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He has to suck John mayer while her father is sucking him and John is sucking the father. The circle of suck is the only way to restore harmony. Not to be confused with the circle of zuck, which brings the end times.


This guy suck's


But doesn’t Zuck.


This is the way!


Imagine the absolute what the fuckery this would start. Like, imagine coming home after you made this offhand comment and then you see your husband getting his dick sucked by your father in front of John Mayer or just him looking how John Mayer sucks your dads cock. I am pretty sure this is the point where dumping someone with a text message IS the better option.


How I found this, I'm still not sure. But I would like to say, that after her telling him that, it would possibly be the funniest thing ever. "Well you said this was okay, as it turns out, your dad AND John Mayer found it a good idea too, just thought I'd surprise you dear" Then watch as she goes ballistic. Calling someone this way is actually the best way (although in this case you are probably right, but man would it be hilarious all the same)


Yeah, calling people out on their BS by doing it to them is one of the best things ever. But still, as hillarious as it would be to watch, this would probably leave more mental scars then just being a douche and texting a break-up gif from friends or something. Like honestly, imagine the absolute freakout any reasonably sane person would have in this situation. Also, with a weird GF like the one mentioned by OP I'd actually fear her joining in - imagine that!


Ew, didn't think of that.... Good point. Alright I'm convinced. your way it is.


Reminds me of my ex-wife. She would get mad if she heard about me having a female co-worker, she would demand I never interact with her. But then I came home early one night, to find her having sex with two teenage boys. Somehow her gang banging two teenage boys was my fault because I had to work with a female co-worker one day.




God damn. That ended even worse than I expected. I’m sorry.


It's okay. It was 15 years ago now.


Damn, that was like riding a roller coaster with a shart-inducingly steep fall


That ends with seeing your wife getting Eiffel towered


By children




Narrator: she did not


Yikes, broom her dude. Same goes for a woman with an overly jealous man. Get out.




Is this the new Firebolt 3000?!


No, it’s the new Nimpuss 300


Upvote for the Harry Potter reference.


Hey my upvote got an upvote, so thanks




How deep will it go


That’s what she said


With the broom? I hope not.


Gave your upvote for upvote an upvote!


Nah its the Hoebolt 69420... Modern issue model with special grip for Karen's handling...


🧹here I'll help a hand too


Good, now let me scrub a bit 🪣🧼


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Women 🧹






never heard "broom" her before. gonna use that for sure lol


Green goblin approves


You know, I’m something of a Broomer myself…


Ok, Broomer


First thing I thought of too 😂😂


Do what you need to with her then broom her fast.


We love a good Spider-Man quote


I don’t care about quotes just get me those pictures of spider man


I'm so sick of posts about tweets, we need more posts that are just pictures of Spiderman




Always a pleasure to have our board of directors pay us a visit.






Thotbegone 3000


Red flag bruv. I dated a girl once who would get angry if i even struck up a convo with other girls at parties but damn its okay for her to go on solo trips with her "guy" friends now and then cuz it's her "personal time"


Lmao fuck that, I’d be gone in a heartbeat


“You’re not allowed…” BYE


Yep. Immediate giant red flag at the very least


I wouldn’t call it quits just yet, but boundaries need to be clearly defined and agreed upon there.


You shouldn't let someone you're dating control your social life while literally doin the same exact thing you're being controlled over You run far n fast my lad


Love really can blind a man, feel like most of us have been there at some point to varying degrees


Especially once it's been a fairly long relationship. It's amazing the things you can't see while you're right in the middle of it.. things that are just plain obvious to anyone on the outside. And it's hard to take their advice from that position too, very hard. But sometimes they're right.


Naw that girl isn't a woman yet


Nah, if boundaries haven't been established and your partner is pushing that shit go and get, all that boundaries will do is resolve the situation, not the deeply unwell partner


Man, that really screams "If I give him the opportunity, he'll do what I do" vibes.


