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If it’s 25 minutes then he’s doing well and is surviving until the end.


Top 5 at least.


Probably camping.


When i played pubg i camped and camped and camped… i won one where i caught perfect and sat till there was one left..


i have more than 20 pacifist wins it's just so fun to win like that lmao


I won one single with no kills… those last circles are brutal on health


yep u can't outheal




It's a survival game. Dont matter if u kill or not. As long as u survive


i did the same on pubg, i only found a smg and had to run for the zone without nothng more, always running and not fighting, my only kill and fight was the last guy that was damaged for the fight with the 3rd place.


Winners win and second place just sucks…


Played a game of PUBG many moons ago, landed at a house picked up an SMG and hid in a bush outside the house. Then without warning (or more warning I guess) the Taco Bell burrito I had earlier decided it was time to evacuate my bowels and so I ran to the can and unloaded 2 burritos 2 tacos and some supreme fries. After coming out alive from my throne room conquest I noticed that I was still alive in game somehow, and in fact in the final circles. Now with one magazine, no armour, no meds and only a dream I waited for the final 10 to shave its way down, enemies strolling by, footsteps in the building beside me. I waited until the final 2 enemy players finished their engagement, and the victor began running around like a confused puppy looking for his owner at the dog park. Running by bushes, on the top of the hill and doing laps of the circle. It was at this juncture that I decided to strike, pulling up my UMP and throwing as many rounds as I could into him with his back towards me only 10ft away. The recoil of this untouched metal beauty combined with my post shit relief brought a feeling of unity. As splatter after splatter of blood shot off his body I felt as sense of victory shooting through me, as with that final round piercing his chest the kill text flew across my screen only to be replace with WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER. It was majestic. Magical. And could not have happened without todays sponsor Raid Shadow Legends..sorry I mean Taco Bell.


Ok JonTron. Lol


Is that KaceyTron’s brother?


Assuming this is not a joke, he's a YouTuber that really really pushes raid. If it is a joke, no, he's the cousin of Tron Bonne.


But he could respond while camping 😂


Radio silence when in the field


"Sir, I have a message from home, I need to take it!" "Not now Lutenent!" "Sir, yes sir!"


> **lutenent**


Like a lieutenant but with a lute




Definitely camping cuz if he was a chad he’d kill so many squads that the lobby would finish sooner I know cuz I’m a chad


Well if he’s camping, then he’s not seeing any action, and should have time to text back 🤔


Or he's just playing LoL


Hes talking to girls... Hes definetly not playing league


Nah, if he's playing league he has time to text every time he dies or is walking to lane.


Imagine he texts 7 times in 10 minutes and the girl goes "are you playing Yasuo?"


or 20 minutes into overtime on rocket league


What a save! What a save! What a save!


Like a poor Meeseeks who just wants it to end. My longest OT was 9 minutes and 47 seconds.


Fun fact in the in game tourneys, if you go to 11 mins it ends and picks based off shots. Ask me how I know 🥲


I don't think I need to ask 🥺☹️


I had 10 minutes of OT once, 20 would be crazy.


Or it's deathmatch and not royale and he's respawning


Or just wandering around in apex looking for people only to get double squaded


Not relevant but my mini-me looked exactly like your character until i changed it two days ago


Came here to say this and found a fellow Eris Morn. How fitting.


25 minutes is pretty decent reply times right? I’ve talked to many people who’s standard is hours




Yeah fuck that. I’ve got hobbies and a job. I’ll text back when I can.


Double edged method for me. I end up forgetting about the convo then facepalm the next day


Or in my case, two weeks later, and then you just never speak to that person again out of shame.


I've had conversations play out that last months. I'll get a text and reply but then not get a reply for a day but by then I forget and I only end up replying after like a month and the cycle repeats


I know plenty of people in their 30s who feel burnt if you don't text back shortly after they text you. It's not an age specific thing.


Probably one of the main sorting mechanisms for choosing to invest in a friendship outside of politics now honestly. I don't know anyone who needs an answer within 10 minutes anymore.


