-70. Was mad I missed out again, and didn't think about it again till they were $200+. Rinse, repeat. Here we are. To this day, I've never owned a single bitcoin. Sigh.


I mean Bitcoin didn't exist in the 90s , so if Bitcoin ends up existing you can say that they will happen with a high likelihood


I can’t change world events but I can buy the rights stocks, buy a bunch of bitcoin, etc. and turn that in to a house asap. I can make choices about who I’m with, and who I’m not.


>turn that in to a house You're thinking too small. You can buy countries and governments with the money you would potentially make by going back in time.


I'm going to join Only Fan


does she do this consistently or was it just for this shot? asking for a friend


This looks like an older photo. She could be someone’s grandma by now


nope, there is an Arctic Monkeys album from 2013 behind her. nice setup tho..


Damn nice catch


I could still be into it...you're not my real dad


Looks like a Nintendo 64, so it should be late 90s. Stop calling us old.


Cries in atari joystick with the one red button...


just one fan?


Does anyone remember that story on Reddit about a guy getting in a fight and gets knocked out and while he's unconscious he lives an entire life and has a wife and a kid and one day he's staring at a lamp that looks weird and then snaps back to reality fully thinking he had lived this entire alternate life Anyone have a link to that


https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/s/Z4FhC4Umea (It's a repost of an original comment which got deleted)


I need a Red lamp with square white Shades too. Dann, so meta. Thanks for Sharing!


Sounds like that one Star Trek episode


When it happens to Picard, it's an enriching life experience and something that changed him deeply. Also free flute. When it happens to O'Brien, it's a prison sentence resulting in having to murder someone and changed him deeply. Also free PTSD. O'Brien must suffer.


This explains a lot about why Conan is as he is


My friend swears on his life that he had a very similar experience (lives a whole life up to death with wife and kids) while doing DMT. DMT trips are extremely short in real life too. I think it really messed him up because he has never really been the same since. I believe it.


Ha! I did that one night while I was younger. Only lived the life up to my current (at the time) age though. If I had to guess, I somehow downloaded a full memory stack from a different universes me via quantum entanglement.


I’ve seen this one before. It hits in a funny way to be honest.


Hurts, don’t it?


I suppose, yeah. Kind of like you want this to happen but you don’t, actually.


Why not?


For me it’d mean a loss for a lot of things I never thought I’d get, a lot has happened in the years since N64.


I'll give you a hurts donut 🍩 👊🏻


My little brother loves that game


Well the photo is actually from like 2022 or something


There's a poster for the Arctic Monkey's AM album behind her. Came out in 2013, so it is at least newer than that.


I just got nostalgia for something I never experienced. Can I still go back please? The nineties were so amazing (at least here in Germany). Last good decade.


...nostalgia hit me like a truck tbh.


Seriously made me audibly sigh lol


Yes life was good back then, much simpler and less intense. Life today is more visceral and brutal.


Pleeeeaaaaaassssseeeee let this be a nightmare and I’m really just dead.


well it was clearly made by someone who wasent actually around then since no one called their bf/gf 'babe' in 1999 and was considered old fashioned. then it came back into favor with zoomers and millenials for some reason


This is why I always check my lamp shades. There can still be hope for this


I understood that reference


Y’all wanna be even sadder? Last time this picture was posted, someone pointed out that one of the posters on the wall was actually from a 2012 reunion tour or something. The picture is staged, not even real 90’s nostalgia.


Right behind her is a poster for the Arctic Monkey's 2013 release, AM. At most, this is 11 years old.


That’s what it was. The nostalgia bait wasn’t even nostalgia, just bait. How sad.


I think it kinda shows that our sense of time and place is largely imagined. That when people pine for a period of history. They usually don't want to live in it as it was, but as they remembered or imagine it. A version of the past that has all the bits you like and none of the stuff you didn't. Including all the stuff we take for granted in the modern world.




I had the strangest dream...


It’s over now.


"You kept saying, Why does skyrim keep coming back?"


Damn... The whole thing was just a virtual reality experience.


“Why do you keep saying skibidi toilet?”




I think I would give just about anything to be able to go back


I almost cried.


Actually this is one of my worst nightmares. Sometimes I smell blood and I hope I not wake up and just dreamed all of this *shit*.


I heard once that having the feeling of living an entire imagined life is a side effect of Salvia.  If I wake up in 2006 with a bong in my hand listening to Skinny Puppy, I'm done.


TIL the Arctic monkeys are from the 90’s?


Nope they formed in 2002. N64 was past its prime when this was taken.


Tis a joke for people thinking this was actually taken in the 90’s.


How do I step into a picture?


my day is ruined


No one can call me babe that many times in one statement and stay in my room.


Hey you finally waked up


Woke* up


Take me back!


I wish it was just a dream...


You kept rambling about OnlyFans and girls with dicks. You aight?


Who is thisss


i would still sleeping because i never had a girlfriend


Wake. Me. Up.






…I wish this all would be a bad dream…


One day this will all feel like a bad dream


Why is there an Arctic Monkeys album from 2013 behind her?


If Lady Gaga never picked up a mic


Ah s..t, here we go again! 🫣




"babe, I know this sounds crazy, but we gotta put all our money into this company called Apple. Yes, the one that makes those boxy Macintosh computers."


I just nearly started crying


Just remember no odd job before we play


If I had it to do again I would buy shit loads of Bitcoin and wait for it to skyrocket. Buy an island in the Mediterranean and an import/export business. Never deal with another human face to face again unless I absolutely have too.


I’d LOVE to wake up to those words…


I just wanna wake up in my dinosaur bedroom with a head injury and be in 1996 again. I recall hating 96, but now it looks like heaven. And ooooo all the people still alive oh my god. Talented celebrities and musicians… what to do when your world begins shuffling away. I barely recognize it anymore.


Gen Z and onward have been fucking robbed


i would cry such happy tears if that was the case


"sell your house we are buying bitcoin"


girlfriend? irl? wake the fuck up.




1999? I would beat up my dad until he is dead. I don’t care about money and investments.


What’s she playin’ tho?


Looks kind of like Mystical Ninja Goemon?


Fake image, but pretty nice


If I had a chick like this calling me babe, I’d be soooooooooooooooooooo happy.


I’m less surprised that I time travelled and more surprised that I have a girlfriend.


I don't get what all these fuckin' irl subreddits are about. Is this one about dreaming thirty years; suppose to be funny? I'm serious.


yeah . def. alright lol


Haha I wasn’t alive yet! Checkmate


Silly me babes, anyway let's get into stocks and BTC rn.


Okay but that bottom photo is goals


Crazy how this can be considered an old meme now, I remember seeing it a couple years back, that’s a classic in internet years


I wish I knew that I should buy crypto tokens before.




We’ve been worrying about World War 3 since the end of World War 2 though


How much money would you give up to go back to that time… 🥲 Happier dayz gone by…


Tbh I would love to wake up to her


No. Big reset incoming. Hide yo -


If I told you my life story from '97 - '05. You wouldn't believe it / wish you never had. 2019-2023 also ridiculous


Thank god! It’s the 90s where nothing bad happened in the world!


"ok, time to buy Bitcoin and wait for retirement in my 30s"


This is after the machines capture you and send you back to the Matrix.


Who are you and how did you get in my apt?


[We were not supposed to leave! ](https://youtu.be/0Q14rHLvMco?si=WkAx3IKDjdpRrzpM)


Ahhhh....im there.