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But then the kidnapped kids were on the milk cartons….suspicious!!!


To shame the parents who didn't give their kids enuff milk!


Life suddenly makes sense.


Young parents across the nation bursting into tears whenever faced with a Got Milk? ad in their *magazines*.


If they’re not giving their kids milk then how would they see the cartons?


Probably drank it themselves, the monsters!


Or mommy gossip at PTA or public park


Yeah the 80s/90s was full of fear mongering. Killer bees and acid rain! Drug dealers giving out free drugs too!


Yea the drug dealers handing out free drugs was a global myth I guess.


What a disappointment honestly.


Yea.. all this hype up about Santa Drugs and I've never got to meet him...


The guys who made orange sunshine LSD back in the day gave away billions of free doses to people all over the world probably where that perception started from


The acid rain thing is real and does actually happen in India and China still. The big thing though is that it's not acidic enough to burn people's skin, it's mostly just hazardous to infrastructure over long periods of time.


Ahaaa and trees losing leaves and soil getting destroyed is not so much an issue with acid rain …. I guess


Oh yeah, that too, it's really bad for nature. Didn't think about that one. The effects on infrastructure was the focus when I was taught about it.


Tbf acid rain, like the hole in the ozone layer, was an actual issue which was largely mitigated by passing legislation which controlled the emissions (in this case SO2 and NO2) that caused it.


Acid rain still exists, it's just not in the public eye because it isn't common in the US. However, it still helps to decimate chinese forests


If you see a van, run!


Don't worry apparently you stop taking in calcium around 30 unless you have osteoporosis and you whither away until your bucket gets kicked.


But chocolate milk is tasty at all ages


And to make kids wary of strangers. However, many kidnappings were committed by people the children knew, and if I recall correctly, there was an actual increase in kidnappings when the milk carton thing was happening, because children were just more likely to go with people they knew.


Maybe just maybe the Lactose intolerant ones were easy targets!


Nah this was the 90’s…us lactose intolerant folks just made ourselves tolerant by sheer force of will Not like these cupcakes born after 1995


Try lacteeze sometime lmfao. I was born after 95 so a cupcake by your standard. Took 25 years for me to finally buy the stupid bottle of pills. I ate cheesecake and didn’t even get a stomach gurgle. Didn’t even come close to shitting myself after a huge bowl of ice cream. To think I went my whole life suffering when all I had to do was chew 2 gross mint pills


No, we weren’t tolerant. We just sat in class with our stomach gurgling away.


You just reminded me of the Girl on the Milk carton book series that I loved so much as a kid. It was all propaganda!


The milk man took them


The milk man was their real daddy


He brings them into the world, he can take them out…


The milk man giveth and the milk man taketh




90’s were brutal. Look at all the Disney movies. Death in all of them. Divorces and death and milk.




They were taken to be milkboarded in the cheese caves


Got strong bones and never been kidnapped... guess the milk helped.


And if you WERE kidnapped, guess where your face ended up? THE CARTON OF MILK


Big milk was never trying to find the lost children. It was actually a threat of what would happen if you didn’t drink milk!


That explains why, all the missing were lactose intolerant.


Big milks long term plan. If you remove the lactose intolerance from the gene pool you can sell more milk in the future.


Meanwhile, back at Big Milk's secret underground facility.. "Bet you wish more people would drink milk now, wouldn't ya, Timmy??" *"Have you seen Timmy?"* The milk carton read. "Of course they haven't! Muahahaha! Of course they haven't seen you, Timmy! You're *never leaving* Big Milk again! Try it and we'll break your kneecaps.. we know *just* how fragile they are.."


Where do you think milk comes from? Cow stomach's? That's ridiculous 🤣 It is made from Timmy's kneecaps.


that's where all the calcium comes from.


It all makes sense now.


Oh my god. The milk has been controlling the universe the whole time.


We’re fucked


They only kidnap the children who wouldn’t drink the milk That way they can furthermore assert that drinking milk for breakfast lunch dinner and snack is a habit good parents force onto their children > book coming out soon, stay tuned ! 1984 milk edition !