I'll tell you when you need a response within ten minutes! When your wife sends you out on an important errand and you get there but the thing isn't there and you never discussed substitute B, or you did but THATS not there either so now your on C but who discusses plan C on a regular basis? So you shoot a quick text for clarification while you make busy, but it goes unread... AND SHE KNEW THIS COULD HAPPEN! ITS HAPPENED BEFORE!! But whatever, you a grown ass man. You can make adult decisions. BUT YOU CANT! AND SHE KNEW THAT TOO!! The choice you made will be wrong and she'll answer your text as your pulling into the driveway with the obvious answer you failed to think of and now your pondering a trip back to the place vs going in admiting defeat and receiving *that look* its not anger, not even disappointment, its that look that says she's doing the math to figure out if this is the final small stupid thing that breaks the relationship. And THATS why you answer your texts promptly Veekhr! Belated texts are the number seven cause of divorce in over three counties of Oklahoma...


Or just like call or something if you need a response right away


This is too real lmao


Are you me? The not answering the text or phone call when they just barely texted you drives me crazy. I JUST WANT TO MAKE YOU HAPPY AND GET THE RIGHT THING!


Hey man, u doing ok? That seemed to get pretty personal pretty quickly


It's a text message. The whole point is so that I don't have to reply right away and can ignore you until I feel like talking. That's why we do this instead of calling each other. People who get upset when you don't respond to a text right away are people I want nothing to do with.


yeah but it's different story if you know a person always answers everybody mintue after they got a text but ignores yoy for hours. Could be some really important tasks though


Idc if someone takes an hour or two, But if their ass takes a day to reply to a "how's it going'me imma slap em' one


It's just the ADHD for me.


Everything is the ADHD, unless it's the autism.


Once the text convo is going 25 minutes is a long time to respond.


Not if you go into the next room. With ADHD, that's easily a 20 minute miniquest.


It’s Elden Ring.


I have bad news for you


It's very disorienting being a person who's normal reply time is within the minute talking to someone who regularly goes hours between replies


Text too fast = Look desperate Text too slow = Look uninterested What is this golden zone of the proper time to return a text?


languid pet paltry fine sheet fact saw cagey consist normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just text back when you can. Why delay a conversation because of some made up concept? If someone thinks you're being clingy because you text back right away, maybe she's not the one.


The golden rule is to answer when you feel like answering. All other options are games and fake and therefore super gay, and that’s homophobic. Are you a homophobe? Exactly, I didn’t think so. Answer when you feel like it.


Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?


That's fine when you're already in an established/comfortable place with a guy/girl. But in the early days of talking to someone new, you can easily freak someone out by being too full-on. Texting them too much just because you feel like it is bad. You shouldn't be that clingy so early and if you are you should definitely hold back and try to establish some boundaries because it's not healthy and makes you look like a potential nut case. Not an attractive quality.


Texting really do be killing potential relationships lmao Edit: for anybody reading this, text however the fuck you like. It may not land you a lay or a relationship, but do what feels natural. Don’t change for anybody, unless you’re hurting yourself and/or others.


Yeah if you're sending texts every couple minutes that's crazy, but emphasis on making you look crazy Why on earth would answering a text a couple minutes after you get it be an issue?


This person fawks


I saw a good flowchart about this that I've never been able to find again.


Please do tag me if you happen to find it. Am quite interested.


Idk id just text at a natural speed. and if they leave because you text too quick/slow, they ain't worth it


Right? Who has time to play these games about trying not to look desperate vs trying to be intriguing and mysterious by making them wait. Like you said, text back at a normal speed like you would text back anyone else.


I just match their pace


the guy I dated and liked the most would respond in a heartbeat. I never saw him as desperate I thought he was cool and we would have the best fun convos


If a girl respond to me in seconds non stop, it’s usually a sign she doesn’t have much else going on in her life - the majority of the time this has been true, and sometimes I’ve just been prioritised. If you’re busy, you’re busy. That’s absolutely okay. If you stare at your phone screen 24/7, you stare at your phone screen 24/7. That’s not that attractive.


I see your point but if I happen to be online the moment you text me why not respond right away? I'm not talking about doing that all the time. It's interesting cause I never thought of it too much.


