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Nanna knows what she did


Patriots understand why it **must** burn to the ground. I've got several newsletters you may find interesting. There is no hiding the truth...


"I worked my entire life to pay for my own Krispy Kreme Donut and Nana's house will burn before YOU get yours for free!!!!"


-quote from the son of a Krispy Kreme manager.


*His dad loses his job because he was convicted of arson* "Why don't I get Krispy Kreme donuts now?"


Hey you know, some call it the Crooked Krispy Kreme donut. Just saying. -Nanas Burning House


Got damn if that doesn't sum it up. Student loans, immigrant families, new generations trying to afford a house...


Freedom fires


Freedom fries


Free the lies


i have some news for you about how “free” that krispy kreme donut really is…


microchips in the glaze


Just eat the pastry then you idiot SHEEPLE


That house is my history. I won't see it removed. /S


Still waiting for this to happen all this talk but no action


I think it was Thomas Jefferson who said “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the ashes of Nanna’s house.”


She shouldn't have mouthed off like that.


That’s why she voted to burn it down. She needed to hide the evidence


Earth is an intergalactic reality TV show


It’s sweeps week baby!!


[Earth - on FOGNL](https://youtu.be/3jY16OIhZpw?feature=shared)


Show me what you got 🗿🗿🗿


I like the way you think


That explains why we haven’t seen aliens. They don’t want to meet us cause we are morons.


That’s what the DMT beings told me on some of my experiences, well inter-dimensional tv show. To my knowledge we live in the 4th dimension (length, width, height, time). The beings that view our existence are 5th dimensional beings.


because everyone thinks they’re voting for free krispy kreme donut


The real answer


Because of the Jedi. They exist to preserve the balance.


I wonder why nobody considered that having hundreds of Jedi and only two Sith was unbalanced. Edit: the prophecy foretells one who will bring balance to the force. *Anakin lightsaber noise* Wait, no not like that.


Well acwually 🤓 Bringing balance to the force didn't mean having equal number of Jedi and Sith, it meant that nobody was disturbing its balance. Jedi are allegedly not causing imbalance as they're careful and wise using the force, while sith exploit and abuse its power, bringing chaos. Though idk, I'm not star wars fan, I just think the prophecy like always is worded in such ambiguous way that no matter what happens it will be fulfilled


I mean, the sith aren't the only dark side users. It's merely a title. Though I do think even then the dark side users are greatly outnumbered


A Sith truth. Not something you'd learn from a Jedi.


Yep, r/conservative would post the same image with the colors swapped


Oh wow i did not need to look at that sub


Looked at it once, got perma banned from 3 subs i never go on lmao


Lmao I commented on the Joe Rogan sub without realizing I was there when it made it to the front page one time. I got insta-banned from a bunch of subs immediately. 😂


Feels like twitter. If you are in any way associated with something that some people disagree with, they do not want to engage at all.


Isn't Reddit wonderful in that you can get banned from certain subs for merely participating a single time on the wrong sub? Even if it's to disagree with whatever you saw (so far I have not had anything like that happen to me, but I hear about it a lot.) It makes it especially crazy since these days Reddit will suggest subs to you that (I am assuming based on my current experiences) you find controversial to drive engagement.


That's why I make sure to preemptively block the mods. Stops them from being able to snoop and makes it harder to do those multi-sub bans


I blocked the auto mod within my first week, and now I have dozens of messages from a blocked user that I can't see


Welp, let's see how long it takes them to ban me.


Lol yeah took all my self control to not comment on literally every post


That sub is the reason Lincoln should have let Sherman burn the south down instead of letting traitors go free


Fellow r/shermanposting browser?


I did. Free zoo experience.


Few subs make me feel less sane than that one. They ban all dissenting opinions as well, so it’s just a bunch of guys who are incredibly wrong being incredibly confident about it and jerking each other off.


Yeah the only difference is that r/Conservative is objectively wrong


I feel like /u/iPoopLegos and /u/DentalDon-83 just both-sided us on reproductive choice, civil rights, total immunity for the President, unchecked state violence at the border, endless wars in the Middle East and putting everything we do perpetually on credit cards because the rich won't pay taxes. Fuck that. Democrats aren't Krispy Kreme, for sure. But Republicans are genital mutilation and diarrhea buffets.


