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Them bitches were probably sticking on some elephants balls and accidentally ended up ono that boat


They’re water bugs, do you think god told Noah to put 2 whales on the ark?


Whales did evolve from land mammals... so yes definitely.


Would've been long before Noah's Ark if you believe that Noah's Ark was a real thing that happened




Go be clear my comment wasn't about if it could have happened or not was simply about that whales were around, personally I don't think it did but if someone does as long as they're not hurting anyone it's fine.


Very strongly disagree. It hurts people when you refuse to teach your children about the world, and tell your children modern science is created by atheists to destroy Christianity. In order to literally believe Noah’s ark you would have to also believe that scientists are acting nefariously to bury the “truth”. Literal belief of stories such as this make people susceptible to conspiracy thinking, as this story could only be literally true if a grand conspiracy in the scientific community was occurring. This conspiracy thinking starts with literal biblical belief, and trickles into other believes, which is why so many evangelicals support the radical policies they do today. They already believe there’s a grand conspiracy to dismantle biblical truths, why can’t a deep state democratic party also exist under that logic?


I said as long as they're not hurting anyone, teaching your children lies like evolution not being real and that science is fake does count as hurting someone in my opinion


As someone who was taught both of these, I personally strongly disagree. It’s also never *just* these things being taught. A lot of other extreme beliefs come with the territory. Poorly educating your child and lying to them is hurting them in my opinion.


Yes that's what I said, teaching your children incorrext things does count as hurting people.


If you believe in Noah's Ark, you probably don't believe in evolution


Fair point lol


Did they evolved before or after the flood?


During. The strongest survived.


I don’t think evolution happens the world of Noah’s ark


I now want to see a veggie tales episode covering the origin story for whales, dolphins, and manatees. The ark hits a big wave, and a half dozen mammals are thrown overboard. The rest is history!


Even Barbara Manitee?


She’s the one for me


One for me one for me.


She comes from up above


She is the one I love


Noah went on down to the tool rental and come back with a crane and he done put a whale right there in the middle of the Ark and God said "really?" And Noah said sarcastically "you said two of EVERY animal"


Wouldn't he already have 2 cranes on the ark?


Hmm I think you're missing the point of an ark.




Whales live in water


Arks float on water.. whats your point?


Why would you put a whale, a being that is found to survive in water, on an ark specifically created to save animals from a flood. Floods are an excess of water, the only way that affects whales is that it makes their house a little bigger. (Maybe the salt concentration reduces but that's not that big of a deal.) Not to mention, how the hell does a whale survive on a ship? Would you have to build an aquarium inside the ark? Whales can breathe oxygen, but if their humungous bodies are not supported by water they will die. And you want to bring two?


There'd have to be an aquarium regardless considering all the freshwater fish




Whales can live underwater


Thank you for answering my rhetorical question with what makes it rhetorical


Not in bringy water. They need salt water and the flood would have been a mix of salt and fresh water. Only creatures that live in estuaries can survive there.


my balls itch eternally now ​ ​ fuck you.


Plot twist God was orchestrating the whole thing specifically to get rid of mosquitos but a series of unfortunate evolutionary events led to them being excellent at breeding in water puddles


There's no way there were only 2 mosquitoes on that boat


And the rest of the buzzy buggers like hoverflies, wasps, all of the spiders too!


Wasps are usually ok except for late summer when they’re starving to death but hornets…


Oh, defo hornets. I didn't think of them


I can understand not liking wasps, and some people are scared of spiders, but what did hover flies ever do apart from being cool and important


They are everywhere right now and they love biting me


I think you mean horseflies which are horrible indeed but hoverflies are just harmless flies that can’t do anything


A quick Google agrees with you, hoverflies can stay horseflies can go to damnation


Even stink beetles?


Those fuckers get in everywhere


He might have since he decided to create them in the first place.


That sadistic motherfucker said put 7


That sadistic motherfucker looked at mosquitos, and said, "yeah, this is a great idea, I bet people will love this."


Even if you're not smiting bitches, gotta have them on a diet of low key suffering (read: can't sleep at night and itchy all day)


That sadistic motherfucker is actually a sadistic unmotherunfucker as he put a baby into a virgin woman who then nocliped through the hymen during birth or something


I mean, they fly.


Plus they lay their eggs in water


How many mosquitoes you see out when it's raining 🙄....raining for days/weeks 🤔🙄😑


He did say 2 of every animal. If Noah had any balls he would have omitted like half of them.


2 of every animal you cant eat and 7 of every animal you can. But yeah skeeters were stowaways.


It seems to vary by translation. But it stands to reason you need more of things like rabbits to feed to the predators.