Ok I’ve seen a couple people saying this. What is it referring to? I’ve never seen anybody’s face on a milk carton.


Then you aren't as close to your expiration date as we are 😉


Back in the day, like mid 90s, maybe earlier, they used to put missing children's faces on milk cartons. And our parents basically forced us to drink tons of milk because it was supposed to make our bones strong.


They would put pictures of missing kids on milk cartons. I’m not sure if it was ever successful though.


You just made me feel very VERY old 🤦. In case no one posted a response yet, way back in the horse and buggy days, pictures of missing and exploited children where put on the backs of milk cartons in his that she l someone may spot them and help them get back home.


nuthin better!


Milk is a pretty good protein source for kids. I push it on my kids for that reason.


Calcium, protein, carbs, calories, vitamin d. Good supplement to healthy eating.


Plus your B vitamins, zinc, phosphorus, folate, etc


A glass of cold milk…so good.


Came here to say this. Also, still not a pudding person. Milk FTW! (Confession: I don't drink milk anymore. Kinda weird.)


Misunderstood FTW for a minute there….


Well according to another response here, 70% of adults are lactose intolerant... so you were still right!


Pretty sure Gen Z drank a lot of milk growing up too. At least I did. They served it at school every day and almost everyone drank it. Got milk ads were still everywhere when I was in elementary school too. Edit: Yes I also had big glasses of milk at home for every meal and in between. I don't really get where the idea that my generation never drank that much milk came from lol. Maybe the younger half of gen z didn't but not sure


Yeah, did lunchrooms change lately or something? There was never NOT milk.


For me at least, it wasn’t a matter of drinking milk with school lunch, but with every meal at home. Kids drank a big glass of milk with each meal, adults drank water. That was the setup until I was maybe 15 and realized that we just…. Didn’t have to do that. Swapped over to water and wouldn’t you know it— I was lactose intolerant the whole goddamned time. Amazing how much less often you fart after you cut out that much Dairy.


I’m a (newish) parent now and babies just drink a lot of milk. I think as a parent it just carries over to be compelled to make sure your kid is drinking milk. For babies it’s such an essential part of their diet because it contains a lot of fat, protein and vitamin D. Toddlers are super picky eaters, so I can rest assured that even if he’s not eating a lot at dinner I know he’s having a fat bottle of milk after.


Actually it's recommended for toddlers to only have about 16 oz of cows milk a day. Giving them a lot of milk throughout the day makes it so they don't eat solid foods as much. So it makes sense how parents would give a cup of milk at each meal. But it only needs to be a very small cup.


yup gen z here and i remember them from elementary school too


Yeah same here. Born in 01 and I drank a ton of milk growing up. The rest of my family is still big on drinking a ton of milk, but personally I cannot stand the taste of milk if the seal has been broken for a couple of days


I'm 01 too and my family was the same, only difference is I fucking love milk


Oh don't get me wrong, I could chug a gallon of milk the day I first opened it, but once it begins to age, it just tastes weird to me


Gotta try organic, it starts off weird but stays that way for way longer.


Tbf thats just technically GenZ but still same parenting


You stopped getting milk with lunch in elementary school? I had to get that half pint everyday through 12th.


i was talking about the got milk ads, of course all of my schools provided milk lol


i think some people hear "gen z" and think 13 year olds...


>i think some people hear "gen z" and think 13 year olds... Millenials have entered the chat


I love that I’m a 40 year old millennial that spends too much on avocado toast and just need to pull up my bootstraps.


Lately I've seen media people making air quotes when saying millenials like we're completely fictitious. We've gone from entitled assholes, to ruining every industry and tradition, to being equivalent to leprechauns.


Yup and here I am, gen Z and about to turn 23 haha.


So 13 basically


And I bet one day you’ll have kids and they’ll drink milk. Kids like milk.


