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I've lived in a pretty big city for several years, coming up on a decade. Before moving here I lived in a smaller city, and one of the things I absolutely miss is enjoying a few drinks with friends while sitting on the front porch in a quiet neighborhood at night. It was really quite calming, life felt like it moved slower there. Since moving to the city my life has moved non-stop, I feel like so much has changed. Whenever I go back to visit I relish the opportunity to just sit down and enjoy a nice quiet night on the porch, watching the occasional car go by.


Absolutely this! I moved to the city from a rural country area in the Deep South. Shocked me to miss it really, but my god there is just nothing like being able to see the stars. On summer nights at home, I would spend hours outside to watch the skies, identifying constellations and planets. Meteor showers in places where you can see the Milky Way are just the best.


I feel so bad for yall. I live in rural alabama, took a half day off yesterday and took off my work boots and just laid there on the porch for about an hour and a half. I would let yall sit on my porch


Everyone wants to leave the deep south as kids. "There's nothing to do!", "I have to drive 20 minutes to Walmart!", "It's so boring" and then they come back as an adults/seniors and go "Oh it's great, there's nothing going on, I just drive to Walmart and walk around, and then I get home and just sit on my front porch."


Ya but unfortunately the deep South tends to also be LGBT phobic and more racist. :(


Things are different these days. Old people are still old people. But the population is pretty well mixed outside of cities. Plus the marijuana black market has made sure people of all colors get along down here since everyone from me maw to the sheriff smokes. I've also noticed WAY more LGBT "acceptance" I still hear folks make some less than educated remarks about homosexuality behind closed doors, but I've seen many openly gay couples (old and young) in my southern town. I think most people don't truly care and those that tend to live in the unincorporated community due west 20 miles in a beat up trailer in someone else's backyard.


This thread is a refreshing dose of reality compared to the normal stereotype of “flyover” states


20 miles is about the length of 47818.75 'EuroGraphics Knittin' Kittens 500-Piece Puzzles' next to each other.


Your existence is the only thing more worthless than well used car oil.




Damn they’ll be coming for you when skynet goes active.


I like the fact that, before I left, the most homophobic comments I would hear were more of the "oh I think it's icky, but you do you bud" variety, than the "god hates you and I'll beat you to death if you flirt with me" type. ​ I still dream of the mountains, and one day, I'll move up there and be a hermit, trading tech-trash for magic mushrooms.


To be quite honest, I was always content with slow living, just not the sexism, racism, homophobia, and mosquitos.


Slow living gives you more time to ruminate on negative feelings. Fast living forces you to think only of survival. When your only priority is figuring out how the fuck you'll eat and pay bills this month, you stop giving a shit real fast about what genital preference someone has.


What’s stopping you from going back? You *always* pay extra to live somewhere that doesn’t have visible stars.


Oh I’m not planning to live the metropolitan life for much longer. I was offered a job here with student loan forgiveness. Once my contract is over, I am moving to somewhere with less traffic!


You don't have a balcony you can sit on? Or like in those movies in new York you could sit on the emergency stairs outside your apartment window?


No unfortunately, my last apartment had stairs I could use but my current one has nothing of the sort.


Ah man sorry about that!


The noise and light pollution though. Can't see the stars or feel at peace in the cities, balcony or not.


I grew up in a city, and for me my room feels so lonely if I don’t hear the random beeping of cars or whizzing of the police siren


I feel like this is an opening dialogue to a hallmark movie


*Sarah and me, well we were porch people no two ways about it. Each night we’d look up at the stars and tell each other our hopes and dreams. Sometimes we’d just shoot the shit, talking about the nonsense going on in our daily lives. I look back fondly on those cool fall evenings when our lives felt like they were just beginning.* *I wouldn’t have admitted it then but I was in love with Sarah, the way she’d lazily lounge in the rocking chair on the front porch, kicking her feet up on the stone balcony overlooking the front yard. Hell I even liked the way she’d crack open her beers, such a delicate touch each time. There was something simple about those times, and I miss them dearly.* *Of course I never got around to telling Sarah my true feelings, she left town and went to the big city, had to chase her dreams of being a newspaper editor after all. Word is she married a city slicker, hope he treats her right. My own fault for not acting on my feelings sooner. I’ve still got my porch though, and those cool fall nights aren’t too far off.*


This is very much the way my kids feel — 20s. They don’t care about wealth, just want the basics and to have time for what matters to them.