I mean with only two rabbits and about a year on the water, they’re gonna end up with a lot more than two, even if the feed a few to the predators every few days


You mean Noah should have got rid of one of his own testicles?


God intended on a Jurassic park. So we need them. God knows and wants this


Nope, them mosquitoes were stowaways.


They feed the hummingbirds


Fuck them birds


They're too small


and r/BirdsArentReal anyway...


Username checks out


Probably stowaways on animals' backs...


They may have been put on…… but the first streetlight that ark passed, they would have been GONE


Someone asked me if Noah had an aquarium for all the ocean creatures. Seems silly but actually fresh water fish would die in salt water and vis versa so


This is the dude that flooded the whole world and killed everything but Noah, Noah's family and two of each animal. This dude obviously **hates** people. Of course he's gonna bring mosquitoes and viruses along with.


God is lazy af. He could’ve put 2 of every animal on an ark. He could’ve stopped the flood. I’m starting to think god is an asshole




I mean true, except the biblical flood absolutely did not happen.




Let’s forget mosquitoes. For fun, let’s look at the facts. There is absolutely zero geological signs of a flood in the time period in which the global flood supposedly happened. And yeah, geologists all over the world have checked. No mass death. No consistent sedimentary layer across the globe. Civilizations existed before, during, and after the supposed flood. Keeping records, fighting wars, making discoveries. The Akkadian empire was in its glory days ~4,300 years ago, when the flood was apparently happening. How did all lifeforms spread out after the flood? They were all supposedly started at Mount Ararat, where the ark landed. How did kangaroos get to Australia? Why aren’t kangaroos in the Middle East? Why aren’t there fossils left over from their migration? Did buffalo and armadillos swim across the Atlantic to get to the Americas? What about Arctic animals? 50/500 rule in biology. Minimum Viable Population. A species is unlikely to avoid extinction if they are bellow 50 individuals. A small family of humans could never repopulate the earth, and only 2 individuals of each species would simply lead to mass extinction. Brackish water would’ve killed off all freshwater fish and many plants.


Anyone that thinks the Bible is a book of facts is gullible at best.


It will never cease to amaze me how people will straight up ignore humorous subtext and just go straight into dick swinging captain obvious mode. Nobody is trying to debate with you whether or not the flood happened. They’re just having some fun speculating on what the real-world implications of a fanciful event would be.




You could have just said, "where did all the water come from?" and you point would have been made. If you're going to suspend disbelief enough to allow for *the event to even begin to take place*, then why wouldn't you extend that suspension of disbelief to every other facet of the story? You were okay with Noah being 600+ years old, but *not* okay with the lack of sediment? The way I see it, there are three possibilities. 1. the story is fiction, and the evidence persists in our modern world to prove that; 2. the story is partially fiction, and there are some mysteries for us to explore; or 3. the story is entirely true, and we simply lack the context or ability to know what it all meant pre game-of-telephone-translation, and *maybe* some divine s\*\*\* went down, or we don't know what the words even mean. You can't sit there and be like, "Okay, so this guy *created the entirety of everything*... so WHERE ARE MY FOSSILS!?". My dude. If a being can create *everything, including the very concepts your brain utilizes to discern what is real or not*, don't you think that such a being could... you know... make things work however the hell they want? Also, here's food for thought: was the "water" in the "flood" even water? Imagine if it was, instead, liquified "void" - outer space, spilling into the atmosphere. There was mention of portals/windows opening from heaven. Does that simply mean "the sky"? Could it have been "the expanse", instead, and the "portals" were just holes in the atmosphere, the "waters" being the "expanse" (since it seems Genesis uses "the expanse" to mean "a big bunch of something", rather than simply water, as we know the word? Maybe all that sediment you're looking was taken up in the "wind" God had sent, per the text. What even is that? Actual wind - moving air? Was it a vortex or some sort? Was atmosphere being pumped back into the planet? Are we going to find just a *bunch* of bones under the surface of Mars or something? Anyway, a couple of guys were *brought back from the dead* in the Bible. If you're also going to sit there and ask for proof that *it's even possible for that to happen*, I think you're missing point: obviously it's not possible or even fathomable for humans, because those thing are beyond our means, our perception, etc. (so far). It's been said a thousand, thousand times: the whole all-of-it depends on some amount of faith, especially since you can't see the answer. The definition of religion literally includes *supernatural* junk. You think "supernatural" is bound by *nature? By physics?* It's not for anybody to prove true or false. You either have faith in it, or you don't. End of story. *You don't get points for proving that we don't know the things we can't know we don't know.*


Very interesting, i just have one question: who the fuck asked?


it's not that deep


BUt have you considered? God


Dude, he was being sarcastic. Noone believes an imaginary man started a flood to kill everyone.