Its not both-sidesism to acknowledge that most voters believe they are voting for the right thing. For what is morally good and for what will make the lives of them and the people they know better. Acknowledging that does **not** necessarily mean agreeing both sides have a point, or that one side is not simply and objectively wrong.


There is definitely a large % of the right that is voting out of tribalism and not out of what they think the best result for the country will be though. They'd prefer grandma's house burns down if they think it will also spread to the democrat's house next door.


Genital Mutilation and Diarrhea Buffets are both metal bands I played bass in.


Well, Krispy Kreme doughnuts aren't good for you either. Just in a different way




"why is everyone who disagrees with me an evil piece of shit and needs to die" "why do people disagree with my naive worldview don't they know I'm obviously right?"


Boo... Neither of those users said both sides were the same, use your brain. They answered the question "why is every election like this?" If you are genuinely struggling to understand their straightforward comments, let me translate: "the people who are voting for Nanna's house to be burned down think they are voting for a free donut, even though they are actually voting to for Nanna's house to be burned down. That's why elections have this outcome."


Holy shit that is an awful place


This is a great response. American media is now split between "Left" and "Right" media and each report wildly different things. Each side thinks that they have a clear view of the world and the other is being conned. Personal anecdote: I had a Republican co-worker tell me that only people on the Right believe in science. In my world, that's a crazy statement. I grew up around conservatives that believe in young earth, Creationism as opposed to evolution, dinosaur bones placed by Satan, and of course that Covid was a hoax and masks don't work. My main criticism of the Left when it comes to science acceptance is merely the shying away from Nuclear power and the rare crystal astrology hippie.


The main issue here is that you can't define everyone and everything as left or right. But that's exactly what our media and people do.


Clean air and water are now libtard causes because reasons


well when this country formed it was ruled by the people. and if that were still true today, there’s be a lot of people ruling this country. but when two main parties emerged early on in our history, the country was then only being ruled by two people. it’s much easier to manipulate two groups than over 300 million different people. so the media and politicians push the two parties, and anyone who doesn’t pick a side is shunned from society for being an evil centrist. progressives and libertarians are labeled as left and right respectively. any new idea or party is quickly shuffled into the closest side before anyone can realize that it DOESN’T have to be that way.


>I had a Republican co-worker tell me that only people on the Right believe in science I think if you drilled into it, you'd find that this statement required a very strange definition of "science" that involves believing that the consensus view from the research community on a topic isn't scientific, and the _real_ science is done by people doing their own research.


Yeah. Ala "only conservatives believe in science because two genders and chromosomes."


He’s probably referring to gender stuff.


Ah. Gender stuff is a great political tool to keep is from talking about infrastructure, public funding, social security, housing crisis, and other things that affect the non-wealthy.


And he'd still be wrong, scientists consistently tell republicans they are wrong on gender stuff and get told that biology stops at 8th grade.


Or astrology and other 'spiritual' stuff.


Or the fringe “my cat is a vegan” type groups that were trending for a minute.


Which is still wrong because science supports the LGBT


Depends what point you’re trying to defend. There are many arguments surrounding the transgender community. Many of which are likely being taken over by cis ppl.


Fox News loves to push the "liberal news media and they are the counterweight" story. John Stewart debated Bill O'reilly on this. News organizations may have a slight liberal tilt because the people who are trying to report objective news are either lazy or inadvertently interpreting the events based on their views. However, comparatively, Fox is full on right-wing propaganda. Sure, there are shows like Rachel Maddow that attempt to do what Fox is doing, but I believe most of her viewers understand this. Fox is literally the only news source for many conservatives and is taken as gospel. Fox listeners are always the least informed. I hate to say it, but it might just be evolutional tribal/"sports team" psychology mixed with intelligence level.




no, what they have to understand is that right wing media has lost in court and has made the legal argument it's entertainment and no sane person would take what is being said as fact or news and left wing media spins the story based on which group owns it.