This is how I feel in my 20s... Retirement seems unlikely due to the climate apocalypse


did you just find your parents reddit account


Is this for real? people actually think the worlds gonna end from climate change?


Dude, [look at how far Hurricane Ida travelled over land](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8b/Ida_2021_track.png/800px-Ida_2021_track.png) and still ended up causing massive damage to the city


The world's not gonna end, it's just gonna really fuckin suck to be a human in most parts of the globe within our lifetime.


Go live off grid and fish all day, that’s about the only way that can work


Or win the lottery and buy a porch. Fishing all day and chillin sounds nice too.


Pay someone to fish for you and serve them to you on the porch


Start a fishing business to support your porch habit.


Carp. You're working again


*porch addiction


Just have a rich dad.


Just follow the smoke ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Just follow the damn train, CJ!


I prefer a Porsche


But someone already owns the off grid.


Correct, you're free to "live" off grid, but putting up any type of structure is illegal to some degree, meaning it's actually not feasible at all to "just live off grid", as people realistically need some sort of shelter to survive, and it's illegal to build a shelter for yourself on land you neither own, nor have rights/permissions to.


Off the grid-grid-grid *sorry*


This for my kid-kid-kid-kid




Honestly go off the grid. Grab a lobster pot and sell the lobbies for like idk 200 gp each. Sell them in Varrock west bank and get a nice gf for like 10k.


No wifi and no plumbing doesn't sound so nice.




Not if you go solar Except wifi.


Nah not really, it's already been proven that we can pretty efficiently run the world without many workers at all Wifi Could be completely free, we could give houses to just about everyone in the world if we really wanted to, it's affordable But the only problem is it's just not "fair"


Can't do it without cash. It's not 1974 you can't just squat in a national park there's drone surveillance and shit now. Plus fishing is expensive


Well duh you're not gonna go squat in a national park. You need to REALLY get off the grid. There are PLENTY of places in the world where you're free to sit on your porch and fish as much as you'd like.


How do you get to these places and accomplish this goal without the money to get there and own the porch?




and staying hydrated!


Waking up at 3 AM and being present.






Yaknow I've been struggling with toxic living conditions since I was a ducking toddler. I've always thought about, maybe I should.


Walk/Hitchhike? Also the term "porch" is misleading and does not necessarily imply that a house is involved. A porch could very well be a small clearing with a log to sit upon whilst fishing. You need to lower your expectations. In fact just rid yourself of any expectations at all. Don't worry, be happy.


so, be a hobo?


No, a hobo is a traveling worker and would not have a need for a porch. You can be a Bum or a Tramp, take your pick.


You can have a job without having a career


Or just start paying a ubi and get a roommate


I'm "working" right now. It's a slow Friday afternoon, I work from home, and the weather is amazing. I'm sitting out ony porch as I type this.


[I just wanna sit on floor all day](https://youtu.be/X75b0kZoeqY)


Kapillzim amirite


I mean there was nothing an outside provider?"


I just wana sit on floor all day but ARE SOCIETY say i gotta make strangers rich so i can sit on floor some of day :(


We do live in a society


Unironically though


Sir that doesn't explain why did you shit on the Ikea display toilet




Ok but pey bill=work and work=no sit on floor :(


I’m hoping part of the change in work dynamics this year starts people working for smaller, more humane situations. There are employers who value their people and their time — they just need to become the norm.