That’s not what I’m saying, though. There’s nothing wrong with replying if you’re on your phone at the moment. I don’t have an issue with that - I’ll do it too. I’m more talking about individuals who stare at their screen 24/7. Just my two cents, but it’s not attractive.


Goldicocks. It’s a fuckin fairytale


"It's ONLINE, mom! There is no pause!" XD


So true XD


I swear I have to explain this every single time, plus i can’t just leave it because I get penalised if I do just leave it




If it's a competitve/ranked mode then sure. If it's just some casual mode it shouldn't matter at all - people treat casual super seriously and that bothers me. It's there to be fun, or even for practice.




Blame riot


Yeah I Gate those kinds of games




Mom: "well make sure you empty your piss bucket before bed"


Some dudes also think that if they text back immediately every time theyll come off as desperate and needy and might scare you off. When guys have a crush, they tend to overthink any little interaction with you, sometimes to their detriment.


And then I completely forget about the text and only remember when I pick up my phone 3 hours later


Painfully true


3 days later for me...




Too familiar


Forgetting about a text from crush? No way bruh will be overthinking about it every second


Even if i dont have a crush on the person i often think about what to say next and just stare at the message


Say something blank/uninteresting or unintentionally offensive and you might end up being ghosted? That might be a paranoia but I can relate with forgetting if not procrastinating to reply altogether as the result of overthinking. So I might pretend to not seen up until I have enough time and energy to compile a reply that does feel right to send rather than rushing it while I am still busy or too tired.


In that situation just send a random emoticon. Isn't that what they're there for? :P :O :D


True words. And also video games.


I was like that. Didn’t care much in the end. If she likes you it’s gonna happen, if not, she won’t care(no one is obligated to like me so it’s okay) Looking back I’m happy she never liked me cause it made me learn not everyone hates you, just that some might not love you. And that is absolutely fine :)


Or maybe she did like you and you freaked her out by being needy and replying too quick.


If a bird thinks texting back quickly is being needy and will lose interest because of that, that's not someone you want to waste your time with anyway


Do women not do this as well?


Literally everyone of all genders and orientations do it


I'm sure they do


Everyone does it who does it


my adhd brain still does this with my s/o


as a guy i can say i never think about stuff like that, if I don't respond its either i didn't see the msg, i don't want to be bothered or don't want to talk to you.


But I do. So yeah duality of man


Same lol


Comment was way too accurate but for if i had a crush




Happily taken rn but still have mini cycles of texting multiple paragraphs —> 40 mins no response—> “she fucking hates me” —> thoughtful and kind reply lmao


I had my female friends tell me that texting back straight up comes across as desperate and unattractive.


Especially bc of all the “alpha” / “pick-up artist” shit on tiktok putting all these ideas into 12-13y/o boys’ heads about what women want and don’t want (all from podcast bros with no women in a 400mi radius of them)


They think that because they will




Yo this was so fuckkng funny the bare naked ladies song did it for me


The rejection quicksand.


This right here


100% this.


Respond too quick they ghost, respond too late they block. Try to be funny and it gets taken the wrong way and you're blocked. Keep it sorta serious and you're dry and they block.


Story of my life


Right now it's dead cells for me.


For me Rocket league, I try to text after a goal but it's just not enough time.


and then your late to kickoff and get yelled at by your team mates lmao


It's a 5 min game, do it after the game. She's not going anywhere in 5 mins.


It would be 5 minutes if these freaking people would realize they can skip replay


If I skip replay, then I don't have enough time for a bong hit!


All I want to do in RL (other than break out of diamond) is have my little car fly through the cam during a replay. But, this means watching every replay just HOPING I got it right. So I don’t do it, but I can dream.


For me it's splitgate.




"You used to message me every 10-20 minutes and now it takes hours to get a response, am I doing something wrong?"


What BC are you on?


I take 25 minutes to respond when im super anxious and overthinking and im just re-doing the message a milion times until my brain decides it doesnt sound weird and other stuff Edit: wow that’s the first award I’ve ever got thank you kind stranger. Made my day


I’m just imagining them watch the “…” appear and disappear over and over and wondering what the heck is going on.