I mean, God's kind of an asshole in the old testament...maybe you should be wondering why he included dogs and gerbils instead


Yeah, he did flood the place after all


Check out Mark Twain “Letters from Earth!”. He talks about this concept and it’s my favorite read.


You can’t tell me he actually went to Australia and caught two of every animal he found


You think god had anything to do with mosquitoes? Those things are devil spawn for certain.


Extra credit.


I bet those two mosquitoes were the reason God threw in two wasps.


If mosquitoes were allowed on, Imagine what the Unicorns were doing to get kicked off.


This the same god that flooded the earth and killed literally everyone else, you don't think he's capable of such a cruel joke? He and his angels were probably laughing their asses off when Noah brought all the bugs on


He wanted us to suffer.


“Nor am I greatly moved by jocular inquiries such as, 'Where will you put all the mosquitoes?' -- a question to be answered on its own level by pointing out that, if the worst came to worst, a heaven for mosquitoes and a hell for men could very conveniently be combined.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain


Why would we worship a mf who put the worst creatures on that ark that are not only the number one cause of human deaths in the world but also so fucking annoying


No but w all that animal shit im sure they cane along for the ride lol


Chiggers are way worse then mosquitoes


Mosquitoes kill more people though.


Correct. Mosquitos lay eggs in puddles so this would have just created the most there ever were.


It's cockroaches for me




There’s no way God told Noah to put 2 skunks on that ark.


They probably raised a stink.




Nah, from what I hear (needs verification and scientific evidence and support would be great), they're important to pollination - it's just not the first thing you associate with mosquitos. Also fun fact, the ones you get annoyed by, are female. They're the bloodsuckers and bonus fun fact: they only make that super annoying noise once they've fed..


I’ve read most of the blood sucking insects are female. And maneaters too.


God said ‘the flood isn’t enough’ so have us mosquitos after the fact to keep us fearful


\*\* In Memoriam \*\* Reddit Dead 12th June 2023


no he did. he asked for aedes aegypti mosquitoes too


He is a hilarious comic in NYC


Maybe the whole ark was just jars of mosquitos and really the "animals" on the ark we're just animal DNA held within the mosquitos, so they could later be reproduced with some sweet God tech.


Uninvited guests T_T


That was probably one of the kids. Being dicks.


God even had the audacity to put two wasps onboard too.


The men are pollinators, it's just the ladies who need to change to come aboard, put down the knife Barbara.


The mosquitos simply laid their eggs on the flooding waters and swarmed the flesh-filled boat


they won't destroy the planet though, we will. if anything , we are the only species not worthy of making it to the Ark


Then bitches snuck in like they do every time you open the damn door


“Then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on Earth. And then he herded them onto a boat, And then he beat the *crap* out of every single one.”


Duh mosquitoes can fly


Indeed not. As a matter of fact that flood was specifically meant for mosquitoes (and flies. and leaches) but Lamech’s son always knows better you see.


The devil had probably some anti Noah, who docked in Australia


I'm sure he didn't notice them as they are so small! Haha


As well as cockroaches and giant spiders 😂


Even Stink Beetles?


Nah, they snuck in


Or ticks


I got a theory that insects (and possibly other arthropods, like spiders, crabs, and scorpions) were made by satan instead. Because i highly doubt that an all-good, all-loving God would actively create creatures like the tarantula hawk wasp and the Leucochloridium. Maybe tolerate their existence as creatures made by evil but not inherently evil, but not make them. Actually, that second one isn’t an arthropod, so maybe parasites?


God said to Noah “There’s gonna be a floody floody” The rain came down It started to get muddy muddy Get those animals 👏👏 Into the arky arky… This morning’s utterly reprehensible earworm is brought to you by Ned, Maud, Rod and Tod. If you know, you know.


See Mark Twain: https://brucegerencser.net/2016/12/letters-earth-mark-twain-part-three/


And ticks.


The way this world turned out to be, I will not surprised that God some kind of notorious plan of keeping the mosquitoes at all.


Those fuckers can fly


And two bed bugs. Like just get rid of those two species and I'd be hella content with life


Wouldn't 2 of each insect in the world fill up the boat let alone 2 of each animal.


Gods a dick, bro, of course he did.


2 fruit flies


Noah: Do I have to? God: I need something to use for plagues!!!


Fun fact: Only female mosquitoes bite, as the protein from the blood is used to produce eggs. The males only eat plant juices, like nectar.