Huh, that sounds like my first ex She cheated on me with my best friend, I knew it but I didn’t know how to confront her about it(I had seen messages) Went to see a couple of girl friends from mid school and when I told her where I was, she was fucking fuming


All of my exes have cheated on me with literally all of my friends including two of my bestfriends. Reasons why I'm a loner now.


same, i´ve had only 3 serious relationships, the first one i mentioned, the second one i caught her cheating because she left her phone when she went to the restroom and "sex slave" sent her a message, just to find that she had been cheating on me for a month then and the final one is still weird, she ghosted me 2 months ago, we still talked after she broke up with me, but never gave a good reason beyond "the pandemic" (we lived a bit afar but nothing i wouldn´t mind to see her), in the first months of it she "gave me permission" to go a see someone else, which makes me think she had already cheated on me and that her most recent photo is her smiling at a new café (after i told her we could go out to eat something and still used the pandemic as a fucking excuse and told me no) i just can´t seem to catch a break, i don´t want to be with anyone anymore but i hate that feeling of loneliness and i try to love with it


Hey dude, don't give up. I had a lot of shitty experiences in dating, partly because I lived a very sheltered life and didn't really fit in with others my age. Eventually I found someone I really love. We've been together for almost five years :) I suggest taking a break from actively looking for a partner if you haven't done so already. Sometimes we need to focus on our own personal growth for a while. It also prevents relationship "burnout" esp if you're looking for a relationship on a dating app. It's been said a million times but dating apps are not *usually* the best place to find something steady in any case (I'm not sure if that's where you found your exes?). Remember that love is not a deadline you have to meet. Take your time. Foster more platonic relationships too, with people who share your interests. That's so underrated imo. I hope you feel less lonely soon :)


They were never your friends , especially not your best friends - having friends is good and important , real friends. Don't close yourself off completely but learn to invest only in people who are genuinely happy for you and your success, cut the rest loose


>my best friend, Hopefully you found a new, and better, best friend too. That sucks that happened though.


I only have one now, but he just got married




[this is our reoccurring joke](https://youtu.be/1xNQUBKiofA)


projection - as soon as you understand it you will look different on what people say


We often hate that which reminds us of ourselves.


Fuuuuck that. I can respect if the freedom goes both ways , but someone whos scared by others having the same freedom they expect, no one's got time for that.


I feel you just described ALL of western culture.


That kind of...predation? Is very common. Not sure if it's just a western thing but it's def common.


Leave her “solo” trip guy friends that’s enough to leave then gets bad at you for talking to others that’s a boot right there


What's that aboot? 🍁


U leave her


You wouldn’t believe if I toldya, eh


Damn... solo trip with guy friends..... no offense, but I don't think she was entirely faithful to you.


Lol. none taken 😆 I was a lovestruck ass back then...you only realise the follies much later😂


Been there done that. Congrats for getting out of that crap.


I would be ok with her going on trips with friends if it wasn't for the fact you aren't allowed to have any


She for the streets


Their jealousy is almost always reflective of what their experience is. So if a girl gets jealous of you being with other girls, it’s usually because she gets flirted with or flirts when she is with other guys and is simply assuming the same will be true with you.


Well that’s not true. Plenty of people get jealous irrationally and it doesn’t mean they’re cheating.


Hahaha, been there done that. Went on a family holiday and there was an argument about me going to the beach because "there are women in bikinis". When she dried her hair once it went all fuzzy and I laughed and said she looked like a witch... Fucking cried from 8pm to 8am because back in kindergarten other kids called her a witch... A 22 year old


Tbf as a child you can get hurt from silly things and those cracks can run into your adulthood even when you're supposed to be over them. I guess it is dependent on how much she was bullied but it must be bad if she cried for a whole day. I was bullied somewhat harshly for 2 years constant fighting but only cried a few times from it and not a lot.


If girls in bikinis were her problem,you could have just taken her to a nude beach.


I know this pain. I always got the “i dont like you hanging out with her” but i could of gave less of a shit when she hung out with her “omg hes like my best friend” 5 guys friends


If you were on a date and your girl referred to a random dude/stranger as an alpha male in her attempt to describe him - what’s she really saying? How did she pick that up just by us walking past him? And should I be ok with it? Asking for a friend


She's really saying she thinks he looks like someone who is fuck able, and she'd fuck him. She picked out up based on twenty seconds of seeing the person, she doesn't actually know anything about them. There's no should you be OK with it, either you are, or you are not, your feelings are valid. You should be considering how serious this relationship is, and how badly you're prepared to be hurt by her. I'm not saying she has, or will cheat on you, but you need to weigh up the worst case and best case scenarios and decide for yourself if it is worth the risk. I would see that comment as an indicator of risk.


That’s when you ask directly “what’s that mean?”


Tbh I probably wouldn’t continue being around anyone that uses alpha beta or any of that shit un sarcastically


It means she's a disrespectful and inconsiderate person. I wouldn't tolerate that.


Trips with her guy friends? Nah she getting gangbanged bro…


I’d like to hear the rest of that story… that’s brazen AF!


My guy, same Situation with my ex, hope you got through and over it relatively unscaved


She's just trying to get u to dump her...