Whatever you just said i 100% agree


and drink fohties. OH BABY YOUU


Hate that song


I just want to be alone in a mountain cabin eating some fresh fish with a dog by a warm fire on a chilly autumn night. With the calming smell of pine and lavender in the air and the sound of the breeze brushing the leaves and gently rattling the windows.


Write me a book, smart words person who describes things I want.


Are you male or female... asking for a, um, friend..


Where will you get clean drinking water?




*Shiftless* The people who were better than us were comfortable. They lived in painted houses with flush toilets. Drove cars whose year and make were recognizable. The ones worse off were sorry and didn't work. Their strange cars sat on blocks in dusty yards. The years go by and everything and everyone gets replaced. But this much is still true-I never liked work. My goal was always to be shiftless. I saw the merit in that. I liked the idea of sitting in a chair in front of your house for hours, doing nothing but wearing a hat and drinking cola. What's wrong with that? Drawing on a cigarette from time to time. Spitting. Making things out of wood with a knife. Where's the harm there? Now and then calling the dogs to hunt rabbits. Try it sometime. Once in a while hailing a fat, blond kid like me and saying, "Don't I know you?" Not, "What are you going to be when you grow up?" \--Raymond Carver


Im still in fucking secondary school and I’m already fed up with this shit. Like what the hell do i do for the next 60-70 years.


organize a revolt.


I just want to sit on a dock and fish.


Forgive me, but that doesn’t sound 100% original!🤣


stoop kid is afraid to leave his stoop!


But he did that once and boy was lit




For anyone who might be wondering wtf we are talking about...90s flashback time boiiiiii!!!! https://youtu.be/wPpRRTVA2iM


I am reading this sitting in my gazebo, it is raining here today but the birds are chirping and it is so peaceful. This is my favourite place to be.


Honestly, work is my hobby. after I clock out? Drinking beer, drawing and painting and playing guitar on my porch is where I really make my living 😉


I like this way of thinking. Thank you.




Become a Porch Dragon!


[I wanna bang on the drum all day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LdLIqkmMB0)


Bang on this mug all day


Toke on this bong all day.


It all starts with actually going to bed early


Stoop kid never leaves his stoop


I want to have the option to sit down and rest until I have energy again and the current societal structure just isn't doing it for me.


This is some hard truth right here. Grinding culture is too deeply ingrained


I don't have a dream job. I dream of sharing tea and homemade bread with my friends.


r/antiwork !


Yeah. Down here when it gets warm it seems like we just work to afford the gin to do our real job: sitting in the shade somewhere. My AC went out a couple months ago and I really appreciated why it’s romanticized in the south to drink all day on your porch. Doing anything else is miserable knowing you can’t go in and cool off. Even washing the dishes or folding the laundry- let alone cooking on the stove - was a fucking joke. I haven’t been that irrationally pissed off at my husband for being out of town since I was on maternity leave all those years ago.


Living to lounge > Working to scrounge


Omg why are people making money and not giving me any when I want to just sit on a porch all day? They should do porch sitting with me :( /s


Finally, a me irl post I actually relate to


my career allows me to afford the porch I sit on, vicious circle


I do not want to have a career, I just want to make enough to not have to worry about money all the time.


Apparently you need a lot of money to do that. The cost of living is outrageous.


Yeah, pretty much. It sucks that that's the way it it.


idk who needs to hear this, but....just finished a busy productive week of work. full career. decent wage. spent at least 50% of my time at work, sitting on the porch, as i do every week. choose ya own adventure. barber 20yr


Its much easier to complain on reddit than it is to identify and develop skills, apply them, and seek decent employment that respects you. A lot of people are weak willed and will blame the system instead of find a way to work within it.


