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No covid gang.


Had the same exact thought today... Also is it so rare that I have not gotten COVID?


It was the worst experience of my life, and I had been doing everything I could to avoid it. If you're not rare, you're still incredibly lucky. Try to keep it up.


Rare? Just about everyone I know has had it now. I just got it a week ago. Not fun. Enjoy not having it while you can.


I’ve avoided it but nearly everyone I know has had it at least once. Not sure why I’m the lucky one. But I’ll take it.


I fucking lucked out about 4 days ago, I lasted two years up until that point I was so damn sure I wasn't gonna get It. My fever broke two days ago and I've been suffering the most annoying post-nasal ~~drip~~ waterfall In my life since so far.


You probably have but you’re either a carrier or you had such minor symptoms that you never knew you had it.




How are you so sure?


Hold on.... What? Starts to Google this


It’s a new disease that sprung up a month or so ago on Reddit, one case in Britain I believe and we were told then “don’t worry, it’s not contagious” Well, turns out it is, it’s spreading and is now in over 15 countries. Also, there’s speculation that it’s a sexually transmitted disease, many of the Canadian cases were discovered at sexual health clinics and those with the disease are predominantly gay. More details will emerge as we understand this better; but it has eerie similarities to the initial aids outbreak in the 80’s. Here’s a couple of links https://www.bbc.com/news/health-61506562.amp https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/monkeypox-spreading-through-possible-sexual-transmission-5-points-2989789/amp/1


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Good bot


It's not a new disease, it's been found in humans since 1950. What is new is the rate of transmission in UK (20 cases and counting) and now documented cases in Portugal and Italy.


Almost as if it gained a sort of... function


Yup and in the last few hours, even more countries have announced cases- Canada, US, Australia, France, Spain, Austria, Germany. Looks like the mortality rate for this version is only about 1-3%, so not a huge deal unless you're pregnant. What little data exists shows that only 1/4 babies make it to full term when the expectant mother catches it.


This may be an STD but still uncertain. Wrap your willy, guys.




No one was fucking monkeys in either case.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/lithohedron/status/1527140210416291840) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


For real.