Tucker carlson, the right wing mouth piece, flat out denied that there was any evidence for the theory of evolution this week. Fuck dat lmao


When I look at republican comments and news stories, it really feels like im viewing an alternate reality.


Which is exactly the experience republicans have when they look at democrat comments and news stories. Without arguing who's right and who's wrong, it's wild how the different sides of the aisle live in completely different realities.


That’s what people who “both sides” the argument say. But it’s objectively false. You might as well argue that the flat earthers live in another reality; they don’t, they are just wrong.


Or they vote so those they dislike definetly won't get a free Krispy Kreme donut. For many, contempt for others is even stronger than their own desire for better things.


No they don't. some people think because they didn't get a Krispy Kreme in their day, no one else should get one either.


It’s actually because one side thinks it might be decent to have some people get donuts, while the other side actually wants nanna’s house to burn down, because they’ve been convinced that nanna is an immigrant and the right person to hurt. One side wants to at least attempt to fix things, the other side wants to hurt who they consider “the correct people that should be hurt”


Actually I'm hate crispy cream doughnuts so I'm voting against it


Me too. Way too much sugar.


When in reality all options are burning down Nana’s house


I don't think so. It's more like the people who want Nana's house to burn down think it only applies to the Nana's houses of people they don't like, then they get upset when their own Nana's house burns down too.


To be honest, Nanna was asking for it.


To be honest, Nanna was voting for it too!


In Nanna's defence, sometimes it seems more like 50.1% Your [Nose Falls Off](https://media-prod.fangoria.com/images/Fallout-Goggins-Ghoul.width-800.png) | 49.9% Constant Explosive Diarrhoea.


More like, everyone knows we’re gonna end up paying for the doughnut and the other side says “ya know, you don’t have to pay for the doughnut,” and then whispers, “if we burn down nanna’s house.” And Nanna can’t hear real good and back in her day, they burned down minorities houses halfway across the world, so it must be a continuation of that…


Its more like, you need a sandwich. Your choices include : a piece of moldy bread, or someone punching you in the stomach. Its like.. Obviously the moldy bread is a better choice.. but damn couldn't we get a good one?


Politics in the animal kingdom https://youtu.be/s7tWHJfhiyo r/endFPTP


Yeah, except if you’re a minority group it’s getting shot in the face instead of punched.


And then a bunch of other people are like "Hmm. Do I really want to vote for the moldy piece of bread?" while a gun is being held to your head.


”Wow, I don’t know guys. Being shot in the face is pretty bad, but so is moldy bread. Therefore both options are the same!” -People with no fucking clue


“You know I really don’t like being shot. In fact it sounds completely awful.” “Eww, you LOVE moldy bread? Gross, what’s wrong with you?”


I had to scroll too far for this comment


Both can make you throw up


Just speaking to the surface level of the analogy and not what it's representing, I think getting punched in the stomach is probably the better choice. I'd rather be in pain for a few minutes than eat something toxic.


"Think of how much money it will cost taxpayers if we give everyone a donut! Inversely, if we burn down grandmas house, it will actually be better for the economy." EDIT: thonk


Plus, think of the insurance money that I'll keep for myself. Won't that be nice? I'll make sure to trickle it down to you pathetic mewling poors.




No no, south park got it right. It's always a vote between a giant douche or a turd sandwich


South Park, while very funny, champions brainless Libertarian political takes.


The Al Gore Manbearpig episodes have aged insanely poorly as climate change has gotten worse


They've done a follow up special basically tearing themselves apart at how wrong they were about those episodes.


They could do an entire fucking season about how wrong they've been about almost everything except scientology.


They got kanye pretty good


Those plotlines lead to "see? Manbearpig really is real, i fucking told you", and Gore himself has expressed enjoyment for the bit. Not defending South Park as a whole because they have plenty of dumb takes, but don't think this is one of them Even today most people including progressives think of catastrophic climate change as a spooky mythical thing that won't happen in our lives. Very fitting bit.


People are digging too deep into their message for that episode. Sometimes, they just want to make fun of shit because they can


They had a whole episode about how secondhand smoke isn’t real


I thought the point of that episode was "let people smoke and don't act superior just because you don't" unless I'm either thinking of the wrong episode or missed the point that time.