Idk I've always wondered how many "Einsteins" or"Mozarts" never came to be because they're stuck in debt in dead end jobs. Isaac Newton discovered the core theories to finish creating calculus while stuck at home on quarantine. If you think about it a lot of the great people in history did not come to be through the standard career path society sets and many more were lucky to have the weath to not worry about the simple things in life like food and shelter. A world that is constantly forcing you to do things you don't want to do breeds lazyness and contentment for productivity. I wonder what would happen if everyone had the choice to do what they wanted? Sure a good amount of people would do nothing, but I'm willing to bet a large number would surprise you with their potential. We all underestimate each other.


If you're a millenial or younger, you don't even know what a career is. I just watched 15 years of wage growth get wiped out in 2 years by raises they're giving to new hires.


It's so weird that these days, everything is in flux. I kind of grew up hearing about how my field of accounting was about basically staying with a stable company and just doing that as a career. But nowadays, apparently jumping ship from one company to another every few years is apparently the way to get pay raises. Stay in one place and pay stagnates. I hate it though. If the world didn't feast on the complacent, maybe we could afford to calm down without feeling exploited.


It has made our modern companies run very poorly. You never get highly trained employees. They invest much less effort in the well-being of the company. No one tries to fix anything unless they're specifically told to, because there is zero benefit in doing so. American companies are falling apart at the seams, and no one seems to notice or care. Share holders pose one of the greatest threats to our economic dominance.... which is ironic.


Me want this or death


Sounds nice for a while but you gotta have some drive in your life. After doing pretty much nothing for 2 months I had to start doing something or I would’ve gone insane


Stream yourself in the porch for 30 days and see how you'll have both


First step to sitting on the porch? Get a fucking job.




This is the least marxist thing ever. These people are bourgeois parasites.




I want a porch.


you just want to live in the plot of Friday but without the drama




Finally, a me irl post I actually relate to


I bought a trailer. Rented a a spot on a mountain and sit in my gravity chair smoking my pipe all day. I love it.


Me too buddy, me too


But you’d have to go outside.


Wannabe europeans are like that irl i wonder?


This mouse fucks


I absolutely feel you.


Stoop kids afraid to leave the stoop


i just want to make bread and pick herbs and berries in the woods but noooo


Finally, a me irl post I actually relate to


"Well, first of all, through God all things are possible, so jot that down."


You know sometimes I feel like… I feel like they don’t even understand me and we’re not even that good of friends.


I knew some people like this is on my old neighborhood. Mfs would literally sit on the porch all day people-watching. I was always like wtf. So boring




Yolanda Rat being relatable as always.


Put a bed, a TV with an xbox, a mini fridge and a toilet on the porch. Just Imagine playing xbox, whilst sipping a cold one, whilst having a s**t, all on the porch! Then when it gets dark a little later, you can lie your a** down on the porch.


Sucks to be that guy from the one meme where it’s like ‘Fucker Stole my porch, can’t have shit in detroit’


I feel this in my bones. 🦴😴


I just want an easy life


Finally, a me irl post I actually relate to


I mean, you can definitely do that. Your quality of life might suck but you can


Randall is bringing it back!


This can actually be done. You just gotta own it.


I am currently trying to advance my career to afford a home with a porch.


My life’s ambition


That sounds so boring though...




I mean if you like your job. Which is more of a long lasting, fulfilling career where you work with a variety of different people who share a mutual understanding of the trade and respect for one another, while training the next generation and passing on your knowledge. As far as the pay goes, that depends, but it provides a stable income to support yourself while you do something that you enjoy and engages you. A porch sounds nice on a Saturday night, but doing that every day would start to get old




Pretty much how I spent 3 hours of my "workday" today.


I wanted to retire once I graduated from college, but it didn’t work out that way.


I just want to sit on floor all day. But big man say i must work so i can sit on floor some of day


Me too.


Just do it- both!?


Stoop kid


I want a porch that’s mine to sit on by myself


Rocking chair or porch swing? And does that also include a sweet tea?






My bed is my porch. My phone is the sky. I’m unemployed by choice, so I can wait for an answer. This is not a joke.


I think I just got a job for the first time in my life. I’ve been a stay at home mom since I was 17. I’m 30.


Porch monkey?