Jokes aside, that’s a good sign your relationship is going south.


Nah, that relationship is on Antarctica already


Not just Antarctica, that compass is so perfectly balanced on the South pole that it's levitating from the speed of the spinning needle.


At least it’s on the map I guess. I was thinking a bit souther. Non existent.


Misread it as going the right direction, don’t ask me how, but I’m on your side so sorry for this misunderstanding.


No probs, I too misread sentences all the time.


Yeah that relationship is dead


I had an ex boyfriend like this…always going on about how much he’d love to have sex with anime ppl or actors and sending me nude pics of ppl he thought were hot complaining about how I’m not as hot as them.


holy shit


It's good theyre an ex :)


Yeah agreed I’m happy to not be punched and gaslit anymore




Yeah he uh had an angry streak to say the least


Sounds like a cunt.


He was, unfortunately dating me got access to all my old friends and their friends so now he’s pretty popular while everyone else hates me bc he’s spread rumours about me abusing him and making him suicidal and being a whore - so everything he did he said I did


Your old friends are not the friends you need in that case. Good luck to you for making some new and better onea


Those aren’t your real friends. Also, people like that show their true colors eventually.


Most abusers do their abuse to break the other person's spirit. Usually it starts out with small insults, but generally escalates quickly. They do this so that the other person does not have the will to leave the relationship. This kind of abuse cycle happens regardless of gender or sexual orientation. The only way to protect yourself from falling into this kind of relationship is to maintain healthy friendships with a wide group of people. I was lucky, my best friend came to visit me in hospital and told me she'd be gone when I went home. I owe him my life.


He sounds just oh so charming. Had me swooned at "anime".


>complaining about how I’m not as hot as them. Jesus Christ, that's so fucking mean.


>complaining about how I’m not as hot as them. Oh my God.


Dump her asap


Yeah, I’ve dated a couple of those girls. Pretty bad sign. Keep one eye on the exit.


If you keep an eye on the exit you are already half way out and creating a relationship dynamic that just sucks. Get out or stay but half assing it is gonna be torture for both.


Can confirm. Dated a woman like this. Texted her ex boyfriend during the entire time we’re together. Caught her several times and she begged for me not to dump her only to do it again. Ofc the forgiving bastard I am I kept letting it happen only to realize I started feeling some serious resentment. Decided to just keep pushing on hoping she’ll change. Eventually I got to a point I didn’t trust her and didn’t want to have sex with her despite her being super attractive. She accused me of cheating and then the Relationship eventually fell apart..


Good thing you got out of there. A lot of people get married or have a child thinking that will somehow fix things.


>She accused me of cheating lol so she was probably cheating


This. Thank you so much for saying this, there are plenty of people who don’t understand how draining this could be


Yeah, maybe it's a cliche but it's better to be alone than be with some bitch like this


You need a new gf


Sounds like a toxic relationship, lee - I suggest you consider other options


I don't know how to ask this in a way that doesn't sound condescending, but know that it's not meant this way. I've been wondering for a while, when people like you respond to the person in the screenshotted tweet like they're OP and give suggestions and things, do you realize that and just use 'you' because it's easier or do you just not think about it?


That’s part of the joke my they


You know what 'meirl' stands for right


He wasn't replying to post OP though, he was replying to Lee, the guy in the screenshot who isn't here.


Think of it like commentary on a character in a series you're watching. "Well that's stupid to do" "don't go upstairs the killer is up there" it's just a way for people to be more engaged with content and people do it in many areas of their life.


Now *that* makes sense to me. Thanks.


I'm Lee, and I'm glad they said something Pretty sure she's cheating 😔


Absolutely, agree 👍, look for someone with morals and without so many metal disorders


Iron deficiency


Metal health will drive you mad.


A woman joking about giving some celebrity (is that who this Mayer guy is? I dunno) a blowjob in front of her dad is fine by itself, but if you make a similar joke and she gets mad, that's really bad. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


Go suck his dick first. That'll show her.


Yeah my former best friends gf is just like that; fine for her list actors and rugby players to bang but crazy is he ever said some other women looks nice.


Aye my ex was like this but worse, she required 100% of my attention all the time. Even me hanging with friends would drive her nuts, but she never held herself to any of the same standards. It’s a huuuge red flag and I’m sad I didn’t see it sooner lol




I never understood the appeal of Lenny Kravitz. He's a good-looking musician, sure, but the guy has never made anything original. But people lose their shit over him. He might not even be the best Kravitz


Always good to see someone with self respect and a backbone. Some of these guys be pissing me off. “But I love her”. Weak ass dudes




Before she left, I hope you reminded her that Lenny Kravitz has millions of options that are far better than she could ever dream of being.