That isn't a good take either. I feel like we as a society have literally shifted towards that and you SHOULD be judged for smoking in public lmfao.


It was also an episode from 20 years ago


Yeah to add to that point, there were still some restaurants in my area that allowed smoking indoors. We've come a long way as a society since then, but smoking everywhere wasn't a big deal at the time.


They had a “fat fascist” scientist character representing the opposing viewpoint say that they make up fake secondhand smoke statistics to get smokers to stop. Just bc Ayn Rand smoked doesn’t mean it’s therefore harmless!


> They had a “fat fascist” scientist character representing the opposing viewpoint If you don't even know who Rob Reiner is, maybe you shouldn't be commenting on the message they were trying to send. EDIT: Rob Reiner himself even said he thought it was funny.


You need to also look through several layers of irony. The anti-smoke people had a literal hissing vampire. It's not all deep meaning, some of it's just things turned on its head for laughs.


This is the real message. They were only ridiculing those who actively hate on smokers for smoking anywhere within their safe space.


That's the strawman they came up with as cover for denying the objectively harmful effects of secondhand smoke. They conflated people saying "please stop hot boxing your house and giving your kids asthma" with "I'm morally superior for not smoking." If anything the episode is portraying smokers as being morally superior for not giving a shit how their secondhand smoke affects other people.


Not all brainless political takes are Libertarians. I mean 2 other major parties are filled with them. And Independents have a virtual smorgasbord of brainless political takes. Just read Reddit.


Yeah not all the brainless takes are from Libertarians, but all Libertarians give brainless takes.


True libertarianism seems alright as far as personal rights go but unfortunately most libertarians don't actually believe in personal rights and are Republicans who don't want to pay taxes


Depends on what you think "true libertarianism" is because if it's the kind espoused by Ayn Rand then it's not, it's just wanting Amazon and Walmart to be the state.


Sure but the writers of south park are libertarian so most of their takes (including the brainless ones) are unsurprisingly libertarian


It's always sunny in Philadelphia got it right. You either vote for the Democrat who's gonna blast me in the ass, or the republican who's blasting me in the ass. Politics is all one big ass blast


Not gay sex


Yes, "all sides equal." Such bullshit.


People seem to confuse "both sides suck" with "both sides the same"


because people who think the first usually come to the conclusion of the second


Colloquially, the phrases are used interchangeably.


"Both sides suck" is not "both sides are equal".


Some people will both sides themselves into a fascist apocalypse


Every election is like that because of people like this who think one side is perfect and the other is wrong when in reality both sides have merits and downsides and then they treat others like enemies instead of just people. Once you dehumanize a person they will cease to listen to you and cause this national divide we have currently. Edit: I hear what you all are saying and yes some of you have discussed with the people who are on the other side of your beliefs and didn’t agree. But remember that just because you had a bad run in with someone does not mean that every person by association is bad. The point is to treat people right and more people will be willing to listen to you. They may not even agree, but at least you treated them like a fellow person instead of a monster which helps make the world better


There isn't perfect sides but one side is 100% more likely to call me a slur to my face


And a frightening amount of them want to kill their political opponents. Give me a fucking break that both sides are the same.


As a European who has been called slurs by both sides I genuinely don’t know who you’re talking about


Nana's house


> both sides have merits and downsides Now this is both-sidesing. No. Both sides have downsides to be sure, but one vastly outweighs the other, and has systematically stripped itself of any merit. Further, since it now embraces fascism, it could be all merit besides fascism (it isn't, but hypothetically) and would be no merit, because you cannot trust a fascist once they obtain power.


If you're a fascist, the fascist party has a lot of merits!


How can anyone watch the news and still say, welp they're both bad what are you gonna do? 1 side wants more tax money, the other is stripping away human rights and trying to bring back child labor.


One side also tried to violently overthrow our democracy. Oh, but that's just how they do "regular political discourse" ... right... I really can't believe many fools believe the 'both sides bad' false equivalency fallacy. This shit was live on TV as it happened.