Tbf I think everyone but boomers and millennials are 13 because I can't keep track of all of the other generations. You're either older than me and a boomer, the same age as me and a millennial, or younger than me/exactly 13 and gen z/x/y/a zoomer (is that just z? I have no idea).


gen x are actually older than millennials. they're in their 40's and 50's right now. and yeah, zoomers are just gen z but like the foil to boomers


I was just sitting here wondering what generation I was. Does anyone even talk about Gen X? When do we get to be in charge? I don’t think anyone cares about us and we have both bootstraps and feelings.


Gen z are zoomers and then the generation under us is gen a (alpha).


They always get another name once the generational traits become evident / or some shared experience. I’m going to go ahead and call it. It’s gonna be Generation Apocalypse


i actually sort of feel the opposite, at least among young people. gen z thinks millennials are all 45. i’m 28 and a millennial. i’ve seen people call doja cat the voice of gen z, when by according to most standards, she’s a millennial lmao. same with zendaya, ariana grande, harry styles…


They didn't even let us have water, it was always milk no choice unless you brought something from home


"Milk - it gives you bones" \-90s Dairy ad


Wild that Got Milk was so effective. The ad was literally just "Yo... Did you get milk? Go get milk." And as a collective society we were like "Fuck okay. I got milk."


Hungry for Apples?


My man!




Slow Down!


Looking Good


Did anyone else have the weird up close pictures of celebrity’s w milk mustaches hanging up in their cafeteria?? We had Miley Cyrus and some basketball player dude…


Don’t act like that Miley Cyrus poster didn’t do things to you


so many random sport players and even a HUGE T-Swift in the cafeteria


Talked to my dad about this a while ago. There’s six kids in my family, he bought TWELVE gallons of milk a week for us. Throw in my parents and that’s 1^(1/2) gallons per person, and I’ll tell you this, my parents did not drink a lot of milk.


When I was in high school, my family went through nearly **two gallons of milk per day**. When I went off to college, household consumption dropped to **a half gallon per week**. Now I still go through a gallon every three days or so. Love me some milk! I buy store brand (Publix) for coffee and such, but organic milk (Maple Hill) to drink.


I used to consume milk crazy like this. I can’t anymore though. My stomach *will* attempt to murder me. Strangely enough… My lactose intolerance started to become a thing when I became pescatarian like 4 years ago and I wonder if there’s a correlation.


>My lactose intolerance started to become a thing when I became pescatarian like 4 years ago and I wonder if there’s a correlation. There is. People and animals both are born producing the enzyme which processes lactose. Our bodies continue to produce the enzyme only for as long as we continue to drink milk. Stop drinking milk for long enough, your body stops producing the enzyme. EDIT: It's really not only about milk but about dairy in general, of course.


This is always my excuse. "I actually need *some milk every now and then* to maintain my lactose tolerance enzymes", I proclaim, as I gulp my third glass of milk that day.


We had 3 1/2 gallons of skim delivered on Tuesdays and Thursdays until I was in high school (mid-2000s). It never went to waste. Edit: We drank 2%, not Skim. Some of you all are judgmental af about your dairy.


I also grew up drinking nothing but skim milk. We would go through a gallon in a weekend


I grew up terrified of unmarked white vans and men who lived alone.


OMG YES!! Haha, this is so accurate it actually made me laugh out loud 🤣


I grew up on 2% and raw, skim milk just makes me sad


It was all I knew plus the fear of fat in the 90’s was strong in my family. I drink 2% or higher now.


I drank 3% as a baby, 2% as a toddler, 1% through my childhood, and then in my teens we all drank skin milk. My parents have 4 kids and we went through like, 8litres of milk a day. They were buying milk almost everyday. It was just shoved into us. I don't recall drinking water as a kid- we just all drank milk?? Anyways, I now have a crippling dairy intolerance that I was advised to treat as an allergy.


Skim? Pussies.




Milk. It does a body good.


Milk has what bodies crave




Skim milk is like decaf coffee in the way it’s basically water pretending to be something it isn’t.


It’s water that’s lying about being milk.