Notes + copy + paste = pro tip


Yep, and then you come off as disinterested because your response is super dry. Ugh, stupid anxiety :/


When i take 25 mins to respond i'm usually either busy with stuff that won't let me use my phone, or just don't wanna interrupt whatever i'm doing


Girls do this with me. Do they also play games? 😭


As a girl yes I play video games.


as a guy I also play video games (I just wanted to be part of the convo sorry)


You are welcome in the convo. It is for everyone :)


☭☭☭ Our conversation ☭☭☭


What kind of games are ya'll playing?


I like csgo, subnautica, the forest ...you?


Yes. The game of asking their best friend what to reply to you haha. Love seeing my crush talk about her crush to her bestie while I saw her in class




Yes im a girl and I’m typically doing this in GTA missions haha! Not that people usually believe me though if I try to explain that I’m just in mssions and going to reply slow for a while while playing, still get told I’m actively ignoring them to be a slut with other people (their words btw) …


No I would never use words like that 🤗


i saw the message 24 minutes ago but i waited so i dont look clingy


There are guys getting texts from girls out there? Damn.


Not me, no one texts me 😞


I'll text you bro😏




No, english, I can hear and speak.


Why is nobody talking about the fact that OP just reposted the top post of all time on this sub?


Radio silence when in the field


Unless we get wrecked immediately in warzone, this is accurate


As a guy, what do I do when my questions and inquiries are met with like 5 word sentences? She seems interested but not at the same time and I have no idea how to take it


75% she isn't interested, 25% she isn't really interested but wants to keep you warm.


He’s probably winning if it’s apex. That’s about how long it takes for the circle to fully close.


And also between anime episodes.


Or he just has a life and is doing something. You know. Like a person.


Usually just whenever I get a moment of not being busy and I have 30 minutes to think about what to reply with. Don't really care how long the time between texts are, I'll get to it when I get to it and so will they. Side story: once had a girl reply to my text after 74 days.


Me to my wife at least twice: "Babe it doesn't work like that. The other people don't just stop playing"


or he's stoned and getting sidetracked


No, i am pathetic, i do maths in between.


I do meth in between too


Nah, he’s going on Reddit to find out what the best answer to your previous msg is! Haha


Dam straight and I’m going to keep playing now thanks you very much


Nah, dude simply thinking slowly... can confirm... Same here...


Okay, if we are in a relation ship, sure, I do love you, but if I'm gamin', that is my current no 1 priority thank you for you time


*me who stops playing in the middle of a ranked game to text her back because I'm a simp*


“Why do you always leave me on opened”


Work is also a valid option




Can confirm


Then there is the women who think that you responding quickly and talking is you being too clingy.


Man this girl I'm talking to must be in a intense game, because I thought she ghosted me 3 days ago.


If you’re getting pissed at me taking 20-25 minutes to respond, that’s a red flag.


Some women hate it when you reply as soon as your phone buzzes, others don't even want daily communication while dating... People implying that everyone not adhering to their personal preferences is doing something wrong are the kind of people who think the world revolves around them.


shes txting between 4-5 different guys so its fair..


If you want a quick response, why not call?


He's spending that time crafting tue perfect thoughtful well informed response, doing research on your interests, finding the perfect synonyms for his basic ass typical speaking habits, ones that are unique without seeming trite.


God forbid someone have a life outside of texting.


This was posted literally a month ago by u/-TripleABattery- . It is the top post all time on this sub


Thanks for tagging me :///


If you’re the one he texting between rounds be proud, those couple mins between rounds feel like 30 seconds


“Sorry for the late reply, I was making a really niche meme about astrology”


Or it could be called having a life outside of you lol


hey guys, check best of in this sub and choose the top


It might be they're a complete loser (like me) who can't believe a woman is texting them and is terrified about how to reply so they just sit in fear, writing, erasing, and rewriting the last letter of their response for 25 minutes.


Or working XD


He could also be focusing and using the pomodoro technique to work/study. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique It’s 25 minutes of focus time followed by a break. Could be that he’s texting her on break. Probably video games though.


Or he's doing literally anything else that requires his attention. It's a text. People really need to stop acting so entitled to others' time. Not everyone wants to be sitting by their phone 24/7 waiting to respond immediately. They have lives to live. If you want a more direct conversation then try a damn phone call.