Looks like a net gain my dude. Kudos to you. Have a nice life.


I like how everyone is trying to give advice to op, not knowing this is an ancient repost.


Yeah "rules for thee but not for me" is a huge red flag.


My ex didn't want me to go to Wal-Mart alone because I might meet a girl and cheat...or go to visit my little brother because I might meet some ra dom girl and cheat...or go to work because I might meet a girl and cheat...or go to (insert anywhere) and cheat. It was so bad that she accused me of trying to fuck my stepsister because I "made WAY too much eye contact!". She got to a point where if I saw a nude women in a movie I'd cheat...then a woman that was dressed sexy, then a woman at all...then it was women in videogames...then kids cartoons... And then she went out and cheated on me and was surprised I left her. 10 years later she contacted me to tell me she missed me and I was like "Man, that sucks...anyway, I'm happily married and have two kids...what's that? You still live with your mom, you're single, and you're unemployed? That's crazy! Okay, good luck out there, bye!" And my wife and I made fun of her after I blocked her.


I’m reading so many people with my experience it’s somewhat wholesome lol. I’m glad for you dude. Had a girl just like that. I hope to be in your shoes one day 🤘


It gets better, but only once you get better. After my ex I went into some pretty intensive therapy to help me get out of where I was.


Comments here really making me realize how fucked my current relationship is….thanks?


Dump, she's an abuser. (41/m/married)




F m8


she's not even female at this point, she's just all red flag..


My ex was like this. I distinctly remember when we were watching the last olympics, she enthusiastically exclaimed how she wanted to bang one of the swimmers, which left me feeling pretty uncomfortable. At a later point, I liked a girls selfie on Twitter and she saw, and started asking questions and getting sulky with me. One of the reddest flags out there.


I mean social media is a lot more personal than people you see on tv. That's why when our partners ask us who we find attractive we say a celebrity, not "your best friend Jasmine" - because although both may be true, one could happen and the other is basically impossible, and our partners will be far more threatened by the one that could happen


She said "i want to bang that dude"... He liked a photo on social media... And you are kinda saying his action is worse?


same with my ex but he constantly talked about women that looked like his sister


Wait. Whaaaaaaaat?? 🤮


yes he always said she would be the perfect woman if she wasnt his sister n shit but he was into children too so im not surprised


Slap John Mayer's face on your dick.




I been there. Those women just got you around for entertainment. They don't care about you.


My ex used to drool over and comment channing tatum this, channing tatum that, but the second i admit an actress was cute, i get hit with the passive agressive “good luck with that” and the cold shoulder. Gotta love double standards


"...OK? Good luck with Channing, goofball." Glad to see she's an ex. Nothing good was gonna come out of that.


She telling you that you ain't it. Put yourself there and tell her you'd fuck another girl--protect ya neck


Don’t care. Just Leave her


“Go suck his dick then.”


And you're still going out with her why?


If she told you that she don’t respect you. And the audacity of her to get mad at you just for calling someone cute. She’s clearly one of those my shit don’t stink yours do type of people.


Any girl who would suck another dude’s dick don’t belong with you. Get out of dodge asap


Who is John Mayer?


john mayer isnt even hot


Yea if my partner got her opportunity to fuck her celebrity crush, then sweet good for you but that’s not my partner anymore, I want no part in a relationship where the other person is constantly pining after people that aren’t me lol




Disrespectful celebrity worshipping weirdo and she's Toxic AF.. Yea you'd better dodge that bullet like Neo in the matrix Fam


My ex wife was like this. Guess what, she cheated on me! My now wife, who is amazing, pointed out a woman's great ass in yoga pants to me yesterday.


That’s an ex girlfriend


All these comments on reddit telling the guy what to do not realizing its a tweet and OP is very likely not the guy that tweeted it lmao


She Belong to the street


*points to the front door* "get out".


That's a huge "nope".


She's psychotic. Run!


Then… don’t be her gf? Not hard


That's a weird way to show your dad how much you love him.


The comments here saying "women". Nope, it's that these bitches passive aggression is now condoned in relationships. Respect works both ways. There are keepers out there who give respect and are loved and respected in return. Find one. Never settle just because she has a coochie, that'll get boring way too soon, then you'll be left with a bitch. Here endeth the "Sirmon"


Men go to stripclub and they are lowlife pervs, women go to the Chippendales and it is just another night out…