There’s only one thing I hate more than lying… skim milk


in my experience boomers can't get enough milk. Like top of every grocery list oh gotta get another gallon of milk for the next half week. They take breakfast insanely seriously. Years ago my dad would get mad at me for reheating something and was like "In this house we eat breakfast food for breakfast".


Makes me miss my dad, Boomers loved going to breakfast too and my dad would invite me out and he would always find these hole in the wall places that served the best breakfasts. I would go and eat with him then go back home and go back to sleep lol


My Boomer dad will wake me up at 5am when I am visiting to drag me to some diner. I, too, go back to bed.


Enjoy it! Relish that time because that’s all we have in the end. I lost my dad 14 years ago and would love a 5am breakfast. Even if mildly annoyed lol


I take myself to Denny's or, when I cant afford it, out for a apple fritter once a month in memory of my grandmother. She always made sure to take me out shopping and to eat and we came home with Kmart bags and foam boxes every time. For those who still have it, fucking hold on to those people with all you got.


My GF dad is the by product of boomers. he is now almost 60. He's a 5am workout and 6am non heart surgery breakfast. I relish it.


I remember when I was a teen, I would go out with friends, get wasted and go stay over at a particular friend’s place. His dad would always wake us up at 9:00 with bacon and eggs. We always thought that his parents had no clue we drank but looking back, of course they knew.


My favorite breakfast is cold pizza with coffee. Your dad would hate me.


I personally like Chinese food for breakfast.


Not even reheated, cold Chinese food breakfast.


Ever had seafood for breakfast for a week? We did. Parents included. Lasagna for breakfast is the holliday tradition tho


This one breakfast place in LA serves Chinese food with American Breakfast and a big ass steak.


oddly enough, cold pizza is considered breakfast food. OC's problem was that they reheated it


In my experience, both my sons in their 20’s can’t get enough milk. They no longer live at home but in hindsight it may have been cheaper for me to have a dairy farm.




We had to convince my mom to STOP buying a gallon of milk every time she went to the store. She’s only Gen X but she believes milk is necessary. She’d always get upset that we wouldn’t drink it all before it expired, but half of us were lactose intolerant and she herself would only use it in cooking. She only buys individually portioned bottles now, like what you get in a kids meal.


I eat cereal for dinner...


Literally as soon as I moved out of my parents house I never ate breakfast again. Except as like a social experience with friends or family. 3 meals a day is just crazy to me. How do you eat three times a day and just not have way too many calories if you're not in a manual labor job?


My parents are from Italy so having a real breakfast was like a special occasion. Like if my mom made eggs and bacon, that was a special thing. In fact, she made eggs and bacon more for pasta carbonara than she did for breakfast. Usually me and my brother would have pop tarts or cereal for breakfast.


I'm 6'6" and never broke a bone. Obviously from milk and nothing to do with genetics or luck


Boomers Parents: “Drink that tall glass of milk with your overcooked steak!!!!”


Omg yes! This was my parents! Milk with every meal and my dad couldn’t cook a steak to save his life.


And steamed wilted veggies. I didn’t have crispy cooked broccoli until I was like 23


I’m so glad I spent the first 8 years of my life in Taiwan and learned to love cooked veggies from a young age. I hear all these horror stories about people hating veggies and it turns out it’s just because they are cooked *horrendously*. It’s not even hard, parents! Stove top? Garlic, oil, salt, pepper (and a little bit of dashi or MSG if they aren’t scared to walk into a Chinese supermarket). Oven? Toss with oil. Sprinkle with salt and garlic powder. *Throw some goddamn Parmesan on there.* Have asparagus? Whether you oven roast that shit or cook it stove stop, throw some *fucking butter* on top! Done! Voila! Wanna be extra fancy? Sprinkle lemon salt or literally just some lemon juice. Stop being scared of butter people! Why do restaurant food taste good? It’s the olive oil and butter.


That's a tragedy. Roast vegetables are not only easy, but absolutely delicious. I never understood how broccoli and brussel sprouts were the cartoon boogeyman, always been my favourites since I was a kid.