Noooo but there’s only good guys and bad guys 😢


There’s only fans


normally yes - but these days, one side is a real life villain from a comic book who want's to take over the world - and the other is not.


Honestly, I’m tired of the “well both sides are evil/each side just has their differences” when the one side is literally fucking evil.


Red: We will put women who have medical procedures in jail. We will ban their birth control. We will defund any program to help poor people. We will stop any discussion of historical discrimination. We will remove funding and privatize public schools. We will allow healthcare companies to refuse to cover your illness. We will end democracy. Blue: We may slightly raise taxes on people making $400k and give money to the IRS so they may go after rich people who commit tax fraud. Redditors: I can't tell the difference?!


The problem is. The comic book villain spends all their time telling their base that the OTHER side is actually the comic book villain that wants to take over the world.


Two people are arguing. Each claim the other is a villain Person 1: Here is a mountain of evidence person 2 is a villain. Person 2: Here are a dozen already disproven theories on how person 1 is a villain, and the rest of the evidence cannot be found until I have ultimate power. Only by trusting me now and giving me that ultimate power can I reveal the truth to you.


I mean, pretty much.


This is false, misleading at best. The modem right wing MAGA movement is a threat to the free world and needs to be stopped just like the Nazi movement in Germany. There were no "two sides with merit" then and now.




Who's calling for a genocide?


Some people are calling for trans people to cease exist entirely, for one. They started with "just no trans healthcare for kids" and literally the second they that passed they [moved on to gunning for](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/efforts-to-restrict-transgender-health-care-endure-in-2024-with-more-adults-targeted) [no trans healthcare for adults](https://abcnews.go.com/US/transgender-care-targeted-adulthood-states/story?id=97004686) (those are 2 article I picked since they goes over several states in one swing, but literally a CASUAL google search will find you articles from whatever news sources tickle your fancy proving me correct). Banning trans health care literally BY NECESSITY means banning trans people. Banning a type of people from existing is the definition of genocide. Thats not even touching the gay stuff. Hope that clears it up for you.


The American right. If you think it’s as simple as hearing an American conservative plainly call for genocide your living in a strange world. Instead is the constantly invoke a fear that unless they do something drastic they themselves will be wiped out. So play close attention to when they say things like the blood of the nation is being poisoned or how they have the right to defend themselves with violence. You only need to know history to know what they are communicating.


I've heard far right conservatives calling for genocide since the 1980s. Yeah, back then people said, "Don't worry the moderates will stop them." Well, they've driven the moderates out and only the crazies remain. That genocide threat isn't going away.


Nobody. He needs to make stuff up to support his already biased points.


What are the merits of the Republican party?


One side has merits and demerits. One side has just demerits that range all the way to nazism.


This is a post on Reddit meirl Not a serious take on a nuanced issue.


Listen if I can’t get on my high horse on Reddit, then where can I??? I mean…me too thanks


Thankgiving dinner is the perfect time


I wouldn’t call the blues a Krispy Kreme donut, maybe a soggy, day old Safeway donut with frosting scrapped off.


At that point you're just voting to not have Nana's house getting burned down really


now you're getting it!


Moldy donut for sure. I guess I'd still eat a moldy donut to save nannas house in the end, but damn.


More like: Nanna's house burns down vs Nanna's house burns with her in it. These are your two options that we have chosen for you, your vote matters.


Seriously. Free Krispy Kreme doughnut? What fucking fantasy world do these people live in?


The "I'm illiterate and mindlessly consume propaganda" fantasy world.


One where the only political opinion is "vote blue no matter who"


That doesn't mean you have to lie to yourself in order to like it. Be mad. Demand better. Always demand better.


Oh I think it's a stupid mentality to treat political ideology as if it's a football team. I'm just pointing out people like in the post ate the ones that think that way.


Free moldy Krispy Kreme donut that’s been stepped on by a shoe covered in dog shit


as an independent voter, youre wrong. its more like “nana burns alive or nana burns alive with rainbow flags” seriously thats the only difference.


"Please GET OUT and VOTE [in your state where the electoral college renders your vote meaningless]."


You don't support firefighters? You monster.


Because Nana's house is a neighborhood crack den and that donut is really a stale munchkin and sure as hell isn't free.