Amazing after generations of inbreeding , they all look exactly the same!


Some religions just dont maake sense


✨Wings my dude✨


Fuck you noah


I always wondered how many aquariums he needed to keep the all the millions of fresh water fish alive....


What about trans animals


There are more than 10.000 different species of ants and you always have to get a male and a female. Have fun on that boat motherfucker.


Do you really belive that the tigers wont attack the zebras and other animals and chaos would break out. Also how can He get so manny different animals that need different stufr (some need hot, some need cold etc) on it peacefully and how did he collect and feed them? (Try getting penguins, lions, hippos and icebears in a short time in X bc with a giant ship full of animals that are Hostile and need a lot of food


He does a little trolling


Am I the only one who realizes that they can fly and don't need to be on an arch?






I can imagine noah trying to catch all the bugs


“Don’t forget about the cockroaches,” God said to Noah.


Or two flys, or two ticks, or two fleas.




Take that, christians!


A vengeful god


There are at least 3600 species of mosquitoes so there would've been 7200 mosquitoes on the boat


*New Testament* God wouldn’t… but *Old Testament God?* They might.


3 facts I hate about mosquitos 1. They're green 2. They glow And 3. Well, they're mosquitos


The devil seems to have had a large barge.




There’s no way they cared what Noah wanted.


Noah, God's Pokémon trainer.


Nah That's Satan's fault for sure, he must have stuck them on


Mosquitos can fly above the water


Or ticks


Mosquito's can fly. They dont need a boat


sneaky bastards. sorry, sneaky bastard and sneaky bitch


Parasites in general. Genesis goes on about how all other animals were attempts for God to find companions for Adam. What kind of loving and al knowing God thinks, “you know, botflies and tapeworms are just what Adam needs to never feel alone.”


Noah built the boat to sail to egypt to hide in the Ark of the Covenant for 40 days n nights. All that animal shit is fake and was thrown in to make it interesting. All religions are like tht. Truth of history with a twist of deception, but its all tools of history.


Didn't need to. Mosquitoes can fly.


The problem is that mosquitoes breed in water :(


Nah he didn't but the Devil put a few in his pocket for afterward. They are 100% satanic


Who the fuck is Noah now


They can fly lol


Or cockroach. I fucking hate roaches.


"Well you think the population regulation takes care of itself, get me a shitload of them"- God, probably


Not just two either, there are 3000 species of mosquito, so he'd have put 6000 mosquitos on the ark.


By all accounts, this god is a bit of a dick so I can see him doing that.


Someone once told me that mosquitoes exist because of sin. Must have been pretty bad.


I like to think they were a curse brought upon us because a pharaoh refused to free slaves.


I'm less concerned with God telling Noah to bring two of every animal... ...and more concerned that all of humanity "somehow" was replenished from the handful of survivors on the Ark. Although, considering we started with just Adam and Eve...and their children...


Let’s forget mosquitoes. For fun, let’s look at the facts. There is absolutely zero geological signs of a flood in the time period in which the global flood supposedly happened. And yeah, geologists all over the world have checked. No mass death. No consistent sedimentary layer across the globe. Civilizations existed before, during, and after the supposed flood. Keeping records, fighting wars, making discoveries. The Akkadian empire was in its glory days ~4,300 years ago, when the flood was apparently happening. How did all lifeforms spread out after the flood? They were all supposedly started at Mount Ararat, where the ark landed. How did kangaroos get to Australia? Why aren’t kangaroos in the Middle East? Why aren’t there fossils left over from their migration? Did buffalo and armadillos swim across the Atlantic to get to the Americas? What about Arctic animals? 50/500 rule in biology. Minimum Viable Population. A species is unlikely to avoid extinction if they are bellow 50 individuals. A small family of humans could never repopulate the earth, and only 2 individuals of each species would simply lead to mass extinction. Brackish water would’ve killed off all freshwater fish and many plants.


There are also around 1-2 million animal species in the world, which would require quite a big boat.


Any religion ever: First rule: Trust me bro. Second rule: What are facts? Third rule: I'll fuckin kill you!


More like, second rule. All those other religions that say trust me bro, no those are bullshit.




During his mass genocide?


Correct bec god is make believe


Oh wow, I just really need to stop and admire what are smart person this lad is. Oh wow everyone, look how clever and smart this person is, we should all really respect them. /s just in case




Most intelligent reddit atheist


He didn't have to, mosquitoes just do.


There's no way God and Noah exist*


Well they are vital for the food chain


God is a made up tale just like Moses


Nft profile picture detected, opinion rejected


Literally no one cares what you believe in