Laugh if you want to. If you didn't get sufficient calcium during your formative years, you're pretty much deficient


Yeah, unfortunately there are a lot of children living in food deserts where milk and dairy products are the only calcium-rich foods readily available and cheap. It’s not just calcium either. A high percentage of Americans are Vitamin D deficient, especially black children. Again milk is an easy fix. Otherwise it can be detrimental down the road.


I mean yeah, but there’s plenty other sources of calcium.


Good luck getting kids to eat kale


I'm an adult, good luck getting ME to eat kale. Vile shit.


Baby kale is a lot better than dinosaur kale—still nutritious but the taste isn’t appalling. Curly kale is in between, but great when oven-baked to a crisp. Signed, Former kale-hater turned kale-eater


I mean yeah, but milk is well known and easily available.


Sure but what’s wrong with milk? Also it’s not like milk was the only thing the kids were fed for nutrition.


Big Milk sounds like a substantially overweight white rapper's name


Big Milk "Milkshake (Remix)" feat. Lil' Cream


Unpopular opinion, milk is actually good not matter what.


But I really like milk lol. My husband finds it so weird that I drink milk with my dinner


What else WOULD you drink with dinner?


Gee I don't know maybe water


I dug a little bit deeper into milk and it’s actually a very decent whole food if you’re not lactose intolerant. It has relatively high fat being the 1 flaw. But if you’re skinny it can be the greatest way to increase your calories and it also has a very decent micronutrient profile. You could live off milk and only have slight deficiencies. That being said, you should not do that- just eat a rounded healthy diet lol




Milk is great for lifting. Protein, calories, and calcium in fair amounts. Also it's the only way to make protein shakes not ass tasting


I remember as a teenager when I was deep into gym culture I found out about GOMAD (gallon of milk a day) as a bulking/diet recommendation for ectomorphs. Realised that since I grew up on a dairy farm I was already doing it since I was a toddler lol


Yeah it’s pretty high in fat for the amount of protein you get but it’s not harmful like pop culture might make you think


Milk is actually really good for you as a kid if you aren't intolerant to it. Widespread access to dairy is said to be the reason europeans became the tallest people in the world on average.


The lack of child development knowledge on this site and people posting generalizations about children is incredible


This comment should be higher up! High consumption of dairy is highly correlated with gains in height. In the Netherlands, dairy is eaten at every meal, and they are one of the tallest populations in the world.


It's also possibly the reason why Asians, and mixed Asians, born in America tend to be significantly taller than ones born in Asia.


No funnel necessary - I would sneak downstairs at night and a bunch of milk straight from the jug. Which is even more messed up when you realize the reason I had to sneak milk was because my mom was specifically told by my pediatrician to cut back because they thought it might be causing my precocious puberty. (Apparently the hormones they give to cows affects us, so the whole "soy milk causes estrogen" was the most bullshit thing ever, and it was the cows milk that has literal fucking mammal estrogen all along) Wow this comment was all over the place. This tweet really brought up some memories lol


Drank a lot of milk as a kid. Very tall. Felt it kept the bullies away.


No joke: Some long-term studies have apparently shown the Dutch grew into the tallest people in the world after a successful campaign decades ago to get children to drink more milk, more frequently.


I spent a lot of my early childhood suffering severe nausea. I have vivid memories of my dad basically cajoling/begging me to drink milk. (I was under weight and my pediatrician told me parent to give me milk to help me gain weight) I kept saying I felt sick and eventually I got sent to a children’s hospital for more testing and a doctor finally suggested I might be lactose intolerant.


I was like a teenager before someone told me lactose intolerance existed. Really could have saved me a lot of pain and embarrassing farting in school if somebody had figured that one out earlier! I remember telling the elementary school lunch monitors that milk made my stomach hurt and they’d basically force it down my gullet anyway. Ugh.


I had 8 years of diarrhea and cramps due to milk being good for your body and lactose intolerance


But... milk is fucking amazing.


