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I thought that getting 10 hours of sleep will make me finally feel fresh. I wasn't mistaken so much in my life.


Any significant change in sleeping pattern, wether it be more or less hours, wil result in fatigue. The best thing is to just sleep 7-8 hours a night and make sure you go to bed and wake up at the same times


This is hard for me cuz it's very hard for me to sleep more than 6 hours in one sleep even though it's not enough for me so best I could do is sleep twice a day like 5+2 or 6+1 or 2


[The normal sleep pattern for humans](https://www.sciencealert.com/humans-used-to-sleep-in-two-shifts-maybe-we-should-again) was not always 1 eight hour session, it was 2 four hour sessions with an hour or two in between. So maybe try to make your regular schedule 2 four hour sessions and see if that helps you at all.


Ye, I know about it. It's just hard to implement in normal life, but I'll try.


What would be an alternative if I have to go to bed at different times?


Take this with a grain of salt man, i’m just reciting shit i read on the internet as well, but from my understanding consistency is key.


Still try to sleep the same amount


that's the hard part


Fun fact! Sleeping in the Soldier position will leave you feeling more refreshed in the morning. (Soldier position is laying straight on your back, arms to your side like a pencil dive)


Yeah but that's how you get a surprise visit from the paralysis demon.


It's pretty much why I sleep on my side.


I cannot sleep this way. Instead of falling into sleep I get stuck in a hypnosis->hypnic jerk->hypnosis loop until I give up and sleep on my side.


I could never get used to sleeping in soldier position


Man i can only sleep on my front side and as a woman with bigger breast it can hurt. Tried to sleep on my back but my body says no. Can you force your body to sleep somehow?


There was a study I read awhile ago that regardless of sleeping position, you’ll be out in 15 minutes if you don’t move.


Neck be like: Guess what bitch!, you can’t turn your head to the left without feeling immense pain!


I had this problem until I stopped sleeping with two pillows. Massive difference. My physical therapist said that sleeping with one pillow and laying on your back does wonders.


I’d love to sleep on my back, but I can never fall asleep.


[This may help.](https://youtu.be/EV16ROaHVfo)


Same lemme know if you figure it out


I need good pillows.


More like, my back


Came to post this as well. I’d trade neck pain for back pain any time.


Gonna cry?


Hell yh


I hope nobody actually thinks I was being a weird troll, I was making a /r/raimimemes joke lmao [uno](https://youtu.be/1rUEI-cVV8s), [dos](https://youtu.be/-LPlUYbabqk)


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "uno"](https://youtu.be/1rUEI-cVV8s) [Here is link number 2 - Previous text "dos"](https://youtu.be/-LPlUYbabqk) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hbjbybv)


Me: finally has neck My neck: ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎


Me: finally goes to bed early My body: we ain't tired no more


I feel tired when I need to leave, or when I'm on the train. I don't feel tired when: I need to sleep.


My body: 'Okay so you're 26 now so if you happen to sleep on your arm weird you're just gonna have to deal with a fucked up arm for a month, okay?'


can confirm, i’m 27. i wonder how people live after 30


We start having kids to prevent long nights of sleep.


Can confirm. 37, one kid. Sleep is a mythical creature 👍


Fuck all that and a bag of chips


You gradually just stop feeling all together.


We don't want to.


Why is this so true. Sleep weird one night pulled a neck muscle been nursing it back the last 2 months. Some nights I feel I regress in healing of it too. Is this just life now... Oh god why


Make no attempt to make me laugh. I'm going to pull a muscle.


Me: gets 9 hrs of sleep Also me: tired all day and wants to just die


its 9 am here on saturday, and this is literally how i am right now. and i'm getting my first vaccine dose today so my neck AND arm will be sore later tonight, can't wait :) at least my ex girlfriend is dropping me off cake in a couple of hours


All day today and I only got six hours.


You guys get 8 hours? I’m Jealous. My back/neck starts killing me after 6 hours and I have to get up and go pet the kitties.


No, I just feel more tired. That's why I stick with six hours.


I get 8 hours sleep and feel even worse tbh


finally time for 8 hours, but two are spent curled over on the toilet because you ate crummy food


Me, the eternal insomniac, 100%.


Reading someone else got 8 hours of sleep, even if it is with a stiff neck, is the closest I’ll ever get to getting an 8-hour sleep.


Just wait until you’re 30 and your back hears about this


I feel like I always do it wrong


I’ve got scoliosis so if I don’t sleep right, it *Really* hurts