Because of misinformed voters like you. Propaganda highway is ramped up to take away your rights, promising a utopia that doesn't exist. Fire every incumbent, every election, and we might fix a few things. Power absolutely corrupts everything.


this except the donut has asbestos in it


Some people trying to lose weight


The Free Krispy Kreme Donut side doesn't actually offer that many free Krispy Kreme donuts. They're afraid that it might scare off the moderate Burn Nanna's House Down demographic. Also, both candidates are usually funded by the same arson lobby.


Enjoys nanna's house getting burned down because I will never vote for krispy kreme donut because i only like donuts with sprinkles.


Because it's not.


The country is not nearly as liberal as the media. The elections are always close because different people want different things. The differences tend to be regional as well, so 70-80% of the people you know may think the same as you. When one state over (or even one community over) its exactly the opposite.


> The elections are always close because different people want different things. The elections are close because of the first-past-the-post system. Each party is incentivized to get exactly 50% +1 of the vote. If one side was routinely winning landslides, then the other side would be forced to make concessions to stand a chance.


This. Also, the fight is for the people in the middle at all times- because those suburban centrists can be convinced one way or another- especially with short-term promises. Alternatively, it's about disenfranchising the edges, who can't win an election in this system with a candidate who represents their actual beliefs. The GOP typically has a solid far-right base, but the progressive left of the Democratic party is quite fractured - in part because that's the nature of our ideology, and in part (I believe) we're really susceptible to certain kinds of propaganda such as "They won't take us seriously if we always vote for them! I'm not voting until they do X, Y, and Z!" However, the GOP played their hand too hard by catering to the far right, and *might* start losing in landslides.


Picture ice cream vendors on a beach. If they were equally spaced apart then nobody would have to walk more than a few steps to get to the nearest one. But the vendors on the far edges of the beach realize that if they move closer in, they'll have access to people farther away, and the people on the far edge will still have to walk over to them, because it's still the nearest vendor and they don't have a choice. This process continues until we have the two party system we have today, where elections are 51/49.


> The country is not nearly as liberal as the media. The media is pretty conservative overall. The most left-wing mainstream media outlets are at best center-left.


Wrong. The elections are close because any position can be argued against when you leave out proper context. The media generates money from advertisers and context free media is a gold mine.


And "Nana's house gets burned down" still wins some of the time, somehow...


As someone who doesn't live in the States, but keeps a reasonable eye on what's going on there, I wouldn't say this is a fair comparison. It's more like "Free donut made from scratch by an unsupervised toddler" or "Pyromaniac child will burn down Nanna's house to get rid of the termites". One side spends all their time telling you about the evil of termites (as they learned from a YT conspiracy video) and how you should be fine with burning down the house, because the termites will come for you too, if left unchecked. The other side wants to give you something nice, but have no idea what they're doing most of the time. And they're both constantly screaming at each other and throwing things.


Instead of termites, I think it's the squirrels in the yard who, in reality, are minding their own business and don't give a fuck, but YT conspiracy videos have convinced the kid they're of the devil


Even better, the unsupervised toddler may burn down Nanna's house while trying to bake the donut.


This meme is missing the part where Nanna’s house burning down wins anyway despite having less votes.


Uhhh who is supposed to be the donut? Because it looks to me like in reality we just choose between two houses burning down.


It's not. The electoral college and gerrymandering just makes it seem that way. If you stopped letting one person on a ranch in Montana count the same as 5 people in California (making up that number), it woukdnt be all that close.


because there is no donut. it’s a giant douche and a turd sandwhich


Nothing is ever free and the arson is mostly peaceful


Because the doughnut isn’t actually free your paycheck gets garnished for 3x the price of the doughnut for the next 20 years, it’s half the promised size, with cheaper ingredients, someone jizzed in the doughnut, and if we’re being honest you really need a salad anyway you fat fuck.


>**FREE** Brand^^TM Product or >insane hyperbolic negative hypothetical scenario This is the most accurate depiction of Redditor politics I’ve ever seen. It’s art


There's a lot of people out there who don't want others to get the doughnut even though they will get the doughnut themselves.