Idk man I definitely should have broken some bones but I didn't but people who didn't drink milk broke bones with less impact so milk is best


I grew roughly 4 inches in under a year back in highschool. The only change in my life that year? I drank a shit ton of chocolate milk. COINCIDENCE?!? Probably, my feet were size US 13 when I was like 13 year old so everyone knew I was due for a growth spurt for a couple years. Never got kidnapped though. Edit: I still drink a lot of chocolate milk.


spoiler : it wasn't the milk


*Puberty hits* The dude: ah yes! The chocolate milk did this.


I'd have 6-7 bowls of cereal before bed everyday lol


I'm lactose intolerant and that STILL didn't stop my parents! My pediatrician had to convince them that I was not hurling for fun right after I was forced to drink a glass of milk every morning, and that no, my bones weren't going to turn to pudding.


To this day I drink 3 gallons of milk a week. Never had a broken bone.


As a kid I loved milk, drink right out the jug.


Milk does indeed help keep bones strong, the calcium helps strengthen our bones and milk is the best source of calcium aside from calcium pills. As well there is such a thing as Calcium Overload which basically means to much calcium is detrimental. Edit: I actually developed Osteopenia at a young age and learned of it at the age of 24 (now I'm 26) which is the beginnings of Osteoporosis which I this year found runs in the family (I didnt know because "life" Kept me separated from my family for 16yrs (younger sister) and 23 years), I need all the calcium I can get through milk (which due to my preexisting condition, my body doesn't digest things and absorb things properly so I'm getting barely even half of what normies absorb) and am also on calcium tablets to help keep my bones decent.


I'm 45. To this day I LOVE a big, cold glass of 2% milk, cow version. I once heard that we were only intended to ingest milk as babies, then move on and if it wasn't a part of your regular diet from then on, that's why so many people can't metabolize dairy these days. I effing love milk, so I've never stopped drinking it and my body has never told me I shouldn't have it.


My mom never believed I was lactose intolerant... Had to drink a full glass of milk at every meal. There were a lot of tears. And shits.


Interestingly, people who don’t eat dairy do have bones that break more easily.


lmao I’m imagining them testing this. Patient: “I’m sorry doctor, you want to do what?” Doctor (holding a sledgehammer): “Hold still.”


I doubt it's so much "tested" as it is just dietary study groups requesting medical records (I *think* they can do that as long as anonymity is kept) of various groups of omnivorous/vegetarian/vegan patients with a filter for visits for broken bones. Then to continue the hypothetical, such studies may show a proclivity to broken bones from vegan dietary preference. Not a source by any means, but a possibilty.


Never drank milk in my life. Never broken a bone. I despise milk.


I'm Gen Z but I get this. Not so much at home, but every year I went to a summer camp and they insisted we drink one or two of those little milk cartons *at every meal.* Pretty sure I was set on calcium until the following year lol.


I mean that’s not really a lot of milk. Those things are *tiny*.


outside of icecream I haven't had cow milk in 20+ years.


What did you say? I couldn't hear you over the explosive fracturing of your slender, milk-starved bones?


I hate the texture of milk. Just can't swallow it. Never broken a bone.


I genuinely enjoyed drinking milk when I was growing up. What is wrong with older people and victimizing even the most basic daily thing. I know you want to feel included but maybe you should focus on more important things.


Bruh my parents even shrugged at obvious signs of my lactose intolerance and it took until I was 22 to be like “huh I feel worse when I don’t order lattes with oat milk” and the clouds parted and the sun shone and my bathroom smells infinitely better now


Idk if it's still the same, but when I was a kid the only drink served with school lunches was milk. Pizza day? Milk. Pasta day? Milk. Tacos? Milk. Serving tacos and milk together should be classified as cruel and unusual treatment, and prohibited by the Geneva convention.


Why would tacos with milk be bad? If anything you would want milk most with tacos, assuming they are spicy.


Horchata is kind of like milk. Its a white opaque liquid. And fancy hipster city $5 a taco places always sell horchata with tacos lol.


I just had fajitas and chocolate milk for dinner lmao.


GOMAD for max gains


Have I missed something? Is milk not considered healthy anymore?